WRITTEN IN THE STARS (meeting 4/2)

It'd been days since their victory at Sunningrocks. Already, they've seen the fruits of their labor reward them, more mice being added to the fresh-kill pile by the clan's able-bodied warriors and apprentices while others healed up. Bellies have been fuller, cats are feeling less guilty taking a meal now that there is more to go around. And not a single life had been lost aside from her own, although Flamewhisker's fall in the river had been a close call. She looks to the medicine cat's den as she thinks of the lead warrior, wondering how she and all of the others cooped up in there are feeling today. Cobwebs and poultices wrap around her own body; obviously, she's been unable to do much outside of rest up herself. StarClan could only heal so much - the killing wound - everything else is in her son's paws. Still, she can't help but send a silent prayer to her friends in the stars for what they'd granted her. More time with her clan, her family. It's priceless.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" She calls, voice notably hoarse. The damage to her throat will still take some time to fully go away, Berryheart says. She watches as those well enough to attend the meeting gather below, and her eyes shine with pride as she gazes upon them. "As your leader, words cannot describe how proud I am of all of you. ThunderClan will go to their nests tonight with full stomachs thanks to your bravery and determination to take Sunningrocks. You have all proven that ThunderClan cannot be ignored or taken advantage of - if pushed, we will fight with the ferocity of LionClan! In honor of that, we have two new brave and loyal warriors to name today. Sloepaw, Roepaw, please step forward." Her apprentice, and the apprentice Cinderfrost had taken to. Despite her injuries, Howlingstar stands tall with delight at the sight of the two young cats.

Ignoring the strain on her voice, she bellows, "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Sloepaw, Roepaw, do you both promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" From her perch, she looks down at them, awaiting their vows.

// @sloepaw @Noor <3 It wouldn't let me tag Roepaw sorry!

At Howlingstar’s prideful speech of their victory Blizzard Fang hoots and hollers in celebration of his clan. If only he had been there to witness the glorious triumph himself! Yet, defending the camp had been a duty he had taken up with pride. To add to the excitement he’d be getting two new den-mates today, Roepaw and Sloepaw. The silver masked Tom is already beaming and bright blue eyes move to watch the soon-to-be warriors give their vows. The warrior couldn’t wait to hear what names their tabby leader had in store for them.

The battle had been awesome! Ragwortpaw was proud to have been apart of it, happy to have made Howlingstar (and hopefully Little Wolf) proud. Her throat was a bit strained from all her chanting and shouting… but every throb her vocal cords made was worth it. Sitting down for the meeting she listens to Howlingstar with her tongue hanging out of her maw, when she calls Roepaw and Sloepaw forward her ears perk in excitement. Her sister AND short-term training partner becoming warriors at the same time?! How cool!


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 7 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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He wished he could have been there at the battle but he knew he wouldn't have been ready for such a fight, not with his former injuries caused by the dogs still giving him trouble. Wildpaw was frustrated, but he was also relieved to hear that Sunningrocks was now theirs. Maybe now they could start gaining weight again thanks to the additional hunting grounds. Though with successful battles aside it was now time to see two apprentices ascend to being warriors. "It'll be my turn soon." He was approaching that age steadily, though would Raccoonstripe hold him back at all? That was his main concern.


They've taken Sunningrocks. If only he could have been there... Lichenpaw crushes the thought down. They have it now, they'll have enough prey to feed everyone, that's what matters. And clearly he wasn't needed, if they secured their victory so soundly. But still, it burns, hearing Howlingstar declare her pride in her warriors, commend their bravery and ferocity, and knowing that he himself is not a part of that. There's a humming excitement to the Clan from there newfound victory, but he can't quite get swept up in it.

Still. Warrior ceremonies. Sloepaw and Roepaw, the oldest of the apprentices. He tries to feel excited for them, but bitterness rises up like bile in his throat. Still a few moons before he'd become warrior, if Sunnyday even lets him. He shouldn't be so self-centered, though. Lichenpaw bears his teeth in a smile, and waits to hear the warriors' new names. He'll cheer them on, regardless.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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It was a bittersweet feeling, this warrior ceremony. He is happy for his friend but her ascending to the rank of warrior meant fewer patrols together, less time spent together just as he was growing used to the presence of another, someone training alongside him and sharing the same experiences as him. He’ll miss her but he is happy for her.

There’s a pang in his chest too, when he sets his golden eyes upon the black tabby on the rocks. He had failed to protect another one of his family members. He adverts his eyes, guilt festering in his stomach like a rotten piece of prey.

Sunningrocks belonged to ThunderClan. It had been a tough battle, with RiverClan fighting back despite their fatigue, but ultimately ThunderClan had succeeded. There had been a few injuries on both sides but all things considered, ThunderClan had walked away quite well. Of course, Howlingstar losing a life and Flamewhisker almost drowning were some unforeseen negatives from the battle, but Flycatcher was proud to see the clan standing strong and basking in their victory.

When Howlingstar called the meeting and announced there would be two new warriors, Flycatcher knew Roepaw would be among the two. He had already had an assessment with her recently and had given his honest opinion to Howlingstar that he believed her ready. Her display on the battlefield had only solidified that opinion. The deputy would watch with interest to see what name Howlingstar would bestow upon the soon to be new warriors.
Howlingstar beams as the two apprentices state their vows and she continues hoarsely, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." Normally, she would leap down to the ground to meet the apprentices, but seeing as her body is still in rough shape she opts to carefully climb down the side of the boulder. She first approaches her own apprentice, green eyes shining. When Emberstar had first assigned her a kittypet, the then-deputy had frankly been insulted and disappointed. She would have much rather trained a forest-born cat, but her leader had clearly known what she was doing because Sloepaw had done nothing but impress her and show her just how great of a warrior he would be. His kittypet blood meant nothing in the end, because here he is, standing before the Highrock, under StarClan's very skies, to receive his full warrior name. He had taught her so much, and she loved him so.

"Sloepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sloestride." For his ability to overcome the obstacles of his origins. "StarClan honors your patience and perceptive senses, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Purring, she rests her muzzle on top of his head and awaits the ceremonial lick to her shoulder. When she pulls away, she would look at her former apprentice with a smile and murmur, "I couldn't be prouder to have trained you."

From there, she moves to the silvery brown she-cat next to Sloestride. The tabby comes to a halt and gazes at her warmly. "Roepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Roeflame." For her passionate ferocity. "StarClan honors your spirit and courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Like before, she leans to rest her muzzle on top of the newly named Roeflame's head as she licks her shoulder. She had to admit, the girl had once made her nervous. Cinderfrost at a time had her claws deep in the girl and upon her exile she didn't know how the apprentice would do. But she has proven her loyalty and undying dedication to protecting ThunderClan. Howlingstar no longer had a single doubt about her. When she pulls away, she gives her a smiling, approving nod before lifting her voice to cheer the names of the new warriors. "Sloestride! Roeflame! Sloestride! Roeflame!" As she does so, she climbs back to her perch on the Highrock and stands once more at the peak.

"Today, we also invite three new cats to attend this meeting. Lark-kit, Skykit, Dusk-kit, please step forward." She practically glows as her two grandchildren come to the front, alongside Wrenflutter's own kit who shared the nursery with them. Wrenflutter herself won't be leaving the nursery, as she has agreed to take in the two new little arrivals (not to mention one of her own being held back!). But Little Wolf? Howlingstar knows her daughter is eager to rejoin patrols. In the back of her mind, a voice whispers that she may need to watch her daughter closely; she broke the Warrior Code once to have the two kits standing below her so soon after her first litter. Can she trust her not to do it again?

Those are nervous thoughts for another time. This is a day for celebration! "The three of you have reached the age of four moons and so it is time for you to be apprenticed." She first fixes her gaze on the little brown tabby. "Lark-kit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Larkpaw. Your mentor will be Covecatcher. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." She then searches for the named warrior in the crowd and blinks happily towards her. "Covecatcher, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You are an enthusiastic and optimistic warrior, and you will be the mentor of Larkpaw. I expect you to pass on all you know to her." She lets the two touch noses and nods to herself, content with the choice. She hopes Covecatcher's happy-go-lucky attitude can help the nervous Larkpaw feel more at ease.

She then turns to Skykit, and she can't hide the adoration that finds itself on her face. This is her granddaughter, and she had to be sure to choose her mentor carefully. Fortunately, she is satisfied with the pick. "Skykit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Skypaw. Your mentor will be Dewfang. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." She finds the brown-furred warrior and dips her head slightly to him. He's a senior warrior, a respected tom in the clan and so she hopes Skypaw will be happy with the choice. She knows how much the girl had wanted to be Berryheart's apprentice, even if her son is obviously not ready to train a cat as he continues to learn. "Dewfang, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a dedicated and responsible warrior. You will be the mentor of Skypaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Again, she waits for them to touch noses before turning to face Dusk-kit.

Like with Skypaw, Howlingstar thought long and hard about who to pair her other granddaughter with. She thinks she made the correct choice, and so she confidently calls out, "Dusk-kit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Duskpaw. Your mentor will be Nightbird. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." With a smile she faces Nightbird in the crowd, her tail flicking. "Nightbird, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a driven and loyal warrior, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Duskpaw." Nightbird is young, very young, but she has a drive and faithfulness to her clan that Howlingstar can't ignore. She would be a great mentor to her kin.

Along with the rest of her clan, she lifts her voice to cheer the names of the three new apprentices. Next, they just had one more ceremony to complete. As the voices die down, Howlingstar calls out, "Recently, we had two young kittens find their way into our territory. Wrenflutter has kindly taken them in and it is time they receive clan names of their very own. Dogbait?" She refers to the name they both answer to, but she leaves it up to them if they want to come forward or not. Even if they just poke their heads out of the nursery, that would be just fine to her.

// @LARKKIT. @covecatcher @skykit @Dewfang @DUSKKIT @nightbird @dogbait @DOGBAT_
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Little Wolf had spent all morning grooming her kits to perfection. Even if they had protested, she had insisted. Who knew when the next time she would be allowed such a luxury? It almost brought tears to her eyes, thinking about having to let them go. If only she could hold them closer for a couple more moons. If only she could bargain with her grandmother to allow he to hold them back a couple more moons. But it was selfish and she knew it. She didn’t have a good reason other than not wanting to let them go.

Now she stands behind them, saddened but proud as they are called to stand before the clan. She is excited to go back to her warrior duties, excited to get back to training Ragwortpaw, but she will always worry about her kits.

ROEPAW — break the air to feel the fall.
Her beaming expression does not reflect the nervous mess that brewed behind haze-shaded eyes as she was called forward.
Berryhearts bandage still covered her right eye where a small cut would soon scar over, but she didn’t mind, it reflected on her victory at the base of those now blood-stained boulders.
She stands as tall as she naturally can alongside Sloepaw as they both take their vows, watching as he becomes Sloestride.
What a cool name. Roepaw cannot help but think, suddenly almost afraid to breathe when Howlingstars eyes glide to her now.
From this moment on, you will be known as Roeflame.
A gleeful smile stretches across the cinnamon warriors maw.
Thank you. She thinks as Howlingstar delicately rests a chocolate muzzle between her silvery ears, Roeflame briefly licking the leaders shoulder, solidifying her vows, her name, her warriorhood.
She steps back with a respectful dip of her head before Roeflame would take her cue alongside Sloestride and turn away from the tabby, gaze flickering in the crowd for the familiar faces of her siblings, Flycatcher, and Burnpaw, her new name being chanted almost making her float as she sits alongside the other warriors to watch the apprentice ceremonies.

She feels as if she might burst. The line of her body from the tip of her tail to her nose is rigid, trembling. Though her mother has smoothed her fur down so delicately, there is no hiding the fact that her flicking ears tease out the thick fur around her cheeks, and her tail has spent the meeting swishing across leaves and grass. A few stray pieces already stick out from her. There is no convincing her body to still at all. It's today. Ever since the other kittens had earned their names, Duskkit had spent her time in the nursery dreaming of joining them.

Next to her sister, who does not seem as pleased as she– oh, today could not get any better than this. Her paws knead the dirt as shining eyes stare up to Howlingstar. Their grandma, their leader. Right then and there, as her name is finally called, the apprentice promises to themselves that they'll be the best warrior ThunderClan has ever seen.

With her heart thudding in her chest and her paws nearly quaking with her excitement, she steps forward to hear Howlingstar's words. The first usage of her new name: Duskpaw. So caught up in that is the apprentice that they nearly miss the name of their own mentor, though what she finally does compute makes her eyes light up with pleasure. Though she cannot claim to be close to the warrior, she knows that she's good, that she's trusted and strong and loyal. Everything that Duskpaw wants to be for herself. Dark eyes gleaming with pride and excitement, she reaches to touch noses with her new mentor, and whispers softly, "I won't let you down."

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. she - her.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
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It was time. All that time she'd spent psyching herself up was going to pay off right then and there!

She didn't trip, she didn't stumble, she confidently stepped forward (albeit a little bit slowly) and took a deep breath. And then, just as quickly as it began, it was over and she was Larkpaw, Covecatcher's apprentice, and they were touching noses. All that mental turmoil, all those fears that she'd make a fool of herself just for it take one moment? Maybe she should've listened to other apprentice ceremonies instead of hiding away and napping...


Crowflower is silent amidst the cheering, little more than a smudged shadow from where she lurked toward the fringes of the crowd. There was a glimmer of pride in her moss green eyes as she listened to the announcements. Though she wished she could have done more to help in the battle for Sunningrocks, she was pleased that Thunderclan triumphed over both dogs and the Riverclan forces. She knew her strengths quite well, and she would have only been an obstacle for everyone on the battlefield, including her clanmates. This was a time for celebration and victory, though listening to the ceremonies did bring a touch of emotion to her usually neutral features. It wasn't long ago that she finally received her warrior name after many moons of struggling to overcome her clumsiness in combat. Crowflower was struck by a sudden desire to do better, to be better. Although she no longer slept in the apprentice den, the she-cat couldn't shake the feeling that she had much left to learn. And maybe, if she worked hard, she wouldn't have to watch from the sidelines any longer.​
It is an honor to be able to train the grandkit of Howlingstar, but even moreso as the kit of Little Wolf, another warrior Dewfang respected and thought of as a good friend. He was well aware of the contention behind Skypaw's name, but he resolved to not let it bother the apprentice should she be met with animosity at her first Gathering or patrols. Skypaw was a ThunderClan apprentice, and Dewfang would train her as such. They would be proud of her.

She would learn in time that she could not be apprenticed to Berryheart—but who knew—Dewfang thought with a smile as he looked over at the tortoiseshell apprentice. Maybe, when Berryheart was ready, he would steal his apprentice. Dewfang chuckled at the thought. He raised himself to his paws and trotted over to press noses to his new apprentice.

"I know I'm not what you hoped for—but I promise to make you into the best warrior ThunderClan has ever seen." He purred.


DOGBAIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
Admittedly, Dogbait liked to think she was adjusting quite well to her brothers strange sanctuary- although some things were still terrifyingly foreign.
Fear and anguish did not reign over the quaint forest home, although it was still terribly loud during the day, it was almost an enjoyable type of loud.
Wrenflutters songs were not the pale kits nursery rhymes, but Dogbait thought that it was okay, because her voice was still sticky sweet, the kind of sweet that still lulled her to sleep, like warm honey.
Her brother was here, that was her favorite-ist part, the duo was reunited once more, unstoppable despite the universe that attempt to crush them, feed them to the hounds.
She is settled down in front of him now, attempting to show him the new game of “moss-ball” she had recently been shown by the other kits. She flicks the tuft of green over to him, watching blankly as she waited for something to happen.
That’s when she heard the familiar name be called from somewhere outside after all that chanting she had been attempting to distract herself from had settled down.
She flickers a curious glance towards her striped brother, towards Wrenflutter.
Finally she’d make the move to creep towards the entrance of the nursery, beckoning the other Dogbait to join her so that she wouldn’t be alone as the chimera poked a cautious head outside.
Sunken green eyes searched until they met Howlingstars own darker green. Her plum-like features were beaming, and almost inviting.
Yet, the child would stay where she was, eyes wide with anxiety and curiosity.

nightbird was fragile in her steps that brought her to the meeting. it wasn't as if she had been torn to shreds, but a particularly nasty bite had landed on her. the pain and unwillingness to disturb it was enough to keep her down. as much as she disliked being trapped in berryheart's den, pushing herself would only prolong her stay, only result in more time she had to spend idle before returning to duties. so, she decided to be a good patient. if not for her body, then for the sake of her clan.

she was relatively zoned out, the few days spent holed up had her out of the loop. but still, she listens. chants the names as they are announced. watches as skypaw was assigned to dewfang, the older warrior quietly promising a grandiose future for the apprentice. howlingstar moves onto the former's sister, naming her duskpaw. pointed ears pricked automatically at the sound of her name ringing across the clearing. she blinked up to the leader who would greet her slight shock with a smile.

wary to not waste time, she pushed through the crowd to make her way to the apprentice, swift in her steps as they moved over tails and paws. this child was kin to the leader, those were big paws to fill no matter the cat. an unwelcomed fear of failure nagged at her paws. it was now her responsibility to ensure duskpaw did live up those to high expectations. the dark cloud was gone almost as quickly as it appeared, howlingstar knew what she was doing. nightbird would not allow her confidence to be misplaced. her head dipped to meet her apprentice's nose, she could practically feel the young feline's anticipation. her promise to not disappoint her would not be met with affirming words as her sister's new mentor had given, instead her lips twitched upwards in a ghost of a smile.

by the time she returned to her seat, she felt more awake as a new sense of purpose courses through her brain. duskpaw would have some down time before training could formally begin, the child would be wise to rest up and prepare for the day she would be freed from the healer's den. nightbird planned on making a warrior out of the little one, quickly and thoroughly. there was no telling when riverclan would retaliate or when a new enemy would find itself crawling out from the brambles.
[ ☾✩ ]

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She watches as a tiny head pokes out from the nursery, her smile growing. Wide, curious eyes meet the aging gaze of Howlingstar as she dips her head slightly in their direction in acknowledgment. She then lifts her gaze to the sky, drawing her eyes shut as she announces, "Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the names of the kits you see before you, for they no longer stand for what they are. By my authority as clan leader, I give them new names. From this moment on, the tom-kit Dogbait will be known as Oak-kit, and the she-kit Dogbait will be known as Acornkit, for the home they have found for themselves here in this forest. From here on out, they are ThunderClan." She lifts her chin with glee as the clan begins to chant the two kits' new names. In just a couple of short moons, they'd be apprentices, training to become ThunderClan warriors, but for now they just need to focus on staying comfortable and happy in the safe, warm nursery. Now, with names that mean something, not cruel like Dogbait. Dogbait is a thing of the past. Oak-kit and Acornkit are here from now on.

"I have one last announcement to make." As the chanting dies down, she draws her gaze across the quieting crowd. "There are two warriors who continue to prove their courage and loyalty to ThunderClan and every cat in it. Nightbird, you have always been one of the most dutiful and hardworking warriors in this clan. Your loyalty to your clanmates is evident in everything you do. Raccoonstripe, my own son, you are a natural-born leader and your dedication to ThunderClan is unmatched. I hope you will both join my council as lead warriors." She first looks to the dark-furred she-cat near the medicine cat's den, a smile on her face before then shifting it to her striped son. She trusts both of them completely, and would be honored to have them advise her.

// Name changes for @dogbait @Acornkit .
Congrats to @RACCOONSTRIPE and @nightbird on their promotions!! You guys have earned it!
Activity shoutouts go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @Flamewhisker @Sunnyday @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @Roeflame . @LICHENPAW @Cloudypaw @STORMPAW You guys have killed it last month as the most active members of the clan! Keep it up!
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”Roeflame! Sloestride! Roeflae! Sloestride!” Blizzard Fang’s voice bellows out into the crowd, his voice jolly and prideful of the new warriors. What an honor it was to watch the both of those kids grow up and ascend in their skills, they’d make ThunderClan proud.

The two dogbait’s are called forth to receive more fitting names. Oakkit and Acornkit, a purr rumbles deep in his throat, a much better set of names that he hopes the two will wear with pride. Though once outsiders, they were now ThunderClanner’s equally like the rest of them. He chants their names too for they were deserving of an official welcome into the clan.

With that two lead warriors are made, Raccoonstripe and Nightbird. The Tom cat dips his head approvingly, his signature snaggle-tooth grin present. Respectable choices, they will do well.


Berryheart had felt no need to hold judgement against the mentors of his sister's kittens; with his mother the organisational head, the one who would personally select their tutors, he saw no reason to be concerned. And then, when Dapples and Kindles were bestowed upon two warriors he knew his mother held in high regard, his lack of apprehension was proven sound; a subtle but pleasant expression eked its way onto his features, the smallest twitch of lips that more observant cats would know to be a smile.

The approval written upon his face did not disappear at the appointment of two more warriors onto the council. Inky and- Stripes, his own littermate. Two new opinions around their discussion... familiar faces, trusted ones. And from the cheers of approval in the crowd, he could surmise the rest of the Clan was pleased with their leader's judgement.
Raccoonstripe's eyes are vacant until his mother begins the warrior ceremonies. Dark eyes flick to Roepaw and Sloepaw as they step forward, well-groomed and excited to join the warriors' ranks. He shakes his pelt free of distraction, hoping it works as well on his mind, and calls his Clanmates' names. "Sloestride! Roeflame!" He's sure Roeflame especially will make a great warrior. Sloestride, well... once a kittypet, always a kittypet, despite what Howlingstar seems to think.

The tabby's ears flick with interest as Little Wolf's newest kits of questionable origin are called forth. Time flies. He shakes his head, almost unable to believe his sister's newest litter is so old already. Larkpaw, Skypaw, and Duskpaw are thus bestowed with their names and mentors, and Raccoonstripe adds his voice to his Clanmates' to cheer for his kin and their new denmate: "Larkpaw! Skypaw! Duskpaw!"

Howlingstar calls the ragged little scraps' names... Dogbait, both of them had called themselves. Cruel. Raccoonstripe's dislike of Twolegs had only been enflamed upon hearing of this. He's glad his mother gives them appropriate ThunderClan names; perhaps it will help integrate them and instill that much-needed loyalty.

He's almost sure Howlingstar is preparing to dismiss them when she announces a new promotion. Raccoonstripe's eyes darken, sure he will not be among them. Had his mother known about Lakemoon's mate, the eye he'd taken from her? Or perhaps she recalls the cats he'd slaughtered moons before, perhaps she considers the blood trail he leaves in his wake as he walks through their forest --

"Raccoonstripe, my own son, you are a natural-born leader and your dedication to ThunderClan is unmatched. I hope you will both join my council as lead warriors." He lifts his earth-colored gaze, surprise clear on his face. He glances Nightbird's direction, who has also been asked to join.

There's no hesitation in his choice, though. Raccoonstripe dips his head to his leader, his mother, and meows, "I'm honored, Howlingstar. I hope to serve you and ThunderClan for many moons to come."

Some of the gloom washes away from him, and he glances Berryheart's way. The slightest shift in his brother's face indicates approval. He smiles at the medicine cat, his tail waving behind him proudly.