Official TT Account
Jun 7, 2022
The five clans were born into uncertain times and have not left them since. With the Great Battle a year behind them now, tension continues to crackle at borders and beneath the full moon. By now, each clan has developed their identity, honed their unique skills, and have grown into tight-knit families. But when an unseen threat endangers them all, they will have to work together if the five will survive.

AUGUST 1 - 25 ; It starts with one cat in SkyClan, an average daylight warrior who presents with loss of appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, delirium, and sore throat. Slowly, it spreads, patrol to patrol until cats from all five clans are falling ill. The medicine cats struggle to identify what this illness is, as while their herbs are helping, they are not curing the sickness.

During this phase, we would like to emphasize a realistic spread of disease. You have all of August to have characters fall ill, and even into September! If you're not wanting to kill your character and you know you'll lack muse with a long-term sick character, we encourage you to hold off on getting them sick.

AUGUST 25 - 31 ; One medicine cat makes a discovery: lungwort cures the mysterious illness, which the medicine cats have begun to call yellowcough. There is only one problem…lungwort grows in leaf-bare and there isn't nearly enough to go around. By this time, the disease has been revealed to be deadly if it progresses far enough, adding even more urgency to the precarious situation.

More cats should be falling ill. Though sickness is not required, the clans will begin to struggle to treat their symptoms. ShadowClan suffers without access to lungwort at all.

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15 ; At a loss, the medicine cats are beginning to lose hope. All they can do is treat the symptoms that are presenting, but without lungwort the illness will not subside. All seems lost until each medicine cat recessives a sign - or rather, fragmented signs.

The medicine cats share with their leaders, who have no idea what it means. At the medicine cat gathering, they each share what they received and realize they fit together. It's a message for all of them! Excitedly, they return home to share with their leaders, who meet at Fourtrees to discuss the meaning. They come to the conclusion with the help of their medicine cats that they must send cats from each clan to the mountains, following the setting sun, to retrieve the lungwort that awaits them there.

In order to go on the journey, these requirements must be met:
- at least 15 posts a month in July and continued activity in August
- only one character per RPer
- leaders, queens, kits and elders may not go
- medicine cat pairs may choose to split
- must be ICly realistic for the clan leader to send
- apprentices going without their mentors will be up to the Clan leaders to approve

At the following Gathering, the five clans say goodbye to the departing journey-goers.

Things have grown even more dire. Feeding every clan member is difficult, and border patrols are scarcer. Worry leaves tensions high both within the clans and between them.

SEPTEMBER 16 - OCTOBER 15 ; With their decision made, the group departs. Though they must send their clanmates into the mountains in search of their cure, the loss of healthy warriors leaves the clans struggling. More details will be released closer to the journey's date.
The Clans are left vulnerable. Their most capable have left the forest and traveled to lands beyond in search of a cure for their illness– life for those that remain is already promised to be difficult, but little do they know just how quickly things will take a turn for the worse. It is not too long after that their borders are threatened, not just by illness and starvation, but by rogues that see weakness and will do whatever they can to exploit it.

Dates are subject to change depending on the speed of the plot!

SEPTEMBER 25 - OCTOBER 7 ; Word begins to spread outside of the forest territories about the five Clans' predicament. Opportunistic rogues see profit in unguarded territory and weakened sentries, and they begin to test the waters. Border patrols are antagonized and prey is stolen, markers ignored, with scraps left behind to send a message. The rogues are bold and unafraid of the yellowcough-ridden Clans, and they begin to take advantage of the situation.

Tensions rise quickly. There should be brief scuffles between Clan cats and rogues, and pressure put on their borders. Patrols can smell trespassers all around. Clan cats will find prey scraps along their scent markers and other signs of blatant prey stealing.

OCTOBER 8 - 16 ; The rogues begin to become more bold, many developing a taste for the forest territories which are well-guarded and rich with prey compared to the loner lands or Twolegplace. RiverClan and WindClan, having let loners and rogues into their Clans in the past, begin to become targets. Now antagonizing is no longer enough. Border patrols and lone hunters are challenged and sometimes even attacked. The rogues drive further and further into the riverlands and moorlands respectively, until Cicadastar and Sootstar have no choice but to flee to save the sick and exhausted cats who remain in their Clans. RiverClan seeks refuge with SkyClan, while WindClan begs ThunderClan to take them in.

We expect more scuffles and trespassing during this time period to emphasize how dire the situation is becoming. Clan leaders will take the lead on these threads, though this can be worked out between the Clan cats!

OCTOBER 17 - OCTOBER 23 ; Rogues are not known for being satisfied, and word begins to spread that there are large swaths of territory full of prey and barely guarded. More of them flock greedily to the forest, now intent on conquering the oak and pine forests. Even with WindClan and RiverClan to assist them, ThunderClan and SkyClan are low on healthy warriors, weak from lack of prey, and dying of yellowcough. All four Clans are run out, and must ask Chilledstar as a last resort for somewhere to go. Reluctantly, ShadowClan allows their four rival Clans to cluster onto the marsh with them.

Now all Clans but ShadowClan will be attacked and challenged by the rogues. Again, Clan leaders will take the lead on threads deciding to relocate!

OCTOBER 24 - OCTOBER 31 ; The Clans grow restless, and ShadowClan's territory cannot support five times its numbers. The leaders and remaining Clan cats hold a discussion and come to a resounding conclusion: they cannot let the rogues drive them from their StarClan-given homes. Just like their journeying counterparts in the mountains, the five Clans must unite to survive.

THESE ROGUES WILL BE NPCS! That means anyone can and should control them! That being said, here are some guidelines and expectations:
- all rogues participating in this plot must be NPCs; no played characters can be used for this
- no making accounts or tags or even giving names to any of these rogues! Don't get attached; they are faceless and temporary!
- the rogues will: taunt, trespass, steal prey from cats, steal prey from marked territory, scare apprentices and kits once they get into camps, drive cats away from their homes, mess up dens, scuffle with Clan cats, and if attacked, will fight their attackers without honor to survive
- the rogues will not: kidnap cats, senselessly murder cats, torture cats, destroy dens or territory landmarks, hurt kits on purpose
- what can be done to the rogues? : the rogues can be fought, injure others, be injured themselves or steal clan cats prey, but please refrain from having your characters murder any of them without staff permission as this isn't the point of the plot, but exceptions could possibly be made
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