private You and I see eye to eye ❧ Copia

There's always an affinity held towards joiners, be it rogues or kittypets or full time joiners versus daylighters. Florabreeze truly believes that there is a bond there, even if she isn't super close friends with everyone. Copia is one of those joiners that she feels an invisible bond towards. Now a full warrior but without the clan moniker, she thought that fact is intriguing. He's similar to Ekat and Slate in that way- or rather Slatesnarl since he had recently taken a clan name. She truly does want to know what spurred his decision but that interrogation could be saved for another day, her attentions were on the black and white cat today.

It's easy to seek him out, she kept an eye out until she saw a pelt that looked like his from a distance. He seemed to be hunting? She feels bad but her large paws had stomped through fallen leaves and twigs. Most likely scaring away what ever it was that he was looking for, hunting or not. Her smile is sheepish, the closest thing to an apology that she would give right away. "Heya Copia- oh sorry were you hunting?" She bows her head in greeting and finds her paws pause just in case he was.

If given any invitation to come closer or informed that he's in fact not hunting she'd waste no time to approach him. Tail raised high in greeting as she trots over towards the smoke. "I was wondering, how come you didn't take a clan name?" Her question is friendly but rather blunt, not knowing what could possibly ever be a good lead into the topic at paw. The lead warrior once again smiles apologetically, feeling her tufted ears warm in embarrassment.

"You don't have to tell me! I was just curious, I think it's cool that you didn't" she always thought it was some cool act of acknowledging their life before the clan. A way of showing just how different SkyClan is, while she prefers honouring her two homes in her name she had considered if she would drop the breeze part of her name if she ever joined full time.

  • @COPIA
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Before his life got uprooted, the black smoke tom had no real plans to leave the streets of the twolegplace. He felt content with his life— the rogue group he partook in was struggling with numbers, but the older tom had grown used to that. He thought it would fix itself within time; he and his brother were supposed to take over as the heads one day. He thought they would be able to change things, and Nox would approve of it.

He feels foolish, thinking back to it now, that he didn't sense the danger brewing within his mother. He still can't accept it, that his own mother tried to have him killed.

If it weren't for SkyClan's kindness, the black smoke wouldn't be crouching low to the ground, mismatched eyes locked onto a mouse ahead of him. He had heard plenty about the clans; how they tower over any band of rogues. When he stumbled upon their territory, trailing in blood, the last thing he expected was for them to take him in. You can say he is still surprised by their affinity to joiners— he isn't the only rogue that found himself within SkyClan's ranks. Just by patrolling the other clan borders, the older tom can hypothesize that their neighboring clans don't hold onto the same acceptance to outsiders.

His tail twitches, and his mismatched eyes narrow at his target. He is about to pounce at the unsuspecting prey, but his ears swivel up as heavy paw steps crunch leaves and twigs. The mouse seems to hear it as well, and the tom lets out a curse as it scurries off— giving him no time to make a pounce. His ears twitch again, and he sits himself up as Florabreeze comes into view. "Yes, I was," Copia sighs, not entirely catching her sheepish smile as an apology. "You scared off, er, a mouse."

He crouches again, and beckons her to crouch alongside him— if she's here, she might as well hunt too. She approaches him with her tail high, and the black smoke blinks at the, quite blunt, question. "Eh, I don't think your clan names really suit me all that well," Copia mews back, raising his shoulders with a shrug. I don't feel ready to let this part of me go.

He can only hope the day will never come where he'll be forced to change his name. It's all he has left.

"What even would Orangestar call me? I've always been Copia, ha!" The tom quietly laughs, with a shake of his head. But the tom comes to a pause as the lead warrior continues, and he tilts his head. "You think it's cool, heh? Really?" He hadn't been too sure— how the rest of SkyClan felt about him not conforming to their customs. He's already rejected their ancestors, and now their names too.

  • omg nearly a month late i am so sorry LOL
  • 91060119_Q9c66fSJb0jA4Sc.png

    artwork by raphaelion (via da) for the artwork<3
  • Copia
    37 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the mini <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & white
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)