camp YOU ARE WHAT YOU DID [open]


strike, little wolf, strike
Apr 3, 2024
⊱⊰ He’s a month older, one of the queens says. Three entire months Hopekit has spent stumbling through his life, sleeping and playing and wondering what good parents were like.

He understands that he never had a chance to meet his father. Batwing, as brave and heroic as he’d been, was long gone by the time he and Coalkit came into the world. Their father had sacrificed himself and met his end at the bottom of a ravine, all for the sake of his clanmates—for everyone, including Hopekit and Coalkit and their mother. Batwing’s fate was sealed before Hopekit even existed, and in a way, that makes it easier to come to terms with the knowledge that his father is dead. But Leopardtongue… she had a chance. She could have lived, couldn’t she? If Hopekit hadn’t killed her? She could have smiled at them both, and the sunlight would have reflected in the warm golden eyes that Roeflame had told him about. But now she can’t, because… because…

He should be celebrating the day that he was born three months ago, excitedly cheering because he’s one month closer to being an apprentice. But instead, Hopekit freezes in place, struck with the thought that his mother has been dead for three months now. Another kit crashes into him when he stops in the middle of their running path, but the little tom hardly feels it. It feels as though a yawning chasm has opened up beneath him, and he’s clinging to the edge by only a claw. He doesn’t know what to do, but he doesn’t want to play anymore. "I don’t… feel good," he says, and it’s an excuse. An excuse to get away from the other kids, from their game—from the eyes. The clanmates who watch, who know.

Pale paws carry him to the nursery’s entrance, but his legs tremble so much that the kit trips. He stumbles first, and then falls, landing hard on his chest and smacking his chin against the ground. At first he feels nothing, and then pain explodes quickly from the lower half of his face. Hopekit is silent for a moment before the sniffling begins, and quiet tears begin to track their way down his face. As if this can’t get any worse… he knows it’s immature and kitlike to cry, but everything feels wrong and bad, and Hopekit doesn’t know how to fix it. He’s not a warrior, he’s just a kit.

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    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — He's aware of what day it is due to the fact, he had been there when Hopekit and Coalkit came into the world but Leopardtongue had left it. He tries not to think too much about it despite the way his heart hurts at the thought of his closest friends were now resting in Silverpelt together. Gentlestorm wishes that the queen could've lived but she had lost so much blood and the heart break from having lost Batwing must've been too much. The pale tom hadn't been far from where the kittens played since he had offered to watch them for a little though he can't help but frown when he notices Hopekit freezing in place and saying that he doesn't feel good, he wonders for a heartbeat if the lilac tomkit would come to him but watches the kitten stumble to the nursery as if born new once more.

When his kin falls over its in that moment that Gentlestorm pushes himself to his snowy paws and quickly walks in the direction of the kit who begins to sniffle and cry. It pulls at his heartstrings immediately and nearly tugs them out, the snowy healer arrives at his nephew's side. He uses a large limb to try gently scoop him into his arms, his ears prick forward, and he rasps his tongue over his head in a comforting manner "I'm here," The medicine cat could heal or mend several things but this was one of those that he could not, he had been powerless in that moment and he knew that he couldn't have saved her when he felt the ghostly presence of his best friend. He had guided her to Starclan and Gentlestorm had promised to watch over their kittens during their absence, although, from afar as their healer not as a step-in parent.

It's a sin and the code would not allow it, kittens would distract him from his duty as a medicine cat yet deep down... He feels it's unfair especially since he had been on the journey when it happened but he understands and will respect the code when he has already accepted it when Berryheart had cast the offer out to him. You may never have kits. At first, it had been easy to accept since there was no future where he had a mate and kittens of his own. Now... He doesn't know but he'll follow it til his last breath. "I'm here, Hope." Another soft mumble despite the way he feels his throat constrict with sadness and tries to keep himself together, he knows that Roeflame would not be far and when she arrives then he would leave it to Hopekit's adoptive mother to look after him.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    55 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

From the beginning, Burnstorm had made it clear to Leopardtongue and Batwing's kits that he was not their father. He would never dream of imposing on their actual family in such a way. But that did not stop him from hovering over the brood as if he was. He cared for them, in a different way than he cared for his own flesh and blood sure but he cared nontheless. So when he noticed that Hopekit was missing from the usual gaggle of kittens, he made it his mission to set out to find the scrap of lilac fur.

His search brings him to the nursery where he feels instant relief upon sighting the cream-colored kitten. "There you are Hopekit" he says, relief evident in his voice but then there was a new problem to be faced. Staining the kits face was tears and certainly there must be a reason for him to be with the medicine cat right? "What is it? What's wrong?" he asks, looking first at the medicine cat and then the kitten for answers. Was he sick? Was he injured? He couldn't see any visible signs of injury and Hopekit had seemed fine that morning.

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    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Whenever Burnstorm had the time to take their miniature clan of kittens off of her paws, Roeflame took the opportunity to spend what little time she could outside of camp, even if just to bask in what little sunlight spilled into the ravine at this time of day. Too much sun, however, is draining, and Roeflame can never stand to be away from her family for long, especially not when she and her mate now operated on completely different schedules. With a yawn, the metallic-hued queen slips back into camp, instinctively making her way to the nursery by instinct. When she see’s Hopekit scooped into the embrace of Gentlestorm and the broad figure of her Burnstorm hovering with a concerned knit in his brow, the small-statured queen is quick to make her way in between the two large toms, pressing a peach nose against Hopekits pale temple, sniffing for blood, sickness- anything. All the queen can feel is the soft anxious tremor that thrums steadily. With a tentative glance to Gentlestorm, Roeflame would normally be fine to let the snowy medicine cat take Hopekit back to the medicine den until he calmed down, knowing the close bond the medicine cat had shared with his parents- but with the kit ban in place, the tabby queen wouldn’t dare ask.
“Shh, it’s okay, take a deep breath.” The Queen finally soothes, aiming to gently press her nose to Hopekit’s cheekbone with the intent to provide what comfort she could “Do you want some fresh air?”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Tornadopaw wasn't much of a crier it wasn't that he thought it wasn't something a warrior should do it was just he didn't have much to cry about, only occasionally did tears leak down the young toms face and often it was thinking of a homesickness; a nostalgia he couldn't place - an emptiness left behind by a mother he barely knew that he hadn't figured out yet. It was a much different grief then the poignant heartbreak of Hopekit; he would always have reminders of the parents who weren't there for him always reminded by stories and memories told by the tongues of those who'd cared for them and for him. Tornadopaw hadn't known them not closely not like he knows Roeflame and Flamewhisker - not like he knows Hopekit.

He'd promised when Swiftdawn's litter was born that he'd visit and he would forsake that promise, he was only driven closer to the nursery a freshly caught (but small) mouse dangling from his jaws by the sound of a mewling cry. Gentlestorm is there trying to comfort him and so is his adoptive mother and her mate. While he'd never been shy to rush to his denmates in the past he's more aware of his broad shoulders and big paws, and how out of place he looks standing behind them unsuredley. But he cares so he manages, he pads closer his ears folding back. He plops the mouse down close to Hopekit, he'd brought it over for one or a couple of the kits to compete over (he would always love their games! He may be a apprentice but that didn't mean he couldn't have fun) but thats forgotten about now. "I caught this on hunting patrol" it was one of his first proper catches, it'd take time for him to get the hang of it and learn to take down more difficult prey. "It's fresh and tasty if you wanna try some Hopekit" he makes himself smile, something that wasn't normally so hard...

But looking at his weeping peer made him want to tear up himself but he holds strong. It's a small gesture but he hopes it cheers him up, he can't begin to wonder why he was crying just that he was and it wasn't a tantrum cry.

⊱⊰ Everything is wrong. All of it. Nothing is going right, and Hopekit can’t even choke back his pitiful tears as he begins to stand back up. But then he’s pulled softly into a warm, familiar embrace, and the terrible thoughts plaguing him fade into the back of his mind at once. How could things be bad, when Gentlestorm is here? His uncle’s efforts to comfort him help to settle his nerves, but they don’t help the pain at all. Tears still flow down his face as he sniffles and hiccups, even though he tries to stop it. He doesn’t want to be a baby, but it hurts… Maybe it’s foolish to think that the medicine cat could heal wounds with only a touch. "Hurts," he murmurs, and he isn’t sure whether he means his head or his chest.

He hears Burnstorm’s voice and tan ears swivel back against his head, face turning in an attempt to hide away behind the limbs of the medicine cat. For a moment he considers pretending to be badly hurt—because then, he can stay in Gentlestorm’s den—but would that be too mean? He doesn’t want them to worry about him… "Hurts," he repeats, finally turning his frown upon the black-furred lead warrior. Roeflame is his mother—not his birth mother, but his mother nonetheless—and while her mate is decidedly not his father, he’s the closest thing Hopekit has to a father figure. His concern makes him feel a bit better, a bit more wanted, but it doesn’t soothe him in the same way Roeflame’s or Gentlestorm’s does. Just as the kit thinks this, of course, the cinnamon-striped queen appears between the two older toms. Her presence is a balm, and Hopekit immediately twists to free himself from Gentlestorm’s hold and press his face to her leg.

Hiding his face in his adoptive mother’s fur, the lilac tom nods in response to her question. He feels stifled, panicked. Maybe… maybe fresh air would help. He could think of something different, at least. And Tornadopaw counts as something different—even if the other had only just been made an apprentice. He offers a fresh mouse, and Hopekit accepts it with a nod. "Thank you…" Hopekit murmurs to the apprentice, though he doesn’t raise his eyes to meet Tornadopaw’s. A pale paw prods at the mouse before he asks, "Do you want to share?"

  • ooc:
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    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

"hi! i'm orangepaw! you're hopekit, right?"

he heard the other cats around say his name. his head tilts and his smile just doesn't go away. he can see how sad the young kit looks and it tugs at his heart strings but he can't be sad, too, otherwise he cannot help him! so, he gently moves to touch his nose to the other's ear.

"are you sad? my mom says when you're said you should dance! mhm! she says dancing helps all the sad feelings go away! i don't get sad but I can help you dance, if you want! and thennnn we cannnn... uhm... oh! my mama says if that doesn't work, then cuddling works! do you wanna cuddle?"

he asks, tilting his head the other way with a soft smile.

"hi mister gentlestorm!! are you gonna help, too?"


( 𖤓 ) hazy blueberry eyes peer over the side of a nest as commotion bursts to life right outside the nursery. basilkit watches with his kit-blurry gaze as hopekit stumbles to the enterence, tearful, and is comforted almost instantly by a gaggle of older cats. a pale tom brings with him smells from the outside, weird leafy, planty scents that basilkit guesses taste about as good as his mossy nest does. roeflame the cream kit knows- another matriarch, living in the nursery alongside swiftdawn and the other queens. burnstorm is a frequent visitor, and tornadopaw and orangepaw have just moved out. basilkit watches all of them with curiosity, staying quiet for once in his short life.

it isn't that he doesn't want the attention drawn to him - he always does - but poor hopekit looks so dejected. something tugs at the younger kit's heart. wobbly legs clamber carefully over the side of the nest, landing not quite gracefully, but without the rolling crash that usually accompanies his movements. in his jaws he clutches a leaf almost the size of his head, dark and light green marbled. unsteadily, he makes his way over to the scene and places the leaf at the crying boy's paws, looking up at hopekit with a soft mewl. it's all he can think to do to offer comfort- he is not yet a full moon old after all.

after being satisfied he's done all he can, basilkit turns and stumbles away into the depths of the nursery, back into the waiting paws of his mother. he watches from there, eyes bright and hopeful, even if he can't quite understand what's going on.

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    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, he has verdant green eyes that sparkle with mischief.