camp YOU BRING A KNIFE TO A GUNFIGHT // 8/1 meeting

The last time Howlingstar had called a clan meeting, she had been too pained to even climb to the top of the Highrock. But now she perches there with ease, snow-capped paws cradling the edges of the familiar stone. She watches her clanmates meander around camp and share meals. Here, they are safe. But the apprehension that clings to her has not diminished. WindClan is still angry with them - she can feel it. With how turbulent they are, will they see fit to attack ThunderClan's camp, next? With it be their kits put in danger by the moor-dwellers as revenge for going against them? She hopes Sootstar has more sense than that. They were once colony-mates, after all. Even still, today they will name many more warriors to help keep the borders safe. This day is proof that ThunderClan will only grow stronger.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Her voice bounces off the sides of the ravine, a bird taking off overhead. She watches warriors and apprentices alike gather and find seats beneath her. Many faces bear excitement, either apprentices about to receive their names, or their proud mentors. She herself can't help but smile. Her granddaughter is among those receiving their warrior names today, as are her lead warrior's kits. It's a happy day for many. "Today, we celebrate the many apprentices who have passed their warrior assessments and will join the warriors in their den tonight. Moonpaw, Mousepaw, Frecklepaw, Sparkpaw, and Lightpaw, step forward." She watches as the five apprentices skitter to the front. She gazes at them approvingly, tail swishing in the air behind her. Her gaze lifts to the sky as she now addresses StarClan. "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of the Warrior Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Moonpaw, Mousepaw, Frecklepaw, Sparkpaw, Lightpaw - do you five promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" She is now speaking to them, green eyes blazing with enthusiasm and pride.

// Warrior ceremonies for @Moonpaw @MOUSEPAW ! @frecklepaw @Sparkpaw @LIGHTPAW .

Activity shoutouts for July go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @Flamewhisker @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @WOLFWIND @LITTLE WOLF @batwing @BURNSTORM ! @HAILSTORM. @Moonpaw @LIGHTPAW . @tansyshine @EMBERKIT. @tigerkit.
Your activity does not go unnoticed! Thank you for all your contributions to the board!
He is absolutely SHAKING with excitement. Today was the DAY. Sparkpaw hadn't been still at all the entire day. He had run to his siblings at least five times to go 'TODAYS THE DAY!!!' and then run off to Wolfwind to do the same thing, and then to Rabbitnose and Sunfreckle. He has bodied Badgerstrike at least twice. His fur was PERFECT. Rabbitnose and Sunfreckle would have it no other way. He had grown so big now, just as big as Sunfreckle. He had muscle instead of baby fat, and he couldn't help but remember how he had to crane his neck up to see the top of the Highrock when he was apprenticed.

Now, he doesn't have to. He's grown up. He's an adult. Him, alongside his siblings, are all grown up. He feels a moment of bittersweetness... Two more should be with them here. Dovekit and Mossypaw should be here with them, receiving their warrior names.

But he does not dwell on it. He has made peace with their loss. They will always be in his heart, and he will carry their memory to his grave. He likes to think they are beside him now, star dusted spirits that he cannot see.

When he is called forth, he scampers forth and sits proudly before the Highrock.

"I do!" He nearly shouts. He's always been loud.

Today was a new beginning. He was going to be a warrior.​
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Isn't this what she wanted her? Her name called at a meeting, the time of her hardearned name right before her paws? If so why is she filled with such dread, as if at any moment the world will splinter away into shards of ice and douse her in their melted shower. The fear that it was all a dream? The worry that a mistake was made and her name was not meant to be called, a fumble of words from Howlingstar, a misunderstanding-Raccoonstripe had decided she was unworthy afterall in the end and passed that along to his mother, several more moons of grueling training, several more moons of watching Burnstorm carry his new name proudly while she was left behind...just like Morningpaw always would be eternally.
Moonpaw shakes her neatly groomed coat, steps forward alongside the others called: the remnants of Sunfreckle's first litter, Mousepaw smugly among them and Lightpaw her confident in the longing for the day they would be unburdened by their dreadful mentors.
The tortie point stands proud, head up and eyes locked upon the stalwart figure of her grandmother atop her stone throne, "I do." She says, quietly, calmly, and as she speaks it she feels a fire ignite in her chest and scorch her lungs because the feeling of dread was only a mask to hide what it was she truly wanted beneath it all.
To be upon those stones one day. To stand before her clan not as a normal warrior but as their leader. She felt the realization cinch around her throat like a wire, tighten and still her breath. No one could ever look down upon her for her SkyClan heritage if she bore the most powerful of all names in the forest.
Whatever Howlingstar called her now, she would accept it happily and graciously but with the knowledge it would be a temporary title now. One she would shed once again for another more brighter name. Moonstar.
She recalls the game Emberkit had played, that she had joined for a moment's break to indulge the kitten-how it had seemed so silly then but she took to it with a guarded ease. How funny to think it might one day be an ironic joke to tell.

ablaze, she steps from the crowd — woman of wild russet and ribboned cream, grown far from the bundle of mottled fur she’d been born as. stout - limbed, carrying her bulk like her namesake ; recklessly, all heft and train - toned muscle. her name is called and she is a -paw in only her name.. or so it seems. spotting sparkpaw settling proud at the foot of highrock, she gives a loose, sharp - toothed grin before loping forward, rearing back to plop her large, tufted paws onto sparkpaw and lowering her skull to bump him teasingly on the head, playfulness born of a life raised together. a nostalgic pull of her chest and they are kits again, pushing and bounding at eachother over their father’s resting flank. so close to being warriors, so close she could taste it — adrenaline pulses inside her and the urge to bite and tug her brothers ear rouses within her, but a quick glance of verdant eyes towards howlingstar and she sobers quickly.

plopping down, the she-cat puffs her ruffed ginger chest proudly, bares her teeth in a mighty grin towards the sun where it beams at her leaders back. her paws buzz, her chest flutters, and before she knows it, sparkpaw is called. he accepts. moonpaw, stone - mottled molly as she was — seaglass eyes flick towards her, curious, eager, watches for a shift in expression that never crosses prettily splotched features, aside from the heady glint of something in powder blue eyes. and then.. and then.. frecklepaw. it is as if she’s struck by lightning, feels her name zap along the notches of her spine and alight her from the inside. a thick tail lifts, excitement buzzing in each flaming hair of her body. cream - kissed molly, she stands tall, lifts her squared chin, ” i sure do. “ breathed, eager, bright - eyed and lazy - smiled. she would. she would, she would, she would.

  • i.
  • FRECKLEPAW ——— ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant russet, doused in swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected of a thunderclanner — with large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. reaching adolescence, kittish fuzz has lengthened, allowing her bulk to appear deceivingly fluffy, concealing layers of toned muscle in licks of red - orange.

    𖦹 . lesbian, single with no crush. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    𖦹 . eleven moons, ages on the 25th. thunderclan apprentice. mentored by wolfwind.
    penned by antlers​

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WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
All day. He'd been waiting all day for this. No- the whole moon. No. His entire life. Lightpaw had been waiting his entire life for this moment. The moment that Howlingstar would leap upon the Highrock and summon the Clan, the moment she would speak that oath in his name and he would say I do and she would give him his warrior name and that would be it.

The golden tom had already passed Nightbird's assessment. He had trained, day in and out. He was ready. He had proved he was ready, and very soon it would time to prove it for real. Lightpaw, with a warrior name of his own, would join the ranks of the warriors of ThunderClan and would no longer be the pathetic kit he had once been.

He was coiled like a snake, tense with anticipation. Green eyes snapped up to the tabby as she gracefully leapt her way atop the stone, just as his heart leapt into his throat. It wasn't nerves he was feeling. He was excited.

Moonpaw had thoroughly groomed her pelt, he'd noticed, and he was less than subtle in his mimicry as he worked at his own. Hasty, perhaps, but thorough nonetheless. Golden fur seemed to gleam—at least, as best it could given the little time he spent on it. An uncommon sight, but he wore it well.

The apprentices were called forward, and he joined them, shoulders squared while Howlingstar spoke the ceremonial words. His mouth parted, prepared, but Sparkpaw beat him to it, forcing him to hesitate another moment before he tried again. "I do." He would. He meant it. Not a single Clanmate would die before him, not if he could help it. Not again.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Kits fought with their parents, it is a natural law of things, but thus far Little Wolf had gotten lucky. Most of her kits were good-natured, kind. But her daughter, her daughter was a fighter and though she did not like the way this rift had opened between them, there is a small part of her that appreciates that Moonpaw was so strong, both in wills and in battle. She had Raccoonstripe to thank for that she supposed. There was no way her daughter had inherited those traits from her or her father...

Despite their falling out, Moonpaw is still her kit, still her daughter, and she'll be damned if she is not the one to cheer the loudest at her ceremony. She sits among the other warriors, tail curling around her front paws and head tipped upwards to look at her mother, green eyes shining with excitement, as if it were her own warrior ceremony and not her daughters. For a moment she allows herself to wonder what her name would have been if she had been born Littlekit and not Little Wolf. Would she be different then? She was attached to her current name though, it was after her father she had been named and she would not change it for all the mice in the forest.

If Moonpaw should look around, should she catch the eye of her mother she would give the most encouraging smile she could. Her oldest litter was about to all be grown up, with the exception of Fireflypaw, but his time would come soon. Medicine Cats had to train longer than warriors after all. A voice in her head says 'And Morningpaw...' Moonpaw's twin should be here too, she should have gotten to grow up alongside her brothers and sister, should have been here right alongside Moonpaw. It wasn't fair how short her life had been, but there is nothing she could do to change the past. She had to keep looking to the future, keep moving and just hope that Morningpaw was here in spirit, watching her sister's ceremony with the same bittersweet pride Little Wolf was feeling now.
When the call for the meeting had been announced, Leopardtongue made her way over, ears pricked as she watched as those around her gathered and Howlingstar began to speak. Five apprentices becoming warriors today, a great time for ThunderClan. She had no full connection to these new warriors, the she-cat was not their mother nor their mentors, but she was proud of them nonetheless. They would become ThunderClan warriors today, the best of the best. Excitement prickled at her fur as she waited to hear their names, eyes casting over each of the apprentices once more before looking towards Howlingstar again.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Wild white fur is tamed with careful licks—and green eyes are luminous, full of awe. She watches Howlingstar crest the Highrock, ignoring he fluttering butterfly wings beating against the inside of her ribs. She had finally become a cat Silverlightning could commend to their leader; she had finally, through trial and error, through patient and careful training, become a ThunderClan warrior. Mousepaw is eager, and yet—there is so much she feels she’s leaving behind, so much so that to consider it all would leave her breathless.

Like Sparkpaw, like Frecklepaw, she thinks of the cats who are not here receiving their name. Moonpaw’s twin is in the grave—and their littermate, Dovekit, misses yet another ceremony by their side. Mossypaw would never experience this moment, either, would never tell Howlingstar “I do,” as fiercely as her siblings do, as Moonpaw and Lightpaw do.

Mousepaw must do it for them, she thinks. She will defend ThunderClan at the cost of her life, and she will make up for the time she’d spent lagging behind her peers. “I do,” she echoes, sitting taller, her tortoiseshell tail twitching behind her. She will make her fathers proud—and one last time, she tries to catch one of their eyes before her focus returns to the leader.

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Each of the five makes their vow, and Howlingstar beams with pride. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." She bunches her muscles and leaps down to a boulder, then to the ground. She first moves to stand in front of her granddaughter. She purposely has chosen her first, so that she may be the first to join her brother in the warriors rank. She smiles fondly up at her, the girl who once dashed between her paws now towers over her. "Moonpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Moonwhisper, for your soft, quiet voice. StarClan honors your loyalty and self-discipline, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She rests her muzzle on top of her granddaughter's head, her purr audible. "Well done, love," She trills softly, pulling away to meet her blue eyes with her green gaze filled with love, before moving onto the next apprentice.

She steps in front of the blue and cream calico next, leveling Mousepaw with a prideful look. The first of her siblings to receive her name, the first of her lead warrior's brood to graduate. What wonderful warriors they will make, too. "Mousepaw, from his moment on you will be known as Mousenose, for your impeccable tracking skills. StarClan honors your spirit and creativity, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Like with Moonpaw, she rests her muzzle on top of her head, waits for the ceremonial lick to her shoulder, and steps back with a smile.

The next is Mousenose's large, fluffy sister. She stops in front of Frecklepaw with a kind smile, ears angling forward confidently. "Frecklepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Freckleflame, for your fiery temper. StarClan honors your will and quick wit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Her muzzle is placed on top of her head, for which she must reach up on her toes to do. When she pulls away, she makes her way to the final apprentice from Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose's first litter.

She stops in front of the exuberant Sparkpaw. He's grown a lot these last several moons, his hulking, fluffy build reminiscent of his father's. She meets his gaze, eyes crinkled with amusement at his energy. "Sparkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sparkwing, for your free spirit. StarClan honors your kind heart and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She places her chin on top of his head, feels the lick on her shoulder, and pulls away. All three of them, now warriors. She knows their parents must be so proud, and Wolfwind, too.

The final tom is unrelated to any of the other four. He stands here independently, but proud all the same. She gazes at the cream-furred apprentice with a smile, taking a step closer. She knows her lead warrior trained him hard, and he's earned this day. "Lightpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Lightstrike, for your battle prowess. StarClan honors your honesty and cleverness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She moves to place her chin on top of his head, waits for his lick, then steps back. Just like that, five warriors are named, and she is among the first to begin chanting. "Moonwhisper! Mousenose! Freckleflame! Sparkwing! Lightstrike!"

There is something so bittersweet about this meeting. While he is excited he is also overwhelmed by a strange feeling of sorrow. His kits, his first litter, were all adults now and recieving their warrior names. He had left his most recent litter sleeping, watched carefully by one of the other queens so he could be here to watch and now he suddenly longs to crawl back into the nursery as if doing so would stall it from happening. The distance widens.
He's suddenly very aware of just how Mousepaw felt when she found out he was carrying kits again; that horrifying realization of lives shifting in a way that could not be undone.
He wonders if his words are even comprehensible as he blurts them out through a tightening throat and tearful display, but he shouts them all with earnest nonetheless, "Moonwhisper, Mousenose, Freckleflame, Sparkwing, Lightstrike!" Five new warriors, three his own flesh and blood, stepping forward to become proper ThunderClanners after such a long time training. They had gone through so much, all of them, but his kits especially had such a rough start as well. Sunfreckle remembers talking to Little Wolf in the nursery, remembers doubling over in grief over the limp body of a white kitten, watching them made into apprentices, trapped within the nursery another moon with Frecklekit before finally being free to resume his own duties...
The red tabby recalls Mousepaw's anger when she discovered he was having another litter, Sparkpaw's first battle and the scar that still snaked across his nose, Frecklepaw pestering Rabbitnose to go out and look for mushrooms in the middle of the night, chasing the monster that took Mossypaw away.
Sunfreckle does not really care that he must look a mess, blubbering and sobbing like a fool, but he can't help himself; he's both proud and suddenly terribly lonely-they were their own cats now. Family forever, but now so much further away than the mewling kits that once nestled at his side.
"I'm so...proud of you three..."
The second the cheering died down he approached so he could bump his head into each newly named warrior's with perhaps a little too much affectionate force behind it.
  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette

Brackenleap gazed upon the 5 rightfully proud young cats, his own eyes sparkling with joy. It was wonderful to feel ThunderClan grow and thrive. He could hardly blame Sunfreckle for their tears. He chanted the names of the new warriors: "Moonwhisper, Mousenose, Freckleflame, Sparkwing, Lightstrike!" What a thrill! He joined the crowd moving forwards to welcome the cats to their new rank, murmuring congratulations and brushing against them lightly. He didn't linger for too long - he wasn't family or friend - and instead drifted away once his own greetings were complete. ThunderClan had a bright future ahead of them, Brackenleap was sure.​
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Despite his prior fidgeting and tension, Lightpaw was unusually still as the gathered apprentices all spoke their vows. This is it, he thought. His head was held high, his shoulders squared. It was an odd look for him, so stiff and proper, but one he wore surprisingly well.

Howlingstar descended from her perch, stopping before Moonpaw, and so begun their naming. Moonpaw, into Moonwhisper. Moonwhisper. Named for her soft voice, commended for her loyalty and self-discipline. Should their eyes meet, he would grin at her, then quickly return to standing straight.

Mousepaw to Mousenose, for her tracking skills, commended for her spirit and creativity. She deserved a skill highlight like that, he thought. His heart was pounding now as he watched his leader, the realization that he would be the last in line raising his anticipation, his excitement, all the more.

Frecklepaw to Freckleflame, for her temper, commended for her will and quick wit. He couldn't hide the small smile that crept onto his maw, good-natured as his gaze flickered over to the new warrior.

Sparkpaw to Sparkwing, for his free spirit, commended for his kindness and strength. Lightpaw had to fight the urge to lean over and bump his shoulder against the ginger tom's. There would be plenty of time to celebrate afterward. For now, he watched, tail twitching slightly in his restless excitement.

It felt as though an eternity had passed before Howlingstar finally stood before him. Their gazes met, himself taking in the emotions that swam in hers, and he could barely restrain himself from smiling at her, even as it showed in the crease of his eyes. He wanted to be as much a warrior as he could be, if only for a moment.

Then, so easily, his new name fell from her mouth. Lightpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Lightstrike. Lightstrike. Named for his battle prowess, commended for his honesty and cleverness. Lightstrike. A warrior of Thunderclan. His heart soared. He'd done it. He'd made it.

Lightstrike's muscles twitched, as if prepared to whip around and bolt, to shout it to the skies, but Howlingstar rested her chin upon his head and brought him back to the present. Sucking in a breath that might have been preparation, the warrior leaned in and swiped his tongue over her shoulder as the others had.

She stepped back, and the Clan erupted into cheers. Lightstrike! Lightstrike! he could hear them chant, and the tom beamed at last. He turned, gauging and grinning at the other newly named warriors, then his Clanmates, before finally searching the crowd for once face in particular. Nightbird. The look on his face was bordering stupid now, but he either didn't know or didn't care.

I'm a warrior of ThunderClan now. We're finally warriors!

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Time has flown by so quickly... So much has happened in the moons he and Sunfreckle have been here. Nearly two cycles of seasons now, he thinks its been. His kits. Their kits, who were once adorable little bumbling puffballs playing around their feet and getting into trouble... Are all grown up now. He looks at each of them and takes in just how big they've gotten. It doesn't seem like so long ago that he was telling them bedtime stories, showing them weird bugs. Mushrooms. Worms. Cool rocks.

And they're all GROWN UP!!!!!!!!

He looks at them with proud, tearful eyes as he watches them become warriors.

A pain in his heart reminds him of his lost daughters, how they should be here too, receiving their warrior names alongside their siblings. It wasn't fair. But the sting of grief he had once felt had lessened over time, and he was now able to think of Dovekit and Mossypaw without wanting to cry. Were they watching now? He wanted to believe they were.

He never imagined himself a father.

His mistakes made him wonder if he was even worthy to be one.

But watching his kits, he can at least tell himself he did something right.

"MOONWHISPER, MOUSENOSE, FRECKLEFLAME, SPARKWING, LIGHTSTRIKE!!!!" He cheers loudly, letting tears of pride flow freely.

He wasted no time in joining Sunfreckle to congratulate them after the cheering. "I'm proud of you too..." He says. "I love you three so much...You've come so far... You'll be incredible warriors." He continues, trying not to turn into a blubbering mess.​
It's his turn. He can barely sit still. He gently licks Howlingstar's shoulder as the others had done, and he trembles with excitement at her touch on his head. He idly realizes if Emberstar were still here, he'd have to reach down for her to do so. He misses her, sometimes. But he loves Howlingstar, too.


His name is Sparkwing. His eyes sparkle at the name, named for his free spirit. His kind heart, his strength, all of who he was is being acknowledged. He wants to jump with joy, zip around until he cant anymore. Sparkwing wonders if Emberstar is watching too, if she agrees with the name. So many cats were no longer with him on this plane, but it's okay.

He will carry on and have the adventures that they can no longer have.

He will make them proud. He will make Thunderclan proud.

Sparkwing doesn't have much time to reflect before Rabbitnose and Sunfreckle are coming to congratulate him and his siblings, and he feels like he might start crying too. They're so proud of him. He feels so loved in this moment that he wants to ugly cry too. He meets his parents and gives them both an affectionate nuzzle.

"S-stop CRYING..." He says. "OR I'M GONNA CRY TOO...." He chokes out, fighting to keep the tears inside. "I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH......" He nearly blubbers.​

five apprentices set to join the warrior's den today, hers included on that list. nightbird was confident that lightpaw was ready. he would be a formidable opponent in battle, had proven that in his assessment. her duty in seeing him through to his warrior name had been fulfilled.

the lead warrior had little restraint telling howlingstar he was ready to graduate alongside his peers. she had done all she could, showed and taught all she knew. he had made it to his ceremony before taking his place amongst the stars, nightbird was thankful for that much. there were many times when they detested each other, despite it the molly was thoroughly focused on his success.

he is the last to be named, following raccoonstripe's apprentice and sunfreckle's first litter. lightstrike, howlingstar calls it across the clearing, honoring his prowess in battle. it was fitting, deserved. the clan roared in celebration, chanting the names of the newest warriors. green eyes found her in the crowd, light with a giddy expression, and she returned the newly named warrior a small grin, a respectful dip of her head. now there was only duskpaw, the flame tailed apprentice would benefit further from her full attention. soon enough, he would be in the same spot to receive a name of his own.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

( ) Hailstorm had slipped into the crowd and settled down nearby before focusing on Howlingstar who called a meeting then all the apprentices being Moonpaw, Lightpaw, and Sunfreckle's first litter. He could only imagine the pride and all the emotions their family members or mentors felt at that given moment, the snowy warrior listening closely to the ceremony and Howlingstar stopping by each apprentice giving them their warrior names. A large grin on his maw when all names are given and he joins in on changing for these new warriors that would join the den "Moonwhisper, Mousenose, Sparkwing, Freckleflame, Lightstrike!"

"Moonwhisper! Mousenose! Sparkwing! Freckleflame! Lightstrike!" Now that had been a mouthful! It was quite the barrage of fresh warriors who were all now destined to join the warriors den, so he knew it was going to be a little more crowded. But he didn't want it to deter the festivities. He continued to beam a smile as he looked upon the new warriors. It reminded him of his own ceremony, though that had been a lot smaller.

howlingstar approaches her, and each pawstep seems to slow time, seems to bristle the fur along her spine in excitement. she feels the eyes of her clanmates, feels the eyes of the stars above — was dovekit among them? was mosspaw? did they smile, teeth like silverpelt? howlingstar stops in front of her and her head dips instinctively, releasing a heavy breath as the woman speaks, regards her fiery temper. a little snort leaves her maw, good natured and giggling despite the way her features attempt to still. her leader reaches up on her toes and frecklepaw mercifully dips just slight, feels her muzzle press between flaming points above her brow and ..

and then howlingstar is moving on, and frecklepaw is opening her eyes as freckleflame, releasing a breath she’d not known had caught in her throat. freckleflame. her voice lifts, eager and bright, ” mousenose! sparkwing! lightstrike! moonwhisper! “

screaming from the sidelines and her mighty head whips around, cheek fur flying behind her as she does. tufted paws bring her to a proud strut towards them, heavy fur shaking with each bounding prance, ” didja hear? howlingstar thinks i’m fiery! she crows loudly, confidently, to her pas, those pointed canines beared, seaglass eyes squinted closed against the midday sun. the closer she gets she can see that gleam in sunfreckles eyes, more subdued than the screaming of her ivory - coated father. she veers close enough and bumps sunfreckle on the skull with her own, aims to brush her flank alongside his ginger - striped own. im so proud of you guys, they say, and she releases a rumbling purr. you’ll be incredible warriors, ” ‘ course. we were raised by the best, after all. “ a sly grin towards her siblings, towards sparkpaw — sparkwing.

rabbitnose’s eyes and voice tremble, and she throws a trill his way — teasing, nostalgic, ” can we go mushroom diggin’ to celebrate, pa? .. i ain’t gotta yank your ears for it anymore, do i? “ days of crawling onto his back and nipping him awake for attention, now long gone. how they’d survived their childhood, she didn’t know. meadowgreen eyes flick up towards the others named, towards lightstrike and moonwhisper. the friendly tom looked elated, glancing back towards his mentor — a name fitting, lightning - furred and bright as he was. moonwhisper’s did as well, she supposed. quiet, composed ; the pointed femme was a mystery of a girl, and though wandering eyes search her for a moment, she looks away just as quick, leaning joyously against sunfreckle to bask in the post - ceremony glow.

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

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She is named first and she can not help the thundering of her own heart as her leader stands before her, she tries not to let it show on her face, maintains he cold stoicism despite knowing her grandmother would not wrong her, Howlingstar would not put a blight of a name upon her even if she might dissaprove of the way she handled herself at the border with SkyClan; it had no bearing on her virtue as a warrior, she had done as she needed to do. Moonpaw holds her breath and suddenly it is done, Moonpaw is gone - no more. She is Moonwhisper now.
It is a gentle word, carefully plucked and chosen for her, it is the name by which Berryheart regards her, it is the sound of her own voice, it is the distant echo of Morningpaw leaving her finally; at long last. Her loyalty, her self-discipline has earned her this name and while it is a quiet and almost too soft of a word to be affixed to her when she has grown so many sharp edges in such little time she can see if being the warning cry she wished it to be; a whisper of caution to those that might dare stand before ThunderClan. She rolls it around in her thoughts as she listens to her fellow apprenties be named, be made warriors and the weight that once burdened her shoulders is gone as she takes it all in. Mousepaw is Mousenose, Sparkpaw is Sparkwing, Frecklepaw is Freckleflame and she shares a brief glance with Lightpaw as he is called Lightstrike; no more grueling training, no more wondering for the future that might be or may not be - she had succeeded, she was a warrior. She could come and go as she pleased, she could carry the work befitting her ranking with no mentor breathing down her back, she could one day train her own apprentice, she could one day rise up as more than a mere warrior in time. Moonwhisper's fur prickles, rises on end and she does not join the rising chorus of voices cheering names, she finds she has no voice for the moment but that was fine. She could whisper.
Morningpaw, do you see me now? Do you see what I have done. I'm going to be great. They will know my name and see me for who I am and not just the sister you left behind.
A meeting, but one that brought new life to the clan like none before. Five warriors in a fell swoop. A grin settled on Batwing's muzzle as the meeting was called, stepping into the clearing. He found himself near Leopardtongue- a sidelong glance at the tabby- before sitting down next to her. Pelts barely brushing. His head tilted back, listening and whooping here and there. And then it was time. Five new warriors, ready to walk and hunt the lands of their own guidance. He wasn't particularly close to any of them, but still, he cheered. For his clanmates. "Moonwhisper, Mousenose, Freckleflame, Sparkwing, Lightstrike!" Congratulations to you guys. The harder part starts now.