YOU MISTIFY ME - job questions/kitten task

Jan 10, 2024

Having been given a task to fulfill by none other than the deputy of Skyclan the little tom felt like he was on cloud nine. He had to find three clanmates and ask them about their role in the clan. Easy peasy! Sauntering with gusto the kitten had his chest puffed from determination to please. He was gonna ask only the coolest of cats about their place and he knew just where to look. After circling the clearing in a momentary bout of confusion the chocolate feline managed to find his intended destination. Prancing off to the warriors den he called out into the faint light with a grin. "Hellooo! Anybody in here?" Most cats had been sent out for patrols or other camp needs but he was certain someone would be around.

If not his next step would be the Medicine Den. Though his parents had warned him not to meddle with Dawnglare when he was busy. For now this would have to suffice. Eventually, a shadow roused from within and it was all the encouragement Coffeekit needed. Bounding forward he narrowly missed the nests scattered about the floor in his mad dash. Skittering to a halt he peered up eagerly to the taller cat. Smile stuck on brightly the tabby meowed with vigor. "Can I ask you some questions about your job? Like what do you do? How do you do it? Do you guys ever sleep? That sorta stuff!" His long-winded question came in a fast burst of energy. Fluffy tail puffed up twice it's usual size as he awaited the older cats reply.
[penned by tasmagoric]


// feel free to have your character be the warrior he's speaking to!​
Dandelionwish chewed his wheat stem so aggressively it was almost pulp in his mouth, short brittle leaves brushing his lips as he drew it closer for lack of a good grip between his teeth. He'd started practically eating them in his stress lately, it probably wasn't the best for his stomach but it was technically edible - he'd chewed grass before when he had a bellyache and didn't feel like listening to Dawnglare preen and strut about as if he was inconvienincing the tom so much by asking him to do his Starblessed job. His mismatched gaze was focused ahead into the distance, worry fretting at his chest with fluttering heartbeats as he wondered when they might have to deal with another attack by those ruthless rogues again, would they attempt to get into the camp and near the nursery? It wasn't just his own kits in there now as evident by the tiny little brown scrap wandering on clumsy legs in his direction.
It was hard to keep a serious face next to such a little darling, they had Figfeather's prominent tabby stripes and Fantastream's rich earth coloring though far more encompassing. His whiskers quivered as he smiled.
"Howdy there Coffeekit, sure! Yer gonna have this job one day, ye know? I'm a warrior, not like yer maw though - I stay in SkyClan all the time. I do whatever Blazestar and Orangeblossom ask me like hunting and checkin' the borders and I also train a little scrap like you though she's much bigger now."
Briefly he wondered where Lupinepaw was off to right now, but she deserved her free time as well especially with how stressful things are.
"We get plenty o'beauty sleep, can't ye tell?" His teeth flashed in a smile, wondering where his own kits were right now and if he would have the time to toss a mossball around with them before heading out on patrol.
"Dogbite scented some rogue tracks left behind a few days ago, part of what we all do is find them heathens and give'em a good wallopin'. I've chased one off myself little while ago, ain't much that can outrun me!"


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    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Bobbie no longer sleeps in the warriors' den—she remembers with mild guilt her promises to her kits that they'd have side-by-side nests in there one day. Still, the feeling of bedding down in a lopsided tangle of limbs at night, dozing off to the sound of her mate's great heartbeats, is too lovely to deny herself, especially in light of their combined total of lives now being two. That doesn't stop her from occasionally poking in to drop off a gift or a particularly juicy bird for a friend, or rouse a late waker for patrol.

She's just returned from a hunting patrol, and having ensured the Clan's vulnerable were fed, she'd originally intended to ferret out Dogbite and give the poor soul the scrawny mouse she'd brought home. He didn't take nearly as much care of himself as he ought to, after all. The sound of Coffeekit's chirpy interrogation is enough to draw her deeper in once a cursory glance reveals no sign of her cinnamon-and-white friend. Bobbie represses a giggle when she hears Dandelionwish's answering drawl—so that was who Figfeather and Fantastream's chocolate-furred son had been interrogating.

"That's right," she breaks in with a grin and a nod of greeting to the odd-eyed tom. "And if you're a lead warrior like me, you help Blazestar and Orangeblossom run the Clan. It's a big responsibility," the tabby mews cheerily, belying the stress that very role has incited within her. "We lead a lot of the patrols and serve on Blazestar's council to help makes decisions—plus, we can give the warriors and apprentices extra chores if they don't behave."

"Dandelionwish's got it right, though, we're all working together to drive out those mangy rogues," Bobbie adds, thoroughly enjoying the theatrics she's not added to her speech since her own kits were Coffeekit's age—though she supposes she'll have to get used to it again. "You'll get to learn how to do that once you're an apprentice."


Coffeekit's intrusion to the hazel-bush den turns Wolfpaw's head quickly - too quickly, in fact, and she winces as her wounds stretch with the action. They're finally scabbed over and healing, but stars it didn't make them hurt any less. Her good eye squints at the mocha-striped kitten as she struggles to discern him; her newly-tattered ear twitches as Dandelionwish prattles on about his job, and about giving rogues a good wallopin'. Her jaw tenses slightly at the mention of them.

Bobbie chimes in not long after. Wolfpaw has only heard whispers of the roundness in her belly — now that she sees it, she supposes she is happy, and then the rogues sweep into her conscience again, ripping it all apart. Coffeekit seems eager to soak it all in, and Wolfpaw bites her tongue as she feels it lift to chide him. It's not all it's cracked up to be, she'd say, and to some extent she believes it. But maybe she'd only gotten hurt because of her own stupid mistake. Her single eye blazes in the dim shadow of the medicine den, slicing through the low boughs and piercing Coffeekit with an intensity she didn't realize she was capable of (nor did she particularly want to impart it upon the kitten). She didn't intend to mean-mug her mentor's kit, but she couldn't help it. It had been a rough string of sunrises.

"Hi, Coffeekit," Wolfpaw greets instead. She would tell him about her job, would impart some wisdom unto him about apprenticeship and all its highs and lows, but really she'd hardly been an apprentice before she'd landed in this sage-scented nest. Bobbie says something about doling out extra chores, and Wolfpaw's tattered ear twitches. "She's right," the apprentice mews. "Make sure you listen to Bobbie and the other warriors. It's important when you're an apprentice." Maybe things would have turned out differently if only she'd heeded the caution of the warriors on her patrol.

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    — wolfpaw
    — she / they / he ; apprentice of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — avatar by tropics; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan
Butterflytuft had watched her young nephew disappear into the warriors’ den from across camp. Her eyes linger on the entrance as she lightly entertains some of the other kits, her head cocking in curiosity. Before long, another comes to relieve her of her kitsitting duty and she immediately begins to head towards the den with her tail sweeping low at her heels. She pokes her head in to see little Coffeekit chirping up a storm with her mate, Bobbie, and even Wolfpaw. A trill of amusement flutters from her as she steps fully inside. “Coffeekit, are you learning a lot?” The tortoiseshell mews, casting a smile down at the little one before she glances up to Dandelionwish, giving her love a big grin. She remembers her little nephew telling her about the job Orangeblossom gave her, so she guesses that’s what she’s doing in here. She’s glad that at least Coffeekit is having fun with her assignment and tackling it with the eagerness that will make for a wonderful apprentice someday!