wc rebels YOU SAID YOU MADE ME [ waking up ]

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Her body ached, and every nerve felt as if it was on fire. Sluggish were blue eyes that opened, blinking away the minor coma her body had forced her into to be able to heal, without forethought of what was going on. She heard noises, smelled... she had never really been to Horseplace. Was that way hay, and horse, smelled like? She had barely caught traces of it on the wind yet, so the blurry vision of hay in her face- and the soft braying of distance horses, the idle chatter as cats moved around her, watched her.

After her injury, she had been barely conscious as she was carried across the moors. Sunstride's worried mutterings, Wolfsong's words in her ear telling her she'd be okay. Her eyes opened wider as thoughts came flooding back. The battle, camp blood-stained and full of it. Cats had... died over what Sootstar and her father had done. She knew that if she was alive, her attacker wasn't. Panic flooded her as her limbs felt heavy. She couldn't get up, she couldn't move, fear-scent evident as her ears lay back. Hummingbirdheart's cruel eyes were in hers everytime she closer her eyes, so her head lifting to snap around- something she regretted instantly.

A cry of pain left her as her still-healing face stretched the wound across it. Awareness came like sluggish punches- her left eye. She couldn't see out of it- while unbeknownst to her, it was covered in cobwebs, it added another layer of panic. "Papa. ðir- please-" Her breath was choked, a paw lifting to gingerly feel at her face. "Featherpaw? Bear- Sunlit- stars- where IS EVERYONE?" Her good eye turned, wild owl eyes staring out at Horseplace that she couldn't quite get a grip on seeing properly without her left eye.

Were her fathers alive? Was her siblings in one piece? Was Featherpaw- a hiccup left her, a choked back sob. The pain was bad enough, but the thought of losing any of them scared her to her bone.

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Redpaw had taken it upon himself to be of assistance to Wolfsong in regards to Rivepaw. Not far from his denmate came the fluttering rush of a feathery pelt and scattered hay. Dropping the bundle of wet moss he'd collected for the awakening she-cat from shock. Rivepaw's voice had stirred a flurry in his gut and sent him haphazardly sliding across the barn floors.

Sinking claws in for purchase as the ruddy apprentice managed to steady himself and look on with wide green eyes. Excitedly he cries back. Standing puffy-tailed before her. "Y-you're awake!" Relief melted across his face as well as sadness. "I'm so glad!" Despite his chipper tone there was an undercurrent of nerves. The reality of her circumstances couldn't be a nice one but he was grateful to be there for her none the less.

Softly, he spoke once more tone reassuring in nature. "Hey, hey It's okay. Just hang tight and let me get your parents." Making good on his promise Redpaw turned around and looked about. For good measure the small tom sucks in and yowls. "WOLFSONG! SUNSTRIDE! SHE'S AWAKE!" Trying his best to seek out the familiar pelts of said clanmates.

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──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── "Thank you, but there is no need to howl," Wolfsong tells Redpaw tiredly, his sole eye fixed on Rivepaw's panicked shifting. He has not roamed far from her in the short time they have spent sheltering at the Horseplace, with the exception of poking about for the few herbs which grow here. Redpaw's voice disturbs the headache that has built at his temples over the days. He should be overyjoyed to see his daughter awake, but as he takes her side and murmurs soothingly while grooming her head, he is much too weary; elation is exhausting, and he feels much like the deadened grass buried under the snow, wispy and dull. Relief staggers him, and it is short-lived. She is safe from her wounds, but at the fringe of WindClan's territory, at odds with so many clanmates— he cannot guarantee she will remain safe.

"Your father will come soon," he says lowly, adjusting some of the cobwebs and inhaling deeply. She has lost her kitten scent, he realizes. She smells of herbs and old blood and Wolfsong...he does not understand this grief. It makes a coward of him. "You will heal, Rivepaw. Your eye, as well— you will not resemble me so closely."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

Unlike Redpaw, Rattleheart had been trying to distract himself from Rivepaw's condition as much as possible. Not because of some vendetta against the girl or a lack of care for her, but because he cared for her. Wolfsong and Sunstride's poor daughter, suffering and far away as they all desperately hoped that she woke up sometime soon. Even though she was an apprentice, she was also still just a child. She had never deserved the extent of the injuries she had suffered from, and the tunneler hadn't felt a shred of remorse seeing Wolfsong rip Hummingbirdheart apart. She had deserved her fate, and it seemed that Starclan had been satisfied in trading one life for another - if Hummingbirdheart had even ended up in Starclan, which Rattleheart sincerely doubted.

Redpaw's yowling was enough to draw him over, so worried by the unusually frantic tone that he didn't even initially process the words that were being said. It was a relief when he found that Venomstrike's apprentice wasn't injured or panicking, but instead drawing attention to a newly awakened and bewildered Rivepaw. He found that he couldn't blame her, considering her entire world had been turned upside down in a matter of hours. So had the rest of theirs, but at least they had all been conscious for it. Wolfsong was already offering his daughter support, but the tunneler hoped that the soft smile on his face was enough to help in soothing her. "Hey, Rivepaw... it's a relief to see you awake. Like Wolfsong said, I'm sure your dad will be here in no time." He had no doubt that Sunstride would want to rush over as fast as possible once he heard that his daughter was alive, though his new duties as their de facto leader were probably keeping him from being over as quickly as he would've liked.

"Featherpaw is around here somewhere, I doubt she'll keep you waiting for long either." Rattleheart couldn't speak for her other siblings, considering he'd lost sight of them during the battle that had sent them all to the Horseplace. He really couldn't imagine any of the others turning against their own parents and other kin, but... he hadn't expected Rumblerain to take Sootstar's side either, so what did he know?

Worry coiled ceaselessly, an adder in her gut. Every now and then- a bit more often than sometimes- Featherpaw would find her attention drifting away from the important conversations of the warriors around her. Foolishly, because he had to prepare himself for the inevitable next step- it was an awful curse, this fretting.

Still, though- Rivepaw's state was fastened in an uncertain reality. Though Wolfsong was a medicine cat, Featherpaw knew none of the art of healing himself, and could not tell if his littermate would ever be cured. When a familiar loud voice pierced through the breeze like an eagle's cry, sharp owl-eyes found the source in a split-second.

His own name slipped from Rattleheart's maw- not far, and indeed he wasn't. He shoved past the warrior, scowling sternly at his injured sister. For a few long moments she simply looked- looked at the translucent webbing sprawled over Rivepaw's scratches, over her face. Wolfsong murmured reassurance- Featherpaw's golden glare glimmered with thoughtfulness, and for a moment it looked as if she might chastise her sibling with the twisting look of anger on her face.

"You were buh... buh... b-buh... brave." Featherpaw's pupils flicked over Rivepaw, a scrutinising scan. She nodded sharply- though her voice was uncharacteristically plush. She floundered for further words, unable to writhe toward anything more profound, as much as she wanted to. Maybe she was just too tired.

"I'm glad you're awake." Featherpaw wanted to wrench the childish wobble of relief from her voice.
✦ penned by pin
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It felt like blood was rushing in her ears- the roaring was loud, and it was hard to hear around, her vision still blurry. One of the first things she saw was Redpaw's eyes staring directly at hers, ears perking and twisting towards the other apprentice. Well, Redpaw was alive, right? That was a good thing, so far. It meant someone besides herself had survived. Panic was still threatening to consume and overwhelm her.

And slowly, she began to think- the scents that were still sharp on her nose, Redpaw was here but... she smelled Wolfsong, and she smelled others. Her head turned and swung, reassurance from the other not going unheard. "I-" Her vision finally pinned upon her ðir, not long after his soft grooming began, and her heartrate slowed gently, golden pelt dulled by wear and bone-aching exhaustion. She could almost scent it upon him, but he was... his presence was reassuring, at the very least.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to... get hurt." She whispered softly, as if no one else was watching on. And for a moment, it didn't matter. "Is everyone else okay? Papa and my siblings? What of the clan?" Rivepaw's words were everything and nothing, for she knew not but wanted to know all. Her vision shifted and turned towards Rattleheart, hearing his approach. . She offered a tiny smile, heartrate gently slowly. "It's okay. Thank you."

Rivepaw didn't feel like herself. Words in her mouth felt like sand on a rocky hill, and it was strange tasting. Vision shifted to the movement she barely could pick apart, optics settling on Featherpaw. Another breath of relief left her, ears lowering- relaxing into her nest. She just needed to see her Papa to know everything was ship-shape, then maybe she could sleep again. She felt tired, and she was half-way sure that Featherpaw... did she just hallucinate that? Rivepaw sat up a little bit again.

".. Thank you- and.. I'm glad you're here." Rivepaw said, her words tenative. Featherpaw and herself did not... discuss these kinds of things. Rivepaw hadn't had a heart to heart since she was a young kit, and even then, she could barely remember that. Her eyes shifted around, and finally, she inhaled and asked- "What happened?"

Rivepaw is awake. Scorchpaw had lost sight of Wolfsong and Sunstride's brood in the fray, but as they'd all traveled back to Horseplace she'd seen the chocolate and cream girl limp in her father's jaws and it had sent such a chill through her. She should have borne those wounds — she is again reminded of the way she had simply found Luckypaw and ran. It could not have been cowardice, for she'd faced challenges one thousand times harder than a simple battle; she convinces herself she was smart to run, to not engage. But Rivepaw is only a child. She should not be made to suffer for Scorchpaw's mistake. If only she had engaged Hummingbirdheart, instead, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if she'd just found Rumblerain and talked to them....

But all of her wishes and all of her guilt do not heal Rivepaw's wounds any faster. She can only feel relief that the younger apprentice is awake, and though she bears gut-wrenching wounds, it seems that Wolfsong's medicine is working enough to keep her relatively calm on top of it all. As Rivepaw spouts questions, Scorchpaw finds herself wishing she could answer them more fully — but really, it had all happened so fast. "Sunstride is okay." She can at least reassure that much. But Sunlitpaw, Bearpaw, Singedpaw... where were they? Scorchpaw had lost track of them long before she'd stepped paw in this barn. "The Clan...." She trails off uncomfortably, sticking to Rattleheart's side as if to look for guidance. Briefly she looks to him, then back to Rivepaw. "... those of us who trust in Sunstride are here." The rest were not. It is maybe not that simple, but it is the best way Scorchpaw knows how to put it.

As for what happened? Black lips purse; she is still struggling to understand it herself. Sunstride had returned the ShadowClan kits — rightfully so — and then all Hell had broken loose, as if Sootstar could command its forces with her fury alone, some drum major of an evil band. Maybe she should be more gentle, but Scorchpaw feels suddenly assailed by all of the wrongs Sootstar has ever committed; by Badgermoon's exile, by the stealing of Smogmaw's kits, by the way she had taken her own littermate from her. Scorchpaw's muzzle wrinkles with her own anger. She had damned her father in Sootstar's name, had felt so much grief on that journey for the sake of being Sootstar's perfect WindClanner.... And for what?

"Sootstar damned them all," she murmurs, white-tipped ears flicking in her agitation. Downypaw. Thriftfeather. Rumblerain. They... they were all as good as dead, weren't they? Then, louder so that Rivepaw could hear her, "Sootstar drove us away for doing the right thing. But... we'll be back home again, someday." She has to believe that. She doesn't think she can spend another moon and a half away from the moorlands — though, as long as she has her family (or most of her family), she might be able to get by.

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    scorchkit . scorchpaw
    — she/they ; apprentice of windclan
    — short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white and orange/yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — signature by dreamydoggo, template art by sixbane
    — penned by meghan
"Rivepaw," the warrior breathes, a weight lifted and dropped to earth. Like his heart, Sunstride had not strayed far from Rivepaw's nest in the days that followed their arrival. There was much to be done, and he would do it, yet in the moments of rest he would always find himself here, alongside Wolfsong, in silent wait. It reminded him of the time he had spent at his mate's own side, many moons ago. The loss of his eye and all that ensued alongside it left him weak then. They remained close. His father wove grand stories around them both to keep them entertained. Rivepaw is not even alive enough to bear that. It worries him more than he has the words to express. Quietly he sinks to his belly near her nest, looking at the others gathered with silent appreciation and relief. His silence will not last long.

Time and time again he had heard assurances that she would be well. That it will not be as bad as Wolfsong's injury had been; that he would not lose her. That his mate would not again lose a fire-bellied cat with a heart too full of love for her family. He lowers his chin to rest upon the golden tom's paw and beckons Featherpaw closer. "Scorchpaw is right. This will not be our home for long. We carried you here with the others; many good warriors followed, though many others remain. We will reclaim our home with time. For now, you must regain your strength. This will not be the last of your battles." Something wobbles within his belly. Like his sire before him, fatherhood made a coward of a warrior.

  • OOC.
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

The relief welling in his chest was far too static to be dampened by Wolfsong's less than enthused remark. Redpaw's tail waved high as the urge to bounce in place overwhelmed his earlier desire to nap for a hundred days. "Sorry..." The apology is half hearted at best but none the less genuine. Following after the weary Medicine cat he pauses a step or two behind to allow them both their space. Despite the desire to cry out all of his worries the smaller Windclanner attempted to respect the need for quiet while Wolfsong worked. A familiar scent of wildflower improved this desire as did the news of Rivepaw's eye injury being benign.

Unaware of it until now Redpaw had been holding his breath far longer than necessary and was happy to exhale. Physically deflating he chimed in with a loud whisper. "Thank the stars!" Leaning back he aimed to brush against Rattleheart's side. Searching for stability and much needed comfort in their older friend. Long feathery tail wrapping about his paws protectively as their bright green eyes watered. Featherpaw's arrival did not go unnoticed and her wobbly praise was heartwarming. Tugging several heartstrings within the restless burgundy cat. Rivepaw's disorientation seemed clear as day to the paw and his brows furrowed with concern.

He wouldn't dare doubt her father's observation nor a Medicine Cat's skills but he couldn't control the never ending worry. Each question rolled out from the chocolate tabby felt like fresh wounds. The loss of his best friend still open and gaping in the tom's soul. Noting the golden deputy's addition to the crowd his emotions began to take hold. Gritting their fangs together he stayed decisively quiet. Appreciative of Scorchpaw's explanation and Sunstride's reassurance. Shame coiled within them at the fact he'd been so focused on one cat. So much so they hadn't even thought to keep an eye out for their other denmates. Had I taken the time to think about anyone but myself maybe he wouldn't of gone down that path... I could've protected Rivepaw... I-

At last the tears dribbled as remorse strangled them into complete silence. Holding back the desire to shake he sucked in a pitiable sound. Breathing ragged as a new sensation pooled within the maelstrom. Rage. Sunstride's gentle moment was the only thing keeping the barrage of curses at bay. He wanted to throttle Sootstar. Make her grovel and beg for mercy as she had demanded of others. See the fear flash within the ashen she-cats cold glare as it had in his own. Redpaw squeezed his eyes shut and willed the tears to cease. Once his shuddering ceased the apprentice felt a touch better. Looking at the family he knew it was time to tough up.

After a few heartbeats they spoke up once more. "A-are you hungry?" Eager for a distraction and to refocus on what really mattered he was prepared to grab a few morsels. There was a time and place for revenge and it was not now.