you will hide from everyone ] phase iv, hunting


how i hate you.
Aug 4, 2024
The wind howls through the forest, whipping snowflakes into a frenzy that stings against Howlpaw's fur. Its paws sink into the deep drifts with every step, leaving an uneven trail behind it. The cold bites at its nose and claws at its ears, but it presses on, amber eyes narrowed against the storm. Each inhale fills its chest with icy air, but Howlpaw forces itself to keep moving, determination etched into its every step. Prey feels impossible to find in this blizzard, but it refuses to return empty-pawed. It casts a glance at the shadowy figure of Tigerwing somewhere behind it—a reminder that this is not a lone hunt, even if it feels that way in the isolating roar of the wind.

Howlpaw's ears twitch, straining to catch even the faintest sound beneath the relentless storm. The usual scents of the forest are buried under layers of snow, making it rely on every ounce of instinct it has. It stalks forward carefully, claws unsheathing in anticipation. Each step is deliberate, careful not to disturb the fragile blanket of snow more than necessary. Then—there. A faint movement catches its eye near the base of a gnarled bush, half-buried in frost. Howlpaw freezes, its body lowering instinctively, and it squints to confirm the faint quiver of fur through the white haze. A shrew. The creature is small, barely a mouthful, but it's there, alive and tangible. Prey.

Howlpaw's heart pounds as it creeps closer, every muscle coiled tight despite the numbing cold. Its claws unsheathe fully now, ready to strike. The shrew moves again, pawing at the snow in search of its own meager meal. The moment it stills, Howlpaw lunges. Its strike is swift, precise—a flash of claws and fangs in the swirling snow. The shrew falls limp beneath its paws. Howlpaw stands over it, breathing heavily, the warmth of the kill seeping faintly into its pads even as the cold threatens to steal the feeling from them entirely. It lifts the tiny creature carefully in its jaws, a flicker of pride warming its chest despite the freezing air. The storm rages on around it, but Howlpaw stands firm, amber eyes scanning for Tigerwing's figure in the snow. It may be a small victory, but out here, in this blizzard, even small victories mean survival.

[ rolled a 16 for no encounter, 11 to catch prey, and a 1 for size ]
[ @tigerwing mentor tag ]​
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the wind buffets her ears, making communication null. still, the patrol pushes on, desperate to have something to prove their efforts. with the snow coming down and her nose rendered useless from the cold, nightbird comes up with nothing despite a frosty twinge to her ears. she shakes her head, presses them down to her skull to try and give some warmth.

"this is ridiculous," nightbird mutters under her breath, shaking the snow off of a paw to grapple at the tattered ears she could no longer feel. they couldn't return with only a shrew. storm or not, thunderclan needed to be fed. with a huff, the lead warrior turns to look somewhere else for a catch.
  • ooc ↛ rolled 3 for nothing, got FROSTBITE!!!!
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 38 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The blizzard tears at Stormywing's fur with relentless claws, each gust of wind colder than the last. Her paws sink deep into the snow, the icy dampness creeping into her pads until they feel like blocks of ice. She presses on, her narrowed gaze darting through the white chaos as she struggles to make sense of the shapeless terrain around her. She knows Coltpaw is somewhere nearby - she can hear his grunts of effort and catch fleeting glimpses of his pelt through the swirling snow - but any sense of scent or sound beyond that is buried beneath the storm's fury.

She forces herself forward, trying to ignore the aching numbness spreading through her paws and tail. We have to find something. The thought is a mantra, keeping her going even as doubt creeps in. The snow has silenced the forest entirely, making the idea of prey feel almost laughable. Still, the warrior knows they can't return empty-pawed. Not when ThunderClan needs every scrap of fresh-kill it can get. Nightbird's words reach her faintly through the wind, and she turns her head just enough to catch the older she-cat shaking snow off her ears. "You're right," Stormywing calls hoarsely against the howl of the wind. She doesn't want to admit it, but the blizzard is making her doubt their mission too. Still, she grits her teeth. "But I'll try over there!" She jerks her head toward a cluster of snow-laden bushes, her breath coming in visible puffs. Without waiting for a reply, she trudges off, signaling for Coltpaw to stay close.

She lowers her muzzle, trying to detect even the faintest scent beneath the heavy layers of frost. Her claws dig into the snow as she paws at the frozen earth, desperate for any trace of prey. But there's nothing, just more ice. Her numbing tail lashes with frustration as her limbs grow stiffer by the moment. The cold feels like it's creeping into her very bones now. She's getting sluggish, clumsy. But the lithe tabby shakes her head to clear the fog creeping into her mind. Keep moving. Keep trying.

But the storm has other plans. A particularly brutal gust sends her stumbling, and she catches herself just before she falls. She grits her teeth, feeling a sharp sting in her paws as the frost takes hold. Her ears feel raw, and every breath burns her throat, but she refuses to stop. Raising her head, she rapidly blinks snow from her lashes. Her body trembles with the effort of staying upright, but she forces herself to keep searching, even as her paws begin to ache with a deeper, more dangerous chill. She'll push herself until she finds something - or until the storm itself forces her back. No prey, no victory. Just keep moving.

// rolled a 9 for no prey, and a 7 for frostbite

Cold. Tigerwing trained in this season, when the leaves were all but gone, when white was all that one could see, but it didn't make it easier as she moved through the falling snow and squinted to try to see past the flurry of the blizzard.

She couldn't do well, keeping past the cold with hardly any fur, but she trudged after her apprentice anyways- determined to bring home prey for hungry bellies. Green eyes flickered, a smile tugging her lips as she watched howlpaw crouch before diving forward, a shrew hanging from its lips moments later.

They would have to persevere. Even she felt the rumble in her belly, but she ignored it. Others needed to eat. Others needed it more- and though the shrew made her whiskers twitch, and her tongue lap at dry lips, she shook the floof of her head, green eyes bright and forward.

"Good catch, howlpaw!" She called through the storm, shaking the snow off of her shoulders, before following along despite the cold biting at her pelt.

Her gaze turns, noticing the blue and white of stormywing and the darkness of nightbird, their forms turning- but stormywing is struggling and her ears flatten backwards. Her gaze back to the young apprentice, and she chews on her cheek. We must go forward, she thought, but it was surely cold and even she wanted to give into the storm that battled them in their hunt.

She moved through the snow, each step feeling heavy, before coming to Stormywings side, pressing herself to try to support the other warrior side, eyes filled with worry.

17 healthy- but no prey! //
the wind hurts, the snow soaks her to the bones, and her chest hurts. she thinks about her warm nest in twolegplace, it stings more than the wind pressing against her chest. leafhusk doesn't mentally punish herself for thinking of blasphemy, because in the end, you need something to think about while you're out here.

she can see her clanmates, their dark pelts a contrast against the raging blizzard. her eyes miss stormywing a few times, but as long as tigerwing lingers near her, she won't forget when they eventually turn around. the lead warrior quickly shuffles away, swearing mentally that she found a scent trail. leafhusk's body leaps forward, landing awkwardly atop a mouse that she quickly finishes off. she sighs in relief, but it's strained and hoarse. it's picked up, and she pads back to the rest of the patrol.

"is that all?" leafhusk croaks, then catches herself with a dismissive shake of her head. "sorry– but we should head back."

whitecough & small prey catch. +1 mouse

Dark paws follow through the undergrowth of the frozen - over forest, the cold stinging his paws as he slinks near the hunting patrol. Narrowed gaze flicks to the warriors, as the wind presses against his chest as he pushes forward. The faux tortoiseshell avoids stepping on anything crunchy with the cold settling over him like a cloak. He couldn't really afford to lose any prey he comes across. Lifting his head up with large feathered ears perked up to listen to any shuffling prey near. He splits off from the group with a grunt leaving him.

The apprentice feels his tail twitch, with knitted brows he weaves his way through bushes, maw parted to catch a scent. Waiting a few minutes, he caught the scent of vole. Perfect. He slips into a crouch with the frost stinging him on his underbelly, pulling him across leaves. Mere tail - lengths away from the vole, he shifts closer until... He leaps forward with claws extended, ivory claws touching down on the rodent. Thrusting his head down to act the killing blow. He grunts, ear flicking as he picks up his prize with a sweep of his tail. Deerpaw shivers with a frown planted on his face, grasping the vole in is jaws he returns to the patrol with his head low.
  • ooc. rolled a 10, got frostbite & 5 for vole
    POINTS: 1
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( I-I CAN'T H-HANDLE IT! ) ˚₊‧ ♰ ‧₊˚ DEERPAW. ╱ thunderclan apprentice
    homosexual, ace / not actively looking — mentoring none.
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortoiseshell tom with low white and hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, 4d4344" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like mud &. damp earth musk
    all opinions are ic! he's morbid and he sucks </3

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
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Ivorypaw sinks up to her belly in snow; her ears fold back against her skull as she faces the storm head-on. Is her nose going numb? She swears the tips of her paws must be; she's been trudging through leafbare slush with her patrol for what feels like moons. Her teeth chatter haphazardly, though she tries to still her jaws. Howlpaw's bristling dark coat is tipped with frost and gray light; she can just see its profile and the shrew dangling from its jaws.

Howlpaw's success does not spread. Deerpaw seems to have found something, though Ivorypaw can hardly see what it is through the stormy gloom. Leafhusk, too, parts with a mouse less than half the size of her paws... the rest of them taste the air over and over and snort with failure.

Ivorypaw lifts a paw to her reddened nose. She feels a sneeze coming on. "I - I think I should go back," she mumbles. She's not feeling well enough to continue, she doesn't think...

  • ooc: rolled a 2 (no prey) and then a 14 for whitecough
    mentor tag @PALEFIRE
  • Adora . Ivorykit . Ivorypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 9 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by Palefire ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan apprentice. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Palefire never liked the cold. Apart from the obvious reasons, the illness and hunger and inability to get warm; she also hated how impossible the weather made it for her to stay neat and tidy. Her fur was constantly a mess these days, her paws muddy and nearly always frozen. This would be her second leafbare, and somehow this season felt even harder than the last. Perhaps it was everything they had already endured, or perhaps it was the look of hunger and exhaustion in her apprentices' eyes. Either way, she counted the very seconds until this blizzard finally passed.

The rest of the patrol seemed to be having poor luck in the blinding snow, and she couldn't blame them. It was becoming impossible to see anything more than a tail-length in front of them. A few small morsels of prey were better than none, but it would do nothing to keep their newly-bursting nursery from starving. Ivorypaw's shaking voice pulled her squinted gaze away from the horizon, her pawsteps pausing at the girl's shivering. Concern furrowed the young warrior's brow, and she nodded in agreement. "You don't look too good, kid," she murmured gently. Perhaps they should just give up and turn around...

Just as the thought crossed her mind, a blurr of grey fur darted past in her peripherals. Instinct kicked in, and Palefire turned on her heels to spot a scrawny hare sprinting away from them. Her hind paws immediately dug into the ground, kicking up powdery snow behind her as she launched after the oversized rodent. Her lungs burned as she panted in the frigid air, her muscles already burning from the weeks of malnourishment. But after a harrowing chase that felt as though it would never end, the lynx-point managed to manoeuvre close enough to pounce. Her teeth sank gloriously into the hare's nape, her mouth watering as coppery blood flooded her tongue. She made quick work of finishing the kill, her prey's limp legs dragging a trail in the snow as she hauled it back to her group. At least they won't all go hungry tonight.

  • [ rolled a 15 & 18 for large prey, 5 for chills / apprentice tags @Meadowpaw @/ivorypaw ]
  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 21 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.