sensitive topics YOU WORRY ME ✦ RETURN

Mar 30, 2023
Orchidbloom entered the fight with everything intact, entered the fight wanting to go home, entered the fight protecting their leader. Orchidbloom left the fight without their left eye, a gaping wound of something that once was, left the fight numb, left the fight with less dignity, grace than they entered with. They should have hung back, chased them out once they retreated. Now they lack an eye because of their stupid selfless behavior. It could have gotten them killed, it could still get them killed if infection set in. Their whole left side of their face is marred with the mark of a Windclanner.

These wounds should be of someone glorious in battle. Orchidbloom did nothing more than cower behind their leader after the first slash.

They're ushered home. Smogmaw props them up on his side, helps them home. Their head spins around and around and around and around and everything around them is nothing more than blurry little pictures.

"My mate. My mate," they rasp, cringing at the taste of blood in their mouth. Where is Raggedbite? They ignore any on-lookers (not that she could really see them through the blurred vision from the pain), stumbling away from Smogmaws side to sniff at the ground. "R-Raggedbite, someone get-" they cringe once more, a new, sharp stabbing-pain in their head bringing them to the ground. A migraine, or maybe a side-effect from their eye being ripped out. That'd do it. They want to go to bed. They're so, so tired. They want their nest, long to curl up in to a gray flank that would protect them for the rest of their life. They'd never want to leave if they had the choice.

Windclanners. Cowards, the lot of them; she cannot muster any other feeling up besides disgusted contempt with herself. She should have hung back. She shouldn't have jumped in.

  • obligatory medicine cat tag @Starlingheart | takes place directly after this (windclan trespassers)
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 15 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
Sharpshadow is there to meet the sad procession that makes its way back to camp. Orchidbloom calls out weakly, a stomach - churning, bloody gash sitting where her eye should be. It isn't... really new, but annoyingly, these things did not get less disconcerting the more often they happen. Sharpshadow's gaze sweeps over the patrol. There's always danger, it's just a matter of which it was, this time. Her gaze finds Smogmaw, but she asks them all with a regretful dryness. " ...What happened? " his shoulders sag.

He doesn't stick around for the answer. It's an impulse, more than an actual question. Getting Starlingheart is more important than hearing the answer. ...It's more important than fetching Orchidblooms mate, too. Sharpshadow stomps down a twinge of guilt as she turns to fetch the medicine cat. It was more important that her life could be saved that anything else, wasn't it. ...someone else would find Raggedbite for her. Silently as his name, Sharpshadow slips away.

OOC: mobile post! gone to fetch starlingheart
they are so angry they think that they could explode with it. they usually like to keep a lid on all of thst festering anger but they can't. they won't. windclan would pay for this. windclan would pay for having taken an eye from one of their warrior. this deed simply must not go unpunished. it would not. they lash their tail back and forth as they grit their teeth, taking a few breaths in and out before pressing against the warrior, gently moving to lick at the fur against their ears.

"easy, orchidbloom. i'll make sure raggedbite meets you in the medicine cat den, alright? he's on patrol but he'll be back. just take it easy. lean against me."

they murmured softly. why did she do that? why did she try to save the one cat that could afford to die more than anything? guilt eats away at them. they would get revenge for her. an eye for an eye. an eye. for an eye.

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

It is both a blessing and a curse that Starlingheart is well versed in her role. She wishes she wasn't, because experience came at the cost of suffering, of pain followed by being cooped up in the medicine cat's den for days on end while you waited for your wounds to heal. Most did not like the feeling, they fought her nearly every day, tried her seemingly endless patience when the more antsy patients would not stop fiddling with their dressings. There is one thing that she cannot stand and that is the waste of her herbs, of which she has so precious few. She sorts through them now, taking the rotted out from the fresh, checking and rechecking. It is an endless task, one that she occupies herself with nearly every day. She could not afford to have one bad herb ruin her entire stock, after all.

Sharpshadow enters her den and immediately she can tell what's wrong based on the look she wears upon her face. She does not even have to ask or be told, she can smell the metallic tang of blood in the air. Instantly she is on her paws, grabbing her bundle of herbs she keeps for an emergency and headed right out the mouth of her den. "Oh.." she breathes, eye clouded with sympathy upon seeing the state of Forestshade's prior apprentice. She does not allow it to delay her for long though, her paws are swift to carry her the rest of the way, to quickly press cobwebs against the socket where an eye should be. "I'll-I'll treat you here and then we'll find you a nest in my den hmmm? Your mate can-can visit you whenever." she murmurs in a soft voice as she works, trying to distract the warrior from the pain that is no doubt pounding through her skull. With one paw, she scoops up a couple of dandelion seeds and holds them up to their mouth "Here love eat-eat these. It'll help with the pain."

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  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
The patrol who'd gone to the WindClan border returns with torn, ragged pelts, with limps. Orchidbloom's face is completely ravaged, one eye socket vacant and weeping blood. The scent is everywhere, unavoidable. Marblekit freezes near Starlingheart's den, her heart beginning to pound. She's seen injury before—has seen this injury, to Chilledstar after they'd rescued Gigglekit—but somehow, this is different. In less than a quarter-moon, Marblekit would be expected to assist with wounds like this; Orchidbloom's life would be put into her growing paws.

It's horrible, what WindClan did to her. Marblekit fights the urge to cryout, especially when she sees the glint of sympathy shine from Starlingheart's single green eye.

She swallows thickly against her fear, forcing the risen fur to flatten on her shoulders. "Aunt Starlingheart? I'll... I'll help however you need me to," she forces herself to say, even though the words are thick and stick to her tongue.

  • ooc:
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  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

Everything seems to happen all at once. One second the camp is peaceful, cats basking in what little sunlight they could get within the camp from a long day's work, the next there is the thick metallic scent of blood, the rushing of paws and the rasp of a voice asking for a loved one. Loomingpaw's eyes widened at the scene, shocked into silence and statue-esque stillness before she found herself moving from her spot, moving out of the way and turning so that she could move once more if her new spot was needed.

They had been out on a patrol towards a border, the multicolored moggie knew this, she remembered this from patrols being passed around, but she couldn't remember which border, couldn't figure out what had happened other than a fight and she couldn't tell if the patrol had been truly victorious or not. "I'll wait near the entrance, get him in there as soon as he comes back." Quick words would leave her maw in response to Chilledstar informing Orchidbloom of where Raggedbite was, a way for her to be helpful, a way for her to get away from the scent of herbs that came quickly in times like this.

Eyes flick to Starlingheart then, emerging from her den so quickly after Sharpshadow had retrieved her before they flicked to herbs carried in her maw and a small voice rings out asking to help. Though Loomingpaw wanted to usher Marblekit away and move her towards the nursery it wasn't her place - she wasn't kin nor was she in charge - and so silently she'd move towards the entrance of the camp waiting for a cat to come home.

  • -- quick in and out unless stopped ~
  • : ̗̀➛ sh lilac/blue smoke chimera w/low white & sectoral heterochromia
    : ̗̀➛ 10 moons old, ages realistically every 25th
    : ̗̀➛ bisexual biromantic; many puppy crushes; interested in none
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to shadowclan
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights outside of clan
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
The smell of blood is grimacingly familiar, and Primrosejaw, veteran of facial wounds, is quick to pad over with lumbering steps that splatter mud up her forelegs. The gaping wound carved down Orchidbloom's face, cleaving it in halves—well and sick, clean and bloody, before and after—is of the variety she's intimately familiar with, what with her own splintered muzzle, the halo of scar tissue that would seem to seal her lips ( although that's wholly an issue of the mind ). The heavy throbbing ache in the clicking join of her jaw is a pale mimicry of what Orchidbloom must be feeling, she knows; but she isn't Starlingheart, and her helplessness is paralyzing—she has no reassurances, no soft - voiced soothing to offer, and so without a job to do, she is small in the face of this great tragedy.

Luckily, Sharpshadow handles it with the quick instinctive strike that is what makes the chimera qualified where Primrosejaw is not. Starlingheart is fetched double - time, pressing bandages and proferring medicines with capable paws; the she - cat watches with a vague sort of wonder, half - misted in the shrouding mysticism of the black - and - white healer's talents. Curled ears twitch in unspoken acknowledgement of Chilledstar's words, the warrior hurriedly shifting away from Marblekit's thick - spoken offerings of help, pale eyes widening tearily against the half - shadowed sun.

Loomingpaw's offer to get Raggedbite at the entrance awakens her from her reverie and she clasps the task in bare - clawed paws like a lifeline, disappearing after the apprentice with the soft thump of an eel - tail and a painfully rasped promise, " I'll head out and see if I can catch him. "

" speech "