border MY PASSION PRECEDES ME — trespassers

Her mouth still tastes slimy and foul from the last time she'd crossed ShadowClan's border; her pelt still bears scratches from the tortoiseshell warrior's claws. Yet, the marsh teems with life; frogs' croaking stirs from the reeds across the Thunderpath like thunder in the belly of a storm. Their own territory is still scorched beyond recognition, still left tarnished and blackened by the flames. ShadowClan had plenty of carrion to eat—they would not miss a few frogs, she thinks to herself.

Bluefrost lifts her tail to signal to her patrol to halt at the edge of the asphalt; she turns to Brackenpaw, her eyes narrow, serious. "This is the Thunderpath, if you remember," she mews, her nose bridge wrinkling at the scent, the feel of it underpaw. There are no tremors, no distant booms, but she remains alert nonetheless. "You cross this when I say go, understood? You look both ways, and you do not hesitate."

She exhales, then mews, "Go!" She scrambles over the ridged surface of the Thunderpath until her paws are in marshy territory. Mud squishes between her toes, and she's reminded of her mother, borne from these mires, bred in their shadowy depths. Her eyes narrow. For you, WindClan. "Keep quiet. We'll hunt quickly, then leave."

  • ooc: please wait for at least 2 of @Brackenpaw @Firefang @sparkspirit
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

How had it felt to his own mentor, having someone so young at his heels? It was the way of things, he knows, but each time he glances back at Lakepaw behind him there is a jarring realization that this cat looks to him for answers in everything, and that he's not entirely sure he has them. Weaselclaw had always seemed to certain. Were his doubts tucked away and hidden? Or was he truly as strong as Sparkpaw had always thought him to be? The thought only serves to highlight his own shortcomings. He has done what he can to make everyone proud. No longer does his lineage carry the dead weight of traitor names. They had been cleansed of all wrongdoing in their stand against Sootstar. They were right. At times he nearly misses the suspicion.

Each set of narrow eyes had made him eager to prove himself, at least.

It felt something like this. The warrior jerks his head from Lakepaw to Bluefrost in a silent command to listen. "Monsters roam here," he whispers. "Always on the path. You'll hear them coming, and feel them." Bluefrost and Brackenpaw make it across safely, but he holds Lakepaw back. Pebbles along the side of the thunderpath begin to jitter in their places. A low roar builds in the distance. "Wait. Back up." Asking if his apprentice could feel it is useless– it roars into sight and past them with a gust of sickening wind across their faces, making Sparkspirit grimace and turn his head. "Go!" He follows his apprentice across at a sprint.

"It's different than WindClan." His voice low and panted with a mix of fear and exertion, he nudges Lakepaw forward. "Show me what you can do."

Not long after, his own ears catch onto something rustling in sparse grass, still blessedly close to the thunderpath (dangerous as such a place may be, it was still closer to home). Dropping to a low crouch, his tail flicking slowly behind him, Sparkspirit creeps forward and pounces in one swift motion. His paws slam down on the hint of motion and meet something which he fishes out with claws until his teeth can fit into its spine and snap. A lizard of some sort, not particularly big, but enough for a meal at least.

  • OOC. @Lakepaw. apprentice tag!
    —— a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"

ShadowClan, the clan of rot, the one where the cat's flesh was most likely a sickly green underneath all that fur. They weren't sure if they should be here, she wasn't experienced in hunting and she didn't know the territory. This was part of being an apprentice though, right? To follow their mentor no matter where they were led, she had to have some faith that Bluefrost knew what she was doing. They weren't going to showcase any doubt though, presenting themself with their usual youthful arrogance as they padded alongside the patrol.

With a desire to prove themself they stand at the Thunderpath, looking up at the patrol around them. Bluefrost's serious gaze was met with narrowed eyes in kind, a curt nod given. They'd heard stories about the Thunderpath, as a kit she thought it sentient, like it was going to get up and slither to the nursery to strangle them in her sleep. "Understood." They repeat, craning her head to look both ways as instructed.

The calico digs her paws into the ground, and as soon as the she-cat gives the command to go they charge forward. The mud feels like a cooling relief as she passes beyond the harsh gravel of the Thunderpath. The wet squelch was less than desirable, they couldn't help but grimace. Yet they swell with pride and adrenaline over the fact that she hadn't died while crossing, overcoming a childhood fantastical fear.

Staying close to her mentor, Brackenpaw sniffs at the air to try and find a scent. ShadowClan was new territory to her, they weren't going to be potentially caught out here without being in the presence of another warrior. They struggled to pick up the scent of anything so she decided to wait until given the all clear to venture forward a little further.

  • ooc. obligatory mobile posting mention in case the formatting looks funky
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

The anger that sparks so suddenly in Betonyfrost's chest is a familiar one. It feels like her jealousy—it says this is mine and it says you've stepped into a space that belongs to me. It isn't protectiveness that drives her forward in three ground eating bounds, her back arched higher than her wilted ears stand atop her head and her bristled tail lashing behind her. It isn't protectiveness, but it feels near enough that the outward effects can be mistaken as such.

Before her, a dark tortoiseshell pelt that can be almost mistaken for belonging to the marsh, if not for the awful stench of it. Betonyfrost nears another step, two. She is nothing but teeth.

"WindClan," She spits from a space deep within her throat, as if that single word is an insult on its own, "You'll drop that if you want to leave with your life."

It is an easy thing to mean in the moment. Under the gulf of her anger, Betonyfrost could mean anything she says. Another step closer—her tail lashes so harshly that the tip brushes against either of her flanks in turn. Even if the WindClanner does exactly as what Betonyfrost had said, there isn't a world in which this doesn't end in blood. Betonyfrost knows this; a pressure builds in her jaw that feels like want. With luck, this WindClanner will defy her.

//interacting with @sparkspirit >:}
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 33 moons | tags
they have never trusted windclan. at some point, maybe, they trusted sunstar to do the right thing but there is a moment where even that ends. is it now? they don't know. all they know about, right at this moment, is that windclan has made a mistake. a mistake that would cost medicine cats herbs, and some cats their pride. but it wouldn't be shadowclan. they had an advantage here. they know how to hunt in these lands. they know how to fight on these lands. they *know* these lands. windclanners do not. they are disadvantaged and absolutely idiotic– even by the standards of a windclanner. they appear out of the shadows from the trees by betonyfrost, growling lowly as their tail lashes back and forth.

"i've always known you windclanners to be stupid but not this stupid. seriously, you might want to leave before I send you right back to starclan."

threat, or belated promise? who knows. all they know is that they're claws are itching to dig into flesh and they will gladly kill a windclanner to keep their clan safe.

// open for interacts!

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Running across the thunderpath was a thrill, it makes adrenaline course through her veins and makes her remember that by Starclan she's alive! This was what she missed, taking risks for her clan doing what must be done and of course a part of her yearned for battle to feel fur underneath her claws and she knows that if they're lucky they'll come home unscathed with prey hanging in their jaws. But whatwas good for the clan and the patrol didn't correlate to what she wanted, she licks her lips as she slows down on the other side. "Hah, if we go unchallenged we should leave our mark right here, rub some dirt in the wound. Maybe they'll shrink back and just let us claim this territory as our own" she muses Bluefrost's way, it shouldn't be hard Shadowclanners were all talk and no bite.

She gets to it, staying close to the patrol and keeping her ears pricked for any sign of danger, they had apprentices with them, dead weight she'd like to claim they didn't have the moons of training she had at their age but this was the time for them to prove themselves. She stalks through the underbrush, cringing at the feeling of pine-needles underpaw and disliking the shade the trees casts on her. It was different then hunting in the moors and it's only luck that she stumbles across the trail of a bird that she quickly speeds towards -it's luck really she manages to catch it she kills it quickly. It was an odd looking thing, plump with a long bill and webbed feet, it was nothing like moor prey but better then finding a frog. She'd carry it back just in time for challengers to run up on them.

She grins beneath the plumage fluffed up against her maw, excitement pulses through her like flames through dry grass. The warrior that stands before them in not intimidating not in the slightest she has no bravado no presence, she drops her prey to her paws laughter bubbling out of her. "This Frogeater thinks she's somethin' huh? Why don't we show her she's nothin'" she licks the blood of her maw, her shoulders square and her hackles raise. If it weren't for the burn scars that mar her pelt it'd be hard to tell that barely more then a few days ago she'd still been resting. Her tail poofs up and begins to lash but she doesn't rush at this she-cat, she'd make good practice for the apprentices.

A real challenger comes to them, the biggest rat of the swamp! "Chilledstar" her purr is mocking "What an honor it'd be to take one of your lives" she wouldn't see Starclan today, but maybe they would if her jaws met their mark. Without hesitation she rushes forward she attempts to crash into @CHILLEDSTAR. hoping to unbalance them.

The undergrowth snaps, parts. The darkness sings with the carrion-forward stench of ShadowClan warriors, their eyes gleaming green and water-blue from the gray. "WindClan," a tabby she-cat spits, her gaze narrowed, hanging on Sparkspirit's pelt. "You'll drop that if you want to leave with your life." Bluefrost's mouth tightens—she steps forward, brushing her tail gently across Brackenpaw's forepaws as if to hold her in place. "ShadowClan." Her voice is flat, eyes slender in her chiseled face. "You were so eager to share before. I would not have thought you'd miss a few frogs."

A slender black shape lifts from the shadows, face blazed white and pink with faded scars. Chilledstar threatens them with a snarl in their voice. "I've always known you WindClanners to be stupid, but not this stupid," they say, and Firefang is quick on her paws, full-tilt. She crashes into the ShadowClan leader, and Bluefrost's tail whips behind her like silver wind. "WindClan needs this prey, and we will be taking it with us," she hisses, serpentine.

She drops into a crouch, then springs for the chest and shoulders of the tabby warrior with the frost-bitten ears. Her aim is to use her momentum to knock the ShadowClanner onto her back. If successful, Bluefrost will aim a scratch at her left cheek.

  • ooc: attacking @betonyfrost
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.


( 🍂 ) he is a charcoal shadow behind his sister, glowing ember eyes alight with the flame of anger. for too many moons has shadowclan been taken advantage of- windclan insults them time and time again for their good graces. the envy and distaste boil low in the tomcat's stomach as betonyfrost growls out her warning. chilledstar is soon to follow, hissing their own warning. does sunstar know about this? seems windclan's valiant new leader is no more than the lowly rogue he once was under sootstar's reign. bluefrost resembles the fallen tyrant too much for coincidence, and it seems she takes after her mother in personality too.

"so windclan has not changed," he notes, voice a deep rumble in his chest. firefang leaps for chilledstar, bluefrost finding betonyfrost in battle as well. springflame coils his muscles and lunges for the first prey stealer, whose lizard still swings in his jaws. "still the dishonorable monsters sootstar made you to be!" he growls this as he pushes forward, aiming to knock the dark tortoiseshell off of his paws. long thorn like claws rip down the soft underbelly of the young warrior, teeth flashing down to grip at sensitive skin.

  • // attacking @sparkspirit <33 "#8E3F1B"
  • 83001382_cBS4ucVFeIFBL8K.png
    a scrawny charcoal and white tabby with amber eyes thin and wiry, this boy is made of underdeveloped muscle and anxious energy. his pelt a mess of charcoal and ivory, with eyes a sunny amber.
Betonyfrost can so easily recall ShadowClan's own fire and the lean moons that had followed. She had been among those who had ventured into ThunderClan's territory, paws uncertain on the dry ground. It was different than this—ShadowClan had been owed a meal while WindClan had already taken far more than their share. There are countless things Betonyfrost thinks, half formed insults and far more tangible threats.

None of them leave her tongue.

Instead, the world tips backwards. The WindClanner that strikes her moves with the selfsame speed of a snake; Betonyfrost doesn't realize it is her that is crashing backwards until she feels the impact of mud against her spine and the familiar sting of claws against her face. A laugh bubbles out of her as she moves, loud to her own wilted ears, because at last she is justified in her unsheathed claws. Fear doesn't touch Betonyfrost, here.

Her paws shoot up in an attempt to grasp the WindClanner with unsheashed claws by her shoulders and, if successful, will attempt to roll the both of them in order to reverse their positions.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 33 moons | tags
Orchidbloom arrives on the scene right as the verbal abuse is throw towards the Shadowclanners, and then things go down. Chilledstar responds with a threat. Orchidbloom stands dumbly, not knowing what to do or say.

The black-pelted one seems to be eager for a fight, and then there it goes. What an honor it'd be to take one of your lives. And just like the spit-fired cat had wished for, the sun-touched feline launches at Chilledstar. She got her fight. One, two. Ba-dump. Their body fills with adrenaline and... Oh, why is their chest tight? Why does dread settle in to their stomach? Why do her eyes begin to sting?

And yet, before anything else... Their paws move before they can think. Their heart hammers so hard that they can swear their enemies can hear it. Their head is full, yet empty at the same time- fog clouds any coherent thing from getting through. They're scared. They're angry. They're pissed. They're gonna cry. This reminds them of the time they stood over the bleeding bodies of their former mentors children, tail lashing, scared- and yet ready to defend from the owl despite anything else. But this was different. Their head feels so heavy.

And then the fog lifts. Orchidbloom aims to bowl Firefang over, using their lanky form to try and grapple with the feline and bring her to the ground. Many thoughts run through her mind as they fly through the air, wind whipping nearly painfully against their fur from the amount of force they bunched up. What the hell am I doing? They only have one life. Chilledstar has multiple. Raggedbite expects them to come home. I'm going to die here.

What were they doing, truthfully? They can't fight. Raggedbite is waiting for them in their nest back at home. They'd lay on flowers tonight, like they always do, Orchidbloom an avid decorator of their nest. One life. One life. A petal is plucked from a flower, four more are left. it's like leaders, in a way. The stem. She is the stem, one claw taken too close and shes dead, in half. Why can't I ever be selfish?

  • // trying to intercept @Firefang
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 15 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
His heart takes on a quick beat, the racing thud of monstrous paws or the hoseplaces' beasts. His ears are pinned, his pupils wide. And around the lizard he had caught, Sparkspirit's jaws notably do not loosen. Glimmering teeth frame his stolen catch. His mind again wanders to whether or not anyone would be proud of this. They would do what needed to be done. However disgusting, however wrong, however evil as these ShadowClanners are so intent on calling it, his clan would not be allowed to suffer and starve. And so when his clanmates choose to defend their catches, Sparkspirit is right alongside them. Had he any room in his mouth, perhaps the tomcat would have returned the witty banter, or warned Lakepaw to stay back. He does neither of these things. Instead, Sparkspirit meets Springflame head on, rolling through where he had been tossed and sucking in a breath where claws graze his stomach.

The lizard tastes funny in his mouth. He's clenched down harder so as not to lose it.

The teeth just barely miss their mark, and the warrior answers by lashing out his hind limbs towards where the warrior stood before he scrambles to his paws again. Dirt and mud cling to his pelt. Thorn-sharp ridges part through his fur. He looks every bit a menace, so why not act like it? With great effort, Sparkspirit upheaves a clump of mud and sends it in a spraying arc towards the ShadowClanner. Likely not lucky enough to blind them, but at least it could be an inconvenience.

  • OOC.
    —— a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"
*+:。.。 The last time he had stood on Windclan's border, he'd gotten his ass thoroughly kicked. You'd think after an event like that, Singepaw would hold space for fear. Trauma is the body's archaic response to avoid the same thing happening twice, isn't it? Not for the boy singed in fire. He scrambles after Orchidbloom, like them catching the tail end of the dialogue as he arrives. An excitement that practically burns his insides fills him to the teeth. "You tell 'em Chilledstar!" the boy cheers, teeth bared and spiky fur bristling all the spikier. No sooner does an ugly black tabby open her stupid mouth does chaos finally erupt.

And Singepaw is ready for it.

"Get ready to regret bein' alive!" the boy shouts, invigorated as he charges into the fray. The bite scars beneath his chin itch as he runs, but the memories only serve to fuel his determination. It's been a while since he'd almost died by the thunderpath - it's time he had his chance to prove his loyalty. He spots an easy foe in @Brackenpaw and, without hesitance, aims to lunge forth, trying to crash into her and hopefully bowl her over.

It's only after doing this that he remembers Halfpaw's and Snowpaw's instructions. Shit. As quickly as he hits her, whether he succeeds or not, Singepaw tries to just as swiftly, kick the girl away , wanting to put some distance between them once more before she - hopefully - has a chance to hit back. He doubts he'll be that lucky, so he braces for the counter-attack. "What happened? You grass-munchers can't survive on sticks and shit anymore?" Singepaw jeers as they struggle, " You honestly thought you guys could be a match for a real clan, did yah?"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]


While it was expected for some kind of fight to break out, it was another to bear witness to it. Chaos broke all around them and all the apprentice could do was stare, unsure of what to do. Bluefrost hadn't shown her anything beyond the scratch of the surface in simplicities. The most they learnt consistently was through group spars but that was amongst other inexperienced apprentices. Calculating olive eyes tried to intake the scene around them, to figure out how or who they could even help.

Thinking was a luxury that the calico couldn't afford, it seemed fate, working though a loud and obnoxious Shadowclanner wrapped in flames had different plans for her. As far as warriors went, she looked frail as most Windclanners were. It made sense to go for her, they felt like they stuck out like a sore thumb in this scenario.

The air is knocked out of her lungs as Singepaw crashes into her, he's successful in his goal. A small grunt escapes her as she scrapes the marsh below, it's not a difficult task to push herself back up. His goal of defence gives them ample time, the attempt at kicking her away is a narrowed miss. The lithe calico is just dexterous enough to duck away from it, she's aware of how close it was. That upset them more than any vitriol he was trying to spew towards her.

"Oh? And where's this real clan? It wouldn't be your joke of one."Brackenpaw bites back, venom in the words. The monster being let out of the cage as she could be given the opportunity to speak her mind. In fact, being nasty would be encouraged right? She thrived in that fact. "All I see is some low life, pathetic, and weak cat, are you really part of some real clan?" She snarls, tail thrashing behind her wildly.

"You have plenty of rotting waste to eat, you don't need that food." A low hiss is exchanged before charging forward, an unsheathed claw attempts to swipe at his left front leg. She hopes to hit the other apprentice, her swing full of the strength of a child who didn't know how to conserve her energy. While she was inexperienced a lot of rage was stored in that tiny body, she didn't know any fancy techniques just yet but they knew how to hurt and they knew that they wanted to.

  • ooc. Counter attacking @SINGEPAW
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

Her claws satisfyingly part the flesh and fur on the ShadowClan warrior's cheek. Blood spills, sleek and dark, from her face and into the marsh. Bluefrost's eyes gleam as she hovers over the she-cat. "Leave us be, and I won't hurt you further," she murmurs, as though she's cooing to a kit. But the breath becomes clotted in her throat as the tabby's claws shoot toward her shoulders and dig in. The momentum is enough to tip them over, so that Betonyfrost looms over Bluefrost instead of the other way around.

It had happened quickly, too quickly. Bluefrost snarls and attempts to use her hindlegs to batter Betonyfrost's belly and hopefully dislodge her. "Get off of me, ShadowClan filth!" She bares her teeth to their roots.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

Bluefrost is on her back, and within the span of a singular moment, Sparkspirit comes to a decision: this lizard, which had been worth fighting for, was not worth dying for. Through its odd, tough flesh, he snarls at Lakepaw, at Firefang, at any of the WindClanners who will listen and understand through his muffled grip: "Leave!" It should amuse StarClan that he holds onto his bad deeds so tightly. Perhaps if he had dropped it and begged clemency, StarClan would have forgiven him for all of it. But his clan was hungry, wrecked by the flames — if they could not find what they needed among the moors, did the other territories not owe them something? Why couldn't they take it, when everything had been taken from them so long ago?

Electric eyes are blazing, defiant, but he takes a few intentional steps away from his marshland opponent and back towards the thunderpath. A monster races by, its paws moving so quickly that it forces a breeze through his pelt. Wind-wrecked, Sparkspirit repeats it: "Go!" He attempts to push @Lakepaw. back the way they had come. Should the apprentice obey him, he passes the lizard to his maw and turns back towards the rest of the patrol.

  • OOC.
    —— a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"
  • Like
Reactions: Lakepaw.

A force tumbles her backwards, Firefangs savage yowl pierces the air as she's thrown back, her paw giving way beneath her weight. She squirms like a savage beast teeth snapping even as she catches her breath, her slitted pupils stare at her offender hoping it was someone worthy of her claws -but there was none more worthy then their leader was there? She stares at a young warrior, one without the marring of scars who clearly has not fought for her life like she had. It's almost laughable that a nobody pinned her to the ground but this warrior should know she was no easy prey. "You should've been a good little frog-licker and wait your damned turn!" she screeches in Orchidbloom's face, she'd make them regret this make sure they carried the memory of their loss for many seasons to come. Windclan would be successful their prey pile would be full and she'd have the honor of beating back Shadowrats in their own turf.

There's a intimacy to battle, there's nothing hidden no ulterior motivations no thought just claws clashing together and the desire for victory. She revels in it's simplicity, in the animalistic instincts that come so easily to her. They're close and even if Firefang is beneath this warrior she doesn't look afraid - doesn't reveal any vulnerability. Viciously her one fore-claw would rake up towards @orchidbloom 's face, she'd attempt to brutally slash at the left side of their face she didn't care where she hit rather it be their muzzle or below their eye she just cares about digging deep if her claws find purchase it was about causing pain more then anything else "This is Windclan's prey!" she'd hiss her hindlegs would attempt to batter at the others tummy as well, though with such thick fur it was unlikely her claws would have the chance to snag and tear against little more then fur

before chilledstar even has time to truly react, orchidbloom is taking the blow for them. it's pure luck but had she not, they truly would have been caught off guard. they don't know what she's doing but all they know is that theyre not gonna let her get hurt for them. with a rough growl, they aim to push orchidbloom off right before firefang could dig her claws into her. damn it! why couldn't, just this once, orchidbloom decide to think about herself! had they been success, they would stand protectively in front of the warrior, not saying a word towards her before looking at firefang.

"frogbrained fool! it is not nor will it ever be yours! now, leave!"

they'll be damned if they let a piss poor excuse of a clan cat ever take a life from them. and they were out numbered. it was not going to work our for any of them. they should have stopped while they were even slightly ahead. and saying they were ahead was an overstatement.

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
She's on her back, and enemies seem to circle them like vultures. Sparkspirit's hiss ruptures in her ear: "Leave!" She's loathe to agree, but he's right—dying here had not been her plan. She scrambles to her paws, her flanks heaving with effort. "WindClan," she snarls, drawing away from Betonyfrost's flashing claws, "Retreat! Brackenpaw, Firefang, Lakepaw!"

She gives her pelt a shake, feels the stagnant marsh air seep into the cuts she's received from her skirmish. Bluefrost's green eyes narrow and she snaps, "Take anything you have caught and run!" She sweeps her tail against the earth and turns, twisting her body away so she can flee her would-be annihilators.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

They roll on top of the moor-bitten feline, fur bristling, eyes wild with a spark of fear and determination. One life. They will return home. One life. They will lay in the nest that they share with their mate tonight, and they will talk about Windclans transgressions. The molly spits in their face, anger-fueled. Frog-licker, she calls them. They crack a bad-timed giggle.

Firefang swings and then pummels their stomach with claws, but the latter is something that she can barely feel.

Chilledstar rushes forwards but isn't fast enough to shove her out of the way. The fact that Orchidbloom is an inexperienced fighter will always be their downfall. Claws snag in to their skin and dig deep. Its so sudden, but there goes her eyesight. She stumbles backwards, shocked- bewildered, because it does not dawn on her at first. The world is drenched in sudden darkness from her left side. All of the sudden, they cannot think properly with the pain that begins to make their head spin. What is this? Her face is on fire. Am I dead? No. She can't be. Chilledstar ends up shouldering her backwards and she falls to her hindquarters on the ground.

Chilledstar snarls something in response.

Her face is numb. Am I… dying? She can't crane her neck to see past her mane, but red begins to drip down to meet ivory white. They blink, or at least try to and thats when the pain starts- at first they think they're crying, warm liquid sliding down their cheeks, until the red splotches grow bigger, its dripping from their chin. Theres only one logical choice to go with, with the lack of sight in her left eye and the pain that burns brighter than the sun above.

"My eye!" their voice cracks as they hiss, angry tears springing in their good one. They almost surge forth in blind anger, but their paws are rooted to the ground, cowering behind their leader. They hurt, they hurt! Stars, it hurts, it hurts so bad- they need Starlingheart, and a breath of relief escapes when the blue-pelted Windclanner calls for a retreat. She stares after them, angry, hurt, fearful for her future.

She does not doubt that Raggedbite will still love her the same when she comes home. She does not doubt that the world will go on... But around her, it feels like its all crumbling in to pieces. Shes scared. She wants to go home, but Stars above, the pain makes her almost slump in to the ground. I want Raggedbite.

  • rolled like a 92 on severity for the attack (goodbye eye <3) gg firefang
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 15 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff

Warmth. Blood. She wanted to hurt her, to make her pay for challenging them - for having the misfortune of being in the wrong clan. Something gushes against her claws, not the taut feeling of flesh grinding against her paw but something softer, her aim had been clumsy and violent; a mistake like this was bound to happen. Does she feel guilt? She stares up at her, she expects her to scream but the silence and shock that she's met with rattle her even more. As eager of a fighter Firefang was she'd never killed anybody yet. She'd hurt cats badly before, but not like this. This warrior would never be the same. She's no longer a threat, one well aimed scratch and she was dispatched left reeling backwards and unable to fight anymore. She wouldn't be a threat to Windclan. Firefang decides that she's not sorry. She wanted a fight, wanted to fight for her clan and she'd gotten that -because of her they may be able to get away without empty jaws if the rest of the Shadowclanners were as shocked as Orchidbloom was. She'd do it again, she would. She was taught to never show mercy, Sootstar had taught them all that and she wants to cling to the forgotten ways for some semblance of comfort.

Chilledstar is focusing on her, desperately trying to push her away but they'd been too late all they do is free Firefang from the weight of the warrior. Bluefrost's yowl for escape brings her back to her senses, she could think about what she's done when she returned to camp - and the consequences well she's sure they'd come inevitably. She'd meet them with the same ferocity as she had this time. Her teeth grit, her adrenaline competes with nausea she flips onto her paws and bolts for her catch - laying so innocuously on the ground unknowing of what it was witness too. She picks it up clenching it tight in her jaws. She only spares a single look behind her shoulder towards her clanmates and then briefly to Orchidbloom.

She'd threatened limbs and lives before - she'd scarred pelts, had ripped a bloody history with her own claws. This was no different, she'd just followed through with her threats - she wasn't just a barking dog anymore. Finally she bolts, running as hard as she can she figures it unlikely they'd catch them even if they gave chase even with the thunderpath as an obstacle no warrior of any other clan was as fleetfooted as a moorrunner. She doesn't even make sure if she has any pursuers, maybe it was cockiness or maybe she just didn't want to look back again.