Her mouth still tastes slimy and foul from the last time she'd crossed ShadowClan's border; her pelt still bears scratches from the tortoiseshell warrior's claws. Yet, the marsh teems with life; frogs' croaking stirs from the reeds across the Thunderpath like thunder in the belly of a storm. Their own territory is still scorched beyond recognition, still left tarnished and blackened by the flames. ShadowClan had plenty of carrion to eat—they would not miss a few frogs, she thinks to herself.
Bluefrost lifts her tail to signal to her patrol to halt at the edge of the asphalt; she turns to Brackenpaw, her eyes narrow, serious. "This is the Thunderpath, if you remember," she mews, her nose bridge wrinkling at the scent, the feel of it underpaw. There are no tremors, no distant booms, but she remains alert nonetheless. "You cross this when I say go, understood? You look both ways, and you do not hesitate."
She exhales, then mews, "Go!" She scrambles over the ridged surface of the Thunderpath until her paws are in marshy territory. Mud squishes between her toes, and she's reminded of her mother, borne from these mires, bred in their shadowy depths. Her eyes narrow. For you, WindClan. "Keep quiet. We'll hunt quickly, then leave."
Bluefrost lifts her tail to signal to her patrol to halt at the edge of the asphalt; she turns to Brackenpaw, her eyes narrow, serious. "This is the Thunderpath, if you remember," she mews, her nose bridge wrinkling at the scent, the feel of it underpaw. There are no tremors, no distant booms, but she remains alert nonetheless. "You cross this when I say go, understood? You look both ways, and you do not hesitate."
She exhales, then mews, "Go!" She scrambles over the ridged surface of the Thunderpath until her paws are in marshy territory. Mud squishes between her toes, and she's reminded of her mother, borne from these mires, bred in their shadowy depths. Her eyes narrow. For you, WindClan. "Keep quiet. We'll hunt quickly, then leave."
- ooc: please wait for at least 2 of @Brackenpaw @Firefang @sparkspirit
Bluekit.Bluepaw. Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
— "speech", thoughts, attack
— 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
— mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
— windclan warrior.sootstarxweaselclaw, gen 2.
— penned by Marquette.
lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.