private you're DONE for [Red Water Rogue Plot]


Jan 2, 2024

The blue tabby stalks forward through the derelict building, what was once a fishing shack alongside the river's bend was now nothing but a crumbling skeleton of old wood and mildew, the scent did not disuade her as she settled her paws down under her to perch within the center in the hopes being surrounded even a little but so many toppled wooden boards and brittle frames would block the wind. It had been a moon since she had left those kits at the border, her trump card for an easy life spit back into her face by cruelty. Ember, Smokestar, whatever he wanted to go by now, was nothing more than a monster for turning her away. And for what? Because she wanted to live? Ridiculous, the clans had taken so much good territory in the woods that there was nothing for the vagabonds who didn't want to be indoctrinated into some cult of stars. They looked upward to the sky like fools for guidance while real cats with real problems stared at the cold earth and listened to sound of their stomachs gnaw and writhe inside them for sustenance that would not come.
"If we had that territory..." She muses out loud, her thoughts carried heavy on the wind, a daring challenge to the world unseen. Imagine not having to scrounge through twoleg trash for food, to not fight over the most meager of morsols. The streets had always been so cold and merciless but they were moreso as the seasons grew colder. She'd find cats she knew plastered frozen upon the ground, skeletal not from rot and age but starvation.
The striped molly huffs as she stands again, this spot was alright to block the wind but if she didn't move the chill seeped into her paws and limbs like an ache so she began to pace. Her tail trashed, she let herself get worked up again as if the fires of her heart might warm her.
"I want to take it." She whispers again, a little louder, out of the corner of her eyes she sees shadows moving, creeping around the outside edges of her ruined kingdom. She wants a bigger throne. "Why should the clans have all this land?" Kindling yowls out, if she has an audience she doesn't care to hide her feelings - if she has no audience then this is more for her than anything. "They stole my kits, you know." She says, spotting movement that was unmistakably a cat around the edge of the shack, through slotted holes in the fallen wall, "They steal land, prey and now kits. They'll brainwash them into being clanners too and send them to kill me. My own flesh and blood."
The kittens were not truly that important to her, if she wanted kits again that was as easy as finding a stupid tom and most of them were if you asked her, but anything to further justify her fury or cause was worth lamenting over. "I want that river to run red, it should belong to me. Us. Any cat who needs it. Those clanners take and expect us to follow their rules and ways if they even let us in at all. Outsiders, they say as if they were not once like us as well."

River run red you say? The wandering moggy hadn't ever thought to dip her pads in the deep end of the clans. Thick paws appeared out from the gloom of the shadows. Unveiling the bright tapestry of cinnamon and sprinkles of white patches. Her head swayed to a non-existent rhythm as she addressed the lamenting rogue. "Oh you poor thing!" Faux sympathy welled against her teeth as she clicked her tongue with pity. Peering from the depths of the wall she fully stepped out into the light. Exhibiting her many ugly battles and long moons of hard living. Locking on to the blue feline her hoarse voice added to the bellowing chaos.

Breath rising against the frigid air as she stuttered. "Y-you had me at brainwashin- clan life is fill-th with squirrel brains an' empthy heads stuck in stars." Flashes of her sisters tear stricken face caused her pale claws to flex languidly against the earth. "No respectable cat should be raised under farce-ths." Her sneer coiled nastily against their scarred muzzle. Sickly moss colored eyes glinting amusemedly at the she-cats heartfelt rally. Hazel cared little for their drive or 'purpose' for wanting the territories or any squealing kits wisked away. The hulking molly was far more direct. "If we take their territory then I want a share of my own." She circled the other like a quizzical kittypet awaiting a treat.

Scratchy tone dipping and rising with nuance as her grin deepened. "Promise me that or something better and I'll bury any furball you desire. No questions asked." Their fang caught the black of her lip as Hazel's tail swayed with intrigue. Any opportunity to sharpen her claws and make mince meat of soft bellies pleased her inner kitten. A new toy to play with and a fine opportunity to laze about on the backs of others.

attacking, "speaking", peaceful powerplaying
Had Hush known that there would be endless talking within the confines of the broken down shack he would have picked somewhere else to hide and nap, the recent struggles of leafbare causing temper to shorten and exhaustion to rise. Had it been just Kindling that was speaking he would have said something, lashed out and told her to shut up because he was trying to sleep the leafbare away, but when Hazel joined in the feline found his ears pricking and head rising to listen. He didn't like his mother's littermate but she had raised him and though he didn't enjoy her company he knew not to disrespect her either, the tongue-lashing that would result in such a thing not something he wanted to waste his time with.

Eyes rolled and a scoff came from the tom as he continued to listen in, getting up and stretching as he made his way over to the two while amber eyes watched their theatrics for just a moment before pushing himself into the conversation. "I don't care about territory, I just want them gone." He decided, left ears flicking as if to show his disinterest in such a prospect - territory meant taking care of it and making sure others didn't trespass and that wasn't something he was willing to work on. "Nor do I care about some kits that aren't my kin, and I'm sure others would agree with that statement. I do think those clanners have been around too long, taking what isn't rightfully theirs." The territories they've taken to fill their own bellies have only caused the rest of those around to suffer, and Hush was tired of suffering.

  • uglyass_redeemed.png
  • HUSH NPC x NPC || adopted by Hazel
    -- He/Him || 42 Moons || ages every 1st
    -- large tom, lh tortoishell x blue chimera with duplicated pinnae and large teeth
    -- unsavory, cannibalistic tendencies, enjoys fighting just for fun
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Sasha. That is her name now or is it better to say that her name was returned to her once Smokestar had exiled her. No longer was she Cedarblaze of Riverclan. Not a moment goes by that she hasn't thought about that moment where despite the fact she gave Smokestar what he had wanted, the tom had still cast her out. She had planned to go out with grace as a final sting towards the leader and their deputy, a reminder that they have failed in every way possible. However, it was Deacon who decided to take things into his claws and swiftly kill Smokestar. She hadn't been prepared for that outcome at all. Nor did she think Dawnstorm would betray her. To lay a paw on her as if she were the enemy. A close friend she knew since she was a kit. It would be better to say once knew.

Even so, she couldn't help but think about her Ripple Colony friends in Riverclan and how they are fairing. Do they miss us? I don't doubt Lichentail's lied to them. Telling them that we're monsters or something. I betcha she didn't even tell them how it happened. Hopefully, Dewcloud says something. I don't know about Dawnstorm... It's hard to believe in him. Dawnstorm who always bends backwards towards authority. If he couldn't even stand up to his father or stop himself for coming up with excuses for the lousy tom then how could she trust that he would stand up to Smokestar? She's alive yes, but she isn't living. Having Deacon is nice, but it isn't the same.

To be reduced to this life is agonizing because most of her family was stripped from her. Even though she said she would obey it meant nothing. Here she finds herself listening to the stripped molly. Recently she had joined their ranks not because she wanted to, but out of necessity. She knows she can't survive on her own and it would be false to say that being surrounded by these cats didn't feel the hole in her heart for a bit. They were not her family, but the presence of others put her at ease. Even if they were a bit rugged.

Personally, she doesn't care for who owns what. The ripple colony never stood in once place too long, only wandering. The difference was that if cats wanted to join them, they were allowed to without being chased off. No one asked for respect. If cats wanted to leave the group and join another or establish a den on some land, they would all say their goodbyes. No one would hiss or attack you for saying no. What she despises is the fact that the clans are so rigid and even a cat who has no idea of their territories could very well be chased or worse killed without even knowing what they did wrong. She listens and is swayed by Kindling's words. Although she has some apprehensions about hurting her colonymates that stood there.

When everyone has spoken she begins, "... They do something worse than brainwashing. They force obedience and when you aren't obedient or soft they'll cast you out. I know that much." These cats don't know her nor would they care she knows that as much, but she could be valuable to them. "I used to be a Riverclanner, but because I told Smokestar that he, his lead warriors, and his deputy won't be respected until they earn it I was cast out. He said that they have already earned it already. Anyway long story short when I said I'll respect them he said no and that there was no place for me there."

So what would she join them for? Knowing that the three here want nothing more than blood. I want to see them again. If these cats gave her the opportunity to see her friends once more she'll take and besides? The mission she had was to protect and if she became part of them and they didn't betray her then... Then she would give her life for them. Who knows? Maybe they were her true friends. "It's not like I got anything better to do, I'll join you."

  • sasha / rogue / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
*+:。.。 A glow of feverish, sickly green light betrays their position from the shadows as Prickles watches the events unfold. A blue tabby with ribs as prominently on display through the bars of azure stripes as they were in everyone else's stands on muddy, moldy, rotting wooden floorboards in a dilapidated two-leg nest crying out for vengeance. Their heart aches as she speaks on the loss of her kits. They can't imagine how painful that must be - repeatedly Prickles has lost their fair share of prey to those greedy colony cats, but to lose your kits? Prickles's parents hadn't wanted them, the runt of the litter, a failed investment, so the thought of a parent wanting their children back made Prickles' eyes water. Poor Kindling...poor kindling's little ones...

But Prickles isn't dumb enough to peel themselves out of the shadows where they're safest. There are only so many mice in this forest, only so much space between your stomach and your heart to consider sharing until you're left dying and hoping your kindness pays off. Every favor doesn't guarantee a favor back. It's all investments. And unfortunately, saving a bunch of mewling worms from a clan full of bloodthirsty probably-cannibals is not a favor worth investing in.
Hazel seems to have a similar mindset as the hulking molly immediately asks for a share of the territory. Prickles thinks on that - what it would be like to have their own field or forest carved out just for them. Water already pools over the sides of their mouth as they picture a beautiful forest clearing full of mice and fat sparrows just waiting for them to pounce on! No enemies to hide from, no half-covered shelters to get rained on.
But to get that, they'd probably have to ask aloud for it, and their pelt is already itching with anxiety - or is that the fleas?

Then Hush is speaking, another hulking giant that could probably eat Prickles in one gulp. They listen to him and his malice, his exhaustion with the colony cats overstaying their welcome. Their heart does sting to hear how little he cares about Kindlings poor kits, but they're not surprised and the emotion passes just as quickly as it struck. Prickles can agree though on his sentiments. Fuck those colony cats for hogging all the good resources! Fuck them for not sharing all because Prickles wasn't lUcKy enough to be born among their star-cult following! Claws dig into the rotting wood of their perch, their fur now really prickling with disgust. What they wouldn't give themselves to see all those cats that would've readily denied them being the ones left beginning at the sidelines, watching PRICKLES eat all the mice and birds they want while THEY starve! And with fleas even!

Sasha is the last to speak and ultimately join, and her testimony makes Prickles lean the farthest back. Brainwashing? Did they have that kind of power? Prickle's ears flatten against their head as they peek over their paws at the woman. She was better fed than the rest of them but still looked quite hungry. To think though, she was part of the colony only to get booted out. Were no cat truly safe, even among the ranks? Prickles chew on the inside of their cheek, wondering just how evil and vile those cats truly were.

Maybe...maybe kicking them out WOULD be a good investment. The chance to kick assholes out of stolen land, the chance to have a piece for themselves, the chance to make sure no one ever got kidnapped or brainwashed...and the chance to have a full belly...Would putting their life on the line for a future as bright as that not be worth it?

"A-ah - I'll join too!" the feline stuttered, skittering to their paws and clumsily leaping down from the rafters. They slip on the slick ground and promptly smack their face into the wood floors, but just as quickly scramble right back to their feet. They were skinny, and small, but their feverish eyes highlighted a hyperactive energy that ought to prove useful in a fight. They may not be graceful by any means, but they were hungry, and little was more dangerous than a desperate cat. "I-if I can get s-some food out of it, ill do anything you ask!" they laugh hysterically, but when no one joins in they quickly clamp their jaws shut and proceed to vigorously scratch the awkwardness - and the fleas - from the back of their ear.

    DMAB— He/They — Bisexual
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Member of the red water rogues

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #f35336
    injuries: None currently
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. ✧ ✧ .

When cats are talking, Kingbird has to check it out — it might be important, and if it’s important they want to be part of it. Sometimes they’re wrong and get chased off for their trouble, but today? Today, they’re very right.

”Stealing territory, stealing prey, stealing kits… my, my, my! Sounds to me like these clan cats are the real criminal type, isn’t that right?” Kingbird prances through the group of cats, skirting clear from Hazel and Hush’s larger, scarred frames — they’re the type to claw a cat just for breathing too close to their face, these ones. ”And what gives them the right to go around acting like their ways are so much better, huh? Bullying the rest of us for not bowing and scraping— They sound real dangerous, don’t you think? Like they’re going to start throwing claws our direction anytime soon, while we’re just minding our own business!”

They grin up at the rest — heedless of Sasha’s regrets or doubts, the pain she endured, smelling blood and eager to get more of it, especially from these holier-than-thou cats hogging the forest for themselves and daring to run them out of it like lepers. Prickles even gets a chuckle out of them, and they bump their shoulder into his, too rough, the smile too sharp as they say: ”Yeah, kid, that’s what we like to hear.”
  • —​
  • KINGBIRD they/them, red water rogue, 23 moons
    a small, mostly white cat with splashes of golden-red fur. Petty, petulant, childish, playful, violently insecure. Very physical in their affection and hostility alike. ref
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ mildly-challenging adversary, will start fights, will not run, will not show mercy
    penned by @Kangoo on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Blood crusted black covered the tabby's left brow. Their heart thrummed like the buzz of a bee's wings since the events that had led to their exodus, reliving the moments over and over, each one removing more blame from Deacon and shifting it onto the RiverClanners. They were practically leaning against Sasha as the gathered rogues began to speak, eyes shifting left and right in search of dissension. The company of rogues had been shortlived in Deacon's life before now, but they preferred it to the order of clanlife, even if it meant having to keep one's guard up far more than usual. Ever the wanderer, the idea of owning land had always been foreign to them, but Kindling spoke of sharing it and he could sense the hunger in the way some of the rogues spoke of it. Rats, they'd tear each other's necks to ribbons out once they were done killing RiverClanners, wouldn't they? The longer they thought, the longer they were ok with the idea - so long as they could keep it together long enough to harm those that'd tortured him and Sasha by taking them away from their colony.

The latter spoke of forced conformity and how she was exiled, and Deacon wore an easy grin, the very mask RiverClan had named them after. "Yeah, then I clawed his throat out," They would not speak of the pain above their eye or within their heart, the words were fish beneath a frozen river, unable to break free, forced to squirm and wriggle but never burst through - not that they had any reason to. Deacon would not have them jump right into the other's mouths, not when they were strangers. "They bleed just like the rest of us. We'll make the rivers run red and take back what was nicked and... maybe have a bit of fun doin' it," A glance to Kindling, a glance to Sasha. Kindling had been enough to fuel the fire, but Deacon and Sasha would ignite it, even if his friend didn't know it yet. She was all they had left, RiverClan had to pay for hurting her just as much as they hurt them; perhaps if everyone just sodded off, the Ripple Colony would realise how much fishdung the Star-lovers had fed them and could become whole once more.

He strutted forward like a proud rooster, tail tip twitching intently. 'We won't change who they are, can't change who they are. Their blood'll fall, but better to die free than miserable.' They turned their head, tilting their nose upwards with a cocksure grin upon their muzzle. Scanning the rogues, they saw young and old alike, scarred veterans and little minnows. A new family, as ragtag as it was. "Me and Sash were there long enough to get a hang of the ins and outs, the lotta ya follow us, we'll make sure you get what you deserve."

( ) one eye glows, poison hued, from the shadows, narrowed in thought. the feline taps her tail on the frozen ground, listening to tales of hardship and revenge. there is a small smile on her maw, although it curves rather sinisterly as she steps into the light, eye fixed on kindling, deacon and sasha. she has little care for the rest- she recognizes hush, hazel, little prickles, why even kingbird has made an appearance. still, her interest is only in the instigator and the two with knowledge. thistle runs her claws across the ground, their contact making a screeching sound that has many flattening their ears. "i want in." she states, voice low and raspy. her scarred face twists into a snarl as she curls her lip. "those fish-heads took territory that wasn't theirs. i've been waiting a long time for somecats like you to come around to the idea of revenge." the snarl morphs into a smile and she will tip her head to the three.

"do tell us, dear, is there a plan in mind for this most exciting of tasks? how shall we start?" the mottled molly seats herself delicately, wrapping her tail around her paws and grinning at her new companions. vaguely she wonders where thorn is, whether he'll want a piece of this. ah well, if he doesn't find them on his own, she'll make him see it her way.
The clans have never held a positive light in Dust’s eyes, and have continued to be a negative force. He had only heard stories from his mother, her talking about how they spread like a plague and overtook the land that was free for all. He never understood why his sibling seemed so fascinated by them, and it’s only become more puzzling over time. Though, it’s not like this life is easy either, thanks to said mother.

It didn’t take long for word of the cats who split from “RiverClan” to spread around, and it piqued his interest. What might have happened inwards to cause this to happen? Them being allowed to join in the first place was enough to catch his attention. It doesn’t take long for a crowd to surround them, other rogues hungry for revenge, and maybe even more.

The lilac tabby stays quiet for now, listening to everyone’s plights and calls to action. He’s not close to any of these cats, but who would he be to miss out on the fun? A stable home sounds nice too… “Count me in as well. They’re not anything special.” They might think otherwise, but it’s simply not the truth. Maybe they’ll finally come to learn that sharing is caring. He eagerly awaits the plan to come to fruition.​
It happens as it was always going to, with the same surety that Leafbare would someday ease into Newleaf. Third Child watches—they spend much of their time like that, watching. Their soon to be peers opt in—as if they have a choice in it. As if every careful step from birth to now hasn't been by the intent plans of fate. Not even Third Child knows the shape of it. They know a pressure that builds just above their head, like gathering clouds: the knowledge that this is important. The knowledge that, no matter what their peers—no longer soon to be—think, this isn't a choice.

"It won't be simple," Says Three, with the same weight as testing if a narrow branch would be able to hold them. It won't be simple, but it will happen as it was meant to—Third Child knows their part now. Their teeth itch at the points. They know their part well, "But I'll be there."​
~ 𓆩✧𓆪 ~

Drawing a lazy tongue across red-stained paws, the dark and light molly couldn't say she particularly cared for what the clans did so much as she abhorred their holier than thou attitude. They acted as if they were the ultimate judge and jury for the whole of morality and ignored the flaws of their entire little 'kingdoms' and the laws associated. Scar-draped eyes glance towards Kindle lacking the sympathy even if she could understand the hurt involved in losing your kin to such a bad-faith group of zealots.

Languidly and without bother she listens to the other lonesome souls announce their agreement... dragging her gaze from each pipsqueak to the next until finally she realizes she hasn't pledged any kind of allegiance yet. Hmmm.... at the very least, there were some strings she hadn't tied up that might be fun to play with a few more times.

"I don't particularly care for your personal sufferings and qualms," she drones in apathetic reply. "Your motivations are boring... and selfish...." Her nose twitches in a feigned moment of contemplation, But so are mine. A paw deftly brushes at the fur along her tail, smoothing it flat to show just how little she was actually invested.

"But I'd love to see justice enacted for once... They certainly think a little too highly of themselves. It'd be... divine retribution to see them knocked down to earth."

✧ . His boy is long gone now, as far as he knows — or rather, cares.

The sniveling child and his mother walked out of his life seasons ago, and that had been that, really. But, Urchin knows if his boy’d been brought into RiverClan, stolen and brainwashed by star-following paws, he’d be just as distraught as Kindling now. For his son, wherever he might be — it’d be easier to know, to care, if the land was still easy to traverse, unguarded by selfish clan cats — deserves better, deserves a mind as clear as the river he was born aside, deserves strength away from kitten-taled lessons.

The spike-furred tom watches with narrowed eyes darting from face to face, joiners in Kindling’s cry for change. A smug look pulls at his snow-dashed muzzle.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see his old stomping grounds again? To sink his claws into the cats that ripped his home away from him? To turn the river red? Such a hue might do it some good.

I’m in, “ he adds to the blue tabby’s call, a swish of his tail behind him. “ That land should be as free as it was the day before they’d crawled their way into it.He should be allowed to hunt and fish as he pleases — it’s the least they can do, Urchin thinks, for stalling any means of a search for his beloved family. ​
  • URCHIN AMAB. He / Him. Red Water Rogue.
    ✧ . A black and white tom with cold, blue-green eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x NPC
    ✧ . Mentored by himself.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
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