YOU'RE FAR TOO EASY › scalepaw

May 12, 2024
TAGS — Ospreypaw turns a citrine-scalpel gaze upon her peer, pink lips a taut line.

The sun has gone down. In the moonlight, Scalepaw's fur shines almost blue, gleaming with moisture and slicked to his body. Briefly, she's grateful to not have such long fur that it pours off of her when wet. Her critical gaze flits across the shape of him while he stares back, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. What's he waiting for? Some sort of approval? Ospreypaw's nicked ear flicks once; twice. He won't get approval until he's perfect. There's still issues with his technique.

"You aren't using your tail enough," Ospreypaw judges, deft and sweeping. She wades into the water now, too, only paying the slightest bit of attention to the flickering red embers beyond the reeds. They're lucky that camp is surrounded by this section of river, and though the twolegs' presence makes her uneasy, it's not like they could possibly take over camp, right? RiverClan would never let it happen. She puts it out of her mind, though; now isn't the time for anxiety. Not when she has a chance to show off her prowess; not when she has a cat to mold into a formidable opponent. She offers Scalepaw only a fleeting, unsmiling backwards glance before demonstrating her own swimming.

"See? If you rely on your tail to steer you, you can focus on moving forward with your paws rather than side to side." She performs a lap or two around him before stepping back into the shallows, huffing lightly. Ospreypaw appraises Scalepaw once more while she catches her breath. After a beat of breath, she nods authoritatively. "Try it again."

/ @scalepaw
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