camp YOU'RE TOO SWEET [ bug ]

Rivepaw had been successful in a different kind of hunt on their patrol today. It buzzed between her jaws, as she stretched her paws out, running back for camp- it was exhilarating, to be able to move without the pain in her stomach. To feel her muscles come back to her legs, the moors easier and easier to split through. That was, even though the woven grasses and growing flowers, anyways. She inhaled deeply as she made it into camp- eyes searching for the nearest kit, for she knew they'd want to play with the little thing that she'd brought back.

Sheepkit was spotted not too far from the nursery, and Rivepaw approached, trilling a greeting before she leaned down. No warning was given as her muzzle split open, a beetle laying upon the ground on it's back. It was alive, twitching and attempting to find it's feet. "It's a beetle." Rivepaw breathlessly explained, excited owl-eyes shifting to look at the kit, then back at the bug. Some part of her deeply hoped for Sheepkit to like it, almost afraid of being called weird or stupid for bringing back a bug, of all things. And, at that, beating her father back to camp.

// @sheepkit ; at length, @SUNSTAR for running home from the end of patrol with a bug
// no need to wait for either tho!
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AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — It was far from unusual to find Rattleheart outside of the nursery, not venturing in so far that they disturbed the queens but still lingering nearby so that they could provide help and entertainment for the kits if needed. Though they still didn't hold the rank of queen themself, they knew their soft spot for kittens was as large as the most sprawling lake one could imagine, and they were always glad to provide a helping paw whenever their own duties for the day had already been attended to. Today just happened to be one of those days, their monochrome form stretched lazily out near the entrance to the nursery as they allowed the little ones to make an obstacle course of their half-asleep form.

They had been so distracted by tiny paws stumbling over their shoulders that they nearly didn't notice Rivepaw approaching, not until her breathless words caused their pale gaze to flick upward. Rattleheart looked between her and Sheepkit, wondering what had prompted such a unique gift on the apprentice's part - was it specifically for Sheepkit, or just for the first kit that she had spotted? "Still alive, too... I'm surprised you managed to get it all the way back here without it making a daring escape." Or accidentally getting crushed in powerful jaws, though they weren't going to say that in front of Sheepkit. "What an interesting new playmate. What do you think, Sheepkit?" They looked towards the tiny tom in question, chin settling on their paws as they waited to see his reaction.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic

First of all, Featherpaw very much did not understand why Rivepaw was bothering to interact with kittens in the first place. They were fickle and loud... at least, the current bunch. If he did not have to interact with them, the marble-striped tom would be avoiding them at all costs. When she was a well respected, prefectly crafted warrior, Featherpaw might be more inclined to give them the time of day- but at the moment he was not inclined to waste precious training time on fetching trinkets. Really, he did not understand why games fascinated them so much... did they not worry for their future? Did they feel no desire to prepare for it at all?

Second, Rivepaw had picked the most horrendous of prizes she could have possibly dredged up. Featherpaw regarded her sister's beetle with abject horror, a repulsed look crumpling her entire face. "Interesting?" Swooping in after Rattleheart, her voice was incredulous, nearly-humoured with how ridiculous of a sentiment that was. "It's disgusting." In fact, he could hardly stand to look at it anymore, with its twitching antennae, its too-many legs...
✦ penned by pin
He had spent part of their return wondering if he was expected to chide Rivepaw for her departure — and then the rest of it on whether or not he had any right to his worry. WindClan was safe again, it would seem. No longer did the threat of Sootstar's loyalists hang overhead. He does not worry about cats. Not when their borders are well-patrolled and their camp barriers fortified with flowers. But that did not mean they were entirely bereft of other dangers. Foxes and badgers and dogs. A great many predators would be seeking to share their newleaf bounty. So when he makes it back to camp (not terribly long after Rivepaw abandoned him, in all honesty) his brow is scrunched in worry but his tongue has not made up its mind. His gaze scans the camp, and his apprentice is not terribly far. He sees the small group crouched before the nursery yet does not approach in time to hear anything but Featherpaw's claim of disgusting.

Despite himself, a small laugh escapes the leader's maw. He nudges his flame-pelted child gently with his nose to his shoulder. "Are you afraid of bugs, fearless one?"

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

Sheepkit was laying on his side, near the entrance of the nursery taking a little nap. Charcoal dusted ear flicks to hear pawsteps coming towards him. "Mrrp?" He lifts his head up from his laid out position, wondering what's all this commotion about. He opens an eye, spotting Rivepaw holding something her mouth and she's.. coming towards him?! Wait- Is that a new toy?! The black smoke kitten lifts himself to settle on his haunches, as the longhaired apprentice deposits the gift in front of him. Blinking blue eyes, he pokes at the bettle with a dark paw. "Ooo pretty bug! Thanks Rivepaw!" He wiggles in his spot, sliding a grin on his face. He likes the bettle, he wants to name it something.... Hmmm. The kitten looks up at the voice of Rattleheart, craning his head back before nodding at the tunneler. He tilts his head slightly, thoughts wondering on what to name his new friend. "I'm gonna call it- him? her? them! Uhhh.. ermm Rosebud! No, wait- Weevil!" He squeaks out with a firm nod, wagging his inky tail behind him like an excited puppy.

Hearing the voice of Featherpaw call Weevil disgusting, he flattened his ears against his head. He whips his head up towards the tabby and scrunches his muzzle up, sticking his tongue out at her. "Don't call Weevil disgusting, Apologize!" He mouth curls downward in a frown, brows knitting together. He lets his blue gaze flick down at the newly named Weevil the beetle, gently grabbing it to hold it in his paws.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( NO WAY! REALLY?! ) SHEEPKIT : kitten of windclan
    — cismale ; HE / HIM ; currently 3 moons
    ✦ undecided / single / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    — smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

༄༄ Scorchstreak does not make a habit out of visiting the nursery, especially now that it is crowded with so many kits. The last time she had been in the den was when her own kits were small—and it has been nearly a year since then. But still, tha calico brings prey by the nursery nearly every day for Cygnetstare’s kits, along with the occasional bone that she finds in the tunnels. When she emerges from the nursery, though, she spots a small group of cats gathered about outside. Peering closer, her golden gaze catches on the small gift that Rivepaw has given to the kit.

Featherpaw calls the bug disgusting, which Sheepkit does not seem to like. The black and white kit even goes so far as to insist that the thing has a name, and that the apprentice should apologize for her comments. "Weevil certainly is a fitting name for it," she comments, striding over to join the group that’s gathered around Rivepaw and Sheepkit. The beetle sends content to skier around without purpose, and for a moment Scorchstreak wonders whether the little creature understands its new role as a plaything for the kit. "Where will you keep Weevil?" She questions, golden eyes shifting from the bug to the space around them. Where in camp could one feasibly keep a bug, anyway?