࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The black smoke finds herself being in charge of a restless queen and Beefang's half-surprised that the ivory freckled molly doesn't roll away or can even manage to waddle behind her but her fellow lead warrior wanted to get out now that leaf-bares thawing away to make way for new-leafs...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ He's been acting distant towards her and the recent interaction where he had become snappy towards her despite resting in a nest recovering from her injuries had caused her to be frustrated in a sense, she hadn't snapped at him despite the way her jaws tightened and the way that she's...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Its easy to talk with Bubbleburst especially for a cat that doesn't find herself diving into conversation constantly and well, Beefang didn't usually talk to anyone a lot outside of her brothers and Moonbeam so to find someone else like that... it makes her dull heart feel warm in a...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Lichenstar mentions how her own children already give her plenty of pale fur and it causes her whiskers to twitch once more, her narrowed gaze still focused onto the leader only to speak in return "I've noticed..." Its said rather lightly and Beefang's taken aback slightly when the blue...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ She can't help but playfully roll her eye at Pebbletail as he slides to sit next to her and Bubbleburst's keen to take the other empty spot near her which is enough to get a small smile out of Beefang, she listens to her cousin begin to playfully tease and jab at his mother which causes...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The medicine den isn't unfamiliar to her seeing as she sleeps in the den alongside her mate, Moonbeam, every night and she has gotten accustomed to the sour smell of herbs that clung to both the pelts of either medicine cats and their den. She just hated it when the pungent smell is...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The dark molly watches from the sidelines interested in the training of the younger apprentices and sometimes, she used it as a way to learn as well since she's still quite a young warrior in comparison to some of her peers and her eye watches the spar unfold. Heronpaw seems to throw...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The lead warrior had never been someone to boost morale only able to give facts and blunt truth if needed, she could see the three apprentices gathered amongst each other as they glance down at their measly pieces of prey, and it causes her ear to twitch as her head rests on her front...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Beefang watches from the sidelines alongside Lichenstar knowing how important it is to know how to hunt on both land and in the water, even if the two-toned moggy prfers fish over the stringy meat of a vole or mouse anyday... it's a different story when it comes to some of the drypaws...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The lead warrior tends to most of the gatherings when she's able to considering that she's curious of the other clans oftentimes wondering who had died, whose born, and ranks or promotions seemed to interest her. Although, last moon's gathering made her think of Thunderclan warning...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The black smoke trails after the rest of the patrol noting the way that Lichenstar still tries to hold herself together despite the way that she staggers and it causes her throat to tighten, her gaze softening when Shellpool arrives to aid Pebbletail in guiding their mother towards...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Her lone eye had been focused on the river but hearing the splash near her is enough for her head to sharply turn in the direction of Dipperfrost and the molly's concerned wondering if she needed to throw herself forth once more to draw a clanmate out from the cold claws of the river...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The black smoke pushes through the reeds with her burly form and finds herself a small distance from Midnightash as she hears the chattering of a Thunderclan patrol, her lone eye burning into the pelts of those present including her inky furred companion noting the way that she shuffles...
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Beefang had been quick to join of the patrols so that she'd contribute before doing her training alongside Midnightash and the thought itself causes her snout to wrinkle with a bit of distaste but its quick to crease away from her facial features when she notices the herb patrol that...
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