pafp subtle grace of gravity ࿐࿔ new-leaf hopes


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  • "You'll look absolutely... radiant... in blue-jay feathers," they chirp, hoping to at least get a reaction from being flustered by the compliment if nothing else. She never took to them well herself and just assumed most others, and most especially her former, sullen apprentice would feel the same way. The coming of new-leaf could practically be tasted on the freshness of each breeze, the slightly warmer mornings, the retreating bite of frost. She was giddy, to say the least... and in that excitement the thought of the birds and their imminent return sent her own heart into fluttering.

    "You'll have to help me... catch a duck.. once those come back... We can get Shellpool and... Pebbletail. It'll be a great feast..." A broken tail curls awkwardly behind them as a flag, waving in spirit of her lofty aspirations and her hungry ambitions. Nothing quite melted off the tongue like a duck... and their luminescent, water-proof feathers were a much desired addition to any new nest. Her eyes grow wide at the prospect of what warmth and security may bring them- now with Sunningrocks as well, their bounties would double. It was a worthy sacrifice, even if it had cost several lives to rip out of ThunderClan's jaws.

    "How's your fishing...? Getting enough time to... enjoy your solitude? Or does Dipperfrost actually like... hanging out with her den-mates?" It would be a lie to say Lichenstar was able to pay much attention to the innerworkings of her younger warriors... though now that she considers it, Dipperfrost had graduated last new-leaf... maybe she wasn't such a fresh, new warrior anymore in need of babying. Who were the next apprentices...? The nursery was resolutely empty now... Maybe she'd get her first apprentice come green-leaf, should one of their members decide to expand their family once the snow melted.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ @DIPPERFROST
    penned by tieirlys
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Dipperfrost watches Lichenstar with a faint, knowing, flicker in her horion-streaked eyes, her expression remains as unreadable as ever, though there's a subtle shift in her posture, just a hint of something that could almost be equated to amusement. "Radiant, hm?" she echoes with a dry chuckle, flicking her tail in a way that suggests she doesn't take the idea too seriously. "Perhaps I shall have to think on it. I have many suitors clamoring for my paw, after all." she jokes, her gaze lingering on Lichenstar for a moment before her eyes return to the river, unfocusing. The thought of dressing herself up in something so bright was almost alien to her, the very idea of being adorned in such bold colors is enough to make her shake her head softly. Perhaps she never would be that type of cat.

As her former mentor rumbles on about ducks and feasts, Dipperfrost humors her with a short, quiet breath, a rare slight smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Now there is an idea I could get behind, I'm sure Shellpool and Pebbletail would be all for it." Her voice is it's usual quiet, though a flicker of something else rests just below the surface. Perhaps the weight of their rivalry with ThunderClan finally settling on her. They never would give up, would they? But she cannot deny that victory tasted a little sweeter when it came with such a mouth-watering prospect.

When the conversation shifts to her own life, her gaze softens and she turns her attention fully to her leader. "Fishing's fine, a little cold but nothing I can't handle. New-leaf will be here soon enough." She replies evenly, though theres an almost imperceptible pause. "As for solitude... I am learning there's always a little time for both. Life is all about balance is it not?" She shrugs lightly, and though her expression remains the same, there's almost a certain weariness to the way she speaks, earned through moons of watching the world from the edges.

Her whiskers twitch at the mention of her den-mates and she casts her gaze elsewhere once again "I...tire quickly in the company of others." She admits, though there's a flicker of something in her eyes - something guarded. "But I suppose I'm getting used to it" as if these recent desires for something more out of life were something to be ashamed of and not an inherent feeling nearly every cat experienced.

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    Dipperfrost is a tall, slender she-cat with a white coat broken by blue tabby patches, a tuft of curls atop her head, and a star-shaped marking on her forehead. Her brilliant blue eyes—one flecked with a yellow starburst—are often half-lidded, lending her a distant, unreadable expression. Quiet and observant, she speaks with purpose, choosing honesty over comfort and control over chaos. Her aloof demeanor and measured composure make her difficult to approach, but for those who earn her trust, she is fiercely loyal. Though cynical and pragmatic, she remains a steady, unshaken presence, ever watchful of the world around her.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The chatter between former apprentice and mentor makes Beefang wishes that her own had been alive so she could've entertained her own conversations with Smokestar but she knows that it isn't possible given that he's in Starclan. And yet, it makes her think of her talk with Cicadastar a few moons ago... The black smoke decides not to think on it for long knowing that she hasn't really revealed this secret to anyone just yet, she would keep it close to her heart and a sealed away from the rest of the world so they didn't think her delusional or odd for having vivid dreams with her late parent. She'd simply await the day that her and Smokestar would be reunited when she dies a warrior's death and her papa guides her to the starlit heavens to join his side at last.

Beefang approaches quietly sparing both of the blue mollies a quick glance and silent nod of greeting, the lead warrior itches for new-leaf to arrive a lot sooner but she knows that they'd need to be patient and the river would thaw enough when the weather became much warmer to allow them to get plump on fish once more. The thought of it causes her mouth to water and she speaks with a soft sigh slipping from her jaws "I don't know about you two... but I can't wait for the moment that I'm able to leap into the rivers again and not worry about freezing my paws off." The black smoke stretches out her front limbs in front of her and then stands upright to glance at the pair then adds with a faint smile, "And splashing our neighbors on their patrols, that's always fun and harmless." It hurt their pride most of the time or they stomped off angrily due to being soaked and their pelts plastered to their skin due to the water clinging to them, the thought alone makes her whiskers twitch in amusement.

"And fish roe... Oh, that's the best." The two toned moggy says and settles down on her haunches, she can feel her mouth watering at the thought of a plump salmon and its roe. Oh man, she prays for an earlier new-leaf.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white

the soft conversation reaches the frostbitten ears of the young man as he rests outside of the medicine den. raising his white patched head, pebbletail listens quietly as his mother and her former apprentice converse, comfortable with each other, though with low tones almost reminiscent of nostalgia. beefang dips her body to join the two blue mollies, sighing with hope about the upcoming new-leaf, and so pebbletail will haul himself to his paws, sidling over to seat himself at his cousin's side. "you don't gotta tell me about that," he jokes to her quip about the freezing rivers. tabby fur twitches as he recalls the icy waters of just weeks ago, the claustrophobic feeling of water filling his lungs. "i'm just ready for the ice to go away." his tone rings with humor, although he's not positive his protective family will see it this way.

"mom, i assume your claws are itching to bring down a duck one of these days," pebbletail winks one ember eye at his mother. "dipperfrost, did she force you to hunt birds as a 'paw? i remember shellpool telling me all about the days devoted to that when she was under lichenstar." whiskers twitch, a tease, poking fun at his mother's feathered obsession. "they should call us skyclan, for the amount of birds we've got on the prey pile. whatever happened to fish?" a soft chuckle, and the white-foamed tail will wrap around his paws, settling in for a light conversation with clanmates.

// "#a2bfba"

cis tom (he / him) / bisexual, taken by SPLASHDANCE
15 moons old ages realistically, every 15th of the month
lead warrior of riverclan
mentoring RYEPAW / mentored by FOXTAIL
penned by lavs / message lavendes on discord for plots!

a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
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〕Bubbleburst is lingering nearby when conversation about feathers and newleaf prey reaches her ears, and the enthused warrior cannot help but to trot over and join them. Dipperfrost, Bubbleburst thinks, is a friend despite her quiet distance. And the warrior thinks quietly to find her sometime to offer her a gift; perhaps the feather of her namesake or a pretty shell from Bubbleburst's collection. She sidles over and takes her place beside Beefang, nodding about swimming in the river without freezing their coats off.

Bubbleburst's eyes light up when she overhears Lichenstar's suggestion that they take down a duck. A tasty treat with beautiful plumage. "Perhaps a swan," Bubbleburst adds with a thoughtful smile "They have always been my mother's favorite. Their feathers are so long-" the emphasizes their size with her paws "-and they have a way of catching and casting sun."

She grins at Pebbletail's remark about prey. "Not all of us are good at ice fishing," she comments lightheartedly. She knows that she is mostly talking about her own skills. Truthfully, she is just thankful that the river still flows. She remembers when she had been an apprentice in this same season and the warriors would talk about how the river froze in the leafbare previous. "Plus, birds are okay. You get feathers from 'em! That's the best part."

  • ooc.
  • BUBBLEBURST —— warrior of riverclan , mentoring twinklepaw . mudjaw x breezeflower . littermate to swanpaw ✦ penned by carat
    she/her / 16 moons & ages every 13th
    single / bisexual / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— not a strong fighter, often prefers diplomacy and strategy over strength and battle skills

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a mediumhaired silver marbled tabby with moderate white and blue eyes


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  • Whether or not Dipperfrost had any obvious suitors was not currently up for debate however, if there was one thing that Lichenstar was particularly knowledgable on, it was quietly pining from afar. Maybe she did have some sullen lovestruck mirror to match her forlorn, wistful sort of nature... she just didn't know it yet. The lynx point scrunches up her nose, seconds away from sticking out her tongue at the younger she-cat when others start to gather with crowing of their own.

    Excitement for warmth. A comfortable swim. The bounty of great prey... Pebbletail is keen to embarrass her by highlighting her penchant for avian food, offering her son a playful glare as he prods Dipperfrost for more information on what being her apprentice had been like. Yes, she did nag at them to learn some amount of land-hunting skill rather than rely solely on the river... and every leaf-bare there was someone to be grateful for that. "Believe it... or not... I've liked hunting birds... since before the clans... existed," she reminds him, reaching out a paw to gently bat at his ears in loving scolding. "You'll have to forgive an old molly her habits."

    Bubbleburst seems more than eager to share in the sport of hunting feather adversaries, citing a swan (which in itself is no small task to propose). It would certainly take some coordinating... maybe it deserved mentioning to Snakeblink the next time he was preparing patrols... to reinstitute joint trainings even amongst the warriors to teach them how to operate as a group of hunters rather than solitary fishers.

    Looking towards her former apprentice again, the striped she-cat nods, a deferral to her commentary about finding balance. Being social required just as much effort as any other skill did... But charisma was more valuable than she'd allowed herself to believe for a long time. Best the silvery warrior learn that sooner than later. "The warriors den... isn't going to get... less full... and apparently... neither is camp," she teases, casting a look towards her clan-mates. "What'll you do... when you have an.... apprentice shadowing you all day...? I'm sure... Beefang can tell you... what a delight.... her first apprentice was."

    Given that she'd had to be reminded to be empathetic to a half-blood child... hopefully after spending enough time to see him to warriorhood was enough.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
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࿐ ࿔*:・゚ She can't help but playfully roll her eye at Pebbletail as he slides to sit next to her and Bubbleburst's keen to take the other empty spot near her which is enough to get a small smile out of Beefang, she listens to her cousin begin to playfully tease and jab at his mother which causes a snort to slip from the black smoke knowing that Lichenstar had always had a liking for bird more than any Riverclanner. "I think we should keep ourselves as Riverclan though Lichenstar... it doesn't seem like much of a fitting name anymore. Perhaps, I raise you either Featherstar or Birdstar." Her own grin becoming toothier the more that the two-toned moggy begins to speak and her tail swishes behind her only to settle beside the bubbly molly that's nestled beside her, "Treestar. For only you know how to scale them," A nod is delivered in the direction of the lynx point molly watching as the mother gives her fellow lead warrior a bat to the ears and has to stifle the snicker that wishes to escape her jaws.

Although, as she watches the interaction... she can't help but feel this small feeling of emptiness as she's reminded that her own parents aren't here to playfully scold her in front of her clanmates or embarrass her in public. Beefang's quick to push away the feeling instead focusing on what Bubbleburst says about swan's and how they were her mother's favorite, she takes silent note of this despite the way her snout wrinkles playfully to echo "Swans? Geese are already bad and hiss at you... I can't imagine taking down a swan." Her gaze flicks over to Lichenstar to see if she knew anything about killing a swan but the Riverclan leader mentions how the warriors isn't going to get less full or the camp for that matter of which, Beefang agrees with a silent nod of her dark helm.

Its the mention of apprentices shadowing their mentors and her name leaves the tongue of the blue toned molly talks about how Beefang's first apprentice being a delight, the black smoke has to try refraining from cringing at what's said but she offers another nod and dry chuckle remembering that Lichenstar had to remind her that she had to be empathetic and kinder to the half-blooded child. "It was uh... certainly an experience. I'll be a lot better and more prepared for my next apprentice," The black smoke states only to shoot her cousin's mother a quick glance hoping the the leader would get the gist and give her a new apprentice when more kittens graduated or needed to be reassigned, she would be more prepared and less rough.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white