
The river had never been Dipperfrost's enemy before. Sure, it was unpredictable at times—swollen with new-leaf rain one day, glassy and still the next—but she had always felt at home beside it. Today, though, the river seemed to have a personal vendetta against her.

Her first mistake had been stepping onto a slick, algae-coated rock without testing it. Her second mistake had been lunging after the fish she spotted instead of finding her footing first. And her third mistake—well, that had been assuming she'd recover gracefully.

With a loud splash, she plunged chest-deep into the frigid water, sending her intended catch darting downstream in a flash of silver. Gritting her teeth, she dug her claws into the riverbed and hauled herself back onto the shore, her thick fur clinging to her like a second skin.

For a moment, she just stood there, dripping, watching the water swirl where the fish had escaped. Then she exhaled sharply through her nose and shook herself out, sending a spray of droplets into the air. "…Right." Her tail flicked as she surveyed the river again, lips pulled back in a slight snarl, as if daring it to mock her. "One of us is going to win today."

She stepped back to try again, stubborn as ever, oblivious—or perhaps just pretending not to notice—if anyone had witnessed her less-than-graceful performance.
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    Dipperfrost is a tall, slender she-cat with a white coat broken by blue tabby patches, a tuft of curls atop her head, and a star-shaped marking on her forehead. Her brilliant blue eyes—one flecked with a yellow starburst—are often half-lidded, lending her a distant, unreadable expression. Quiet and observant, she speaks with purpose, choosing honesty over comfort and control over chaos. Her aloof demeanor and measured composure make her difficult to approach, but for those who earn her trust, she is fiercely loyal. Though cynical and pragmatic, she remains a steady, unshaken presence, ever watchful of the world around her.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter
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Blackwater had been occupying himself with his own endeavors upstream, taking advantage of the water's icy thaw which had revealed the life still flickering restlessly beneath. He had started his journey back to camp with a jaw heavy with fish, his skills ever sharp despite the psospect of them dulling with their lack of Leafbare usage. Oftentimes, the cold reduced their clan to that of forest dwellers, their only hope once the ice hardened the waters being whatever furred scraps they could find still roaming desperately on land. Not today though, today they were fortunate, and he silently hoped it would only get better from here on out.

He was pulled from his thoughts as a deafening splash echoed across the gentle winds, his ears straining forward instinctively to absorb the sound. Curiosity would get the best of him, and following the auditory trail would lead him to the presence of a very wet, sullen looking Dipperfrost. He knew that look well, and it wasn't hard to make the connection that lady luck did not favor her the way she had him. A moments hesitation would follow as he debated the option of simply going on his way- but her determination was enough to convince him to stay, if only to watch her claw her way towards successs- besides, the chill of the earth would ensure his catch stay fresh for a while yet.

Allowing his catch to meet chilled soil, Blackwater would place himself at the river's edge where she had once again returned to, determination fierce in her hungry gaze. "Enjoying a swim today, are we? I hear the cold is indispensable for the upkeep of a sharpened mind." Aquamarine orbs flashed with a playful glint. "Not for me though...I fear my bones could not endure such temperatures. I'd turn to stone and grow moss from my ears, to be sure."

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤgay aroace, single
ㅤ25 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 24th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 13 moons
silvertide x splittailㅤ/ㅤno other relations
ㅤmentoring noneㅤ/ㅤmentored by willowroot
ㅤpenned by sloaneㅤ/ㅤmessage encarcerated on discord for plots!

sh blue tabby/blue chimera w/low white with deep, teal colored eyes and a stoic demeanor. physically inexpressive and socially flat despite being quite polite and easygoing.
Silently she had been watching, hidden at a distance. The apprentice was anything but friends with the water, the way it obeyed no one... She was simply a RiverClanner, scared of the thing that separated them from the rest of the clans. It was pathetic. She was pathetic...

But Mosquitopaw kept her eyes on the warrior, watching their movements in hopes of understanding how to navigate her fears. Usually, the other cats were graceful and fluid with their movements as they interacted with the river. This cat, however, seemed to be struggling.

As the warrior fell into the river, Mosquitopaw darted over, a slurry of indecipherable yells and cries filling the air around her. It wasn't until she saw that Dipperfrost was only chest-deep that she stopped in her tracks, still a decent distance from the riverbed that her clanmate had drug themselves back onto.

Mosquitopaw decided to hover for a bit, curious to see if perhaps things would work out a little bit better for her clanmate. She dropped herself to the floor, trying her best to hide, until she saw Blackwater approach. It gave her a bit of confidence to come closer, and so she did.

Finding her way to Blackwater and Dipperfrost, the young molly jusy caught the tail-end of Blackwater's words. Turning to stone and growing moss out of their ears... "Could that really happen?" she had never heard of anyone turning to stone, but there were a lot of things the youngster hadn't heard about before... and turning to stone due to the cold seemed like it could be possible.
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the hunt is slow today. a feeble attempt at ice fishing, tender paws long grown numb and patience long grown thin. the splash breaks her out of a semi - reviere she'd been cast into — the brief sound of flailing limbs that has her shooting to her paws with curls bristling their way up her knobby spine, " dipp — ! " before her name could fall from nervously - twisted maw, ivory paws shoot from the waters, hauling shortly after the drenched molly herself. shellpool releases the rest of her worry on a heavy sigh, relief flooding her veins so heavy she flops back down onto the rock she'd been perched upon, lilac paw hanging down to brush the waters.

dipperfrost is unphased, despite it all. blackwater is the first, gravel - rough voice tinged with amusement. a brief glance over his face reveals a smirk beneath tired eyes, and shellpool finds herself twitching a grin, herself. the molly was a tough one, determined . . she seems remnants of her mother in their former apprentice. uncompromising, even against the river itself, " or a bold fishing style . . make, making them think you're a fish, too. " her eyes squint, amusement gleaming in ruby depths, " id try it, if it weren't so cold. " her toes splay, brushing the icy froth as mosquitopaw toddles closer, curious voice lifting to meet blackwater's words. i'd turn to stone and grow moss from my ears, to be sure — could that really happen?

she hums, brow furrowing, " of course not . . " her maw purses, frowns . . " at least, i don't think it could. " she was no expert, by any means.

  • ooc.
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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted eiderdown fur conceals a body worn thin by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with stubborn baby fat in others. her face is delicately constructed as the rest of her ; heart - shaped, fragile, tendered with warmly shadowed eyes. beneath the languor of lapis - veined lids, her gaze brims a rheumy, rosen tinge — ruddy like a pulsing bruise, curtained with heavy lashes that keep her serenely half - lidded.
    LIVING WITH LONGTERM ILLNESS ; always exhibiting the symptoms of a lingering cold, most notably a runny nose and eyes. not contagious unless specified otherwise.
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Her lone eye had been focused on the river but hearing the splash near her is enough for her head to sharply turn in the direction of Dipperfrost and the molly's concerned wondering if she needed to throw herself forth once more to draw a clanmate out from the cold claws of the river. Thankfully, the blue molly pulls herself out only to silently snarl at their lifeblood and the comments of her other clamnates is enough to make an amused snort slip from her as her whiskers twitch quietly to look over the older molly to see if she's alright. Blackwater and Shellpool make playful comments about how the aloof tabby had been taking a quick swim or pretending to be a fish to catch prey though the comment of freezing like stone and growing moss from one's ears is what causes one of her nonexistent eyebrows to lift.

"Like that one vole trapped in ice? It'd likely take a lot more to freeze Blackwater though," Beefang decides to add on not weighing how morbid her words could be but there's a thoughtful twitch of her whiskers and a faint smile on her maw, the black smoke glances towards Dipperfrost with a blink of her single eye and speaks with some hint of worry lacing her words as she speaks "You alright after that quick dip in the river?" The lead warrior's a little on edge when it comes to the colder waters knowing that both of her parents had fallen victim to it, at least, once from what she can remember when saving Shellpaw and stories of Cicadastar.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white


Water dripped steadily from Dipperfrost's soaked fur, pooling into the chilled earth beneath her. She could feel the weight of the river clinging to her pelt, a cold, stubborn reminder of her failure. But she remained still for a moment longer, allowing the icy bite to settle into her limbs as she caught her breath.

The sound of approaching pawsteps pulled her from her thoughts, but she didn't turn—she didn't need to. The voices that followed told her enough. Blackwater's teasing lilt carried over the quiet rush of the river, and though she didn't immediately respond, the corner of her mouth twitched. Moss from his ears? She could almost picture it. But before she could throw a quip back, a smaller, more uncertain voice chimed in.

"Could that really happen?" Dipperfrost blinked, finally turning her head to glance at Mosquitopaw. The apprentice's large eyes were wide with curiosity and a little bit of fear, no trace of humor in them. It was enough to make Dipperfrost hesitate. "Not unless you plan to stand out here all leaf-bare," she said dryly, shaking her head. The motion sent another spray of droplets flying, and she dug her claws into the riverbank to keep herself steady.

Shellpool's voice followed next, her words carrying a lighthearted humor that made Dipperfrost huff a quiet breath of amusement. Make them think I'm a fish, huh? She turned slightly to catch the amber-eyed molly's expression, catching a flicker of amusement in her gaze. "I'd rather they think I'm a rock," she muttered. "At least then I wouldn't have to chase them." Her tail flicked against the damp ground.

She had just started to move back toward the river when Beefang's voice cut through the playful air. There was a hint of sharpness beneath the casual inquiry, a subtle weight that made Dipperfrost pause. Her eyes flicked to the lead warrior's single-eyed gaze, reading the concern buried beneath her words. "I'll live," she replied after a beat, shaking herself out once more before stepping away from the shore. "But I'll admit the river got the better of me this time." She exhaled through her nose, glancing briefly at the water's surface. "Won't happen again."

Her blue eyes drifted over the gathered cats—Blackwater, his fresh catch laid aside; Shellpool, still perched on her rock, amber eyes glinting with amusement; Mosquitopaw, inching closer with barely contained curiosity; Beefang, watching with her usual quiet intensity.

The river had been unkind today, but RiverClan was not. That was enough.

With a low hum, she turned back toward the water. "Alright," she muttered "Anyone care to join me in another attempt?" she refused to return home with nothing to show for her troubles.
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    Dipperfrost is a tall, slender she-cat with a white coat broken by blue tabby patches, a tuft of curls atop her head, and a star-shaped marking on her forehead. Her brilliant blue eyes—one flecked with a yellow starburst—are often half-lidded, lending her a distant, unreadable expression. Quiet and observant, she speaks with purpose, choosing honesty over comfort and control over chaos. Her aloof demeanor and measured composure make her difficult to approach, but for those who earn her trust, she is fiercely loyal. Though cynical and pragmatic, she remains a steady, unshaken presence, ever watchful of the world around her.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter