Track w Notes;;
- Bliss or Sparkle or Bumblebee; clan name picked ICly by Privet
- sh blue w high white; nearly solid white with only a faint smattering of color. green eyes
- Extremely loud at birth; continues to be loud into adulthood. Rebellious, mouthy, stubborn, fierce. Intelligent and...
Character Name: Windykit
Discord Channel Name: kittys-cats
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: Shes never seen warm weather or colorful flowers and I think she would be very excited by both.
SHADOWCLAN CENSUS ✷ The purpose of a census is to keep track of active characters within the Clan! You may sign your character up on the census after three roleplay posts have been made with them. They will remain on the census unless they pass away or if you have not posted with them in over...
NEWTPAW [ ⚥ ] - apprentice — long-legged, scruffy feline with splotchy ginger fur and gold eyes [ @Newtpaw. ]
WARBLERPAW [ ♂ ] - apprentice (drypaw) — long haired black, blue, and white splashed tom with mismatched eyes, and one folded ear [ @Warblerpaw. ]
not 100% sure when they got...
Hello! Im so so bad with usernames and I doubt I played anyone notable but I was also on FF! Winterwarriorcat / AKLM KITTEN / Kitty-Kat. was my main and my only notable guys I think were ocs like Hailcloud of trad thunderclan, Freak in trad Bloodclan , and ocs like Preciousmemories Caligo May or...
Slight wip
[accordion width=100%]BASICS
— open to any alternative prefix that ends with -ing except for 'glowing' (singing-, shining-, buzzing-, dashing-, etc.)
★ 02 moons • ages realtime on the 21st
★ amab polygender ( any pronouns )
I DON'T WANNA BLEED ternstar & 27 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan
★★★★★★★★★ —— ─ ─ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce maximus facilisis mauris non porta. Sed consequat ultricies nibh, in feugiat dui fermentum in. Sed tincidunt...
( ONE GOT SHOT AND THE OTHER GOT LOST ) swallowflutter & 16 moons & polygender & any pronouns & shadowclan warrior ─ ─ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce maximus facilisis mauris non porta. Sed consequat ultricies...
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