Mud sticks to underpaw uncomfortably, Wormwatcher is saying something to her as they enter camp. She's pretty certain it's some lecture about something, she wasn't paying that much attention truthfully. She doesn't really know why he thought training might go well so early in the morning but...
One could hear Promisepaw approach before seeing him, given how loud his nest is with all of that junk in it. Odd baubles, gaudy trinkets in her opinion, she never saw the benefit to cluttering one's nest like that. Though she supposes she can't judge too harshly when she glances towards her...
This Leafbare has been harsh, it is the first that Puddlepaw has ever known and suffice to say that she isn't impressed with it. She hears about how hard it's been, how hard seemingly every Leafbare is for ShadowClan. So it's a welcome surprise when she wakes up to not a bitter chill but...
Muscles ached as she trudges into the dregs of camp for the day, the setting sun ablaze, casting long shadows that would give way to a good nights hunting should she be so lucky to participate in that as well. The chimera lingers by the fresh kill pile, a mouse hung from her maw as she vies for...
She can never understand Wormwatcher, some days she thinks she does. Then she is proven wrong, this is one of those moments. Most interactions she's had surrounding her actions in that battle had either been positive, one of fascination and mixed concerns, it's difficult to say how she herself...
While she liked Ternstar, there was never anything good behind catching the eye of a leader. Especially since she and Wormwatcher are mates or whatever... seriously what does she see in him? She's toddling through camp when the eye of Ternstar is caught, she had been planning to see if...
Her words immediately capture Puddlepaw's interest, there's slight widening to normally half lidded eyes. There's a glimmer to them, and it eases her to shuffle closer towards the she-cat. She likes Swansong, Puddlepaw always thought she was pretty and wise sounding, seemingly above most of...
Something that never made sense to Puddlepaw was the sight of Ternstar and Wormwatcher together. She never truly paid attention to them, that kind of stuff wasn't appealing at her young age after all. Yet as she sits next to Rainbowpaw, bickering over who got to eat the fat lizard on the prey...
She really shouldn't care that much about the fact that there's a missing kit. In truth she doesn't, it's curiosity that drives her. This is a mystery to solve after all and Puddlepaw might not like much but she adores mysteries. Mintkit is a new face, one that she doesn't particuarly pay...
Buzzardpaw's sleepwalking state rouses her, a paw brushes against her own nest, it's hard to not do so when they are practically conjoined. With a tired grumble she opens one eye, it taking a moment to truly register with her sleepy brain what exactly was going on. "Buzzardpaw?" she mumbles with...
In truth there is few things that Puddlepaw truly feels. Yet while in the apprentices den, scheming with her enemy in their tentative truce to try and claim a better spot within the den she can't help but be a little excited. It's gross, it feels like a static energy flooding her nerves. Making...
It feels stupid, to be allowed the curtsey of circling Lavanderpaw. She knows real battle now, actual conflict. She shouldn't be allowed to do this, part of her thinks to complain but deep down she knows it's to be nice. And it is that, nice. To act for a moment that things are the same, and yet...
How she managed to lose sight of Buzzardpaw she isn't sure, there is oddly a look of puzzlement across her features. Her sibling had been dragged away for apprentice duties she thinks, she supposes that it's fair since the day still needed to go on. There is annoying buzzing in her ears and she...
Infuriatingly, Rainbowpaw makes sense in his judgements. Perhaps she has been underestimating his intellegence when he was still a kit. In her defense most of their interactions prior to this was rendered to childish insults. Whiskers twitch as she grunts softly to contemplate the offer and well...
Puddlepaw's presence in the nursery is announced with a sigh, her paws feel heavy today. All this heel-to-toe nonesense has started to cement in her routine but her paws are still not used to it. It seemed relatively quiet, as far as the nursery goes at least. Her gaze falls on a comforting dual...
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