"All cats old enough to race the moors gather beneath the Tallrock!"

Her call rings out across the camp. A day has passed since the journeying cats returned and the clan was buzzing. To have their camp back, the journeying cats, and the lungwort was an immense relief off everyone's shoulders. Though things were tense due to uncertainty around Ouzelkit and Larkkit, Sootstar considered the clan to be in good standingโ€ฆ Much better than they've been for sometime. She hopes, because she cannot pray, that a time of stillness will settle across the moors.

With much of the clan settled beneath her paws and Sunstride in his position she commences the meeting. "WindClan is whole once more, we welcome the cats who braved the journey back home. Thanks to you all, Wolfsong reports Mintshade and Moorpaw are beginning to look better." She announces with pleasure, eager to see her daughter and sister back on the up again. She hopes the next time she beckons the clan for warrior ceremonies Moorpaw will at last be able to be among themโ€ฆ not long until Bluepaw would be made a full tunneler neither. The rate at which these kits grow never ceases to stun her.

"To celebrate, there is an apprentice among those who have journeyed who is ready to become a warrior. Milkpaw, step forward." The silver Tom has had his moments, as any apprentice has. However, she's been informed that over the course of the journey he's grown immensely and has proven to have the qualities of a full WindClan warrior. Before proceeding she travels down the Tallrock to be face-to-face with Milkpaw.

"I, Sootstar of WindClan, look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to become a strong and dedicated warrior of WindClan and I commend him as a warrior in his turn." She looks at Milkpaw expectantly, "Milkpaw, do you promise to protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?"

'I do' He would say, or something akin. He is gifted a rare smile from Sootstar as she says, "Milkpaw from this moment forward you will be known as Milkthorn. WindClan honors your dedication and resilience and we welcome you as a full warrior of the clan." Sootstar presses her nose against her forehead as custom, she draws away when she feels the lick upon her shoulder.


Milkpaw lay in the outskirts of camp, against dying grass from the bitter cold that was slowly reminding them that leafbare was coming closer by the day. He had just returned yesterday, his wounds scabbed over, covered by different herbs, yet still causing pain from becoming a chew toy for the dogs. But it was worth it, saving Scorchstreak from their deathly grasp. Even he was lucky to survive without more damage.

Sootstars call made him heave himself from the ground, following suit of the other cats coming forth to the clearing. Starting, she would welcome the cats back from the journey, announcing that moorpaw and mintshade were already starting to feel better. it was a relief, that they hadn't made the journey for nothing. the cure was found, and all the clans worked together to make sure each got their own.

Then, she would go on. His breath caught, and cerulean eyes met Sootstars green. I'm finally becoming a warrior. It was even more relief on his shoulders. His form would stand back up.White pelt, with faint brown rosettes scattered his ever growing form. He hit a growth spurt just before and during the journey, and even further. It wasn't the only thing that changed about him, and he had indeed grew to be a better cat, a better apprentice.

"I do," he said, his words confident. He would always have the desire to protect his clan, he decided. Even if it cost his life, there was no more selfish antics he could have. He didn't want to be that way anymore.

A small smile reached Sootstars maw, and that indeed was rare. Especially to Milkpaw. And that in itself was enough to make his chest rumble with a small purr. She would name him milkthorn. Dedicated, Resilient. And he couldn't be more proud of his name.

He would bend down as her nose touched his forehead, and give her a lick on her shoulder. When she pulled away, he would dip his head. "Thank you, Sootstar."

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โ˜พ Quickly, the downy tomcat rushed to the familiar cry of Sootstar. Never far from the beck and call of the green-eyed molly. Especially with all the fuss buzzing around the predicament with the kits. It irked him a touch that even he was taken aback by the decision, but still, he found any clanmate's disapproval of the moor queen's decisions inane. Settling comfortably towards the front, he peered up to the pleased expression on the leader's face.

Leaving the tunneler feeling at ease, for now, he wouldn't have to worry about tossing fur about. The return of the journeying cats had seemingly put a pep in every Windclanner step.

A smile of Harbingermoon's own graced the inky feline's speckled features, which excellently highlighted his luminous gaze. Now half cast to a crescent as he watched on amusedly. Having another warrior added to Windclan's ranks was always an added plus, and it was another cat to pick up the slack. Intently, he observed the ceremony with unabashed fascination, akin to a kit watching a fly buzz abound. โ˜ฝ
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Sootstar dips her head to Milkthorn, appreciative of his gratitude before she turns and slithers back up the Tallrock. Her green eyes shine vibrant against the pale blue backdrop, soft white clouds float slowly over head as an autumn breeze ruffles her fur.

"Next," Sootstar begins, searching the crowd for the large group of kits in the clan, "Rivekit, Featherkit, Finchkit, Downykit, Pearlykit, Bearkit, Pinkkit, Heathkit, Singedkit, and Sunlitkit, step forward." Good starsโ€ฆ what a group of soon-to-be apprentices they had. Sootstar was excited to see her clan grow so immensely, but it was taxing on their available warriors. Adjustmentsโ€ฆ and sacrifices had to be made to get them all mentors. "You have all reached the age of three moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed."

Sootstar looks to a kit of Wolfsong and Sunstride, brown tabby fur covering their pelt. " @rivekit , from this day on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Rivepaw. Your mentor will be @SNAKEHISS ." She finds the black and white Tom in the crowd, his loyalty as of late has not been forgotton. His assistance in slaying Hyacinthbreath and his defense of her judgement has been more than appreciated and noted. "Snakehiss, you've proven yourself ready for an apprentice. Pass on everything you know onto Rivepaw."

" @FEATHERKIT from this moment on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Featherpaw." She meows to the flame-colored feline, her fur warm against the sunlight. "Your mentor will be @Bluepool , I trust that she will pass on everything she knows onto you." Her and Bluepool have not spoken much since the initial attack on WindClan camp. Despite their arguing, she still trusted the tabby more than most to train an apprentice well. "Bluepool you have always been a honored and respected cat of WindClan, I entrust you again to train this apprentice into a strong warrior of his clan."

" @FINCHKIT from this moment on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Finchpaw." Another child of Brightshine and Heavy Snow, she has her reservations about the parents due to their kin, but holds no weariness forwards their children. "Your mentor will be @FOGBOUND . I expect him to pass on all he knows onto you." She looks to Fogbound and dips her head, "This will be your first apprentice, Fogbound, but you've been a warrior for sometime and this responsibility is long due. I trust that you will train Finchpaw into the best warrior she can be."

" @downykit from this moment on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Downypaw. @SOOTSPOT will be your mentor." Sootstar looks at the blue and white apprentice before shifting her gaze to the similarly colored Sootspots. "Sootspots, you too have been a warrior for quite sometime. You are ready to carry to responsibility and train your own apprentice. Teach Downypaw all you know."

" @Pearlykit from this moment on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Pearlypaw. Your mentor will be Dustflight" Sootstar looked to the gray-striped warrior before, he's mentored apprentices before and she trusts he'll be able to make a good moor-runner out of Pearlypaw. She exchanges a few words of faithfulness to him before allowing The pair to touch noses.

" @Bearkit from this moment on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Bearpaw. Your mentor will be @BRIGHTSHINE! " Thisโ€ฆ was a pair she was reluctant for. Brightshine has done nothing personally to make her believe she lacks loyalty to her clan, but her kinโ€ฆ They're sharp-tongued and flighty, many of them turned traitor. It's difficult to not look at her with suspicion, but maybe once and for all Brightshine can prove Sootstar has little to worry about. "Brightshine, you've been a warrior of WindClan for sometime. Now that you are back to your warrior duties you are ready for an apprentice, train Bearpaw into a noble and fierce warrior."

(TW; ableism for entire paragraph) " @HEATHKIT โ€ฆ" She looks at the kit, uncertain if a ceremony was needed. She feels bad for her, she doesโ€ฆ but could she even be a warrior? Would this be a waste of resources? She's not sure what place there is for Heathkit, how she could possibly succeed as a clan cat and if not as a warriorโ€ฆ then what could she do? "From this moment on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Heathpaw. Your mentor will be @RABBITCLAW ." She looks to Rabbitclaw, a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Rabbitclaw, you're an intelligent she-cat. I trust that you are up for the challenge of training Heathpaw and will be able to show her the ways of a moor-runner." Hopefully in the end it will work out...

" @SINGEDKIT from this moment forward until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Singedpaw." She looks the bright-furred feline up and down, a striking resemblance of both their parents. "Your mentor will be Smallwhisker. Smallwhisker, you're a fiercely loyal and skilled tunneler. I trust you will mentor Singedpaw with the same excellency you've always displayed." The dark chocolate Tom had no doubts from her.

" @sunlitkit from this moment forward until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Sunlitpaw. Your mentor will be @THORNRUNNER ." The last of Wolfsong and Sunstride's kits to be apprenticed, Sootstar feels she will do well in her training. "Thornrunner you've been without an apprentice, it is time for you to take up the mantle of having your own. Train Sunlitpaw to be a fierce and honored warrior of WindClan."

" @PINK-KIT from this moment forward until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Pinkpaw. Your mentor will be @SCORCHSTREAK . Scorchstreak, it has been sometime since you've had an apprentice with Cottonpaw leaving your wing to train as a medicine cat apprentice. I know that you will train Pinkpaw into an excellent tunneler." She knows from past interactions and brief over-hearings that Pinkpaw may not be too pleased with her selected role, but they need all the tunnelers they can get, her small size was perfect for the job.
  • ยป Soot โ€ค Sootstar
    ยป WindClan Leader
    ยป She/her โ€ค Mate to Weaselclaw
    ยป Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    ยป "Speech" โ€ค thoughts โ€ค attack
  • ยป A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    ยป Excels in quick, short moves.
    ยป Fights to kill and maim
    ยป Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    ยป May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Rabbitclaw tunes out of the beginning of the meeting, not caring to hear about them being home and all that. She does note that Mintshade and Moorpaw are getting better, which is good. Then, Milkpaw is called forward and so begins the first and only warrior ceremony. Milkthorn. That's not a bad name, good job little dude. Warrior ceremonies were always nice and to be honest it was refreshing to have one after getting kicked out of their homes. Filled with more cheer than usual, she whoops "MILKTHORN! MILKTHORN! MILKTHORN!" What? it's not a crime to be happy for someone else.

It was only when Sootstar announced the list of kits did she realize, oh shit we have so many new apprentices. For her, apprentice ceremonies were a toss up. After all, she was a tunneler a rank that had few cats in comparison to the moor runners. It was not uncommon for all apprentices becoming moor runners given the strict requirements in order to become a tunneler, but she would be lying to say she wasn't hopeful that some of these kits would become tunnelers. Namely Finchkit who she very much enjoyed and would love to see in the tunnels. As for who she didn't want at all that would be Pinkkit. Maybe we'll have three new tunneler apprentices? At the very least we'll have one.

Rivekit being handed over to Snakehiss as a mentor fills her with apprehension. Although, if anyone with Snakehiss would make her apprehensive. It was no secret she disliked the bratty tom, but this was Sootstar's decision. As much as she had reservations, she had no choice in the matter just as the kits from Shadowclan were stolen from their homes and brought here. She's already made a note to check out of the ceremonies, figuring that most of them would be moor runners anyway.

However, when Finchkit's name is announced she can't help but feel nervous. Finchkit is a kit who she loved. A curious she-cat with a never ending hunger for knowledge. In short, a perfect apprentice for anyone to have. An apprentice she was glad that was not given to Snakehiss. She didn't want Snakehiss poisoning her with his... Snakeness. When Fogbound's name is announced her stomach plummets with bitterness that is replaces with jealousy. Not only was Finchpaw going to join the moor runners, she was going to be his apprentice. Fogbound is... Well he is by no means bad, not as bad as when they first met. She doesn't want to unpack that can of worms right now. She has no doubts that Fogbound will teach Finchpaw well, but if he's stupid with Finchpaw I'm going to kill him! Finchpaw you better reel him in, he's a slippery one! Still, she's jealous that Finchpaw will not be her apprentice. As if Finchpaw wouldn't see her considering Fogbound and her always have spats, so it's not the end of the world.

Downykit, who is Finchpaw's littermate is next and that one she's unsure of. Downypaw is given Sootspot as a mentor and it seems like they'll have one new tunneler among them. She wouldn't say she hates Downypaw or anything like that. From her short interaction with the apprentices during their kithood, they seem to share a similar spirit as Finchpaw. Even though she has bias towards Finchpaw, she can't help but be interested in getting to know Downypaw and how Sootspot would fare in training them. In short, she is pleased that a new tunneler would be joining their ranks and getting to know Downypaw further. Who knows maybe she'll get to mess with Downypaw and the other apprentices. After all, tunnelers worked in pairs. No one was allowed to be alone, so in a way. The tunnelers were a tight knit group, a family. With odd characters, but a family nevertheless.

Once again she tunes out the conversation until Heathkit is called. Heathkit is the last of Brightshine's kits to be called. Wait, no. That can't be right. Pinkkit wasn't called. She looks around for the kit in question, but then promptly gives up. It's none of my business. Don't pay any mind to it. Huh? Sootstar? Her head tilts in confusion when she notes their leader's apprehension. All the kits called before were not met with this level of uncertainty. It takes her a second to recall that unlike the other apprentices called that Heathkit can't hear. Is this too much for her? The thought of whether or not Heathkit being a waste of resources doesn't occur to her. She is simply concerned as to whether or not the she-cat in question understands what is being said to some extent. As for who would be the newly dubbed Heathpaw's mentor... M-ME?! Surprise is written across her face, and when she meets Sootstar's eyes, all she can find is sympathy. Heathpaw would be her first apprentice.

Rabbitclaw is Heathpaw's mentor. She's not sure if she's ready or even able to teach. It's not because of Heathpaw's inability to hear, but a memory of four small bundles decide to invade her mind. If she had failed them, then how could she possibly not fail Heathpaw? Shove it! Don't think! Blue eyes harden and as she listens to Sootstar's wishes for her. A wicked grin plasters her face followed by a nod to Sootstar, approval. Rabbitclaw has voiced her approval for this pairing no matter the challenges that would come with it. In order to seal the deal, she answers "I will not fail."

On goes the meeting, the next apprentice will be Singedkit who will be joining the ranks of the tunnelers. Three new tunnelers have joined them. More family members to add to the little group. The last kit is apprenticed to Thornrunner, whom she has no opinion of. She has more pressing matters. The first being looking for Brightshine and then for Heathpaw, her apprentice. She could bother Fogbound afterward. Can't keep Heathpaw waiting too long.

When she finds her way through the crowd and to Brightshine, she gives the older warrior a bow in respect and greeting. Perhaps there is no reason to do this, but Brightshine's daughter is in her care. The tunnels are extremely dangerous and it's not like Brightshine or Heavy Snow can visit Heathpaw easily. "As you know, I'm Heathpaw's mentor now. I will do my best for her and keep her safe. If you would like to know anything about her or voice concerns, I am more than happy to speak with you and Heavy Snow." She hopes that Brightshine is not displeased with this pairing. Rabbitclaw is unaware how she is perceived by other's, but she is known for being reckless and that could be a point of concern. By all accounts Rabbitclaw doesn't appear at first glance to be trustworthy.

She averts her eyes in Heathpaw's direction. Sparing Brightshine a final glance, she pads towards Heathpaw. She can't hear what I say, so what can I do to make a good impression? Both Heathpaw and her share blue eyes, which causes her to smile. Rabbitclaw lowers herself so Heathpaw doesn't have to strain herself too much to glance up at her. Now, Heathpaw can see her lips clearly. And so Rabbitclaw begins to speak in a slower manner than her usual sharp cadence and taking great care in enunciating her words. "Hey Heathpaw. I'm your mentor, Rabbitclaw. Do you want to start training after the meeting is done? Or would you like to start tomorrow? Spend some time with your family before you'll be stuck with me and the other tunnelers?"โ€‹

Featherkit joined in with the cheers for the new-warrior as blatantly half-heartedly as humanly possible. Though she had been preparing to be an apprentice for as long as she could remember, now that the day was here the chocolate molly felt dread raking its claws relentlessly across her belly. Yellow eyes soured with a scowl, she swept one last look over her siblings, over Brightshine and Heavy Snow's litter. None of them were prepared like he was, he was sure of it. All of them had seen the same things as him- but none of theme feared them. He was certain that would get them killed.

Rivekit was assigned to Snakehiss, a tom Featherkit hoped would be able to keep up with her vivacious sister. And then- suddenly, it was his turn. Bluepool, one of their lead warriors- he stiffened, ears angling to attention. Well-known parents, a respected mentor... she was sure Sootstar saw something in her, cold fire of potential. And though she was almost four moons old now, the rogue's invasion having delayed her apprenticeship, she would not let that dawdling hold her back. He shuffled over to meet the nose of his new mentor.

"We're running behind. I expect you to keep up with me." His tone was stern. She wasn't going to let this temper her potential to protect everything she loved- and she had faith Bluepool would be a good mentor for that. A lead warrior was an honour, after all.
โœฆ penned by pinโ€‹
Blah blah blah, journey blah blah, Milkthorn blah blah. Pink-kit has never met that cat in her entire life, but Pink-kit calls their name anyways because that's what the rest of her clan is doing. She is nothing if not a team player!

โ€” Until she notices that one of the guys doing the calling is Rabbitclaw. Suddenly, she couldn't care less. Yawn. Pink-kit looks impassively up at Sootstar. She kinda forgot what she's here for. Isn't she like, not allowed at meetings? She'd lean over to Heathkit to ask what they're even doing here, if Sootstar hadn't called all their names there and then. Immediately, Pink-kit perks. She's smart enough to know to listen to the leader and stuff...

Also, Heathkit wouldn't have heard her. Wait, how is Heathkit supposed to know what to do? Pink-kit steps forward like she's supposed to, sparing a glance back to her sister. Hopefully she'll understand to copy everyone else, at least. She blinks, as her friends are mentionedโ€” made into paws. She utters a small gasp when she finally remembers what day it is, apprentice day!

Now, now she's bouncing on her toes! Allllll her friends and siblings are called before her. And then... she's Pinkpaw! She knows she probably shouldn't, but she yells, " Yay! " and rushes to copy the others, coming to touch her nose to Scorchstreak's, whoever that is...

I know that you will train Pinkpaw into an excellent tunneler. TUNNELER. Pink-kit balks. " Wait! Boo! Booooo! " No offense to Scorchstreak, because she was very pretty and therefore couldn't possibly be that dirty or gross. Newly named Pinkpaw pears up at her leader, utter shock written on her face. " Miss Sootstar, I spent lots of days growing big and tall so I can be a moor runner! Or at least a moor tunnelerrrr! " She whines. Nevermind that she hasn't grown very much at all.

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!โ€‹
Bluepaw feels vindicated to be back in her own camp, familiar earth under her paws and her Clanmates at her side. The routine of Sootstar calling a meeting, of naming a warrior, has settled the unrest in her soul. She cares little for Milkpaw, though even she has to admit the task he'd undergone with the other WindClanners had been daunting. The pale, rosetted tom had left a scorned apprentice and had returned a heroโ€”she supposes it's only natural he has earned his warrior name. When he's said his vows and had his name changed, Bluepaw cries, "Milkthorn! Milkthorn!" It is the proper thing to do.

Next, the nurseryโ€”and Wolfsong's denโ€”are emptied, filling the vacant apprentice's nests on the outside of the sleeping circles. She is dismissive of each moor runner name calledโ€”a Clanmate is a Clanmate, but she only takes true interest in the kits assigned to tunnelers. Singedpaw, the tiniest of Sunstride and Wolfsong's kits, is apprenticed to Dustflight. She nods her approval, shifting her gaze to the next kitโ€”the deaf one, white-furred Heathpaw. The little she-cat is given to Rabbitclaw. Bluepaw blinks sympathetically toward the tabby tunneler. That would not be easyโ€”all senses but sight are needed beneath the earth, after all.

Next comes Downypaw, the soft-pelted charcoal-smudged kit. They are given to Sootspot. Bluepaw flicks an ear in approval. Pinkpaw is the final tunneler named, and Bluepaw finds herself searching the crowd for her. It does not take long for the little tortoiseshell to begin running her mouth. The gray she-cat lets out a faint hiss of displeasure. "That is not how a WindClan tunneler apprentice conducts herself at meetings," she scolds. She straightens in her spot, giving her mother a quick look from where she sits upon the Tallrock. "Being a tunneler is an honor, and Scorchstreak is a lead warrior. You had best behave yourself now." Her tone is hushedโ€”it is no longer her place to scold the kit; it's Scorchstreak's, now. But she does not want her badly punished for opening her stupid mouth on day one. She's rather fond of Pinkpaw, though she could not explain why, and despite this bad first impression, she's pleased someday the little she-kit will be tunneling alongside her.

, "โ€‹
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Hollowcreek found himself falling beside Harbingermoon as they both set themselves front and center in their leaders sights. Burning gems flickered from acknowledging his Clanmate to focusing on the small grey molly above. She beckoned with a powerful shout for their attention, announcing the arrival of a new warrior.

Milkpaw had earned his warrior name, Milkthorn, and Hollowcreek felt a smile lift his maw as he noticed the moorland molly lacked any mention of the stars recognizing this moment with them. She had left the stars behind that they no longer influenced any part of their culture now, just as they had lived without them in the colony.

"Milkthorn! Milkthorn!" Hollowcreek joined in the praises towards the speckled tom, followed by the next arrival to their apprentices. Brightshine and Wolfsong had reared many, their names unable to fit into a single breath. They find their mentors in the crowd and join their sides, though Pinkpaw is more combative than the rest. His eyes narrow suspiciously, finding Brightshine quickly. The traitors kin, have their ways always poisoned the young? Speaking out against their queen at the first meeting they could even attend?

"This won't bode well for her kind." He spoke particularly to Harbingermoon, but loud enough to be heard for anyone around.โ€‹
โ•ญโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹… โ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝก๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ˜€๏ธŽ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ๏ฝก โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹… โ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ•ฎโ€‹
Finally, finally, FINALLY, it's time! Finchkit can't keep herself from wiggling in place, lined up beside all her siblings, as the meeting starts, and especially when Sootstar doesn't start with the apprentice ceremonies. News is boooring, at least when there are more exciting things to talk about, and a warrior ceremony is important, too, she supposes, even though she doesn't really know much about this Milkthorn guy. Still, her voice joins in with the rest, if a tad later than most of the others, in cheering for the new warrior, and she is happy for him, even if she wants everybody to hurry up so they can get to the good part. When Sootstar starts rattling off names, it's clear it's time for apprentice ceremonies, and if she was wiggling a little bit before, she's practically vibrating in place now.

Stepping forward alongside kin and friends and denmates alike, Finchkit's chin is held aloft, pure, unfettered excitement radiating off of her. Of course, she's not first up; instead, Rivekit is called up, and she practically burns with impatience. Rivekit is Rivepaw, Snakewhatever is her mentor - when's it gonna be her turn? Featherkit becomes Featherpaw next, and she almost slumps forward, almost heaves a pointed, annoyed sigh, but she's very restrained, and instead her beaming smile only grows a tiny bit forced. But then - but then! Finchkit, that's her name being called! Being very careful not to trip on her own paws and embarrass herself at such an important moment, she practically skips forward nonetheless, anticipation weighing heavy on her. Who would be her mentor? It's a breathless few moments, as Sootstar dubs her Finch[/i]paw for the first time, and she can't help but puff up at hearing her new name spoken aloud. Finchpaw/

And now - the next moment she's been waiting for...

"Your mentor will be Fogbound." Not a name she's particularly familiar with, and so there's no expectation as Finchpaw turns to find herself suddenly face-to-face with some huge cat. This was her new mentor? Awesome! Stretching up to meet his nose, she follows tradition set by so many before her, and then the moment was over, just like that. More than anything, she wants to interrogate this guy, learn everything about him and also ask what they're doing first and when they're doing it and when they get to leave camp and a billion other things, but she's pretty sure that's supposed to wait until after the other ceremonies. Anyways, she doesn't want to miss all her siblings getting apprenticed! Skipping along from her brief spot at the base of the Tallrock, she makes way for the next new apprentice, which happens to be Downykit! Okay, maybe now that she's bursting with a different kind of excitement, she can actually pay attention, at least to her siblings' ceremonies.

Downykit to Downypaw, Heathkit to Heathpaw, and Pink-kit to Pinkpaw - oh, and there were some others, too, but that was a little less important, at least in her eyes. Whatever; whether she pays super close attention or not doesn't make them all any less apprentices, and besides, she's sure they all have other cats to cheer them on. Pinkpaw's ceremony is just winding down, and Finchpaw is getting ready to slip off and start her interrogation when her sister's voice suddenly rises up. She knows Heathkit is gonna be a tunneler, since Rabbitclaw is one, and Fogbound looks suspiciously too big to fit in the tunnels, so she's probably gonna be a moor runner, and Sootstar announced that Pinkpaw was gonna be a tunneler, too, only she had only just glazed over that information since all the important stuff had already been said, right? Well, apparently that's no good for Pinkpaw, and Finchpaw is immediately sympathetic, all the times her sister had insisted she wouldn't be a dusty tunneler coming to mind.

"Maybe you just gotta keep growing, then - like, at least as big as me!" she attempts to placate. How was Pinkpaw supposed to suddenly get so big if she'd already been trying? That's for Pinkpaw to find out, not Finchpaw, since she's already big enough to be a moor runner all on her own. Besides, she doesn't have any time to answer the question for her sister - there are things to be learned! "You're good at digging already, anyways, at least," she adds before skipping off, coming to halt right in front of Fogbound. Well, if you consider a 'halt' to be bouncing up and down in place, that is.

"Hi! You're big!" she observes, teeth showing how wide her grin is. "What are we gonna do first? Can we leave camp? Oh, can we go right now? I already saw some of outside, but I wanna see it all! Like, especially the stuff we didn't see on the way to ThunderClan and ShadowClan! Can we catch some rabbits, too? I heard rabbits are really fast, but I bet I could be faster!" Questions and tangents spill out with an eagerness that's almost over-the-top even for her, but she can't help feeling the need to get out and do something new and exciting. Maybe they could just go run around for awhile first - that would be good, she thinks. That's probably something moor runners do a lot of, since it's in the name and all. She'd never really run around all that much, other than running from place to place, but now's as good a time as any to start, she supposes!โ€‹
  • OOC: --โ€‹
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit Finchpaw
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 3 moons
    - Loner Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinksโ€‹
  • Like
Reactions: FOGBOUND
He should be excited, enthusiastic, ready for this, but alas he was not. Bearkit didn't care about becoming an apprentice, he had awoken knowing today was the day and felt nothing about it either way. Positive, nor negative. Only a muted feeling of disinterest. He didn't know why. His siblings were ready, perhaps too ready in the case of Riverkit and Featherkit, but he had followed along after them on slow plodding steps and lumbered along without haste. The children of the deputy, they'd learn well-they'd make WindClan proud. All he wants is a nap, pride could wait.

Brightshine is a molly he knows only in passing, but he knows enough to not be particularly concerned about this. She would not be too harsh, perhaps his problem might be that he doesn't learn a lot more than hunting from her as she never crossed him as very threatening and he had only heard of her softness. It was uttered like a curse, clanmates murmuring of traitor blood and weakness and he had simple listened without much commentary himself on it. He'd heard the stories, of course, whispers of what happened when you stepped out of line and disobeyed your leader but really it made sense to listen to whoever was in charge. The newly named Bearpaw hummed thoughtfully, listening in patient silence as his siblings and Brightshine's own litter were also named and given mentors. His was by far the most docile one. There'd be no complaints from him. A small sliver of him, a part he knew would be reprimanded if the truth came out, had never liked how violent their world was. He'd rather his รฐir have less work to do and that required less blood spilled. But WindClan was WindClan and the tall grass was red at times.

"Hello, I look forward to learning from you." He quips politely, soft-toned and gentle smile as he approaches the calico and lifts his head up to touch his nose to hers. Bearpaw considers the cats related to her, Heavy Snow was a massive but gentle tom...Mallowlark had been an odd one and fled to SkyClan. Emberfang had tried to overthrow Sootstar and was banished. Pollenfur vanished in the night. His blue eyes sweep over her plush frame and kind expression; it was hard to imagine her carrying traitor blood but that was what he'd been told. Bearpaw, however, would make his own decisions.


  • 71921872_lHW2rPxXjrMDs4j.png
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… Kitten of WindClan
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… He/Him
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.

This is his big day, the day he becomes an apprentice. It should be a joyous day like it is for everyone else, like he always thought it would be for him. But it isnt. He is flooded with soul crushing grief and a hollowness that trees cant even manage. He sits patiently beside the other apprentices with dull eyes, trying his best to stay focused.

This is his day, he should be happy....

But he has no one to celebrate with. His parents are gone. He has no one to run gleefully to, no one to congratulate him and lick his head anymore. He is completely and utterly alone. This is on top of all the cats he has seen die from the sickness that took his parents from him. Again and again he saw it happened, heard the mournful cries of loved ones. Instead of healing, his wound has been torn open and mangled.

He only comes back into focus when he hears his name. It's his turn.

"I do." He says, lacking the usual spunk and energy.

He is now Pearlypaw, apprenticed to Dustflight. He doesn't know the tom well, but he knows hes a good warrior, even if he's a little.....Weird.

He hears his name being cheered with the others, but Pearlypaw knows better than to turn around. What's the point? He has no one to go to anymore.

A regular meeting. A welcome distraction for the monochrome feline, his mind even more of a jumbled mess than usual lately. Between fighting off the last of the yellowcough and Sootstar's plucking of kits from their homes, Rattleheart had felt so tired lately. They all needed more things to celebrate, and ceremonies were ideal for that - especially when they presented new potential tunnelers. He was always glad to have more familiar faces joining him down in the tunnels, even if he rarely ever really saw their actual faces in the plunging darkness.

Even with the cure in his system, the small tom stayed near the edges of the crowd, long tail curled securely around his paws as he listened to Sootstar rattle off announcements. A rare - or at least, rare as of late - smile graced his muzzle as Milkpaw was called forward, glad to see a new warrior among them. It stung his lungs and his throat to raise his voice with the rest of those present, but he called out proudly through the pain. "Milkthorn! Milkthorn!" It was a fitting name, at least to Rattleheart. One that conveyed strength and responsibility, and a resilience that would serve Windclan well.

Next came an outright swarm of kittens becoming apprentices, and he had to admit that he found himself blinking in shock at just how many of them there really were. He'd known that he had missed some things during his long stint of sickness, but he hadn't expected to have missed quite so many kits growing up into the next generation of the clan. It made his heart ache, but only briefly - he could overcome his regret by making sure he helped the new apprentices as much as he could once he was fully recovered. Even... even the newly-named Pinkpaw, though he couldn't help the faint grimace that crossed his face when she was apprenticed to none other than his sister. She was just a child, hopefully she would grow out of the outbursts that she was showing off even during a meeting.

He purred softly in the new apprentice's direction, his kinder voice joining Bluepaw's harsher scolding. "You'll be helping to provide a vital service to Windclan as a whole, Pinkpaw. Besides, you could consider yourself lucky - Scorchstreak is an excellent mentor." She and Rabbitclaw both would teach their apprentices well, Rattleheart was sure of it. Calling out for all of the new apprentices was a bit too much for his throat now, but he spared a nod in each of their directions, making sure to flash a grin in the direction of both of his siblings.

Exhausted as he was, at least it seemed like Windclan had a bright future of apprentices ahead of them.
Her friend Bluepaw is scolding her suddenly, and Pink-kit blinks in surprise. That is not how a WindClan tunneler apprentice conducts herself at meetings, " But I'm not a tunneler apprentice... " she says all pouty - like. Well, she guesses she was, but she wasn't supposed to be one. Sootstar made a mistake... Being a tunneler is an honor Is it? and Scorchstreak is a lead warrior. Is she? Pink-kit isn't sure what that means, but it sounds important. She stops to contemplate this.

Maybe you just gotta keep growing, then - like, at least as big as me! Finchkit says, and Pink-kit blows a raspberry at her because she's not even that big! They were all sisters, that wouldn't even make sense! But Pinpaw supposes that she had a point... Pinkpaw would just have to grow sooo big that'd it'd surprise anyone and she'd have no choice but to be deputy! Or um, at least a moor - runner...

And wait a sec, why is some RANDOM kitting touching noses with her mom when Pinkpaw is right here and has been wrongfully assigned a lead warrior??

You'll be helping to provide a vital service to Windclan as a whole, someone says. She doesn't wanna provide " vital services, " she wants to beat up bad guys! And no one would ever have to take her to smelly ShadowClan again because she'd just kill all of the rogues instantly! With the closest thing to a frown she could manage, she looks at Scorchstreak. Who's apparently an " excellent mentor, " maybe if she asks really nicely Scorchstreak would teach her how to beat up evil cats... " Sorry Miss Scorchstreak, I'm gonna be really big... Like, the biggest cat ever... " She'll just have to do what she says until she's taller than her...

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!โ€‹
There are plenty of new apprentices to be made at this meeting, along with one new warrior. Scorchstreak herself is glad to see Milkpaw named a warriorโ€”the young tom had saved her life only weeks ago, and he has more than proven his loyalty and usefulness to his clan. Milkthorn is a fitting name for the boy, and the calico calls his new name along with the rest of those clanmates present. He will serve WindClan as a capable warrior, she is sure of it, and if the tom happens to look her way she offers him an encouraging dip of her head. But her attention is quickly drawn back to Sootstar when the queen begins calling kits to be made into apprentices.

Apprentices are named, mentors assigned, and Scorchstreak watches as each mentor gets their new apprentices. She recalls being assigned to train Cottonpawโ€”and what a useless endeavor that had been. The sting of being given an apprentice, only for that same apprentice to be made Wolfsong's apprentice after hardly a month, still sticks in her memory like a vicious thorn. She doesn't blame Sootstar for it, but she does wish that the leader had assigned her daughter to someone else. When her name is spoken, the calico's tail flicks contentedly. Pinkkit is a loud kit with an overactive mind, but she is not bad. Given time, she can surely be tempered into a tunneler with all the skills to properly serve her clan. And perhaps she can learn to hold her tongue, as well.

Speaking of holding her tongueโ€”the kit speaks up before Scorchstreak has the chance to touch noses with her, and the newly named Pinkpaw even goes so far as to boo her assigned rank. The calico recoils, ears swiveling backward in a show of displeasure. Bluepaw and a few others are quick to speak up, to assure the kit that Scorchstreak is a good mentor. The calico appreciates it, but steps forward to fix the child with a stern look. "You will learn to be grateful for your position. And you will learn to hold your tongue." It isn't the greatest first impression as her newly-assigned mentor, but the calico feels it is necessary to set expectations. She will not have an unruly, disrespectful apprentice who doesn't appreciate her fellow tunnelers.

With a lash of her tail, the calico stands a bit taller. "You are a tunneler, like it or not." The child may think herself a moor runner, but there is no denying that Pinkpaw is small. The size difference between herself and her siblings is noticeable, and Scorchstreak is sure that she will come to accept her position within the moorland's tunnels in time. "We'll be going into the tunnels for the first time later today, so prepare yourself for that."
  • Angry
Reactions: PINKSHINE

It is the usual call that Sootstar summons her clan, and for a moment, Bluepool can almost pretend nothing has happened. Rogues had not invaded their camp. Cats she had once admired and respected were not gone from this earth. Everything was right in the world again and she knows better but she wishes it were true with all of her heart. Wishes that these strange kits did not sleep in their nursery at night, wishes she could pretend like she didn't notice how her sister no longer called upon StarClan when she spoke those ceremonial words. She is glad Mintshade is safe, glad her ebony furred sister had been saved from the clutches of sickness and even worse - death. But more than that she is relieved Scorchstreak is back. She tells herself its because she had returned with the ever-important life saving cure but when she looks in the tortoiseshell mollies direction she knows it is more than that. If Scorchstreak were to catch her looking she would offer her fellow lead warrior a smile before settling into her place and tipping her head upwards to rest her honeyed eyes on a smoke colored pelt.

If she is honest, she had never thought she would see the day where Milkpaw was named a warrior. He was insolent and burdensome and in her opinion, it is a wonder he made it home. He must be commended for that, at least. For surviving, for doing the bare minimum. Still, despite her feelings on the matter, she calls out the new warriors name with the rest of her clan.

When the apprentices are called to step forward she cannot help but feel a wave of excitement quickly followed by apprehension. Surely with so many she would be assigned a new charge, a young cat to shape into an image fitting of WindClan and as appealing as the idea is she finds that she hopes it is not one of Brightshine and Heavy Snows. She had already been made to take a traitors son, and though Periwinklebreeze had turned out adequate despite his heritage she was not eager for another. Instead, she finds her eyes are drawn to the children of Sunstride. Now those were kits who had a strong future in their paths.

She waits patiently, tail curled around her paws as apprentices are assigned to mentors, and she does not have to wait for long. Featherkit's name is called and just when Bluepool is thinking that one looks strong, I wouldn't mind training her Sootstar is calling her name. A smile lights up her features as she steps forward to touch noses with her new charge. "I wouldn't dream of it" she says with a laugh in response to the red-furred apprentices statement.

As she goes to take her place back in the crowd she shoots Scorchstreak a sympathetic glance. "You'll have your paws full with that one" she says, her tone light and amusement shining in her eyes. Brightshine's kin had always been stubborn she thinks. This one would prove no different.

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โŠฐโ‹… โ˜ฝ โ‹…โŠฑโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€‹
The last few weeks had been turbulent in the very least for Rivekit. The rogues, for one, were something that she'd never forget. Even as a wisened and old elder, she'd never forget what they did. Perhaps the distrust and hate that settled in her heart for them now would remain and make her bitter- but who knows! She lived to tell the tale, right? She couldn't worry about that right now, settling at the paws of one of her parents as the meeting was called. Today was the day she'd move forward in life- today was the day she'd claim apprenticeship.

Vision drifted towards Sootstar with interest, ears perked forward. Unlike her typical self, she was quiet- for now- and patient. Despite her sealed lips, excitement burned like a fire in her chest, and it was itching to get out. Bearpaw might not be as excited as herself or Featherkit, but she wouldn't be stopped. No, her time was now, and she was going to claim it. Their names were called- all of the kits in camp, practically, and Rivekit only heard a competition forming.

The to-be-apprentice pushed to her paws, fluffy tail sweeping the ground and ears standing tall and proud as she stepped forward, blue eyes glimmering. You've got this. Everyone will see, even stupid Pink-kit. Her thoughts murmured to her, and her shoulders squared, any hint of doubt escaping her. Just as she did, Sootstar called her name first. A wicked grin split upon the lips of Rivekit. An honor to be called first, surely. She is awarded a new name for her time labouring- she is late and she knows that, just like Featherkit does.

Forget about that. She is now Rivepaw. The moor would hear her, and the forests would quake. The dirt beneath her paws would become hers, and she'd make sure of it. She's a bit crestfallen at her mentor, however, but Rivepaw knows it was made with the decision of ability, not what Rivepaw would like best. Ice blue, owl-like eyes turned, searching for the dark figure in the crowd. Her mottled pelts weaves thought it, and upon finding Snakehiss, she touches noses with him. He will make you strong. Trust him.

An 'okay, I will' followed that previous thought, and as the meeting quieted around her, she split a grin on her mouth. "Ready whenever you are." Rivepaw was pleased. Yeah, Snakehiss was detestable and sour-mooded, but he was strong, right? Sootstar wouldn't have given her a weakling. Pinkpaw's whining raised from the other side of the meeting, and her head snapped towards it, ears twitching with a calculated thought. A cackle left the apprentice, grinning wide towards Pinkpaw as she got told her place and, not only that, but to respect it. Fat chance of that happening.

She settled next to her mentor- vision casting over her siblings. Featherpaw with Bluepool- Featherpaw was already demanding that Bluepool keep up with him. How fitting; Bearpaw with Brightshine- that would work out well, right; Singedpaw with Smallwhisker- a fine pairing, as far as Rivepaw was concerned; Sunlitpaw- oh, how Rivepaw hoped she'll managed- with Thornrunner. A small breath left her.

// @SNAKEHISS interaction


Pinkkit, the little calico looks dumbfounded and frustrated with her new role. She's not hesitant to speak up about it either, Scorchstreak gives her a tongue lashing and Sootstar finds herself pleased. It was good that she had placed the kit with the experienced tunneler, she'd need someone to whip her into shape. "One of the first lessons of becoming a warrior Pinkkit is that sometimes you have to sacrifice what you want for the better of the clan." She looks at the she-kit, her voice low and stern.

Moving onโ€ฆ

"Whitepaw and Scorchpaw, step forward." The two felines make their way up to the Tallrock until they stood underneath her paws. "Both of your mentors are no longer with us," One being Ambertail, a strong and hardworking tunneler who had been lost softly before the rogues had attackedโ€ฆ the other being Badgermoon. A traitor. "Bramblebelly, you will continue @whitepaw 's training where Ambertail left off. You have mentored apprentices before so I have no doubt you will succeed in finishing off her training." The brown tabby moves forward to touch noses with Whitepaw, a smile on her face.

" @SUNSTRIDE I want you to take on @SCORCHPAW for the remainder of her apprenticeship. Teach her everything you know." She would not even utter the name of Badgermoon, going forth she would not even acknowledge his prior existence in WindClan. Her council had been right, she had spent too much time worrying about the traitor.
  • ยป Soot โ€ค Sootstar
    ยป WindClan Leader
    ยป She/her โ€ค Mate to Weaselclaw
    ยป Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    ยป "Speech" โ€ค thoughts โ€ค attack
  • ยป A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    ยป Excels in quick, short moves.
    ยป Fights to kill and maim
    ยป Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    ยป May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
โœฆ . หš . That his kits are among those named for these ceremonies is a point of great pride. Something violent and tumultuous, threatening to spill from his chest in a great orange glow. His eyes dazzle as he looks upon them, and it only falters at some of the names. Brightshine and Bluepool would be good for them; Snakehiss and Smallwhisker, he is not so certain. Thornrunner is perhaps the worst of all, though barely below Snakehiss, and dread nips at him slowly. A quiet breeze and the fire in his chest dies to an ember, uncertain. These months will be cold. It is good that they will come into their paws before the winds pile high, yet with these cats to guide it for the best? All of them? He will not question Sootstar. Though the deputy's expression has returned to neutrality rather than his blazing grin of pride, he does not question. He will not risk his family with so many prying eyes near him.

There is more to look forward to in this meeting regardless. During the journey, he had spoken to the leader infrequently regarding the pairings to come. Scorchpaw had been trained by their last deputy. His betrayal had wounded all of them. It seemed only right that he would do what he could to mend it. As the one to follow in Badgermoon's pawsteps, he could do no less. It is not a surprise that Sootstar calls him forth for this. With seriousness fading to cautious warmth, he steps forward. He leans down to meet the growing molly, nose to nose. "It will be good to train with mountain-hardened paws once more," Sunstride murmurs with a light chuckle. "We will not delay."

  • OOC. โ€”
    โ€”โ€” a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and boldโ€“ a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"
It's striking, the amount of apprentices that will be joining her beneath the stars after this meeting. Some of them she knew alreadyโ€“ Wolfsong and Sunstride's brood had been born before her great departure. But many of them she does not know at all. Pinkpaw, Finchpaw, the rest of their littermates; they are all strangers to the young molly. She supposes she is just glad that they'd survived the yellowcough and rogue infestation long enough to meet them. One of them is assigned to her mother, and quickly voices her disdain for the decisionโ€“ Scorchpaw isn't sure how to react. She almost wants to laugh, but another piece of her is vitriolic in its jealousy; she would have given anything as a kit to be a tunneler, so Pinkpaw should be grateful to be awarded such a task. But then the thought of the tunnels comes encroaching, and she has to shake herself out of it. The dark, damp closeness of those walls are not ones she'd like to travel through anymore.

Suddenly, it's her own name that is called. Scorchpaw fixes Sootstar with a wide jasper stare; straightens her posture as she approaches the small smoky molly. She'd be reassigned. She doesn't even say his name, and the fact stirs Scorchpaw's chest. On one paw, she doesn't want to be reminded of her father's betrayal any more than she wants to be reminded of the dog's teeth in her face. But on the other paw, she finds fire licking her paws. Had Badgermoon done nothing for WindClan? Had he done nothing for her own training, at the very least? And his replacement....

Scorchpaw faces Sunstride with caution of her own, more pointed than his. She still touches noses to himโ€“ for she feels guilty to have those spikes stab her heart when she knows him to be a good cat โ€“but her mood is not nearly so jovial. At least she has a mentor, though. Maybe training beneath Sunstride will even lessen the scrutiny on her even further. She can't be sure. She doesn't even know how the whole of WindClan feels about her, not after she's been missing for a whole moon and a half. Maybe all of this proving of her honor is in vain to begin with?

Scorchpaw's white-tipped ears flick as Sunstride murmurs to her. It is enough to earn him a kind twitch at the corners of her muzzle. "I don't know how you did it," she replies, then quiets so that the meeting might continue.
