내 손을 잡아줘 ♡ storage

HELP I ACTUALLY HAVE WHITE HAIRS THO but i've had them since i wasn't even in the double digits yet 😭
Petal, dilute calico tabby of short hair and with green eyes, ten moons old. a softly round figure, almost plump, built in a way that is indicative of past strong muscle and sinew. named Petal for how the pattern of varicolored patches on aer coat resembled flower petals. no idea about a suffix yet.

not long ago, ae was a robust young feline with a passion for climbing. aer brash vigor sometimes rubbed others' pelts the wrong way, though ae meant well and was in truth uncomfortably awkward when it came to socializing. this difficulty with interpersonal relationships resulted in a one-track-mind investment in the physical aspect of providing for the group, such as hunting and fighting. still, aer favorite activity was scaling every vertical surface ae could challenge—ae enjoyed the burn of aer muscles and the tired contentment of reaching the top. a gentle breeze through aer fur and the beautiful view beneath aer paws were reward enough.

it all changed one moon ago. struck by sickness and having never fully recovered, ae is no longer able to exert the energy that ae could before. ae often experiences tightness of chest, and fatigue sets in earlier than it would for even the most spoiled of kittypets. aer weakened system means that ae falls ill more easily than most, and aer condition may worsen faster as well. this has left aer camp-bound and inadvisable to be left alone. now without direction, Petal has withdrawn even further into aerself.

wahoo for creatively channeling one's struggles with long COVID 🙃
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur." Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  • Petal is a dilute calico tabby shorthair with pale-green eyes. Once a brash and athletic adolescent capable of climbing to the tops of the pines, inactivity has softened aer figure into gentle curves. Ae is a wallflower and has withdrawn further into aerself since aer sickness, timid toward all but the closest of loved ones. Though easily fatigued and taken ill, ae tries to divert from feelings of deficiency by completing random tasks for others, small as they may be. Those who remember aer as a self-willed daredevil may find the transformation into a spiritless waif, desperately clinging to hope, disquieting.
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i am at risk of overwhelming myself. okay, let's break this down step by step.

i need to ask for genetic possibilities regarding Cloud's littermate(s), then i should make a thread to adopt them out. reminder that i have to condense information about their upbringing and Cloud's behavior as a sibling. he will have two littermates at the most, and they are fourteen moons old.

i need to ask for genetic possibilities regarding Petal's littermate(s), then i should make a thread to adopt them out. reminder that i have to condense information about their upbringing and Petal's behavior as a sibling. ae will have two littermates at the most, and they are ten moons old.​
...i'm still, like, a half step away from getting overwhelmed.

prioritize Cloud over Petal for the time being, specifically regarding the previous post. also for Petal, i need to type up aer overview. as i do not have a template set up for them yet, character information threads can take a backseat. signatures for Cloud and Vesper can also wait.​
oh my god i am so stupid i can just ask about both Cloud and Petal in the same thread. and i can also do that when actually adopting out their littermates. is this the neurodivergence or the COVID brain damage 😭
Petal is a dilute calico tabby shorthair with pale-green eyes. Once a brash and athletic adolescent capable of climbing to the tops of the pines, inactivity has softened aer figure into gentle curves. Ae is a wallflower and has withdrawn further into aerself since aer sickness, timid toward all but the closest of loved ones. Though easily fatigued and taken ill, ae tries to divert from feelings of deficiency by completing random tasks for others, small as they may be. Those who remember aer as a self-willed daredevil may find the transformation into a spiritless waif, desperately clinging to hope, disquieting.​
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some scattered thoughts.

Cloud has faint scars on his right cheek from when he once decked it badly enough to bleed horribly.

Vesper's asthma rarely bothers him since his graceful transition into adulthood. he spent moons working around it, refining his abilities to a deadly precision that expended the least amount of energy. pushing himself too far with physical activity may trigger an attack, however—and he frequently tests his limits.

his father, a purebred oriental shorthair, was the son of show cats and intended to follow in their footsteps until meeting and falling in love with his mother, whose family was a long-established presence in the Marsh Group. his father ran away with his mother and never looked back.

when he was eight moons old, he lost his mother to an as-yet undecided family tragedy, and his father soon followed. Vesper was the sole survivor, and the guilt haunts him. with the support of the group, he quickly bounced back into his warm and playful former self, masking his true thoughts and feelings beneath a convincing semblance of emotional expressiveness. very few understand him beyond that.​
who am i if i am not self-inserting my polyamory into every character. Cloud is unlikely to experience attraction whatsoever—he maintains he has no interest in the field and will half-jokingly express disgust when the topic is broached—but if such a miracle should happen he would not believe in monogamy. as a feline who can be considered demiromantic and demisexual, he would only engage with close friends. Vesper is far less exclusive when it comes to casual flirtations and indeed indulges in frequent flights of fancy, but he may also be described as demiromantic and is reluctant to reveal his heart even to those he trusts. Petal develops crushes with embarrassing ease; aer lack of knowledge and experience as well as a general disbelief that others could be attracted to aer leads to a tendency toward silent pining and bashful daydreaming.​
all my love to Jay for giving Cloud a sister upon whom he can dote 'til his heart's content. that leaves Petal's littermates to adopt out, so tomorrow (or later today, technically) i will try to write up a brief description of their upbringing and what ae is like as a sibling.​
i need to make plotting threads in the Marsh and Pine OOC boards. i also need to adopt out Petal's littermates, and then i need to actually start roleplaying. i haven't figured out what Petal's warrior name will be, either. oh my god i am so stressed.​
...post tomorrow...? oh god it's been literal years do i still know how to do this. should i try one post a day for each character for now...? that shouldn't be too hard, right. i should also try to have their character information threads up and linked in their signatures so i have easier access to their roleplay codes, but that's not urgent.​