Jul 6, 2022


Welcome to WindClan's Mass Adopts! If you're looking to get into WindClan but would like to have some pre-established relations for your character, you've come to the right place. Here you will be able to apply to a variety of "litters" the community has put up for adoption, and a vast majority of them come with pre-established relationships and or plots. It's the perfect way to get yourself going in WindClan without the overwhelming worry of getting your character involved and rooted in the clan.

Not looking to adopt but have a litter or plot characters you'd like to role-play? Check out this thread.

Still here? Before you fill out an adoption form read these quick rules and notes;
  • All adopted characters must be role-played in WindClan for AT LEAST two months before changing clans.
  • The owners of the litter have the right to rehome your slot if you break the rules or don't meet activity requirements.
  • Please avoid reapplying to litters that you've dropped from in the past, unless you have the litter owners permission.
  • WindClan HPs have the right to decline an application if your form breaks the rules of the mass adopts or the litters.
  • You must wait until the WindClan account approves of your application with a "like" OR approval post before posting.

Slots: Unlimited
Parents: Up to you
Relations: Up to you. Lived in the rogue group with the following;

Previous Leader;
@Gin (Killed by Sootstar)

Other Rogues Formerly of Gin's Group;
@Jasperglare (In exile)
@SUNSTRIDE (Lead Warrior)
@WOLFSONG (Medicine Cat)
@Branchfall. (Deceased, murdered)
- Sunnymask
(Please reach out if we are missing your character)

Age & Aging Rules:
6-120+ Moons
Genetics: Up to you
Rules: Character will have come from Gin's Rogue group, which terrorized the loner lands outside of WindClan until coyotes began to slaughter their prey and themselves. Please read here for the whole backstory!

  • Characters must be morally gray. It's encouraged that they are somewhere in the "evil" spectrum of alignment. PLEASE DO NOT apply and then change their alignment icly as them being brutish and hostile was part of their plot.
  • They are eligible to request a badge here AFTER they've reached 20 IC POSTS. This will be enforced.
  • Character cannot leave WindClan unless exiled, which is discouraged. They are meant to thrive in WindClan.
  • They may be called upon for a plot involving the code very soon!!!
  • If you have any questions please contact the WindClan HP team!
Desired Activity: This adopt is low risk, inactivity will not result in rehoming.
Other: N/A
Slots: Unlimited
Parents: Up to RPER
Relations: Up to RPER
Age & Aging Rules: At least 8 Moons by January of next year OR older
Genetics: FFA
Rules: This adopts is very open-ended and allowing of all sorts of in-clan backstories and kin. However, the kicker is that once Sootstar is slain/exiled/etc in February 2024, you character will flee/be exiled from the clan and help start a ex-Sootstar loyalist rogue group. The rogue group will have a similar vibe to Brokenstar's loyalist rogues in canon and with ooc approval from leaders, will raid, trespass, and attempt to take over clans as they see fit. Naturally, they may primarily target WindClan. They will live by no code.

The rogue group will have an IC leader chosen when the time draws near along with potentially a deputy / lead warriors (to mimic their former clan life) but no medicine cat.

  • Must be a Sootstar loyalist. Doesn't have to be extreme.
  • Unlikely to be of known kittypet origins
  • Natural to evil aligned.
  • May have backwritten relations with Sootstar, especially if from the marsh group. Ava is always open for plotting
  • CAN be pre-established characters, if so you don't have to apply just give me a heads up.
  • Will be heavily called upon for plots the final 3 moons of Sootstar's reign

Desired Activity: Any activity levels welcome. Inactive slots won't be rehomed.
Other: n/a
Slots: 04
Parents: Bunnypounce x NPC
Relations: children to @BUNNYPOUNCE. littermate to @coldpaw and @/graypaw
Age & Aging Rules: Kits are currently 5 months old aging on the first of the month, and therefore will be apprentices
Genetics: Sire: SH blue silver tabby w/ low white (carrying albino)
Dam: SH albino (masking silver tabby; carrying dilute)

Kits can be silver tabby or blue silver tabby
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits may or may not be albino
- albino kits will have pink eyes; non-albino kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; non-albino kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- non-albino kits will carry albino; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
- These kits are the results of Bunnypounce getting baby fever from seeing so many happy families in windclan. The dad had absolutely no part in their lives other than being a genetic donor.
- Bunny loves these kids very much but she is more like a reckless older sibling than a mother. This is to an extent where she lets these kids do whatever they want within the bounds of what windclan allows (think like they're taught not to talk back to / disrespect warriors, but they have no bedtime enforced and can eat whatever or do whatever) and generally has them call her by name or even "sis" rather than call her "mom"
- You cannot kill off these characters until they are at least 9 moons old
- These characters must remain in windclan until they reach 9 moons old
- It is highly likely but not required that these kits will be tunnelers as both she and the npc dad are small bodied tunnelers themselves
- Names will be short, simple words that are either objects she saw nearby or defining characteristics of that kit: grey-, small-, stumpy-, rabbit-, dirt-, grass-, tunnel-, etc.
Desired Activity: casual at minimum
Other: these are also listed on my mini-mass adopts, so please be aware slots may close sooner if applied for on there
Slots: 2
Parents: NPC x NPC
Relations: parents to @MOUSEPAW.
Age & Aging Rules: 40-50 moons old (you pick!)
- Sire: shorthaired blue ticked tabby (OPEN)
- Dam: shorthaired red tabby with low white (OPEN)
- you must stay within the genetics given
- although these cats do not have to be part of the future loyalist rogue plot, they do hold high standards of what a true WindClanner is and have taught that to Mousepaw
- Mousepaw is the only cat from his litter, but other litters are possible and welcomed!
Desired Activity: casual to semi active, at least five posts a month please
Other: FCFS
Slots: 2
Parents: NPC x NPC
Relations: Elder siblings to Sedgepounce. Litter-mate to Beetlenose.
Age & Aging Rules: 17 moons & age realistically on the first of each month
Genetics: Sedge is a brown / taupe tabby with high white
Rules: These are Sedge's elder siblings! He's currently 11 moons old and is the only cat in his litter. Personality and general appearance is a total free for all—the only contingency is that Sedge is not very close to these siblings (which can definitely change in RP!) since they're so much older. He considers them all studious and distant compared to his free-willed nature. They're likely to be devout WindClanners in their own ways. ++ Bonus points for a tom named Hawkswoop, since he's the only NPC sibling to be officially referenced!
Desired Activity: FFA. Sedge averages at about 10 posts per month, but no pressure to match activity
Other: Feel free to hmu on Discord with any questions!


Take a peak at these free to use designs! Feel free to use on ANY litter, or to make a character from scratch, just make sure the genetics fit.

NOTE; These designs CAN be revoked if the character is dropped or goes inactive with an insignificant number of posts. This is merely so that we can assure the designs go to loving homes that'll give them the attention they deserve.


[B]Adopt #[/B]:
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Adopt #: 5: sedgepounce's older siblings
Name: beetlenose (tentative... also thinking of more)
Relations: sedgepounce :3
Age: 17 moons
Gender: trans girl she / her
Appearance: black smoke / fawn tabby chimera with low white and amber eyes
Personality: stoic, aloof, may seem lazy at times but is highly efficient with her work, extremely pragmatic, cares deeply about her clanmates. cowgirl <3. very devoted to starclan and to windclan's moorlands, but is not necessarily a soot loyalist
Backstory: i want to work it out more with bells but shes a tunneler who was very diligent while sedge got to have more fun; she would have been born a COUPLE moons before the clans were formed (?) but doesn't remember life before windclan that well
Other: n/a!
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Reactions: WINDCLAN
Adopt #: 5: sedgepounce's older siblings
Name: beetlenose (tentative... also thinking of more)
Relations: sedgepounce :3
Age: 17 moons
Gender: trans girl she / her
Appearance: black smoke / fawn tabby chimera with low white and amber eyes
Personality: stoic, aloof, may seem lazy at times but is highly efficient with her work, extremely pragmatic, cares deeply about her clanmates. cowgirl <3. very devoted to starclan and to windclan's moorlands, but is not necessarily a soot loyalist
Backstory: i want to work it out more with bells but shes a tunneler who was very diligent while sedge got to have more fun; she would have been born a COUPLE moons before the clans were formed (?) but doesn't remember life before windclan that well
Other: n/a!

  • Love
Reactions: beetlenose
Adopt #: 03
Name: Graykit
Relations: Bunnypounce's kit
Age: 5 months
Gender: she-cat
Appearance: gray and white with green/gold eyes
Personality: A patient, playful kitten, Graykit is known for mischievous curiosity. Her eyes glisten with excitement for life and she is a fierce, loyal young she-kit. She is adamant when it comes to protecting anyone - specifically her family or those younger than her. Excited to become a tunneler, she is determined and gracious.
Backstory: Life has been simple and easy thus far for the young she-cat. Her relationship with her mother is strong, though she still sees Bunnypounce as more of a sister. She was foolish as a kitten and attempted to sneak out of camp - however, she was caught and subsequently punished, which gave her a greater appreciation for the rules and the Warrior Code.


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Reactions: WINDCLAN
Accepted!!! Welcome to WindClan :D
EDIT; Forgot to mention, Gray would be Graypaw actually by now! WindClan cats are apprenticed at 3 moons since that code hasnt been introduced yet in the TT universe!

Adopt #: 03
Name: Graykit
Relations: Bunnypounce's kit
Age: 5 months
Gender: she-cat
Appearance: gray and white with green/gold eyes
Personality: A patient, playful kitten, Graykit is known for mischievous curiosity. Her eyes glisten with excitement for life and she is a fierce, loyal young she-kit. She is adamant when it comes to protecting anyone - specifically her family or those younger than her. Excited to become a tunneler, she is determined and gracious.
Backstory: Life has been simple and easy thus far for the young she-cat. Her relationship with her mother is strong, though she still sees Bunnypounce as more of a sister. She was foolish as a kitten and attempted to sneak out of camp - however, she was caught and subsequently punished, which gave her a greater appreciation for the rules and the Warrior Code.
Adopt #: 2
Name: hollowcreek
Relations: loyalist rogue plot
Age: 48 moons
Gender: cismale | he/him
Appearance: looks like this but like. legal.
Personality: self-serving, manipulative, proud & cunning. devout sense of loyalty and stubborn. has a good sense of humor and a rather mild temper, isn't quick to get angry but rather quietly seethes. always looks for his own benefit in every situation and rarely backs down from a challenge. doesnt hesitate to lie and pretend to play the part to get closer to someone for his own gain or whatever allies hes made.
Backstory: hollows creek was in the marshes, born into them under hare whiskers leadership. he has done anything necessary to survive and accomplish where he is now along windclans moorlands. hollow isnt very open about all the details of his history, but those form the marsh colony have witnessed the lengths he will go to defend himself and whats his. he has experienced loss, love, peace and war; not much appears to phase him anymore
Adopt #: Future Loyalist Rouge
Name: Rosepaw
Relations: Rapidclaw x Condorwing (NPCS)
Age: 8 moons exactly
Gender: Female
Roe's appearance is a bit surprising, as her coloration and features are quite unique. With a glossy coat of long chocolate brown tabby fur and a very slim figure, Roe easily resembles a pure-bred kitty-pet. Long legs and small paws give her an elegant air, and her tail is rather long as well. Wide set eyes, a velvety chocolate nose, and white whiskers fill out her feminine face, and allow her to be quite expressive of her emotions, even without speaking. Her eyes themselves are a pale creamy-yellow, and her round pupils are often wide in excitement or happiness. Her build is definitely feminine and graceful, and while she's alright at swimming and fishing, she has a good build for running and would do just as well chasing rabbits and other swift creatures. Her long fur hides a majority of her muscles, and her quick speed and reflexes make her a force to be reckoned with on the battle field; though she can't take a hit very well.
Her pelt is a light chocolate with a light sprinkle of darker chocolate around her shoulders and down her back to the tip of her tail. Her chest is a warm off-white, as are the tips of her paws and her lower muzzle. Her ears are rounded with the darker chocolate and has a design reminiscent of Siamese cats around her face. She has a diamond of off white in between her eyes.
Roe is a very outspoken girl. She is as headstrong as she is caring, and believes that blood sparkles because it has stars in it. Despite this, she is, above all, the mother friend who goes out of her way to help others and include them. She is an enabler and finds it hard to say no to anyone. Don't let this make you think she is easily angered, she's not. She's extremely patient with others. Every rose has it's thorns, and hers is her loyality. She is more of a puppet to her parents and their message then her own person. Anything they say, she does. This leads her to acting strangley around others and overly enthusastic about voilence, as she believes it's the way to worship those around her.
—— significant traits: Caring, intensely protective of her siblings, willing to help anyone, patient, open, kind hearted, tit for tat, never forgets a grudge, never forgets a mistake, insecure, stubbron
Rose was born as the only surviving kitten in a large litter too, two very outspoken Sootstar loyalists. She was raised believing in Star clan religiously, even so far to think that her entire existence was because Star Clan had a higher purpose for her. She was raised in a way that made her believe that fighting for Star Clan (both physically in fights, and verbally by talking about them all the time) was the best form of honor she could give them.
Adopt #: 03
Name: webpaw
Relations: bunnypounce x npc
Littermates: coldpaw, graypaw
Age: 5 moons
Gender: male - he/him/his
Appearance: SH albino (masking silver tabby; carrying dilute) with pink eyes.
Personality: quiet, impassive, obedient, and solitary. highly religious and devoted to starclan. uninterested in excess socialization, preferring to speak with others only when required. often finds himself overlooked and does not try to change that. unambitious, only wanting to live an easy life. hard worker but not an overachiever.
Backstory: webpaw was born weak, but not excessively so. he was quieter than his other siblings, less inclined to wander from the nursery, and seemingly content to sit and observe. he was an easy kitten, all things considered, and generally kept his own company. he never developed any particular closeness with his family, although he does care for them. he was nearly apprenticed late due to his fragile nature but managed to secure a mentor in one of the assorted tunnelers.
Adopt #: 2 | Loyalist Rogue Plot
Name: Harbingermoon
Relations: npc x npc
Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Cis AMAB
Appearance: A massive polydactyly black tomcat sprinkled and splotched with markings from his vitiligo. His eyes are a dark orange that rarely dilate and appear 'moonish' or bright. Check out this art and this art and tags or his subaccount @HARBINGERMOON
Personality: Curt and snide with a sincere disinterest in others' livelihoods but will play along if commanded. Cares more about his own interests and what he needs to get the job done. Hates staying in one place for too long and despises not being able to obtain things he desires. Enjoys utilizing his weight in battles and can hone a devastating body slam to a smaller opponent.
Backstory: Hal's (Harbingermoon) history is marked by his journeys and connections with the marsh colonies and, later, the clans. Initial ventures into the colonies provided him with valuable experiences and relationships. However, when the colonies transitioned into clans and closed their doors to outsiders, Hal found himself on the outskirts once more.

Returning to the city was a tough choice, and the struggles he faced there were trying. But eventually, the pull of his past connections and fascination with eternity led him to WindClan. The desire for immortality and the opportunity to learn and grow as a member of the clan are powerful motivators for his loyalty. Developing a twisted sense of fascination with believers of Starclan and the strange beings' mysteries.

His role as a tunneler keeps him busy and out of the gaze of most crowds. Staying low and waiting for the opportunity to engage in some much-needed chaos. It remains to be seen where his ambitions may lead him, but his experiences and present choices are sure to shape his future.
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Adopt #: 1: Backwritten rogue
Name: Ebonypaw
Relations: None
Age: 11 moons
Gender: tom
Appearance: Shadowy black and cream smoke tabby with big spot-like Bengal stripes and orange eyes with green spots. Slightly rounded triangular face with well groomed, glossy smooth coat. A very handsome looking tom-cat save for his unnerving slitted eyes and ever-present cheeky smile.
Personality: friendly, talkative, brave, ruthless, sadistic, energetic, fiercely loyal, impulsive, immoral
Backstory: Blah blah blah blah. Ebony's history is as cloaked in darkness as his pelt is. If asked, he'll change his answer every time. In truth, he's been alone for as long as he can remember and has long since learned to appreciate it that way. Life has always been about knowing how to play your cards right and Ebony has been determined to be the best at the game. He joined Gin's gang in an effort to keep himself safe, but not long after the supposed leader was slain and he quickly switched allegiance to Sootstar. Now he remains comfortably in Windclan, watching everyone mingle and interact, bidding his time learning the rules of this new deck of cards and it's players...
Other: n/a!
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Adopt #: 1, backwritten rouge
Name: frogsplash
Relations: n/a
Age: 20 moons
Gender: she-cat | she/her
Appearance: small and sturdy, frogsplash has an ear that is missing the tip due to a fight in the past. chocolate tabby.

Personality: very strictly adheres to her grey moral code. is similarly strict towards others ethics. she is always looking for something to wholly dedicate herself to, in this case, it's windclan to which she is intensely loyal. slimy and gossipy, frogsplash is very outgoing to her own advantage. enjoys stirring up drama amongst her clanmates. everything to her is a matter of survival, and as such she will operate based on her own interests. has a grumpy streak but towardsly friendly.
Backstory: coming from stray parents who she left due to worrying about her parents feeding her too, joining gin's group of rouges was a matter of survival, the bigger group life is a shock to her, something that she never quite shakes, so her behavior is often self-centered.
Adopt #: Bunnypounce's kit
Name: Whitekit
Relations: Bunnypounce, sibling to Webpaw, Coldpaw, and Graypaw
Age: 5 moons
Gender: Male | He/him
Appearance: A slightly smaller then average albino short hair tom with pink eyes (masking silver tabby; carrying dilute).
+ Cheeky, Loud, Playful
/ Excitable, Stead fast, Stubron
- Greedy, Sleepy
More during RP, but generally a healthy rambouncious kit that gets sleepy fairly often
Backstory: Born to Bunnypounce, the aptly and obviously named Whitekit didn't have much to worry about. He enjoys playing with his siblings and big sister, but gets confused sometimes where his mom is. He is often the instigator for lots of games in the nursery and despite his small size, he thinks he can take on elders in their play fights. He is a little escape artist, and takes pride in playing very long games of 'hide and seek' with other cats. Later, he will grow to resent his older sister for not being a mom to him and his siblings.
Other: I have so many charries with angst and this guy... this little dude is gonna be happy. For now :)
@keeekeeey accepted! can't wait to see the lil guy around :) just as a sidenote, whitekit would be whitepaw, as windclan apprentices begin at 3 moons!
Adopt #: 1. backwritten rogues (and a sootstar loyalist!)
Name: shale (now shalestripe)
Relations: n/a; formerly a part of gin's rogues, so id love to plot backwritten dynamics between those cats!
Age: 40 moons
Gender: male
Appearance: toyhouse
Personality: impulsive, fails to see the middle ground, opinionated, opportunistic, brash, bully. BUT has a lot of experience in combat and hunting. his physical skills sort of help make up for his lacking diplomacy, but his sharp tongue (and sharper claws) often lead him to trouble. leaps before he looks. generally misses the rogue group's ways of doing things, but definitely respects sootstar's authority & the hierarchy of strength / power within the clan. tries his best to gain the favor of those up top. as a tw, he generally also holds ableist views and is a very nasty cat overall!
Backstory: a part of gin's rogues, shale was taken in towards the end of the group's lifespan after growing up in alleys in the concrete jungle. he's always been a scrappy cat, able to hold his own just fine, but tended towards safety in numbers. when sootstar killed gin, shale became shalestripe, and he's been in windclan ever since. he'd likely have a decent rapport with most warriors, especially those from the rogue group & fellow loyalists. however, he is as outspoken as he is disagreeable, so it would not be unlikely that other cats would dislike him to some degree.
Other: its me again.... <3 hi
Adopt #: backwritten rogue & sootstar loyalist
Name: juncopaw
Relations: n/a, besides gin's rogues. open to backwritten dynamics!
Age: 7 moons
Gender: female
Appearance: classic silver tabby with dull green eyes
Personality: juncopaw is lawful to a fault, happily and unconditionally accepting the authority of whoever is powerful. with gin, she showed her support and loyalty visibly under the assumption that this would win his favor and rise herself in the hierarchy of rank and authority; upon his death, she very quickly adapted this same behavior to sootstar, as if she had never been under any other authority. needless to say, she doesn't actually care about the cat she is following, and views loyalty as just a tool to get what she wants, which is the benefit and advantage of being on the side of power.

as young as she was under gin's reign and still relatively young in windclan, juncopaw never really had her own moral code, and was instead influenced by gin and sootstar respectively. she will follow orders with a grin, eager to get on sootstar's good graces, even if doing so would be virtually impossible given the leader's cold nature; anyone who doesn't do so, she will relentlessly bully and derogatorily dub them a "rogue", as if she was not of rogue origins herself. that being said, juncopaw is incredibly hypocritical, enforcing the clan's rules while paying little to no mind to her own sneaky bad-doings herself.

and more! i hope to expand on this more in her biography if she gets accepted.

Backstory: it is not known whether or not juncopaw was born amongst the rogues, but the lifestyle of such is all she has ever been accustomed to. she very easily gets on the nerves of all cats, even other loyalists, as she readily accepts and enforces gin's authority; think of typical "teacher's pet" behavior. with the proposal to join windclan given to the rogue group, she agreed with gin with no hesitation; but when gin was killed, she switched to sootstar's side with ease, swearing off any former loyalty to gin, impressed by the leader's strength and intrigued by her ability to 'come back to life'. now in windclan's ranks, she strives to become a strong moor runner, and dreams to become even more. she is known for deliberately disobeying and often times picking quarrels with any authority figure that isn't the authority figure, such as the deputy and lead warriors. cats must strike a delicate balance near this hot-headed feline; should they show any sign of resistance towards sootstar, or show too much meekness, they will be relentlessly targeted and bullied until juncopaw is satisfied with whatever behavior she bullies them into.

when sootstar is eventually announced dead, juncopaw will be the first to denounce whoever takes power, unsatisfied with their lack of 'power' in comparison to the old leader. she will join the group of ex-sootstar loyalists, willingly committing crimes against windclan in an attempt to secure power for either herself or a stronger rogue that she dubs worthy of such a rank.

Other: will be my first character since returning to the site!
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