a great day to be a pessimist // november pre-gathering chatter

periwinklebreeze 28 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
When Periwinklebreeze arrives, it is with a confidence in his stride that does not match the way shoulders hunch in on themselves and hackles raise. His side feels empty without Vulturepaw or Gravelsnap to fill it, but he contents himself with the knowledge that on this harsh early leafbare night, they are home safe and sound.

Its a strange feeling - to be the one placed by Scorchstars side tonight, guiding his clan into fourtrees with a flick of his flower and feather strewn tail, while half-blind eyes stare daggers when the other clans start to arrive. How many of these cats would steal from Windclans hungry mouths if given the chance - how many would take, and take, and take, while somehow still lauding themselves above the moorlands former queen? Hypocrites, all of them... at least he'd had the spine to admit his flaws.

In those moments, Starclans light feels as cold as the leafbare wind, unfeeling as it glimmers against smoke tinged pelt - the full moon a mockery, after all they have suffered this past moon. Shoulders roll, and he strides to take his place with the other deputies, ignoring the pitiful cry of the voice in the back of his mind that reminds him that this is only temporary - that he does not belong.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W H A T -D O E S - M Y -L I F E -E V E N -M E A N ?

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame's wounds still carried a fresh ache with every step, the dressings Gentlestorm had applied were the only thing shielding her raw flesh from the outside world. Still, there was little that could have held Roeflame back from this gathering, a fact her healing friend seemed to be thankfully aware of.

Tonight, the deputy would be keeping her apprentices close. Out of the four borders ThunderClan shared, there was only one who hadn't betrayed them in the last moon- and it wasn't one Roeflame had grown particularly fond of quite yet. Not that the brassed warrior had ever given WindClan much of a chance for grace; but the winds of change were upon the forest, weren't they?

She keeps a steady pace alongside Flamestar until withered shrubbery would give way to the expansive clearing, where she'd depart from her leaders side with a brief nod. Behind her, ThunderClans group was small, the ones that could manage the trek tonight still battered from their fights. "Don't start anything with anyone," the deputy warns solemnly, "we won't be able to afford to finish it." With that last message, Roeflame steps off to the side, trying to ignore the sudden, sharp pain down her belly.

The WindClanner that catches her eye is one that she's only seen in passing, though Roeflame is still subtly aware of the toms title- based on where he sits fidgeting uncertainty, however, perhaps that had changed. "Don't drift far tonight, you two." She warns her apprentices before drifting over to Periwinklebreeze.

"You sit on Scorchstars council, correct?" The deputy probes lightly, "I'm Roeflame." She was never quite sure of who was aware of her these days, so the tabby never failed to introduce herself by name first.
  • apprentice tags & briefly interacting w/ @Dwindlingpaw @Dovepaw
    striking up a conversation with @Periwinklebreeze.
    open to other interactions !
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Well, this was bound to be.... eventful. Palefire tried not to let her chest burn with resentment as she followed her clan into the Fourtrees, but the sight of herbs and cobwebs littering her patrol's pelts made it hard. They would be forced to tolerate Riverclan and Shadowclan's presence here tonight in spite of the atrocities they had just committed against Thunderclan. She would do her best not to instigate a fight herself, but if one of her clanmates felt the need to do so, she wouldn't stop them.

Lightflower walked alongside her tonight, and her apprentices followed closely behind. She would not allow them to mingle as much as they usually did, and hopefully, they wouldn't hate her for it. "Stay close to me tonight," she murmured firmly to Ivorypaw and Meadowpaw. "Riverclan and Shadowclan clearly can't be trusted with young lives, with what they did to Squirrelpaw and Mottledpaw." And many others. She wouldn't let the same fate befall her own girls, and wouldn't put it past the foxhearts to strike while their guards were down under the full moon.

While she was turned to speak with her apprentices, the lynx-point wasn't paying attention to where she was going and found herself bumping into a Skyclan apprentice she didn't recognize. Sheepishly, she offered a dip of her head in apology and a softly muttered "Oh, sorry." But just as quickly, she returned her attention to Lightflower, casting her friend a sympathetic look. "How is Squirrelpaw, by the way? Has she woken up yet?" Palefire would've checked up on her personally, but she didn't know Flamestar's daughter very well, and she was likely to have enough visitors.

  • [ apprentice tags @Meadowpaw @ivorypaw // bumping into @LIONPAW and talking to @Lightflower // open for more interactions! ]
  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 20 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

Walking into the clearing, Howlfire keeps her held eye, and her gaze level. She had chosen to stay back in camp during the previous gathering, nursing mental wounds from the before that, but she won't be avoiding this one.

She had already been anticipating some tension to be in the air with everything that had happened as of late, though she was not quite prepared for how tense things seemed, nor for the glares shot between cats of different clans. She had assumed only SkyClan would have something to gripe about tonight, thanks to ThunderClan's prey stealing, but it would seem that would not be the case. Stars, Howlfire wished two moons would go by without something eventful happening at these gatherings.

Breaking away from a cluster of SkyClan cats, Howlfire finds a small secluded spot and sits down, curling a tail around her paws. She is sitting minding her own business when another cat brushes past her. Not wanting to seem rude she inclined her head upwards to them, "Hello," She greeted.

/ open for interactions!​


Quill didn't often attend the gatherings. Why bother? He didn't care about whatever issues or accomplishments the other clans were having, and trying to make friends with cats you'd only end up meeting in a fight later on seemed pointless.

Tonight, he hadn't complained when he was listed among the cats chosen to attend, though. In part because he regretted not being there when Twitchbolt last spoke– in front of the clans, mind you– but also, because he was kind of pissed off.

It was almost funny how only a year or so ago, it was Windclan that had everyone watching out for snakes in the grass, but these days if you asked the towering chimera which clan was least trustworthy, it would be their forest-dwelling neighbours. Always bitching about nothing, spitting in the faces of those who try to help them.

Well, Quill would be speaking up the next time *Thunderclan* needed a medic to go train one of theirs. Maybe it would piss him off a little less the next time they immediately went and stole prey from their border.

"Anyone here you're actually friendly with?" he asked, voice low and meant only for his mate– not a point of accusation, but simple curiosity. He wasn't stupid enough to think that Twitch would be actual friends with any of these cats, not he was curious to see which, if any, were worth the other toms respect or interest.

Quill couldn't promise he'd afford them the same.

Mismatched pools of ice and fire boredly scanned the other cats as they filed in, keeping mostly to themselves. It was clear there was a tension in the air fostering a greater divide than usual, and Quillstrike couldn't say he minded it.

OOC- talking to his mate, @TWITCHBOLT , but he's open for interactions! (please tag)

skyclan - male - 31 months (Feb 17th) - Twitchbolts mate - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
𓆩✦𓆪 — He had been one of the warriors to get picked on going to the gathering but a part of him wished that he hadn't since he's mostly concerned for Magnolia being on her own back home. And yet, he can't help the way that his eyes start searching for any sign of her amongst the crowd of Thunderclanners which he notices are covered in cobwebs and smell of poultices. He tries to ignore the pungent scent that wafts from either sides and simply parts away from his clan to see if he can find Doepath in the crowd but when his search seems fruitless, he settles in a spot on his own and curls his bottlebrush tail over his paws. Maybe it's for the best that she isn't here tonight but his heart aches within his chest at the thought of her potentially avoiding him or not wishing to keep up with their secret they vowed to keep.

The thought itself causes his jaw to clench but decides not to linger on it for long and a sigh slips out from his throat with ears pressed flat against his skull, he simply feels foolish for being hopeful that Doepath would be here so he supposes that he'd simply distract himself with senseless chatter or perhaps, he could sneak out so that he could see how Magnolia is. That is until someone bumps into him and tears him out from his mind, he can't help the sharpness that escapes into his voice or the way his hackles seem to lift in the slightet "Hey, watch where you're going, buddy." A quick snap of his jaws to assert himself though his face winces when he realizes how he overreacted and sighs as he apologizes "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you..."


  • ooc — open to interactions :]
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ CLIMBING
  • qCOxhoF.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby feline with green eyes
    blazingheart's a sharp tongued warrior that can oftentimes come off as insensitive or uncaring even if it isn't necessarily his intent upon first meeting. she tends to come off awkward during small conversations so she will dismiss herself if she finds the situation tense. she's rather prickly due to several events in her life and seen tense for the most part but she's trying to improve, all of her opinions are IC only.
    16 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    asexual biromantic; currently interested in no one
    child of coyotecrest and howlfire
    sibling to wolfpaw and hawkspine
    currently mentoring ... n/a
    hard to befriend due to how standoffish she comes off as ; oftentimes quick to anger ; very reckless
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
His tail drags behind him and his brows are furrowed as ThunderClan steps into the Fourtrees clearing. His gaze lingers on the Riverclanners and Shadowclanners present, the taste of blood and defeat heavy on his tongue. How was he supposed to mingle with them tonight, after their ambush on his Clan? Maybe I won't try at all. He thinks irritably. Truly, he would find it difficult to keep it cordial beneath the full-moon's truce with the fish-lickers and the rat-eaters. . . so he decides to stick with what he knows — the forest scents of pine and oak.

He hisses at the discomfort of his bruises when he brushes past someone, his skin still sensitive to the touch. "Sorry," The boy mutters quickly, making sure the other took no offense to him or found his noise to be aggression. "Hello." The smell of pine. He lets his fur lie flat when the familiar scent reaches him, and he sits down a tail-length away from the she-cat. "SkyClan?" Roaringsun asks, though he expects to already know the answer.


  • ooc. Interacting with @Howlfire but open for interactions!
  • ROARINGSUN —— warrior of thunderclan , mentor to none . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 14 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.

She is... struggling, to say the least. She slipped from Gentlestorm's den sometime just before the patrol left, and she had quickly fell to the back of the pack. Thrashpaw was on her side, likely giving her heartache about not staying home, but she limped forward all the same. If Howlingstar could make it here with a broken leg, then she could make it with a sprain. A grimace crossed her face every now and again, but Antlerbreeze made a point to clear it of pain when another clanner looked at her.

She arrives at the clearing, her chest struggling with a breath. She cleared her throat, looking towards Thrashpaw, giving an instruction mirrored but much of the other Thunderclan warriors with apprentices- "Stay close to me. Do not start fights, but.. don't let them say anything untrue, either." She murmurs, her tone slightly bitter. Golden eyes scan the clearing, and she proceeds. Antlerbreeze moves a hint slower now that she is here, now that she isn't keeping up with anyone.

And that's when her leg gives, just enough to make her stumble and fall shoulder first into Blazingheart. The first noise that leaves her is a sharp grunt of pain, then a disjointed noise as she forces herself to stand. Hey, watch where you're going, Buddy. Antlerbreeze's ears flatten backwards, the scarred visage snapping towards Blazingheart's face and away from her steadily swelling shoulder. The wince, the sigh, the apology, they all follow before Antlerbreeze can truly snap back.

".. It's fine. I'm the one that fell." She says, managing to make her voice as neutral as possible. A tail swept to brush against Thrashpaw, as if to nudge them closer. ".. My name is Antlerbreeze. This is Thrashpaw, my apprentice." She says, turning her vision back towards the Skyclanner. At least, someone who hasn't outright attacked them. Yet.
  • "speech"
    // interaction with @BLAZINGHEART , @THRASHPAW apprentice tag
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, fifteen moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


'Get out of my seat... you meek sycophant.'

A smile was spread upon Sootspot's maw as he attended his first gathering in six moons, cordial greetings were offered to various cats he passed, and shallow excuses were given if any of them bothered speaking with him. All too often he found himself distracted by Periwinklebreeze sitting where Deputies sat, practically brushing shoulders with leaders, and silently seethed - he had betrayed Sootstar and Sunstar, what was Scorchstar thinking giving him any semblance of power? Did she not know what traitors did?

He watched ThunderClan's Deputy give him attention and felt the corners of his eyes twitch - fine, if his first gathering back was to be a game, then he would play it too. Sootspot looked to his apprentice and waved his tail in dismissal. "Enjoy yourself," the chimera purred. 'It will be much easier to talk without you around.' The Tunneler prowled closer to where the councils talked, looking for someone more important than a Deputy, looking for —

"ShadowClan's new leader." His voice was filled with a warmth that could've melted the frost, a familiarity unearned but presented all the same. The thought of the marsh made his skin feel like crawling worms, it truly didn't feel that long ago since he'd learned his half-brother had once roamed that land. He had the swamp clan to thank for ridding him of that loose end, the one thing knew he was not quite as WindClan as Sootstar had wanted him to be. Perhaps that was why she'd rejected him in favour of his younger siblings, in the annals of his heart, it was easy to believe that was what killed her, that he would've fought harder for her if she hadn't betrayed him first.

"They say at night, your lands are as black as my mother's heart. Having been there myself, I see why she enjoyed it." His ears swivelled back. "Though I must apologise for how things were recently... you know how it is though... the warriors are the fangs of their leader, no mind of their own, deadly all the same. It seems you bared your own teeth recently, too. Does it feel good, flexing them so?"

[ dismissing @VIPERPAW, interacting w/ @MIRESTAR ]

Willowburn stepped into the clearing with his head held high and a smug air about himself. The ShadowClanner let his gaze sweep across those who were gathered, noting that thus far interactions seemed sparse. Well, he suspected as much given recent events. Oh well, maybe he would seek out the RiverClanners to mingle with and to find out how things faired during their battle for Sunningrocks. Though there was a morbid side of him that was curious to poke at the ThunderClanners, though he knew he really shouldn't.

"A bit chilly tonight, it's making my toes tingle." Willowburn remarked as he strolled past a few other cats, waiting to see who allowed themselves to be caught up in conversation with him.

//open to interactions!

- ⋆ -

It takes but only a moment for the familiar tang of the forest to hit her nose and Howlfire knows she is talking to a ThunderClan cat. The young tom does not introduce himself - yet - but he seems vaguely familiar, which Howlfire puts down to having seen him on a border patrol, or perhaps in passing at a gathering. "No harm done," Howlfire gave a warm smile, brushing aside his apology gently. At his query about whether she was from SkyClan or not, she gave a curt nod. "I'm Howlfire one of Orangestar's lead warriors," She introduced. "And I'd say you're from ThunderClan?" There is a brief pause before she asks, in a softer voice, "Did something happen in ThunderClan? Some of your fellow warriors seem as though they've been in battle."

Despite her initial desire to butt heads with a ThunderClan cat, such thoughts have subsided in the wake of seeing how battered and worn some of their warriors look. Although her expression betrays none of it, she is oddly nervous to learn what had happened, the memories of her brother's actions still fresh in her mind.

/ speaking with @roaringsun
Cottonsprig is here this time, and though her unease with the gatherings since her return has lightened, it seems the tension across the clearing has only grown. Some cats bear new scars, scratches, and tears in their pelts. If she afforded any of them longer than a few moments glance, maybe she'd be able to discern some fanciful reason why - but in truth, she's grown uncaring to the woes of the other Clans in light of the sudden freeze. She'll simper and commiserate as needed, but for now she must focus; it feels as if the worst has not happened yet.

"Hel-lo~" she chirps with the levity of someone attempting to discard the tenseness of the gathering - and failing, too, due to her obviousness. She does not dwell, only perching in her seat to continue chatting with her fellow medicine cats. If anything, she's glad that for once, WindClan is not the source of the issue that plagues them all. (Or... at least, she thinks they're not.)

"Did the cold surprise you all, too?" she paves a path with small talk, all before launching into what should be expected of them; shared knowledge. Cats shouldn't die because someone squanders away information, after all. (A peaked point of interest, briefly, in her mind's eye: would she harbor information and instead trade it like gilded rabbits, if it benefitted her?)

"I was only an apprentice four seasons ago - still wet behind the ears, even," she jests, tail twitching. "And we had that whole... thing... going on, so my leafbare lessons formed on the more present details -" how not to die amidst a plague, "Anything... I should be aware of? I do hope no illness rivaling yellowcough will welcome itself into our camp this leafbare..."

  • ooc // chatting w the medicine cats :] @Starlingheart its exposition learning time YAYY
    ♥♥♡ WOUNDS ; can confidently stop bleeding and mend lacerations. will often request that you keep your injury clean and wait it out first.
    ♥♥♡ INFECTION ; as a side effect of likely her own doing, very dutiful with technique and treatment shortly thereafter.
    ♥♡♡ ACHES & PAINS ; will defer to a dark tunnel and rest. if pain persists, maybe she will offer something.
    ♥♡♡ BROKEN BONES ; has never dealt with a broken bone. likely will ask that you never move. ever again.
    ♥♥♥ TRAVELING HERBS ; learned well from her previous mentor. will pile even too many remedies to tough the wilderness with.
    ♥♥♥ KITTING ; having kittens of her own and helped several others with their litters, she is very well versed with calming techniques and quelling pain.
    ♥♡♡ POISONS ; she knows what they are... but that isn't enough, isn't it?
    ♥♥♡ ILLNESS ; having worked through two yellowcough bouts, she is confident in her remedies. much else... she's operating on trial and error.
    ⸻ cottonsprig is a dutiful and excitable medicine cat. she enjoys company and loves conversation. she'd rather not have too many curious noses snooping around her den... but who is she to quell curiosity?
  • hLNSgig.png
    ⸻❥ cottonsprig is the primary medicine cat of windclan. a former princess to the moors, she harbors many guilts for her actions throughout her short life. she has no consistent partner, unwilling to commit and settle, and she is training celandinepaw in medicine.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowlark moves with the crowd of Shadowclanners joining the night, his chin lifted slightly up while gaze drifted around the crowded clearing, filled with cats of all clans, something he was quite familiar with for the many times he had gone, when he was first made an apprentice, to a warrior and now, required to go for his promotion to Mirestar's council. Yellow gaze glancing towards Scalejaw who also had been required to go as well.

Yellow gaze landing on his former mentor who seemed already in the ring with a windclanner so the young warrior just rolled his shoulders before beginning to look for an much more open spot to claim as his, watching as thunderclan moved, some looking battle worn from the recent fights that had happened, and by the end of this gathering it would be known to all clans about Riverclan and Shadowclan's alliance.

Rolling his shoulder he glance back towards his clanmates as they disperse amongst the crowd with a skight hum, ears perked forward as he looked across the crowd to see if any of the cats here tonight were of familiarity to him, he knew Thunderclan would not be fond of any casual conversation so perhaps some other cat would do unless someone decided to talk to him first.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 15 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Open for interacts!! ))
Marblepaw trudges into the Gathering at Starlingheart's side, her exhaustion palpable. Her paws feel numb, but she trudges forward, through the throngs of cats, and toward the sheltered, secluded area where the medicine cats sit. Her green eyes are shadowed with lingering grief, with the bone-deep tiredness that comes from constant worry, but she manages to lift a smile toward her colleagues. Cottonsprig is the first to speak, her gentle voice a cheerful chirp.

"Hi, Cottonsprig." She sits, her pale fur fluffed out against the chill. The WindClan medicine cat makes a remark about the cold and questions if it had surprised the rest of them, too. Marblepaw nods. "It's been hard to keep warm and fed, but our Clan has worked hard." Worry flashes behind her green eyes, and she gives her mentor a hesitating look before murmuring, "But... with all our injuries... we've been running low on healing herbs." Her ears flick, her expression pinched. "We're completely out of marigold, and in this frost, I haven't been able to find any more. It's like it's all been killed, no matter how hard we look."

  • ooc: interacting with @cottonsprig and @Starlingheart
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 10 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

It might as well be about to storm with the amount of tension that hung in the air. Lightflower stuck close to Palefire, figuring they all needed support tonight. The past few days had gone and made her paranoid again, her ears on a swivel and her maw parted to try to find scents. Nothing out of the ordinary as they trekked through their territory, thankfully. The sight of her battered clanmates made her wince slightly. She might not have many visible wounds, but the mental and physical toll of nearly being drowned haunted her. She desperately hoped not to see Hemlockshine at the gathering tonight.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Palefire's question. "She has woken up, I hope she's sleeping now, though," she mewed. "I can't even imagine what she's going through. I feel awful for not being able to help her," Her apprentice fought with greater might than she had.

// speaking with @PALEFIRE
  • Sad
Reactions: Palefire
It isn't often they think to stay out past the sunset.... to not curl up at home, where the scent of their twins has long grown stale. It hardly matters, they think pitifully, only Hazelbeam is there, waiting up for them. Spicepurr is hardly consistent in returning home- Edenberry wonders if she won't give up the ruse soon enough and just admit she'd rather live in the clan full-time. Would they ever do that?

The cacophony of voices snaps them from their thoughts, ears sitting forward to listen for the hushed gossip of the different clans. The least they could do was dig up a juicy story to bring back for Lupinesong and Cherryblossom. They slide past the angry glares of ThunderClanners that jab towards their neighbors... Thank stars it isn't SkyClan that earns their ire, given the recent penchant for boundary crossing.

They slink around, hoping to avoid the sight of a speckled blue tom (the only real reason to fear the Gathering was Otterbite's vicious smile after all), pausing at the sight of a pale ShadowClanner who seems open enough to conversation. "Hey there!" They put on their best smile, closing the gap between them with a flick of a bobbed tail. "ShadowClan looks excited... Have you guys been doing well? I'm Edenberry, by the way... SkyClan."

-- interacting with @Snowlark.
open to interaction!
  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 19 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
The full moon still beams brightly, even as the clans have starved and scrapped over the past few weeks. StarClan wants them all to come together and discuss, to set aside their differences for a night. Was such a thing even possible, especially with the recent border tensions?

Lionpaw is still anxious to run into an oak-dweller, one like his brother Burnstorm or that nasty lead warrior Raccoonstripe or even his apprentice. They don't want to see any of them. They try sticking somewhat close to @CROWSIGHT , though their stride is momentarily interrupted as he knocks into a stranger. "Sorry—" Is the apprentice's immediate reaction as they stumble away from the warrior. As soon as they are able to recognize the telltale smell of ThunderClan, though, they overhear her talking to another warrior about... Squirrelpaw?

His pupils narrow, maw drawing slightly agape in surprise as his ears battle against the crescendo of voices around him. What happened to her? Is she okay? It is not Lionpaw's place to be nosy ( and why should he care about ThunderClan? ) but they couldn't help it. Squirrelpaw was... well, he wasn't sure if they were considered friends, but she had always been nice to him when they met at the border. Hearing that she had "woken up" was concerning, though; it sounded as if she had landed herself in the medicine den for some reason.

Many felines weaved in and out of the area, chatting amongst themselves, so much so that Lionpaw found himself momentarily pushing against the current. It wasn't until another knocked into him that Lionpaw snapped back into reality, prompting him to whip his head around and stammer, "Oh, uhm- Sorry, what?" It wasn't Lionpaw's most formal form of greeting, not like a "nice to meet you, what's your name?". His thoughts were running frantically at the moment, torn in two places as his ears swiveled to try and eavesdrop on the ThunderClanners' conversation while trying to focus on whoever was addressing him now.

  • any cat can be who he bumped into!
  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    — lionpaw / 11 moons / he/they pronouns
    — skyclan apprentice / mentored by crowsight
    doeblaze x blazestar† / hover for immediate kin
    — lh chocolate torbie point w/ blue eyes, diagonal scar across face
    click for full tags
  • Love
⊱⊰ The gathering is tense—or is it all in Hopepaw's head? Glares and glances cast by RiverClan and ShadowClan blanket themselves over her pale pelt, and the girl steps closer to her uncle's flank as they enter the clearing. Gentlestorm tells her to stick close, but he doesn't need to worry. If she could, Hopepaw would melt into his fur and hide away for the rest of the night. She can't stand the tension crackling through the air like lightning, making her fur prickle. If she sticks close to Gentlestorm, then she can at least avoid getting caught up in unpleasant conversation with a RiverClanner or a ThunderClanner.

Staying near her uncle doesn't prevent her from being roughly shoved into by another cat, though. Thin legs sway with the force of the collision, and Hopepaw stumbles backward onto her haunches. When she manages to regain her balance, the face she looks up at is not unkind, but neither is it particularly friendly. The cat, a SkyClanner she's seen maybe once before, doesn't seem to be paying that much attention to her, she realizes, even as they apologize. Their ears keep shifting around almost frantically, and Hopepaw can't tell what else the stranger is listening to. "It's okay," she says, voice rough. She probably sounds terrible—and probably smells bad, too, with how many herbs she's been handling recently. "You seem distracted." Despite the tired, humorless tone of her voice, Hopepaw lets out a soft huff of amusement. This cat sure has their head in the clouds; it reminds her of a couple other apprentices she knows, a pair of bright-eyed girls with coats dappled in blue and cream.

  • ooc: interacting with @LIONPAW
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    HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan medicine cat apprentice

    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue ; adopted by roeflame
    mentored by gentlestorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
periwinklebreeze 28 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
Theres a moment of discomfort when Roeflame speak - a flash of anxiety in blue eyes, a shift in the smoke furred toms ever-hunched posture as h takes in herb-strewn pelt with a wince. " Yes, " he says softly, pulling himself up just a bit - enough to try and make it clear he is not frightened, simply... well, non-threatening. Or something like that. He does not bother to elaborate - to state that his place here tonight is only temporary, a body in the crowd. It wouldn't matter anyways.

Ears twitch as he nods to where Flamestar stands, then back to the deputy, voice continuing on in stuttering tone. " Periwinklebreeze - y-you're the d-deputy, right? " A real one - unlike him. Its a newer appointment, given everything, but he's always done his best to keep up with the gossip from these things, even when he cannot attend, and the name strikes a chord. Tail tucks tighter against soft paws, and he hums quietly, tired eyes scanning the crowd.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W H A T -D O E S - M Y -L I F E -E V E N -M E A N ?

In step with his mate, Twitchbolt took advantage of the grounding it granted him to have Quillstrike here with him. They'd always been different in how they worried about other Clans... Twitchbolt too much, and Quillstrike not enough. So he supposed it made them sort of neutral when they walked together like this. He smiled up at him, a brief and quivering thing, as they swept into the throng of cats, wide eyes flickering between faces. Stars, and the Thunderclanners looked a little rough...

"Not except the other deputies, really..." Twitchbolt admitted, scrunching his nose up. Oh, did that sound... boastful? Elitist, or something... like he didn't care about anyone else, didn't deem them important enough? He just... didn't socialise easily, but he supposed if anyone would know that it would be Quillstrike. Nervously, his eyes flickered over to Flamestar and Scorchstar- his tongue traced the bottom of his fangs, the pace of his heartbeat quickened. "Uh, but... y'know, most of them have ... eight whole lives more than me, now." A shuffling of a snowy paw, a nervous joke given... in truth, he was happy to be outpaced.

\ interacting with @QUILLSTRIKE but open to more interaction!
penned by pin ✧