- Jul 20, 2022
- 160
- 19
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OOC- along with those who were specifically tagged, anyone who did not get assigned to a patrol during last weeks sign ups is welcome to join in if they so choose, as this does take place in Windclan territory, so technically anyone can come across the hunting patrol and join in or bug them XD It's just closed to anyone whose already a part of another patrol, as they wouldn't be in the territory at the time. @CHICKENSCRATCH @LARKTREK @ROSEPAW If you guys want, your welcome to use a dice roller thingy to determine weather your cat catches the prey its hunting- its what i like to do with Dusk to keep things fun and random. I just roll a 10-sided dice online and the higher the roll the better his hunt was, with 1-3 being a total failure, 4-7 being a sloppy but successful hunt, and 8-10 being a successful, top tier hunt. This is entirely optional though, and you can choose for your cats hunt to go however you please :)
With the patrols for the day sorted out and assigned, it was time for Duskfire to take care of his own. The copper-gold tom had chosen to lead the hunting patrol, not only interested in seeing what Chicken and Lark could do, but curious as to weather he'd finally be able to catch a rabbit. Not to mention this would be a good chance to gauge was his apprentice new as well. He definitely wanted to get Rosepaw familiarized with the borders, but there was still tension revolving around them and he wanted to make sure the other was well-equipped for any potential trouble they might run into. Best to get them used to things at a reasonable pace, right?
"You guys ready to go?" he asked, turning to the trio of cats and offering them a smile that he hoped was reassuring but probably looked more awkward than anything. He still wasn't great at this whole socializing things, but nobody could say he wasn't trying.
It helped a bit that Rosepaw was someone he was familiar with, though he tried to ignore how embarrassing it actually was to find comfort in the presence of a kid that he was technically responsible for now. He couldn't help it though. His apprentice was at least familiar with him and how bad he was at the whole 'socializing without seeming like a weirdo' thing, whereas Lark and Chicken were two cats he'd never really spoken to or spent time with. He could admit that it was one of the reasons he'd chosen them, knowing full well he could have surrounded himself with familiar faces and called it a day, but what good would that do? Dusk didn't want to only talk to the same three or four cats every day. And as the clans new Deputy he probably should get over the whole 'awkwardness' involving strangers, right?
Well, hopefully this didn't backfire.
With the patrols for the day sorted out and assigned, it was time for Duskfire to take care of his own. The copper-gold tom had chosen to lead the hunting patrol, not only interested in seeing what Chicken and Lark could do, but curious as to weather he'd finally be able to catch a rabbit. Not to mention this would be a good chance to gauge was his apprentice new as well. He definitely wanted to get Rosepaw familiarized with the borders, but there was still tension revolving around them and he wanted to make sure the other was well-equipped for any potential trouble they might run into. Best to get them used to things at a reasonable pace, right?
"You guys ready to go?" he asked, turning to the trio of cats and offering them a smile that he hoped was reassuring but probably looked more awkward than anything. He still wasn't great at this whole socializing things, but nobody could say he wasn't trying.
It helped a bit that Rosepaw was someone he was familiar with, though he tried to ignore how embarrassing it actually was to find comfort in the presence of a kid that he was technically responsible for now. He couldn't help it though. His apprentice was at least familiar with him and how bad he was at the whole 'socializing without seeming like a weirdo' thing, whereas Lark and Chicken were two cats he'd never really spoken to or spent time with. He could admit that it was one of the reasons he'd chosen them, knowing full well he could have surrounded himself with familiar faces and called it a day, but what good would that do? Dusk didn't want to only talk to the same three or four cats every day. And as the clans new Deputy he probably should get over the whole 'awkwardness' involving strangers, right?
Well, hopefully this didn't backfire.
windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat