- Jun 6, 2022
- 459
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- 30
A SISTER'S PROMISE — a windclan hpr litter
Two sisters, once the united pride of their mother, now each a fragmented disgrace to her imperfect lineage. Both learn of their pregnancies within days of one another, and both shield secrets from the public fearing the inevitable backlash that will come with it.
Cottonsprig, a medicine cat, took an oath to never bear children. The Clan is meant to be her young, and yet she grew greedy and careless. In light of her mistakes, she makes her swift escape and a silent promise to the very few who know that she will return in time. The details of her disappearance and return are yet to be seen.
Bluefrost found comfort in a former friend - through quiet promises to bring him meals and brief stints in the loner lands, the she-cat held fast to the ideal that their visits would bear no fruit of evidence. And now, as her sister abandons her and she moves to the nursery, she finds that she must bear the burden of their secrets alone.
When all is said and done, Bluefrost will mother and raise Cottonsprig's kittens for her, as worse things lay on the horizon.
- Please specify which litter you are applying to in your application! If you are applying to both litters, please specify that as well!
- These applications are not first-come, first-serve. These kits will be chosen on 09.02.2024 and will be born on 09.07.2024.
- These kits will age realistically. Yes, this is a worm litter! Please understand your character will be in the nursery for six IRL months if chosen!
- Disabilities and birth defects are permitted but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations will be permitted.
- There is no posting quota for this litter; however, we do expect at least a handful of posts per month. We reserve the right to rehome your slot after one month of inactivity without communication.
- Kits must stay in WindClan due to being raised to be loyal to their Clan. If a plot calls for the character to leave WindClan, please discuss it with the parent rpers!
- Please stick to the naming themes in the respective tabs.
- Please adhere to the genetics.
- Number of slots is subject to fluctuate, but will likely remain at 2 per litter.
- There is no set form; please include all the basics.
- Please include alternative names in case your chosen name is taken by someone else! Try not to use prefixes used by played, currently living characters.
- These kits will be raised primarily by Bluefrost, though there will likely be an opportunity for them to discover their true parentage. Keep this in mind as you apply!
Sire: LH red tabby w/ high white (masking black; carrying dilute, point)
Dam: LH blue smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver, chocolate)
Toms can be black, blue, black smoke, or blue smoke
She-cats can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell smoke, or blue tortoiseshell smoke
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have low white or high white
- Kits can have any realistic eye color
- Non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke kits will carry non-silver; kits may or may not carry point; kits may or may not carry chocolate
- Kits will be 1/4th Siberian and can show breed traits
- Cottonsprig is gen 2 ; Foxglare is gen 2 ; these kits will be gen 3
- Cottonsprig will be naming the kittens alone and thus will have very little input from anyone else.
- However, due to the potential of Cottonsprig not raising her own kittens, she will also try to avoid names too closely related to herself. Topics that are allowed: Flowers, 'tunneling' prefixes, WindClan-esque to any degree.
- She will also not name any of her children as a junior. With those important in her life, she will find names adjacent (synonyms or equal meaning (ie choosing Falcon- instead of Harrier-, and so on)) or pick out a quality of theirs that she admires, (Tough-, Sweet-). She may also try to attach more meaning to moorland animals, intentionally hoping to imbue her children with traits that those animals have (Badger- for hardiness, Rabbit- for swiftness, etc)
Prefix Ideas (feel free to research and expand if need be!):
- Asterkit, Lavenderkit, Chamomilekit, Iriskit, Buttercupkit
- Softkit, Sweetkit, Toughkit, Purekit
- Goatkit, Harekit, Horsekit, Falconkit, Hawk-kit
- Mudkit, Cave/rnkit, Fogkit, Swiftkit, Dewkit, Haykit
Sire: LH red classic tabby with low white (masking black, carrying dilute)
Dam: LH blue smoke with low white (carrying chocolate, non-silver)
- Toms will be black, black smoke, blue or blue smoke
- She-cats will be tortie, tortie smoke, blue tortie, or blue tortie smoke
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- Kits with white can have any realistic eye color; kits without white can have any realistic eye color but blue
- Non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry chocolate; silver or smoke kits will carry non-silver
- Bluefrost is gen 2 ; Thriftfeather is gen 1 ; these kits will be gen 3
Bluefrost will be naming these kits with some IC input from Thriftfeather. Here are some ideas of what she would name her children:
- After Sootstar: Sootkit, Ashkit, Cinderkit
- After other family: Weaselkit, Harrierkit, Stoatkit, Hawk-kit, Shrikekit, Eaglekit, Talonkit, Clawkit, Ferretkit, Featherkit
- After the moor: Heatherkit, Gorsekit, Dustkit, Dustykit, Diggingkit, Siltkit, Claykit, Sandkit, Windkit, Gustkit, Harekit, Rabbitkit, Shrubkit, Peatkit, Burrowkit
- Appearance-based: Silverkit, Azurekit, Shinekit, Shimmerkit, Glimmerkit, Violetkit, Silk-kit, Silkykit, Plushkit, Yellowkit, Gold/enkit, Spottedkit, Dapple/dkit, Speckle/dkit, Brindle/dkit
- Names she likes: Dreamkit, Webkit, Moonkit
Names supplied by Thriftfeather:
- After the moor: Cricketkit, Rabbitkit, Heathkit, Ouzelkit, Phoebekit, Beekit, Breezekit, Katydidkit, Sandkit
- Purple-based flowers: Iris, Violetkit, Dusk-kit, Asterkit, Vetchkit, Lavenderkit, Lilackit, Thistlekit
- Size / Shape-related names
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