A song for summer (Pre-Gathering chatter)

The air had lost its heat: a light breeze drifted past the WindClanners as they approached Fourtrees, rustling the sacred trees' canopies and carrying forward the scent of heather and rabbits'-blood. Silverpelt glittered magnificently above, even as the world below was awash in moonlight. Badgermoon bounded alongside his Clanmates, his golden eyes paled by the silver filigree which adorned every blade of grass, every pebble. He slowed as their destination came upon them, lifting his dark tail in the hopes of stilling the warriors accompanying him. "I trust that none of you will dare to disobey StarClan's will and cause trouble tonight." the bicolor tom spoke in stern tones, though his expression was soft as he studied the group with him.

Gatherings always made him ponder his position, his life, the cats he lived and worked alongside - and, increasingly, he found that he had managed to find the most wonderful slice of the world to occupy, and the most wonderful cats to share it with. "Listen, learn, mingle...just don't forget yourselves." With these usual reminders given, the WindClan deputy settled down among his peers, pressing his speckled forepaws against the cool grasses. He opted not to speak to anyone just yet, instead surveying the growing crowd with slightly narrowed eyes - though he did offer a dip of his head in greeting to his counterparts, the suggestion of a smile pulling at the edges of his lips.

[ Open to chat, of course, just please @ me! <3 ]
————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw enjoys gatherings, used to relish in being picked for them — though, they suppose they's expected to go, now. He doesn't mind it much at all. He likes talking with the other Clans, learning the faces of cats from different corners of the forest. Finding friendliness in them; they keep an eye out for Magpiepaw.

Yet, their steps are more hesitant than usual; the worry of sickness clutches at his chest. SkyClan is here, but their sick have stayed home, so... It'll be fine, surely. He tries to think positively: maybe Blazestar will announce they've found a cure and he can put the worry from his mind.

But Lichenpaw has never been an optimist. He remains lost in his own head, steps slower than usual as he wanders through the throng of cats.
————— ❁ —————

  • // open to interactions!
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

The time had come for another gathering. And as deputy, Flycatcher did his duty in showing up alongside Howlignstar and Berryheart. Already several cats were already present, and quick to begin mingling among each other, light chatter filling the air. Flycatcher always enjoyed the gatherings at these early moments, before news the leaders brought with them potentially stirred up trouble.

After breaking away from his fellow ThunderClan cats, Flycatcher takes his place with the rest of the deputies, offering each of them a polite smile in turn. He is particularly pleased to see Orangeblossom standing with them again, clearly having left the nursery in the last moon. His green eyes flicker over to Badgermoon, who seemed more focused on surveying the crowd than conversing at the moment. Despite the growing tension between their clans, Flycatcher had always liked the black and white deputy, and found him one of the more tolerable WindClan cats to speak with. "How are you faring, Badgermoon?" Flycatcher asks, twitching his ear as he speaks.

/ speaking to @Badgermoon but acknowledging all the deputies

OOC: looking for @HOWLINGSTAR , open to other interactions. if you saw me post this early no you didn't


It's nice to be back.

Orangeblossom enters the clearing with her head held high and shoulders rolled back with confidence, casting a keen eye on the multicoloured pelts and intermingling Clan scents. She doesn't immediately join the other deputies, though tries to condense four moons' worth of disgust into a single look pointed towards Badgermoon regardless of whether or not he notices. She makes brief eye contact with Flycatcher and offers her ThunderClan counterpart a polite nod, expression softening somewhat in the face of a friendlier muzzle; but who she's really looking for is his leader. Word had reached SkyClan that Howlingstar had offered her specific congratulations and even asked how she was faring a few times during her absence, and while Orangeblossom had passed on her appreciation, she intends to thank the striking molly herself tonight.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Energy prickled beneath the warrior's pelt as he followed the patrol of ThunderClanners to the Gathering. It would be his first Gathering since being named a warrior and he, along with the four other cats he'd been named with, were in attendance.

Briefly peering around at his Clanmates, he found himself briefly slowing his gait until he walked at Moonwhisper's side. For a moment he didn't say anything, although the bright expression he'd worn since Howlingstar's Gathering announcement said plenty. "I still think it's crazy," he said. "We're among the warriors now."

For a moment, the golden tom paused, then crinkled his nose. "Not that I really wanna talk to any of them anyway," he admitted after a moment, referring to the other Clans. "But I could. That's what counts."

ThunderClan descended into the hollow, and he gave her a parting grin even if he didn't immediately wander away, instead peering out over the gathered cats. WindClan had already shown up. Of course. SkyClan was arriving around the same time as ThunderClan, as they usually did. With a sigh, he settled for sitting down and doing... something. Nothing. Looking like a warrior, maybe. (He was a warrior now).

// briefly speaking with @Moonwhisper , open for interactions

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
The clearing of trees that the gathering takes place in has become a source of anxiety for the young warrior; as the group of WindClanners grows closer, Gravelsnap finds themself tensing up in anticipation. They do not look forward to inserting themself into the crowd of cats, but they know that they must represent their clan in the best way possible. It is an honor, they think, to be chosen to go to a gathering alongside Sootstar and Badgermoon. They only hope that everyone back at camp is doing alright—this would be the perfect time for another clan to launch an attack on them, after all. They nod absently to the black and white deputy as the group enters the clearing, and take a pause to catch their breath before wandering off to settle in the least crowded part of the clearing. They can see cats already beginning to talk amongst themselves, surely some kind of pointless small talk that Gravelsnap doesn’t care for anyway.

// open to interactions!! especially with sick characters
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]

Sparrowsong's paws were light with excitement as they followed SkyClan to the Gathering. They had been the only new warrior named this moon, and they were happy that they'd been allowed to go two moons in a row. There was someone they so desperately wished to speak to, to share the news with - ever since they had reunited with him after so many moons.

The small tabby broke off from the crowd of their Clanmates almost as soon as they entered Fourtrees, eyes bright and a smile on their maw as they strained to peer over the taller mingling cats. He was tall, too― surely they'd be able to see him? Medicine cats were always in attendance. He had to be here.

// looking for @RAVENSONG , open for interactions


── .∘°°∘. ── It is to be Cottonpaw's first Gathering as his apprentice, and Wolfsong's first as her mentor— that alone will make for an interesting evening. He is curious to see how she will interact with the others present and how they will react to her, and he would also like to speak with Dawnglare about the health of the patient he mentioned. Perhaps if she has improved, his concerns for the illness will be alleviated and he can forego any restrictions for WindClan, but if the opposite is true...I do not know that I am ready, but I will have to be.

He inhales steadily and searches for his mate's gaze, smiling when he finds it not far from him. As Wolfsong's belly grows larger, so too does Sunstride's hovering increase. Though he dislikes being mothered, Sunstride's presence has never felt patronizing.

"Cottonpaw," he says, turning back to her. "Perhaps you would like to meet the other apprentices. It will be important to have strong bonds with them when the day comes that students become teachers."

//@cottonpaw @SUNSTRIDE
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge. — ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know— he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel." — ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you. — ☆☆☆☆☆ KITTING: He doesn't remember what it was like to be born. Coincidentally, that is the extent of his familiarity with kitting. At least he won't leave you without moral support.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you. — ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

siltcloud & 15 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

The dust furred molly is on edge tonight, teeth grit and kinked tail stiff - it is her first time at a gathering, and it's a strange sort of feeling having so many eyes and ears upon her. She clings tight to her brother as they move, apprentices trailing after them, though she keeps an especially watchful eye on her own - worried how she may fair. "Stay close," she warns, her quiet voice sharp in warning, leaving no room for argument. She wonders how tonight will play out - knowing what she does. Will granite seek them out, will she see them? She wants little to do with her new kin... but she cannot say she isn't at least a bit curious. How many faces here will she know - from patrols, or from her wanderings? She'd rather not find out. "We'll stick to the edges tonight - make sure to listen well, and be polite if anyone approaches," there - that's the best advice she can offer really, as out of her depth as she is. She only hopes it will be enough.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: currently interacting with @GRANITEPELT @CATERPILLARKIT.
    sticking to the sidelines/edges, open to interactions but please @/
    tw/cw: —
  • a dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight. she's usually quite passive, and rarely makes eye contact or speaks above a whisper. she has five toes upon all four paws.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#905d5d]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Her first gathering as a warrior, it feels surreal and extremely well-earned if you asked her. Moons of blood, sweat and tears, she had crawled from a pit in the shape of her sister's curled and buried form and found life aknew against all odds; how heavy grief was no longer a burden upon her shoulders but a weight she managed with ease and the stiffness in her steps was not wariness now but confidence - Moonwhisper walked as though she was leader guiding cats to the gathering and not simply a new warrior to be announced among several other bouts of news. Lightstike had been grinning like a fool the entire trek there and it was very hard to remain straight faced and stoic in face of such aggressive cheer, when he finally spoke to echo her own kit-like awe she let the facade of coldness to crack a little to smile back.
"I rarely have much interest in chatting with them myself, but its nice to no longer be just pesky apprentices underfoot." Pesky warriors now, perhaps. A brief glance of pale blue eyes skimmed the crowd as SkyClan scent caught her attention and though she did not see her kin she knew them to be here somewhere. Moonwhisper remembers the border, Howlfire's cruel words to her younger brother and her nose wrinkles in distaste; petty girl, the next skirmish at their border would spill more than just pride if she had something to say of it.
Long tail raised high to not get trod upon by wayward paws, she wandered along after the cream tabby even knowing she could just roam and find another place to sit. He was not TERRIBLE company and perhaps keeping chatter to her clan itself would ward of any would-be approachers wanting to mingle.
"Ah, look. Orangeblossom is back, her kits must be apprentices now." For some time the SkyClan deputy had been missing from gatherings. Badgermoon was there next to Flycatcher and she did not see ShadowClan's yet but RiverClan's was also still missing; replaced by yet another feline who was one of their leads. "Surely RiverClan isn't on their fourth deputy?" They must be stand-ins.

Talking to @LIGHTSTRIKE .
Applepaw stays close to her mentor at first. Not because she wants to, but because she figures she ought to before she understands the rules of gatherings. She wonders how similar they would be to her game she'd based off of stories. Cats, a lot of them, and Applepaw's both disappointed, and relieved that none of her littermates were here with her. She does wish she had someone to stay by besides Granitepelt, though.

His sister, Siltcloud, isn't the best substitute. The call to stay close is as boring as it gets, and Applepaw wonders if its an order she should follow too. " Why? " She'll follow orders, but thinks she can still question if they're stupid or not. Her tail trails idly behind her. She can't help but miss her siblings, that at least she could huddle with, familiar, in this huge place full of strangers. She would much rather huddle with sleepy Swanpaw and boring Valerianpaw than the three strange cats she's tailing. Not Garlicpaw, since she'd almost positive she would make a huge scene. Applepaw wonders if she's the youngest apprentice here.

  • ooc: on the sidelines with @GRANITEPELT @Siltcloud. and @CATERPILLARKIT.; looking out for apprentices her age!
  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swankit, valeriankit, and garlickit.
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others
    —— currently 4 moons old. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
It had been a moon or two since Batwing had gone. (Well, more then that, he supposed.) But, he was here now, right! He stepped into the gathering clearing, his vision sweeping those arriving. He tilted his head towards the few that were padding away already. Leaders with leaders, deputies with deputies. Some mingling already. A soft sigh left him, puffing air up towards his eyes before he padded down into the clearing himself. He glanced at Lightstrike and Moonwhisper with a tiny grin- so exciting to see fresh warriors step into their new roles- before settling off to the side.

(( open to interaction! ))​
Fireflypaw wanders through the crowd with tightly shut eyes, panic ebbing into his body at the many different smells surrounding him. This gathering, the random sickness in SkyClan.. It all seemed so much, but he knew it would do him some justice to get out and socialize again. Perhaps he could even ask the medicine cats for advice, this time?

He keeps his head low as he pushes through the throng of cats, heading for @LICHENPAW 's herbal scent directly. His tail waves in greeting, a small yet nervous smile on his face. "Lichenpaw! It is good to see 'ya again. Settlin' in well? Feelin' okay?" He asks cautiously, nose still lifted to the air to scent for his uncle or another fully trained medicine cat. It would be wise for him to ask around, though, wouldn't it?

"You remember me, right? From last Gathering?"

// interacting with lichenpaw! open to more interactions, but he's actively trying to scent out berryheart.​
Nerves thrum in the pads of the girl's paws. For several moons now, she has heard tales of the gatherings, where cats of all walks came together to meet and mingle; where the Clans came together to share whatever news accrued over the course of a moon. It is an honor to be chosen to go to the gatherings, she knows; Scorchstreak and Badgermoon alike have instilled this into her head. Part of her wonders if she must have an unfair advantage. After all, Badgermoon is her mentor-- would he ever elect for her not to tag along?

But honor still floods her tongue and holds it still; starstruck wonder tethers her close to Badgermoon's heels. She finds herself missing Luckypaw, or Rumblepaw or Frostpaw, and then she finds that her nose wrinkles at the notion. Sure, it would be cool for her littermates to be here with her, but she doesn't need them to have a good time, does she? And certainly Luckypaw does not need her. He and Frostpaw are too busy frolicking underground and catching worms in their pelts to have any time to spend with her, and she is far too busy catching mice and coasting through heather to return the favor. No, she doesn't need them; and she is sure that she can be an exemplary apprentice at the gathering, too, better than any of her littermates.

With a new light of determination in her eyes, the flame-streaked molly straightens her posture and casts her fierce, bi-color gaze into the gathering crowd. When her attention catches on @APPLEPAW , she takes a breath and approaches, ears twitching. "Hi," she greets plainly. "I'm Scorchpaw. Who're you?" The pretty-furred apprentice smells like mud and frogs, which Scorchpaw decides she doesn't like, but isn't it the point of these things to introduce herself anyway?​
  • Haha
Reactions: Badgermoon

✿—— she steps into the clearing with far more uncertainty than the cats she keeps pace with—while orangeblossom and fireflypaw break into the crowd easily and begin to make conversation or seek out cats, she stands somewhat awkwardly. she does not know anyone here, has no family lines or old friendships; this is her first time even seeing most of the other clans in the flesh, and she's rather stunned at the sheer amount of cats milling around the clearing. the tabby feels distinctly out of place, perched still on nervous paws as cats weave around her to greet acquaintances, gather information, or just make small talk. it's not a feeling that she particularly likes, a weighted stone in her belly—a heavy reminder that regardless of how much she trains or how much prey she catches, will she ever be a real warrior?

not the time, she thinks with a sigh, wondering why she's chosen to think about that at all. she certainly doesn't feel even remotely confident enough to approach any of the deputies, lead warriors, and medicine cats who begin to greet each other and talk of news. instead she moves off to the sidelines, towards a darkly pelted tom who doesn't look too horribly intimidating, and seats herself a good distance away with shaking paws. this whole thing makes her nervous and she suspects it might always, but she greets, "uh, hi. i'm bobbie," her tone is hesitant, wondering if this cat might chastise her for her kittypet name or the collar looped around her neck, but she adds, "this is my first time at a gathering, are they a-always so .... busy?"


  • ooc: trying to start conversation with @batwing, but open to other interacts!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Last edited:

Berryheart, who usually walked with purpose when he did move, mirrored his apprentice for once in the slight apprehension that sunk stony in his stomach. He knew it was no illness borne of an external force, but simply the worry that had found him so much more often since he had taken the mantle of ThunderClan's medicine cat. Before, he had been entirely unused to the feeling of fretting... but seeing enough cats perish from ailments untouchable would twist you in that way.

The sight of his nephew was enough to purge it from his mind- he fixed an uneven gaze upon Sootypaws, a subtle smile set soft upon a snowy maw. He had greeted Freckles kindly- he expected no less from the midnight-splashed tom. "Hello, Sootypaws," he greeted softly as he drew up beside his apprentice, knowing he had to now greet his injured kin verbally. The prickle of his dappled pelt lessened slightly in this company- and from the warmth in his voice it was clear to tell he was glad that Sootypaws and Freckles appeared to be on good terms.

\ interacting with @Fireflypaw and @LICHENPAW !

Mallowlark's gait was joyful, and a tuneless song fled from his ever-set grin as he skipped through the moonlight forest. How wonderful it was to be back here! After so long, so-so-so long. WindClan knew where he'd fled to, now- but he doubted Sootstar would have mentioned it. Seeing faces that used to wrinkle with distaste at him every day in this clearing, in the sacred place where he'd found what had dragged him away from those venom-coated lands...

He couldn't see the Windclanners he actually wanted to greet, though... not that he was even convinced he could. The cats who'd been in the same situation as him- his kin, their home robbed from their claws.None of them he could see, though- not Echolight, nor Brightshine, Lilacstem or any of his nieces and nephews. He could not deny the small flicker of disappointment in his chest, like a firefly being squished.

In his watchfulness, his silver eyes were set wide enough to rival the full moon- unblinking in WindClan's direction. His smile set as wide as ever, fang-dressed, friendliness always a back-of-the-mind priority... he did not consider how it would look, maniacally and ceaselessly grinning as he scanned their ranks.

\ looking accidentally evil at windclan, searching for his family who aren't there. open to any interactions!
It grated against his nerves, being near Orangeblossom and yet unable to, for instance, throw himself at her and tear her absurd ginger-and-white coat into tatters. The scarred she-cat's look of disgust would be met with a slight, mocking curl of Badgermoon's lip, his yellow eyes burning with disdain. That fire faded as Flycatcher spoke and Badgermoon shifted his attention onto the scruffy blue heir of the woods. His features softened and his voice was warm as he spoke, even if a smile did not quite reach his muzzle. Despite ThunderClan's frustrating fondness for SkyClan - or, rather, their refusal to allow WindClan to exact their vengeance upon the Clan of Twoleg pets - he liked Flycatcher, and kept casual tabs on the tabby and his mate. Receiving updates now and again on their lives, and the lives of their children, reminded him that despite the differences between their Clans they were not so different, not down when it really mattered.

"I'm well, thanks." said Badgermoon, flicking one white-tipped ear. He meant it, too: with the exception of one rather unpleasant incident, things in his life were proceeding smoothly. "My kits were just recently apprenticed. It's an exciting time, for myself and for WindClan." he paused, considering, before gesturing towards Scorchpaw with one speckled paw. "My daughter, Scorchpaw, is just there." he didn't recognize the apprentice she was speaking with, but pride was unmistakable in the bicolor tom's voice as he added, "My apprentice, too." Delight shone briefly in his eyes before he focused on Flycatcher again. "And you? How are you, Flycatcher?"

[ Chatting with @Flycatcher , pointing out @SCORCHPAW !
also giving Ora the stink eye </3 ]
Batwing breathed softly- mostly at ease. Just seeing cats interact (or give them stink eyes) was enough to encourage him to relax. He should have been alert, perhaps, but nothing like the Great Battle would ever happen again, he hoped. He knew, maybe. His ears twitched with indecision, just spaced out enough to not notice Bobbie at first. He glanced over, blinking for a moment in recognition before offering a tiny smile to her. She was pretty, by all means, but the red wrapped tight around her throat gave him pause.

Kittypets didn't bother him, but some kind of bitter resentment was held on his tongue. After all, they had it easier, they always would. Batwing ignored that gut feeling of resentment and spoke in response, his voice even. "I'm Batwing." He offered in return. "Well... it is a large collection of cats from every clan." He stated, his vision shifted towards the rest of the hubbub of the gathering. Batwing's head tilted. "One could assume that it'd be busy, yeah. Not all of the cats are here yet, either, judging by the size of some of the groups... First time, huh?" Batwing looked back towards Bobbie, almost expectant.

(( responding to @bobbie open to other interactions as well! ))​

He does not like gathering, he does not care to go but when Starlingheart decides to he will always accompany her and perhaps if he was lucky he might see his friends from the other clans there as well though his current record of bumping into them has been poor. Not every cat attended the gathering, clan leaders picked and chose and he would arrive to find no one worth talking to some moons and plenty of them other moons. He does not cut the most imposing figure but Magpiepaw remains sitting tall alongside his mentor and looking out across the sea of cats swarming like locusts and buzzing just as loudly. There is too much sound, too much noise, his ears fall flat and he wonders if one can go deaf from hearing enough of it all at once.
"Lichenpaw!" He breaks from Starlingheart's side to rush over, hobbling and bumping into a few cats in his haste on unsteady paws and as he reaches the spotted tom he tips and crashes into the ground nose first and tail up. Magpiepaw kicks a leg to right himself, flips back upright with dirt on his nose and a snort escaping him to clear it of debris and as though his little tumble did not happen he is rising to stand to bump shoulders with his friend once more before noticing Fireflypaw.
"Oh, hello again." He chirps in greeting, though he is not much too interested in anyone outside Lichenpaw in this moment.

Talking to @LICHENPAW & greeting @Fireflypaw