A song for summer (Pre-Gathering chatter)

When Salmonshade had told her that she would be allowed to go to the gathering the day that she had been apprenticed, Ratpaw almost couldn't keep her excitement in. Her first time out into the territory would also be her first time going outside of it as well, and there was so much information that was being shoved into her head. How to get to fourtrees, how to keep energy up when needed, what each clan smelled like. It was overwhelming, and Ratpaw was just happy she didn't also need to be fully taught how to swim, knowing the basics from when her mother had taught her and Rowan when they were in the nursery.

She was told that she should stick with her mentor as much as possible, that she needed to take note of the smells around her and watch up top on the rock when the leaders got up there. She could do that. So much was happening and she couldn't help but scoot slightly closer to Salmonshade as more and more cats began to come and gather, watching with wide eyes as so many cats so much larger than her started to show up. "How do I tell the difference between the pine and the oak?" She looked up to her mentor, nose wiggling for a moment as she tried to tell the difference between trees. They just smelled like trees to her... this was going to be a lot harder than Ratpaw originally thought.
  • [ooc] open for interactions, currently speaking with @salmonshade
  • ratpaw is a four moon old apprentice of RiverClan. Her mentor is Salmonshade. She is an all white cat with rounded ears and orange eyes. She is currently a weak swimmer, weak hunter, and a weak fighter. She is loyal to RiverClan, is bisexual and is currently NOT looking for a relationship. She is OPEN to plots and private threads, but CLOSED for injuries. PEACEFUL POWERPLAY IS ALLOWED.
  • a reference image should go here (I do not have one teehee)
  • Like
Reactions: salmonshade

✿—— she's not exactly surprised to see how the thunderclanner's green eyes flick towards the collar settled about her throat—not surprised, but slightly disappointed. it was always the first thing cats outside of skyclan, even some within, seemed to focus on, as though she were defined by the simple accessory. although she supposes at first glance it's impossible to tell her apart from a daylight warrior, safe and fed and warm in a twoleg's nest, even if she isn't one. she doesn't hold the contempt for them her clanmates do, but she's not entirely sure that she likes being mistaken for one of them—perhaps it's simply the notion that she's less somehow for her origins. still, she returns his small smile shakily with a nod.

another cat pads up as well, smoke-furred and green-eyed like herself and her chatting companion—it was like a miniature gathering of cats with green eyes, she notes with some amusement. the newcomer's eyes angle to her collar as well, she observes with a faint dismay, her own appraising the cat. she wonders if this cat is expecting; a former queen herself, their lightly swollen stomach looks familiar, but it might be rude to ask. "yes. i'm bobbie, nice to meet y-you," she greets, replying to batwing, "i suppose so, it's just ... startling, i guess." she feels faintly embarrassed at her lack of knowledge, explaining, "i was a queen until now."


  • ooc: interacting with @batwing and @willowroot!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Angry at all the things I can't change
As he steps foot onto the sacred grounds of fourtrees, Coytecrest takes a glance around his surroundings to see which clans have entered in what order before casting the majority of windclan a sidelong glance. To think at one point he was foolish enough in his youth to believe them better than skyclan. Shaking off the memory he turns his attention towards thunderclan's side, green eyes narrowing in search for Howlingstar's apprentice. The one Howlfire called Skypaw. He promised the molly that he would pass an apology along if he spotted them. But so far he did not spot neither hair nor whisker of the little one. He takes several steps closer, hoping to get a better look until he feels himself bump into the body of another. Glancing down he takes a step back. "Oh, excuse me." He murmured in a low tone. (open to interactions, looking for @skypaw . in the meantime!)
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

Still standing next to Lichenpaw and rubbing his nose from his tumble forward, he is taken by surprise at the joyous greeting of Cottonpaw arriving to stand among them once more like so many gatherings prior. If Magpiepaw remembers or even cares about the altercation at the border, he does not show it and smiles warmly in greeting to her all the same.
"Cottonpaw, you're here!" It had been a while since he'd seen her at a gathering, not since he was made into a medicine cat apprentice and he turns to stare past her to the pale tom she had broken away from to join them; the familiar visage of the ruined eye and kind face easily placed. WindClan's Medicine Cat: Wolfsong. He had rather liked the fellow from their brief interaction the moon prior and he raises a paw as though to wave in his direction. "How are you?"
For whatever reason, he brings up none of it and does not change how he regards her despite the animosity that had been so plain to see across the borders. To him, it was meaningless drivel and that she approached them again was the truth; he had a friend in Cottonpaw still whether her tabby father liked it or not. He rarely saw the brown tom here at these gatherings anyways so its not like his opinion mattered.
Still with @LICHENPAW & @Fireflypaw & now @cottonpaw
── .∘°°∘. ── Cottonpaw reveals her familiarity with some of the apprentices, and Wolfsong merely cocks his head slightly and hums acknowledgingly. It isn't long before she's off in their direction, leaving him to simply watch the many cats gathered in the clearing. It does not escape his notice that Snakehiss bumps into someone, and even at this distance, his irritation is quite plain— and entirely expected, of course. Perhaps this will be the eve violence finds us here, he thinks with more amusement than true concern.

After another few moments, he rises to his paws and crosses over to ShadowClan's medicine cat. His belly is heavy, so heavy his joints ache and he feels as though it brings him closer to the ground, yet it is not as pressing as the need to speak with her. "I had wanted to ask for advice at our meeting," he begins, sitting nearby. "I hope you do not mind my asking now, but...how do I prepare for kitting? As a medicine cat and parent both."

  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge. — ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know— he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel." — ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you. — ☆☆☆☆☆ KITTING: He doesn't remember what it was like to be born. Coincidentally, that is the extent of his familiarity with kitting. At least he won't leave you without moral support.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you. — ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
Fireflypaw quivers at the sound of Magpiepaw's voice, disturbing the peacefulness of the gathering with his stumbling and tripping. He takes a step back as he's greeted, smiling awkwardly. "Hello." He greets in return, pale hues turning towards the direction of his Uncle's voice. Sootypaws. His nickname, like a soft winter snow, blankets him comfortably and Fireflypaw moves away from the gathering medicine cat apprentices to join his uncle's side instead. He would return to them when the gathering began. For now, he had a job to do.

"Uncle Berry," He began with a happy smile, pushing his face into the tortoiseshell's neck affectionately. "I know this is sudden- but my dad will explain most of it soon. I.. I need some advice. Do you know something that could help with harsh breathing? L-Like.. If you can't breathe very well, y'know how it is." He offers hesitantly, tail tucked awkwardly at his side. Perhaps this would be easier than being half-assed about asking.

// moved away from the meddie apprentices, talking to @BERRYHEART !​

Ribbitleap doesn't remember the last time he was at one of these gatherings himself. Perhaps when he was a few moons older than Emberpaw, while his own apprentice name was still fresh, just as the clans were.

Back then, he'd had a face to search for in the crowd of chaos he stands in once more. Now, no matter how hard he tries, Ribbitleap knows he won't find the smoke-blue fur of his aunt here. He never will again. Perhaps he could search for her Thunder-born children - the gray fur of a cousin he hadn't seen since she'd stood on the other side of the border the day he'd learned of her existence. Or the other - one he has yet to meet, but shares a name with his sibling.

His real sibling. Not the one that stands beside him as his apprentice now - the one Chilledstar and Geckoscreech seem to be adamant he bonds with. Swamp-green eyes flicker over to look at Emberpaw, a realization that this is the kid's first gathering as she stands far too close to him for his liking. Ribbitleap sighs at his apprentice, a torn ear twitching.

"You're too close. Take a step over," he says with a flick of the tail. Though he wishes to tell the kid to move further away than that, he figures Chilledstar will be made aware if he leaves her stranded somewhere in the sea of cats. Instead, he raises a paw, gesturing towards the Great Rock. "Look, that's where Chilledstar and the other leaders stand. I bet you'd want a good view of that, right?"

Maybe he can drop her off over there. Maybe if he's lucky, she'll stay put in the front row of the audience and not wander back to him.

// speaking to @Emberpaw & open to interactions!​

He met his nephew's greeting with a similar lean, a fleeting touch uncommon of the red-flecked tom. They saw each other more often than he saw Dynamo, but the greeting was bittersweet all the same, knowing that they no longer dwelled in the same place. Word spread quickly, though- he doubted his SkyClan niece would greet him kindly, given the altercation at the border.

No matter. He was proud to be asked for advice- it had been a life goal of his since as soon as he had fathomed sentience. A thirst for knowledge had ruled him, and then from that had bloomed a love for sharing- he was no hoarder of his wisdom, after all. What was the point of having it if you did not share it? He watched Sootypaws patiently as the tom spoke, building up to his question- fondness glinted in the olivine depths of the medicine cat's gaze, watching the apprentice as he spoke. Breathing. Whether it was luck that had lead Sootypaws to ask this of him or a genuine memory of his own issues with breathing, Berryheart was apathetic- he let a subtle but genuine smile spread across his snowy muzzle.

The look in his eyes was knowing, though the curiosity for what Fluffy would be announcing crawled beneath his fur all the same. "Juniper berries," he said- a simple answer, as direct as he ever was. "And plenty of rest, of course."

\ interacting with @Fireflypaw

Oak-forest scent- not like the keen claws of refreshing pine, or the sharp frigidity of moorland breeze- it could only mean that the bright-blazing she-cat that had approached him was a Thunderclanner. Interesting, interesting. He'd not really spoken to one before outside of Flycatcher, a tom he'd not had the chance to catch up with in... oh, moons and moons! Gathering time had been precious when he'd lived in WindClan. It was one of the only times he had been able to steal moments with his mate, when the world was intent on keeping them apart.

But they were together now- thus, It wasn't worth dwelling on painful past. "Mal-low-lark," he sang, gaze snapping toward her, wide-eyed and unblinking. He grinned like he'd never grinned before- it was a wonder his skull did not snap, rending his jaws into two fanged halves. Unnaturally still, he looked upon her for a few passing moments. "I've heard your name..." he hummed, tongue clicking behind his fangs like the tick-tock of a clock. Somehow, his eyes flared even wider upon the realisation. "OH! You're Flycatcher's mate, aren't you...!"

\ @Flamewhisker (also shouted fly's name rather loudly)
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Though paws moved in idle wandering, her mind was far from distracted. Eyes flit from pine-heady to swamp-murky, it was the tell-tale smell of heather and dirt she was watching for. She had not been privileged with attending the last Gathering, making something of a disgrace of herself by accidentally earning the ire of Cicadastar... But before that...

Pale fur and a crooked smile.

Lichentail had to avoid her... Her apprentice was graced with another opportunity to mingle and though the point feared for the girl should she attempt to interact with WindClan, she was old enough now to hopefully pick wisely who she chose to speak with.

It was a rare opportunity... take advantage of it. Learn something.

"I'll be around if you need me but I think you can handle your own this time. Be wary of WindClan, as ever..." a parting word of advice to @brookpaw before ducking into the chittering crowd.

She kept a wide berth from most of those that mingled until met with a distracted SkyClanner who had backed into her. Looking towards @Coyotecrest with a small nod of acknowledgement, she couldn't say she was busy anyways... No harm done. "It's no problem."

Watching his gaze flee from her own, the RiverClan lead gave a small hmm before continuing, "You seem distracted. Looking for someone?" Maybe a little prying was in order... under the guise of conversation, of course.

Interacting with Coyotecrest + open!!​
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These are nothing new to him, but he does not particularly enjoy it. Even now, his pelt prickles and he avoids the other cats especially due to the fatal knowledge he held. He is in no mind to catch sickness from either of them. Ravensong side-steps as another cat gets too close, ears laying flat against his head, and then suddenly finds himself abruptly flanked by Dovethroat. They had come in together, as if by design, but Ravensong knew it would not be long before he would get his nose bitten off by the lighter tabby.

"Then you have better sense than a quarter of these cats." He remarked with irritation that was, for once, not directed at Dovethroat. Instead his nose flared as he picked out SkyClan scents, wary of the disease that Dawnglare had told them about. He turned his head and suddenly caught sight of a familiar brown-spotted pelt. However, his paws remained stubbornly in place.

speaking to @dovethroat. , noticing @sparrowsong!

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"

Maintaining a stiff, awkward connection to Ravensong's side, Dovethroat shifted his weight uneasily across all four of his paws, clearing his throat and letting out something that sounded like the golden middle of a groan and a whine. If Ravensong was used to these and had grown tired of them, it was a different sort of dread he harbored toward them—though at least they could sympathize in their shared general emotion directed toward the ceremony. Event. Celebration. Whatever word one may call it.

"I f-feel like an i-idiot," Dovethroat hissed, casting his gaze cautiously in Ravensong's direction and immediately cursing himself for showing such vulnerability to someone like him (thinking someone like him is fundamentally useless for Dovethroat—he means only Ravensong when he thinks that, because he thinks about Ravensong a lot). He lets out a low, barely-audible hiss, uncomfortably settling himself down.

He blows out a sigh. "S-Such an idiot, ugh."

//interacting with @RAVENSONG


Soft golden eyes glance around at the faces from the other Clans. This would be her first Gathering since she was a young apprentice, no longer small and meek in the light of their stares. Instead a respectable, honor-bound cat that could carry her mother's legacy with dignity. The rosette looked to her side at Skunktail and she smiled at her older brother.

"Do you have anyone you normally speak to here? Hopefully not anyone from..." She glanced over at one of the cats that strongly held SkyClan scent, which so happened to be Silversmoke. An unspoken wish that they wouldn't have the chance to catch this elusive disease their camp carried. Why were they even at this Gathering if such a risk was about?

// interacting with @Skunktail and giving mad side-eye to @SILVERSMOKE but open to other interactions!
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

Another moon, another Gathering. Wildheart did his usual weave through the crowd as he tried to catch snippets of the local gossip before he settled himself down in a prime yet lonely looking spot near to where the leaders would address the clans later into the evening. The calico was quiet as he stared at the spot next to him with a look of longing. Idly he touched a paw to it as if hoping to find a familiar paw there to greet him. Even now he still found it hard to forget Patchpaw... Patchleaf, as he had named her. Uttering a sigh, he drew his paw back and straightened himself up as he waited for the evening to pass.

//Open to interactions!
( tags ) To be honest he had arrived with his fellow clanmates, but had no idea who to talk to. It made him remember how little he knew of the cats outside of his clan. From what he saw some cats automatically went to their friends from other clans, which he was quite surprised by the fact that some of his clanmates were known by name from other clans or that they had some sort of friendship with them. He scarcely left Riverclan, nor did he talk to others outside of his clan so... Suffice to say he felt rather left out from the crowd. Not that I'm not grateful for Cicadastar for bringing me here, but I feel silly. Hmmm... Lets see who seems okay? Shadowclan cats would be real interesting to talk to but it's not like I'd have much to talk about in the first place. We rarely have much interaction with Shadowclan in the first place. And uhm... That's her clan. Boneripple... I miss you, where'd you go? Ugh, no. Let's avoid Shadowclan unless we want to start crying.

It's then that he spots a younger calico tom all alone. A Thunderclanner. I know we have some issues, but this is a gathering. I hope he doesn't mind too much. Whether or not this is a bad idea he decides to go for it. After all, Petalnose if she were here would tell him to be confident. As long as you are confident then things would be okay. Easier said then done, what do I even say? He is nearing Wildheart that it would be obvious that he backed out of interacting with them, so he decides to start off with giving Wildheart a smile and a flick of his tail in greeting. It seems wise not to seat himself beside or in front of Wildheart, in case the tom wants nothing to do with him.

Then he begins, "H-hey, uhm... My name's Pikesplash from Riverclan. Although, I guess you'd know I'm from Riverclan from scent alone. I know, that, uh, our clans aren't really friends and all. So maybe this is weird y'know? But I'm not here to talk bad about Thunderclan or you at all. I hope you don't either, but if you do, I understand. Maybe it's bad of me, but I've always wondered what Thunderclan looks like. You ever wonder what each clan's landmarks are like? Oh! I'm talking too much, sorry, uhm... Sorry." So much for confidence. Maybe Petalnose would cuff him for this if she were here. In any case he hopes this Thunderclanner doesn't turn him away or is far too cruel towards him. After all, he just wanted to have a nice conversation with another cat.

// talking to @WILDHEART + open to more interactions​
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It's his first gathering as a warrior!!! He strides into the clearing with his tail and head held high. He and his siblings have come so far, been through so much. So many cats he's known have passed on or left, but he's still here.

He's a warrior now.

And he's surrounded by cats who may as well be enemies. The only clan that matters to him is Thunderclan. All these cats around him are future enemies or temporary allies. Why should he befriend them??

He decides not to mingle. He sits tall and proud amongst his clan. Thunderclan is strong and he's here to make sure everyone knows it.​
She didn't have to wait long for his response. The snow pelted tom turned to face her with wide...almost snake-like eyes. Can he blink like that? she wonders, but she holds her tongue. He pulls his jaws back into a wild, crazy looking grin, and part of her begins to regret starting this conversation. Had she chosen Skyclan's craziest warrior to talk to? She lifts a front paw to awkwardly walk away, but his questions peaks her interest. His eyes widen somehow even further as he waits for her response, and it makes her eyes feel strained. "I am." Her voice much softer than his shout. She glances around, feeling a couple nearby cats turning to look at them. The tabby draws her tongue over her chest fur embarrassedly a few times, then raises her gaze to meet his once more. "You act as though you know him?" After she asked, she felt a wave of regret wash over her...Of course he knew who Flycatcher was, everyone did! You mousebrain!


A frown sours Snakehiss's features as he folds his ears and glares at the bristling bundle of fur before him, who was looking rather overly eager to intimidate him. The young WindClan warrior does not bear the heart of a lion, but he doesn't cower in the slightest in the face of Crowpaw. "Meanie?" What was he, a whiny little kit? He practically looked like one too; perhaps he was a freshly-made apprentice. Another weak-blooded kittypet to supply to the ranks of the kittypet clan. What a joke!

Rudely pushing past the SkyClanner, Snakehiss snorts as he turns up his nose to the lesser breed of cat, "Just stay out of my way, kittypet." Snakehiss wasn't keen on getting anywhere near those smelly kibble-eaters.

// apologies for the wait! i've been having a busy week @CROWPAW!
Howlingstar pricks her ears with interest, her eyes immediately seeking out the one Orangeblossom had pointed out. It doesn't take her long to come join them, bashful as she is. Howlingstar offers her a kind smile and dips her head, "Hello, it's nice to meet you, Cherrypaw." Her attention switches back to Orangeblossom as she addresses her and she cannot help but purr. "Well of course! Kits are such a blessing, and ThunderClan wishes nothing but the best for SkyClan's kits and queens. We were all pleased to hear your litter was healthy. We ourselves are faring well, thank you for asking," She mews graciously, whiskers twitching in a friendly manner. She does not speak of those who have fallen ill.

She turns her attention back to the young apprentice, who eagerly asks about ThunderClan. "Sometimes," She trills lightly, smiling. "But not as well as your clan does. Some of our warriors may climb from time to time, but our skill lies in the undergrowth." Normally, she does not agree with sharing skills with other clans, but this is hardly a secret. Every clan knows that ThunderClan is the most skilled among bushes and ferns.

// interacting with @orangeblossom @Cherrypaw @LITTLE WOLF
Mousenose was rarely selected to go to Gatherings. She has no idea why—she’s perfectly behaved, always has been! But as a new warrior, she and her littermates, along with Moonwhisper (ugh) and Lightstrike (eh)—were all permitted to attend. The moon is full and the lull of chatter is like cricket song around them. The messy-furred warrior nudges Sparkwing, her green eyes wide. “Not gonna talk to nobody? Well. Suit yourself.” She flicks her cream-colored tail against him and stalks off to find someone to talk to.

Her first target is a lean brown tabby, scented with the marsh. There’s a smaller tabby she-cat at his side with the same overpowering scent—Mousenose guesses she’s his apprentice, or at least an apprentice. “ShadowClan, right?” She asks, eyeing the young warrior. “I’m Mousenose! I don’t think we’ve met.” They tilt their head, making eye contact with the apprentice. “This your first Gathering, kiddo? What do you think so far?

  • interacting briefly with @Sparkwing and @RIBBITLEAP and @Emberpaw
  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
the tom strolls in alongside his stand - in deputy and already, eyes find them amongst the crowd. a murmur of confusion and intrigue billowing low amongst the crowding crowd. the clearing was hot, heated beyond the strokes of greenleaf and not cooled a bit from sundown. he peels away from the rosetted molly's side with an encouraging dip of his head, keeping his too - long neck low and taller ears angled back to slink into the night, the bustle of fur and cordial meows. it was nice, to blend into those who know less of him. new faces, voices without a name.. he feels at ease despite trailing eyes, the burning of fur at the arch of bony shoulders telling him to be alert. he is at ease here more than he is anywhere else, feels the rot peel away beneath starclan's gleaming eyes. his head hurts, he thinks idly ; but not enough to keep him from searching, looking for a white - streaked face.

a neaby shadowclan scent draws his eyes, the acrid odor still achingly familiar despite his departure from the marshlands ages ago now. a tabby, and a smaller striped girl.. a warrior and his apprentice, he could only assume. ivory paws bring him forth, curls sleek and dripping river water still.. just as he nears, a mottled blue molly pipes up enough for him to overhear, " ah.. such a big night. congratulations, kleine. " its almost idle, eyes still searching the crowd over their heads before finally, finally, icicle eyes lower to settle upon the shadowclan apprentice. the thunderclanner asks her how she likes it, and he offers a small, scarred smile, " you've quite a journey ahead of you. "

  • i. looking idly for @CHILLEDSTAR. but speaking to @Emberpaw, @RIBBITLEAP and @MOUSENOSE
    he / him. tall, elegantly curled smoke tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt blue eyes. his structure sings a feral sort of hymnal, presenting an almost dangerous sort of beauty veiling what monstrosities lie beneath the ivory of his skull. jutting jawline and a squared chin, sunken cheeks drawing a shadow beneath high, sharp cheekbones with tall, angular ears settling high atop the flatter slope of his cranium. he is beautiful ; lucifer in the eyes of an envious god. for all his looks, his expression is lax, void — corpse - eyed and hollow until spoken to, sparking the undead to life. he is tall, lean, cut - glass pretty ; he smiles with too - many teeth, blackened frostbite pulling back his maw to bear canines setn beneath curling whiskers, pantomime skeletal. a predatory gracefulness from the lines that press the image of exhaustion beneath ice water hues to the slow, sure gait in which he walks, nameless strength poorly concealed within the hard lines of his physique. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unnaturally tall amongst his peers, always holding himself with a tragic sort of grace ; poised, prim, and uncannily aware of how he appears.

    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── smells like wet moss and meadowland thunderstorms.
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── notoriously paranoid and closed off, cicadastar will tend to lie, assume, and jump to conclusions whenever it suits him. any 'suspicious' ic actions he witnesses or hears about will have a strong effect, and will have ic consequences! if you're unsure of an interactions outcome, please feel free to send a dm!
    no character opinions represent my own.

  • " speech "