A song for summer (Pre-Gathering chatter)

Dawnglare feels no need to be social; even less so than usual, perhaps. Others mill around without a care in the world, oblivious to the plague that may very well begin rippling across their own ranks. All it would take is the brushing of the wrong shoulder, a drip of the nose disguised as greenleaf sickness, a foggy - eyed stare, and then a friend leaning in, curious as to what is the matter. Never before have these meetings felt as foolish as they did this night. He can only pray that the SkyClanners here have remained healthy. Fleetingly, he catches the familiar flash of teeth from his mate.

With a sag of his shoulders, Dawnglare takes to drifting amongst the crowd. Standing idly would delay little. He catches the eye of another so - called Medicine Cat – grouses inwardly as it appears to be one of WindClan’s hundreds. Dawnglare does not doubt that this one would be gone come Leaf - bare. He watches with a sour note as a grey apprentice streaks away from them to but heads amongst Lichenpaw and… the other one. Another Medicine Cat! How lively. How expected. He mutters curses beneath his breath until he draws too close, and with a twist of his mouth, briefly, he is tempted to retreat at once.

His frown is heavy as he eyes the golden tom. Briefly, he is relieved it is something he would never experience. Another excuse for WindClan to not show their sorry face at Mothermouth, he’s sure. He clears his throat, keeping any remarks carefully pinched between his teeth. " Your kits may be here at a tumultuous time, " he butts in uneasily, knowingly out of place between the two parents. Such a thing has never concerned him before, though. His eyes flicker to them both. " Things have not improved. "

He sits a small - ways away, so that he may not too - closely be found in a situation he’d rather not be in. " I figured you ought to know, " genuinely, he says.

  • OOC: shuffling over to @WOLFSONG & @STARLINGHEART .
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 55 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Wildheart blinked slow as his brain tried to register that someone was actually talking to him, and gradually he swivelled his head round just enough to bring Pikesplash into his view. The torrent of words poured forth and it remained unclear as to whether he was heeding any of it given his unchanging neutral expression, but in truth he was. He straightened himself as he decided to humour the RiverClanner.

"ThunderClan is mostly trees. Not really much to look at, but it's home. And I suppose I'd be willing to admit that I've pondered what the other clan territories look like. Same for the lands beyond." There were plenty of tales from the warriors and elders about other lands, and about the great war. He couldn't help but ponder as to whether another immense war would happen someday, one where StarClan would have no choice but to descend once more in order to bring about peace.

"The name's Wildheart, in case you were wondering. And stop being nervous, it's a gathering, not a battlefield. I don't hate nor like RiverClan, so cease the fretting." The calico uttered a sigh before shifting himself to lay down upon his stomach as he let himself relax. "So... what's RiverClan's territory like?"

//Interacting with @PIKESPLASH


Their search ended and, just like before, their eyes met. Sparrowsong lit up immediately, a broad grin upon their maw as they hurried through the crowd. Soon they stood before him, paws tip-tapping the ground in their hasty excitement.

Gray eyes flit over to the cat next to him, one they'd never seen before. "Hello!" they chirped, excitement unwavering. They looked back up to Ravensong again. "Ravensong!" they exclaimed. "I got my warrior name! I'm Sparrowsong now!" Then they paused, as if coming to a revelation, and they gasped. "Our names are so similar!"

// talking to @dovethroat. and @RAVENSONG


The young tom had been tempted to linger by Howlingstar again, somewhat eager to meet some of the more important cats around - but she only seems to reel in SkyClanner's, and Skypaw isn't much for the charity. Not to mention, the little calico's eagerness to chatter away grates on him. (Was he like that? He likes to think himself mature, but seeing her small stature and hearing her pitched voice... when had he become so jaded?)

He steers away, bidding his mentor a quiet farewell before dipping into the crowd. He slips passed another SkyClanner, who just bumped into someone. He chuffs as he goes, tail swinging low behind him.

[ open to interactions! slipping past @Coyotecrest :3 ]​
Brookpaw stays close to Lichentail on the journey. As much as she feigns her dislike for the pointed feline, she knows that Lichentail would protect her, just as Lightningstone would. As Buckgait would. The thought is wholeheartedly unwelcome and uncomfortable and Brookpaw takes pleasure in watching her mentor be nearly trampled by the hulking kittypet types of SkyClan. The warning of WindClan is still prevalent in her ears and she searches for scents that aren't too grassy or dirt filled.

Initially, she was geared towards the ShadowClanners hulking the edge of the gathering - however one heather smelling smudge of black, orange, and white told her to be wary. So, she steers. She finds Cicadastar milling about with other felines and moves in to join them. "Hey," she huffs to the only other apprentice there, leaf green eyes falling over the warriors present as well before shifting back to Emberpaw. She hardly attempts a smile, though she mumbles a good natured, "It gets easier," to the other, in reference to the overwhelming nature of gathering.

[ interacting with @Emberpaw primarily! eyeing the others around, open to more interactions! ]​
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Dipperpaw had not been to a gathering since the first moon she had been named as an apprentice. She had not liked it then, too many cats milling about. Bumping into her and each other. False pleasantries. Idle chit chat. It all was too much, not to mention the fact that the sheer amount of cats made her head spin. How could there possibly be so many cats in the forest? It seemed impossible to her. Like the forest could not sustain so many. But it did apparently, because here they all were. Not to mention that this was only a small fraction of their numbers. She thinks of the queens, the kits, the elders and the other warriors and apprentices who had been left behind in RiverClan and she thinks that the other clans must leave cats behind too. The thought is making her head dizzy so she sits, tucking long limbs underneath her and pulling her plumed tail close to her body so that it did not get stepped on.

Just then, a tortoiseshell pelt flashes into her vision and she regards him with mismatched eyes. She recognizes this apprentice. "You were at the border the other day, on ThunderClan’s patrol" she states simply to him, her voice matter-of-fact and her features drawn into a blank expression. Did he remember her? She wonders and waits expectantly.

// interacting with @skypaw


A touch of coolness spreads across rosetted fur as she prowled silently, her mind clearly amongst a different timeline as she walked at the head of her gathering clan mates. Cicadastar loomed above her, his plumed tail merely inches from her nose. She walked in his shadow just as those before her: Buckgait, Smokethroat, and last Gathering—Snakeblink. She does not say anything, only keeping a sharp gaze on the area ahead. She was to fill Smokethroat's place this time while rearing his brood, to take place among the second in command—to show RiverClan's strength at the base of the towering stones. She slips through the foliage, waving her tail for the others to follow suit. There was no pep talk or warning from her, for RiverClan knew how to act and she expected nothing less but their best.

The opening comes before her, the mingling scents of oak, pine, and moorland grass kiss her senses. Virdian eyes sharpen akin to tempest blades as she silently passed through tne crowd. She does not stop for any greetings, only keeping her ehes forward until she was at the base where Cicadastar would perch above her. Nerves tingled from her tail tip and down to her knuckled black toes as she turned tk face the crowd. She sits—poised and rigid like marble—keeping eyes front as if a mere solider on point. Her gaze lingers towards the chattering by Orangeblossom, watching with a stoic expression as if cut from marble. She listens to the talk of kits, whiskers finally twitching as an indication that she acknowledged it. So, her children were apprentice's now? How nice. The other deputies are conversing as well, leaving her to sit in a comfortable silence. Perhaps no one would notice of her, but she'd be a fool to think such a thing. She knew curious eyes would turn to her now, quizzical glances would flit over her muscular frame. She sighed, breaking her posture as she relaxed a bit and curled her tail eloquently over her paws.

// observing @orangeblossom @LITTLE WOLF @HOWLINGSTAR speaking. Open for interaction!

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Crowpaw will remember this. Despite the fact that if he were to get into a fight with the older black tom, he would lose, he made it a point not to back down. Even if this meant glaring and hissing as he was rudely pushed past. The cruel words spat by the other tom and the poison towards his lineage. He was born and raised in Skyclan, but his mother was a kittypet. His father? He had no clue, but he will not deny he has kittypet blood. However, he had the spirit of a skyclanner! He wouldn't know the rules of a kittypet or eaten kibble. Anyhow, he may have not gotten the name of the awfully rude cat, but he will remember their scent and figure. with a huff of annoyance, he looks around to see if there is anyone nice that wouldn't blame him for getting in their way supposedly.

He's slowly weaving his way around when an interesting and strong scent hits his nose. The scent is bizarre, it doesn't carry the smell of trees or dirt. It's impossible to describe it with the words he has now. His eyes land on two in particular who seem friendly enough, and from their size they might be around the same age. He means to say apprentices. The curiosity of how to describe their scent is too much to bear and when he nears these two he is struck by their beauty, enough so that he stops. From what he's seen at the gathering most cats and even the rude one from earlier didn't have glossy fur. It looked as though these two shined. Now that spun in a circle slowly to glance over the crowd. There were a bunch of cats with glossy fur. All of them looked quite nice that it made him feel a little flustered at his lack of glossiness.

In any case, he forces himself to approach the pair, wanting to know which clan has glossy pelts and the oddest scent that only seemed to get stronger as you approached. Poor Crowpaw doesn't know if he intruded considering he sits in front of them awkwardly hearing it get's easier. Of course, they were bound to look at him. It only made sense for them to, considering he sat in front of them and just sat silently for a while. Once looked at he would flick his tail nervously and shuffle his paws before introducing himself. "Crowpaw. Skyclan. Silversmoke mentor."

// interacting with @brookpaw and @Emberpaw + open to more interactions

When she walks into the gathering space it is without any set expectations. She is nervous, of course, to leave her kits but at least she knew they were in good paws. Granitepelt immediately splits off to be with his sister and his apprentice and though she is a bit disappointed she does understand. He probably doesn't want to stand around with her talking to the other medicine cats about herbs and healing, after all. Besides, he probably wanted to see his WindClan half-siblings. She watches him go for a moment before turning to Magpiepaw, only to find that he too has abandoned her in favor of going to interact with the other Medicine Cat apprentices. She lets out a heavy sigh, feeling dismayed but she understands him too. It was important for him to have a strong relationship with his peers, in fact it is what she had wanted. Still, she suddenly feels uncomfortably alone and she finds herself shuffling her feet as she awaits the arrival of the other medicine cats.

She does not have to wait long, for soon they are appearing from the crowd. Briefly, she glimpses Ravensong between shifting bodies, but the dark colored tom makes no move to join the other medicine cats yet. Instead, she finds herself confronted by Wolfsong who, she remembers, is expecting kits. Her eyes flicker briefly to his belly, which is heavy and swollen. "Wolfsong" she says, dipping her head in a polite but formal greeting. He was WindClan's newest addition, but she wasn't as close to the golden colored tom as she had been to his predecessors.

His question catches her a bit off guard. When Ravensong had asked, it had not been surprising to her. He was around the same age as she was, inexperienced in a lot of things. But Wolfsong was so much older than her, she would think he more well-versed than her. But she supposed it couldn't be helped. Her whiskers twitch with some disguised emotion but she makes no comment, instead choosing to smile warmly. "Ahhh" she says with a wistful sigh "I-I dont think I ever was prepared to- to be a mother- not until they were born" she remembers before giving birth thinking with a panic how she was not ready, how she would never be ready, but when she laid eyes on their tiny bodies, heard their mewls. In those little moments being a mother made all the sense in the world to her. "Itll- It'll come to you" she promises "As for the medicine cat side of-of things..." she had already given the spiel to Ravensog and she would tell Wolfsong the same things she had told him. "Have- have a stick nearby. For- for the pain. You can bite down on it. Your apprentice can- she can help. Chervil- chervil can help too. Let me know if you- if you need to know what it looks like or-or how to uh to use it" She had not used any for herself when kitting, and if any other herbs were useful she did not know about it. "When the kits are uh when they're born make sure to- to lick their fur backwards tuh-to-to help with their breathing" She smiles at him again reassuringly "Most of it is-is instinct you'll-you'll see" Later, she would pray for his and his kits safety but for now she keeps her worries to herself. It would not do to freak the expecting father out with tales of kitting gone wrong.

Her easy smile is replaced by a frown, however when Dawnglare speaks. His words are true but still troubling and her concern shows in her features but the only comment she makes is a low humm.

// interacting with @WOLFSONG and @DAWNGLARE
briefly mentioning @GRANITEPELT @Magpiepaw and @RAVENSONG

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Angry at all the things I can't change
Thankfully the riverclan molly seemed to find no harm done with his accidental collision. However, she does inquire about what holds his attention. Frosted green eyes flicker back to her with silent consideration. He was reluctant to release too much information. After all, this was Howlfire's family business he was on assignment for, not his own. "Yeah, I am." A flash of black and striped, vibrant orange catches his eye in the midst of his conversation. "That must be them..." He thinks to himself briefly, before gifting the riverclan lead a polite dip of his head. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It was nice meeting you." He murmurs swiftly before twisting on his paws to follow after the young thunderclanner.

An uncomfortable aura blankets the spotted tabby the closer he gets. What would he say to them exactly? How would this even go? He hoped they were not the type to cause loud, boisterous scenes when things don't go their way. His approach slows as another individual, riverclan by the scent, confronts his target. A low sigh falls from his lips, slightly irritated by the appearance of another feline that stole their attention away. He considered drifting off, leaving the duo to converse and call this interaction a loss. But, he remembered his promise to Howlfire. After pursing his lips together he steps up to the pair, nodding with general pleasantries before fixating his gaze on Skypaw. "Skypaw, right?" He murmurs casually, flicking his tail off to the side as he takes a seat. Hunching forward he continues. "Your sister...um, Howlfire couldn't be here tonight. But she wanted you to know that she's deeply sorry for what she said to you. She didn't mean any of it." His words were spoken low, hushed as they were meant for the young one's ears only. While she might not have said those words exactly, he could tell by the look on her face when she confided in him over the argument between herself and Moonpaw at the time. (finishing his convo with @lichentail interacting with @skypaw and @DIPPERPAW)
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

her first gathering as a warrior. freckleflame feels out of place, certainly so around the moor - scented cats weaseling their way through the crowd — she shrinks as best she can, tucking her chin against the fluffy bulk of her chest as she takes in the mingling public. sparkwing sits tall and proud amidst the crowd and freckleflame gives him a friendly knock with her shoulder as she passes, twitches an ear as mousenose slips off to talk to a shadowclanner. the flock of clanners is hot, busy and overwhelming — her unease grows, fidgeting awkwardly with her paws until she realizes interaction. conversation. she could be good at that. for a heartbeat, she considers following after her.. but there were so many strangers, so many faces to put names to, and one — off to herself, dark coated and dappled with wide, shadowy rosettes, catches her eye most.

she sees the riverclan leader approach from the very corner of her eye and she’s suddenly glad she hadn’t trailed after her vivacious sister — but the scent clinging to her victim’s coat, the closer she strides, she realizes is just the same. a riverclanner, a real important one, too. her heart drops but she is too close, ours on a friendly smile despite the tick of nerves in her chest,” hey, you’re that riverclan lead, right? “ comes her brilliant opening, though dimmer than her grin by a mile. her squared maw dances wide to reveal close - set teeth, ” you always have the prettiest fur. “ a wistful breath, head tilting before — her ears snap back, ” not like, yours specifically — i mean, not that yours isn’t! i think it’s in the water, it must be the fish or something, it’s just — ! “ she was making this much worse by the second, but the fiery warrior had always been good at fitting as many of her own paws in her mouth as she could.

now, though, she stutters to a heavy sigh — sheepish, ” i’m freckleflame. “

  • i. embarrassing herself in front of @Cindershade
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

  • IMG_3106.png

Her expression twinges. Cottonpaw had anticipated Magpiepaw being at least a little tiffed with her - she suggested he may die, after all! He should be upset with her, like the rest of his Clanmates were, and yet he's sat there, smiling at her instead. She's almost angry in his place, frustrated that her anxieties and shaken nerves amount to almost nothing. The dunce tomcat could be told to rip his own claws out and he would hardly acknowledge it, she finds.

Then, instead, why is there a bloom of happiness in her chest? He's no friend, Cottonpaw, she reminds herself, yet she cannot deny that his lack of negativity is heartwarming. She withholds equal parts hope and aggravation from her tone as she replies, "I'm alright. Sootstar will have some exciting news to share - but, if y'keep it between us for a bit... StarClan's dubbed me Wolfsong's apprentice..!" her tone drops to a stage whisper, in an attempt to preserve her mother's claim to pride later in the night. Her tail swishes and she looks over to Lichenpaw, her smile shared with him a tad less strained. "What about with the two of you? I was..." she trails for a second, before starting again, "I've not been about the borders lately. I have no idea how the other Clans are doing, if I'm honest."

[ chatting with @Magpiepaw and @LICHENPAW still <3 ]​
It is no secret that Ravensong dislikes the Gatherings—but today he is even more frustrated with yellowcough in the air. His ears pin to the back of his head and Dovethroat's anxiety rolls off his pelt as if in waves, causing Ravensong's temper to short-circuit. It was as if they were joined by a single nerve and Dovethroat was getting very close to yanking it whole.

"What did you say?" He muttered unhelpfully, hearing the tabby's mumbling voice close to his ear. He flicks his head as if trying to get rid of a fly and then suddenly the familiar brown spotted tabby appears before him and Ravensong's fur immediately rises at the scent of SkyClan. "Sparrowpaw..." He wheezes uncomfortably, taking a step back. Were they sick?

No longer Sparrowpaw any longer, his old Twolegplace friend says they have gained their warrior name and it is certainly a twinning one with Ravensong's own. His lips pull back in the beginning of a smile and eventually his over-caution wears out. "Sparrowsong... why is SkyClan here? There's an incurable sickness." Surely they know?

//UHH VERY LATE BUTH @dovethroat. and @sparrowsong!

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
Skypaw doesn't anticipate another to speak with him so soon after departing from his mentor's side. He had seen the pretty RiverClan she-cat, but hadn't meant to approach her. Perhaps he was partially distracted by trying to escape an inevitable - or maybe her shiny fur enticed what little Skypaw had to offer in terms of attraction. Regardless, she speaks up from her neat and tidy spot, and he hates himself for even thinking her pretty.

"Yeah," he hums, though he stills and looks at her. "That happens," he continues, noncommittal and nonchalant, however the faux tortoiseshell finds himself mentally caving in his own chest. He looks at Dipperpaw with vague disdain and disinterest yet his heart thrums a bit quicker. This is stupid, he decides. "I'm Skypaw - ThunderClan, though I'm sure you know that much," I'm stupid.

The smell of SkyClan is all around and yet the mottled tom can tell when one of them decides him a target to discuss with. The fur on his shoulders prickle, however only for a moment before they flatten again. He can be cordial. He glances up towards Coyotecrest as the tom addresses him by name. Eyebrows furrow as he tries to figure out just who the pale furred tabby is, to know him so personally. His following conversation is met with a spot of disgust.

He knows that there will be no world wherein Howlfire can apologize in person. He would avoid her everywhere he could. In fact, sending... whoever this is, to speak with him is damn near smart. She must get it from their mother's side. Not wanting to start any commotion, and certainly not wanting to keep the awkward tension between him and the warrior, with the RiverClan apprentice nearby, he simply nods. "Let her know that... I'll forgive her, but in no uncertain terms will I forget." He's stern with his wording, tail lashing. He pauses for a few moments before inclining his head towards the tom, "Who are you, anyways? Her mate?" Would she trust any random warrior with apologizing to him?

[ interacting w @DIPPERPAW and @Coyotecrest , sorry for the late LMAO ]​

"Skypaw" she says, the name rolling off her tongue as if she had carefully considered it and found it to be an acceptable name. "It's nice to meet you" Internally, she wonders about it. Was it on purpose or an accident that he had been named after a neighboring clan? She had not an idea. Would it be considered rude to ask? If she did she should at least introduce herself first "I'm Dipperpaw, like the bird" she says, an amused gleam in her eyes and the corners of her mouth curl into a small smile. She didn't typically like cats from other clans but this apprentice, he seemed to be alright.

Before she can interrogate him about the origins of his name another cat walks up, addresses the striped tom by name, though something about the way he said it made Dipperpaw assume he didn't actually know him. The exchange is awkward and it feels forced. She almost feels as if she should walk away and leave the two to their strange conversation but she was intrigued by Skypaw and whatever was going on here. When he asks who the stranger is she turns her apathetic gaze in the SkyClanners direction, awaiting his answer.

// interacting with @skypaw and @Coyotecrest
Angry at all the things I can't change
The tortoiseshell seemed irked to a degree but remained cordial in his response, which was fine by him. He would certainly take that over a huge fall out over family drama. Straightening his posture after receiving an answer he nodded to the boy. "Sure." He murmurs, muscles bunching as he begins to rise from his seated position. Though they grow mildly taunter from the apprentice's rather straightforward, albeit innocent, question. Heat gathers around the region of his ears. Her mate, really? Was it a thunderclan trait to jump to quick conclusions, or young curiosity? He doubted Howlfire would see him in such a way. "We're good friends." He answers finally, fighting to keep his fur from prickling with embarrassment. Standing to full height Coyotecrest turns partially to leave but remembers he never answered the first part of Skypaw's question. "And my name is Coyotecrest." A flick of his tail offers wordless thanks for the young thunderclanner's time before peeling away to disappear into the crowd.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith