- Feb 20, 2024
- 357
- 130
- 43
She catches Figfeather at dawn, diverting from the gaggle of daylighters who returned to camp for the day. It's quite easy to spot her, the she-cat's normally vibrant fur practically radiates within the glow of the dawning sun. Florabreeze thinks to ask how she is doing, given the wake of the council meeting. Truthfully she believes she doesn't need to ask given the surprise that was already evident within the moment. Figfeather is a prideful cat, stubbornly so, her morals and personal code catapult her to achieving great things and yet sometimes she wonders how long it will be until that is aimed downwards. Though, Florabreeze supposes she's just fretting over no reason.
"I want to apologise" she murmurs, hoping it catches her friends attention enough to draw her from whatever plans she had crafted momentarily. With a sheepish smile she gestures for the marmelade cat to follow her somewhere slightly more secluded than near the entrance to camp. Her tail flicks with nerves, glancing up at the glare of the sun as she tries to piece together just what she wanted to say. Finding a quieter corner wasn't too hard thankfully, unfortunately that meant she had to follow up on her earlier sentence quicker.
With a short exhale she glances over her shoulder, then turning to face her. "What I said that day- what I was implying rather, with you and Howlfire... I'm sorry" she had thought nothing of it at the time. Yet she recalls the look on Figfeather's face, recalling that so soon after her ex-mates death... it wasn't the time nor place no matter how much the pair had a shared affinity for gossip. "It wasn't the right time, it was insensitive of me" Given everything that's happened in that time between she wouldn't blame the tabby if she forgot about this. Sure it would feel a little silly to rehash it if so but she didn't want to let her transgressions slide.
"I want to apologise" she murmurs, hoping it catches her friends attention enough to draw her from whatever plans she had crafted momentarily. With a sheepish smile she gestures for the marmelade cat to follow her somewhere slightly more secluded than near the entrance to camp. Her tail flicks with nerves, glancing up at the glare of the sun as she tries to piece together just what she wanted to say. Finding a quieter corner wasn't too hard thankfully, unfortunately that meant she had to follow up on her earlier sentence quicker.
With a short exhale she glances over her shoulder, then turning to face her. "What I said that day- what I was implying rather, with you and Howlfire... I'm sorry" she had thought nothing of it at the time. Yet she recalls the look on Figfeather's face, recalling that so soon after her ex-mates death... it wasn't the time nor place no matter how much the pair had a shared affinity for gossip. "It wasn't the right time, it was insensitive of me" Given everything that's happened in that time between she wouldn't blame the tabby if she forgot about this. Sure it would feel a little silly to rehash it if so but she didn't want to let her transgressions slide.
❥ A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
❥ Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
❥ "Speech", thoughts, attacking
❥ Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}