private All that would that I'd love is long ago ❧ Figfeather

She catches Figfeather at dawn, diverting from the gaggle of daylighters who returned to camp for the day. It's quite easy to spot her, the she-cat's normally vibrant fur practically radiates within the glow of the dawning sun. Florabreeze thinks to ask how she is doing, given the wake of the council meeting. Truthfully she believes she doesn't need to ask given the surprise that was already evident within the moment. Figfeather is a prideful cat, stubbornly so, her morals and personal code catapult her to achieving great things and yet sometimes she wonders how long it will be until that is aimed downwards. Though, Florabreeze supposes she's just fretting over no reason.

"I want to apologise" she murmurs, hoping it catches her friends attention enough to draw her from whatever plans she had crafted momentarily. With a sheepish smile she gestures for the marmelade cat to follow her somewhere slightly more secluded than near the entrance to camp. Her tail flicks with nerves, glancing up at the glare of the sun as she tries to piece together just what she wanted to say. Finding a quieter corner wasn't too hard thankfully, unfortunately that meant she had to follow up on her earlier sentence quicker.

With a short exhale she glances over her shoulder, then turning to face her. "What I said that day- what I was implying rather, with you and Howlfire... I'm sorry" she had thought nothing of it at the time. Yet she recalls the look on Figfeather's face, recalling that so soon after her ex-mates death... it wasn't the time nor place no matter how much the pair had a shared affinity for gossip. "It wasn't the right time, it was insensitive of me" Given everything that's happened in that time between she wouldn't blame the tabby if she forgot about this. Sure it would feel a little silly to rehash it if so but she didn't want to let her transgressions slide.

  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 39 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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'I want to apologize.' The abrupt voice interrupts her from sorting through the freshkill pile. She hadn't known what she was looking for or why she was being so fussy, especially when there really wasn't much for options. A scrawny squirrel, a finch, an even smaller finch, and a mouse barely longer than the curl of a claw.

Figfeather's head spins to set her sights upon Florabreeze. The dawn's sun bounces off the fringes of her fur, brightening the black stripes that race across her pelt. Figfeather gives her a strange look, dumbfounded on what she was apologizing for. Her friend goes on to explain.

Immediately, the marmalade tabby begins to assuringly shake her head. Guilt wraps around her stomach, she hadn't meant to make Florabreeze feel bad for it. "It's—no—please, don't apologize." Figfeather meows, nudging Florabreeze's shoulder with her nose. "It wasn't a big deal, really, I uh—I really did have some stomach issues going on that day." She plays up the lie she had told once more in order to make Florabreeze not feel so bad about it.

"I was uh- shocked you had noticed though." For some reason the words can't stop flooding out of her mouth. Figfeather usually wasn't such a cat pleaser, but she didn't want anyone, especially Florabreeze feeling like they had upset her. "I do like Howlfire." She confesses to appease before she can even stop to think about what she is admitting.

It sinks in a good heartbeat after that though. She feels her face grow warm with embarrassment, "…Just, er… she's a really good friend. Even if she did nearly bite my head off after the whole uh- Orangepath thing." It was pointless, but she tries to play it off with a laugh.


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
warrior of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.
  • Wow
Reactions: Florabreeze

It has always been clear that Florabreeze wears her emotions on her face, while her words can be honeyed when needed it's rather difficult to control something she can't quite see. Today's emotion is concern, mixed with skepticism as she begins to request for no apologies. The daylighters maw parts, ready to protest against it though she is quelled by the presence of Figfeather's nose against her shoulder. "Still, it wasn't my place to say" she knows that things are flimsy, the context surrounding them was one of gossip. It's hard for a tender heart like hers to not bleed, the tabby truly looked upset and the thought of her being a root cause of that is sickening. "I hope that your stomach issues settled" she decides on saying, she's gathered that the prideful she-cat was rather stubborn, even if Florabreeze isn't completely sold on the reasoning she could learn to accept it.

Plumy tail twitches behind her as interest is caught in her eye once more, shifting from that guilty skepticism to a general one. "That I noticed?" She couldn't possibly be meaning about what she said about Howlfire? Surely there had been something else she said that day but all her thoughts drift back to the dual toned she-cat. The confirmation seals it, the skepticism becoming an expression of shock and elation. "You do?" Tone catches an octave higher as she drops her volume to a whisper, embodying the drop in tone by ducking her head in kind. "That's wonderful, Figfeather" she truly means it too, blinking warmly as she speaks.

"Oh- just as a friend?" Ah, maybe she overshot the assumption then. Still, the warmness in her expression is ever present. Distantly she considers how complicated it must be, especially if they have a substantial disagreement like with Orangepath. "Have you two spoken since then?" It's an innocent question, but one that could further open the flood gates. Figfeathers opinion on their former leader is a confusing point to her, considering how loyal she had been up until that fateful announcement.

  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 42 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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Figfeather feels her cheeks flush beneath her fur, 'thats wonderful, Figfeather', was it? Was it okay for her to find comfort in another cat, now of all times? Fantastream's passing was still so fresh… The idea of moving on chews at her heart.

Figfeather knows she holds no obligation to Fantastream, they had disconnected tails many moons before her and Coffeesong's passing. Still, Figfeather doesn't know if she deserves to move on when Fantastream would never be able to?

Her attempt to brush off the confession seems to have some succession. She doesn't know whether to feel relief or to kick herself in the face. "I—I don't know." She blurts in half-truth, Figfeather thinks she does, but did part of her hold onto Fantastream? "…I'm just—confused." She admits. Falling in love for the second time wasn't coming nearly as easy to her as the first.

Figfeather's whiskers twitch at Florabreeze's question. Then?[ She has to think for a moment before concluding what the tabby she-cat was alluding to. "Ah, we did but it didn't go too well." Her voice waivers with embarrassment, "It wasn't too bad or anything but—I don't think we've ever held that tense of a conversation before. I mean—." She doesn't think when she says this, "is it ever like that with you and Doeblaze? Because, well, she's your friend and all…"


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
deputy of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.