TAGS — So many cats spring immediately into action, kicking up a great flurry of snow and fur and teeth throughout the camp. It's overwhelming, so much to keep track of in her weary state. Firepaw tears off after Dandelionwish, valiantly throwing herself at him with the bravery and enthusiasm of a seasoned warrior; it would be admirable to the still paralyzed molly if she were thinking straight. She's followed by several of their seniors, a ravenous pack forming in pursuit of the treacherous tom, soon to be detained once again — they've tackled him!
Only for Coalfoot to intercept, tossing Firepaw aside with ferocity. Then Jasperglare, too, is damned, leaping into the fray in defense of that
weed. The prophecy has swiftly come to pass, dissent blossoming within the clan, its sickly petals unfurling within seconds and infecting cats left and right with its treacherous spores. How could these cats turn against their own clanmates without question? All for what? Another traitorous, worthless medicine cat?
Is the position cursed? they wonder numbly. How long before Vulturemask falls as well? Their legs feel weak, shaky.
Sootstar's shriek suddenly tears through the night, rising above the caterwauling with piercing might. Kill the traitorous viper. Icepaw's heart leaps in response, stirred by the call to action... and yet her paws stay rooted to the ground, where she stands in a slight crouch, still unable to do anything other than gawk at the unfolding skirmish like a moron. A supremely
terrified moron. Her heart feels like it might burst out of her chest and her ears are ringing, almost drowning out the cacophonous song of battle. Why is she so scared? This isn't SkyClan — it's familiar ground, full of familiar faces. (That's what makes it so terrifying.) Smokepaw, charging ahead as fearlessly as his sister, throwing himself at
Coldsnap. Another loss, another newfound stranger, this time attacking Sootstar herself! Thymeroot, too, she can see fighting on the
wrong side. They feel nauseous. Why are there sides? Who else might suddenly turn at any moment? How high are the odds of her being attacked by someone she thought she could trust as soon as she makes a move? A fellow tunneler, another apprentice? Her throat's starting to dry up and constrict.
Her eyes suddenly lock on Tigerfrost snapping viciously at tiny little Daisypaw, a chilling sight that makes their blood run cold. It's underscored by a disembodied cackle that only adds to the horror of it all. Their gaze flits back to Sootstar; she's being aided by Firepaw now, too, who fights alongside her brother. Where's Rainpaw during all of this, Icepaw suddenly wonders? Is she here, among the thrall? Or is she lucky enough to be out on a nighttime patrol right now? They don't see her, but that isn't saying much at all. Her frosted breaths are quickly turning into wheezes. Her vision is swimming a bit. She feels dizzy.
Oh, StarClan, she hasn't done
anything! Everyone here is fighting tooth and claw right now, and all she's done is stand here and panic — quite a shameful fall from grace after her performance in the raid. She should've known that was just a fluke. But— there's still time to act, and her comrades (who can she call that for sure?) need help. Firepaw and Smokepaw — she darts over on unsteady paws, still breathing heavily and rapidly, panting as if she's even done anything of use. Sootstar is with them, but — right, she's so heavily pregnant! Still capable, surely, but undoubtedly slowed down, and the sight of her two peers facing off against Coldsnap and Coalfoot with or without the extra assistance is deeply alarming.
Coalfoot. She'd risked everything for him and all the other sick cats. Jasperglare, too! And this is how they repay her, and everyone else who'd put their lives on the line during the SkyClan raid?
She skids to a halt behind the black and white tom, nearly toppling over in her clumsy, panicked state. It's both indigence and the fact that Firepaw's already distracting him that embolden her to
lash out at @coalfoot from the side with a clawed forepaw before Coldsnap can pull him away. It's a sorry excuse for an attack, frankly; her paw is shaky and her aim is questionable, her vision blurring further with tears that sting from the cold.
[attacking coalfoot but its a very shitty attack lol]