Jul 9, 2022

    Welcome to ThunderClans Around the World Event! Get ready for an exciting journey through our territory as we explore different landmarks and have unique experiences at each stop. This event will spotlight each location both within ThunderClan’s camp and outside of it, encouraging roleplayers to get to know the world their characters live in. From the towering Great Sycamore to the cozy nursery, every location has much to offer!

    Give the rules a good read, browse the possible locations to explore, and start your expedition!

    1. Your character needs to post in three landmark threads to get the badge, one of which will need to be a reply. They all must be different landmarks.

    2. Threads must be centered around the landmark in some way (i.e. instead of a thread merely taking place in the nursery, have a warrior wonder what it might be like to have kits and live in there).

    3. There can absolutely be mulitple threads for a single landmark; however, please try for variety and make each one unique. Remember, these threads are about the landmark - they don’t simply take place in the presence of them!

    4. This is a laid back, character-focused event! Have fun with your threads, go simple or think outside the box!

    5. Please put the landmark in the thread title for ease. Feel free to post in this thread to track your landmarks.

    6. This event will last until July 7th. It’s a quick, low-pressure event!
  • The Nursery is a thick-walled bramble den that houses the queens and kits. Apprentices are tasked with bringing the inhabitants prey daily and cleaning out their nests. It’s quite crowded right now as the clan’s multitudes of kits are nearing apprenticeship!

    The Apprentices’ Den is located behind a tree stump near the nursery, dug out under a thick clump of ferns. Apprentices appreciate what little sleep they are able to get here in between their strenuous training and patrols, and it’s a popular hangout spot for the clan’s youth. Kits may try to peek inside and get a look at their future!

    The Warriors’ Den is a large den dug out from under a bush that houses the warriors. Senior warriors sleep near the center where it’s warmer, while newer warriors are left with the outermost nests. It is considered a great honor for senior warriors to invite apprentices to share a meal next to this den.

    The Medicine Den is reached through a fern tunnel near the elders’ den. The tunnel leads to a gaping crack in a boulder. Inside, there is a grassy clearing with a small pool at the edge and a tall rock standing at the side, split with a crack to house herbs. The clan’s sick and injured are kept in this den to recover; alongside them, the medicine cat, Gentlestorm, stays here. Kits are discouraged from entering these walls unless brought in by a concerned queen, as this den is abundant with sick air and dangerous herbs.

    The Elders’ Den is within a fallen tree filled with grass, moss, and ferns and defended by jutting branches. Elders spend most of their time here when they’re not spending time outside. Apprentices are tasked with changing out their nests and picking ticks off their pelts.

    The Camp Clearing is the heart of camp, edged with thick grass and dotted with tree stumps. It is surrounded by thick ferns and gorse to protect it from the outside world. Within this clearing, clanmates come together to share tongues, eat meals together, and let the day’s tension roll off their shoulders like rainwater.

    The Fresh-kill Pile is a designated area in camp used for storing the clan’s catches. It can be a point of pride to deposit a big catch in the pile where everyone can see!

    Highrock is a smooth, tall rock where the leader, Howlingstar, stands to make important announcements and hold clan meetings. The leader sleeps in a cave within Highrock, where lichen covers the entrance to her quiet den. This is a sacred perch, and it would be considered a great act of disrespect to stand upon it.
  • The Great Sycamore is one of the tallest trees in the forest, with thick branches and strong roots that twist around its base and burrow far into the earth. Apprentices often dare each other to see who can climb higher, and warriors take their apprentices here to master stalking and traversing branches. It is a rarity for a warrior to reach the top, and a bragging right for seasons if it’s accomplished.

    The Owl Tree is a towering oak tree near WindClan’s border that serves as home to a tawny owl. Apprentices often dare each other to climb its trunk. This is a dangerous place for any cat to be as an owl will be more than happy to carry off an unsuspecting warrior, but ThunderClanners sometimes use the owl’s hunting abilities to their advantage, following the bird to find more prey on windy nights.

    Snakerocks is a steep rock pile that is home to venomous adders. The caves beneath the rocks can also be homes to other dangerous creatures, such as foxes. Warriors can use this spot for hunting if they are careful. However, this is typically only reserved for leaf-bare hunting as the adders aren’t active in the cold season. Untrained, young apprentices are not brought here often, as the dangerous creatures here could mean trouble. The medicine cat must harvest chervil and yarrow here, a brave task for any cat.

    The Sandy Hollow is a clearing surrounded by trees, used by mentors to train their apprentices safely due to the soft sand. This allows apprentices to tussle without hurting each other. The earth here is a mixture of red sand and dirt. Mentors often hold group training sessions here. Warriors use the clearing to spar.

    Sunningrocks is a large, smooth granite rock formation along the river. It is made up of huge gray boulders that serve as an ideal place for sunning and easy hunting. Along the shoreline, the area is sandy. On one side, the smooth, flat rocks face the sun and provide a basking spot, while the other side is sheer, overshadowing the river. Within Sunningrocks there is a cleft where cats are able to shelter in. This is often a spot for tension when RiverClan and ThunderClan patrols run into one another. Prey is plentiful here, and the sunbathing is luxurious! Queens and elders often like to tell the story about the Battle of Sunningrocks, when ThunderClan won them in a territory dispute during a time of great struggle and hunger.

    The Twoleg Path is a dirt path worn by twolegs that leads from the Twoleg Bridge to Fourtrees. This marks ThunderClan’s border with WindClan. There is an increased number of twoleg activity during Greenleaf, and wayward twoleg kits can sometimes be spotted.

    The Thunderpath is a hard, hot black surface with an acrid smell. Monsters use the Thunderpath to travel from place to place. Despite the cats’ fear of it, they must cross it in order to travel to Highstones. This marks their northern border with ShadowClan. There is a twoleg-made tunnel underneath through which a stream flows, but ThunderClanners do not travel through it because of the water. Seasoned warriors will warn of its danger to adventurous apprentices, as the Thunderpath has injured and killed many cats.

    The River marks their border with RiverClan. It is a bountiful water source, but also a dangerous place to be when the water is rushing. If one isn’t careful, it can sweep a ThunderClanner away in the blink of an eye. There are stepping stones along the river to cross, but the Twoleg Bridge is much safer.
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