pafp BIG, BIG, BIG WATER 𓆩✦𓆪 journey retelling


Oct 14, 2023
𓆩✦𓆪 — He can remember when him and the rest of his littermates had been born within Shadowclan only to be brought home to Skyclan, the three of them had been playing together only for those who had gone on the journey to return. Blazingheart could recall how he had been so curious about the mountains and the adventures that the journey cats had up there, the memories are faint but every now and then would the young warrior glance in the directions of the mountains. A part of him wonders if the journey could be made once more though without so many cats and not the other clan cats, his whiskers twitch only to steal the gaze of someone that he hardly interacts with nowadays. He wonders if it had felt like a breath of fresh air to go on the journey along with everyone else and not endure the way that clan life could be suffocating at times with so many rules that needed to be followed, it makes him daydream about how it would be like to be that free from everything and to be one self's leader.

"Doeblaze." Blazingheart starts with a slow nod of his helm in a silent greeting only to flick his feathery tail behind him and his green eyes focus on her lone eye for a heartbeat only to push onward, "Would you tell me about the journey again? It's been so long since I heard stories about it... I haven't heard it since..." A brief pause only to settle down on his haunches and continued "I was a kit." It's a silent way to rekindle whatever relationship that he had with his mentor and hopefully, it would be a lot more positive than the harsh way he had severed it within the medicine den all those moons ago. He had been unkind when she had helped bring him back to camp and he blinks his eyes slowly at her "If you're willing to, of course."


  • ooc — please wait for @DOEBLAZE
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ CLIMBING
  • qCOxhoF.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby feline with green eyes
    blazingheart's a sharp tongued warrior that can oftentimes come off as insensitive or uncaring even if it isn't necessarily his intent upon first meeting. she tends to come off awkward during small conversations so she will dismiss herself if she finds the situation tense. she's rather prickly due to several events in her life and seen tense for the most part but she's trying to improve, all of her opinions are IC only.
    17 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    asexual biromantic; currently interested in magnolia
    child of coyotecrest and howlfire
    sibling to wolfpaw and hawkspine
    currently mentoring ... n/a
    hard to befriend due to how standoffish she comes off as ; oftentimes quick to anger ; very reckless
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Cloudywhisker and Bloodbird's graduation had reduced her to reflection on mentorships past. Blazingheart's, more specifically, and how wrong it had all gone. The rogue attack and its bloody aftermath, a code enacted too late; and then Blazestar's death, and then the kits. By the time she emerged from the nursery-glade of grief and motherhood, it had been too little, too late. Not only had Blazingheart been far from her apprentice in name, he had been far from her anything.

Sharp words in the medicine den neither of them had taken back in the time since. Herbs are a bitter smell on her nose for more reason than one.

" Blazingheart, " she returns, dipping her head deeply. Green meets green, one half of the shared glance widing incrementally at the other's request. An olive branch of sorts, extended into the loud wind of their awkward silence; a space unfilled by words, overtaken by the echoes of ones said long ago. The Journey … that had been even longer ago, well over a full turn of the seasons by now. But she obliges with a nod and a hoarse meow, " Of course. "

" It was … strange, at first, walkin' side by side with WindClan and ThunderClan, " she admits, haltingly at the start, tone strengthening as the memories of windswept peaks find her. " But as time went on and things got harder, we were almost like our own Clan in the mountains. It seems so strange, lookin' back on it, but that's how it was. " She shrugs. In the wake of her mate's death, it had been far too easy to shed the old skins of friendship and plunge across the border.

" Just getting to the foot of the mountains was a journey all its own. I saw things I've not seen before or since … a huge tree I climbed with Orangestar, who was just Orangeblossom then … a cliff sheerer than the Tallpine and slick with ice. " Here, she punctuates with a husky chuckle, visibly defrosting, the storytelling breathing warmth into her chilled bones. " When I tell you the WindClanners had to swallow their pride and ask us to help them up ..! We needed help of our own, of course; there was a rockslide in a canyon, and Smogmaw—he was deputy of ShadowClan, then—had to lead a bunch of us through the darkness. There were even some secrets told, we were all so scared we'd never get out. "

" Then we had to get through the mountains, and then all the way back to the Clans as we know them. I saw the place the sun goes at dusk… " Realizing she's been droning on far too long, she aims a rueful smile Blazingheart's way, " That's a whole 'nother story. Unless you can tolerate an old warrior's talk a little longer? "



Butterflytuft had been passing by, her paws carrying her toward the fresh-kill pile when Doeblaze's voice catches her attention. She pauses mid-step, her ears angling toward the sound of her friend recounting the journey. It's been so long since she's heard those stories herself, though she hadn't been one of the cats to go. The journey had always felt like a distant, untouchable tale to her, a legend etched in the hearts of those who lived it like her siblings.

She lingers for a moment, uncertain if she should join in, but when the other she-cat's warm tone shifts into laughter, a small smile spreads across the queen's face. Quietly, she approaches, settling herself a respectful distance from Doeblaze and Blazingheart. She tucks her paws beneath her bandana, her yellow gaze soft as she listens. "The way you describe it, it almost feels like I can see it myself," She murmurs lightly once Doeblaze pauses, keeping her voice soft so as not to disrupt the moment too much. "I've always wondered what it must have been like, being so far from the forest, working together like that. It must've been terrifying…but also incredible." She wishes the clans could work together more like they had back then.

She glances warmly at Blazingheart, unaware of the tension between the two cats. She doesn't blame him for wanting to hear more. Doeblaze tells it so vividly that it's like stepping into a different world! Turning back to her old denmate, the tortoiseshell ducks her head slightly in embarrassment. "If it's not too much trouble, I wouldn't mind hearing a little more myself." She'd always been fascinated by it truthfully, and wants to hear more about Figfeather and Greeneyes in particular.

He'd been a wild cat for practically as long as he'd been a kittypet by this point, but there were moments where Chickbloom still felt like an outsider looking in. It was strange to think so much had happened while he'd been cooped up in the twolegplace, or even before he was born. That curiosity at the past had made folded ears flick up, while a butter-stained pelt inched closer to the growing group of attentive listeners.

"T-There's no way -" The baby bird squeaked a bit louder than intended, accidentally giving away his interest. With the jig up, Chickbloom padded close while he thought of how to say what he thought, sitting a fair length away from Butterflytuft.

"I'm - I'm not saying you're - y'know - a liar! I'm not. B-But - it's h-hard to believe the world can - um - b-be so varied, y'know?" In the whelp's mind, the land beyond the clans was just more of the same. More forests, more plains, more twolegplaces. Maybe if that were true, he'd be able to go on a journey. A shiver went through the spineless whelp, imagining uncertainty over every horizon. "That sounds….s-scary…"

Lambkit was supposed to be napping alongside his sister in the nest they shared with Butterflytuft but movement stirs him, and her leaving in search of fresh kill prompts him into action too. On sleepy limbs, he teeters after her only to discover his foster mother with a group of other warriors, all listening to Doeblaze recount the story of the great journey! He had been waiting for the tale for ages and here it was, coming at a time when he's so sleepy he can barely keep his eyes open as he walks! His golden pelt brushes against the perma-queens tortoiseshell pelt as he settles against her "'M sorry Butterflytuft, I couldn't sleep. Can I stay and listen to the story too?" He asks, his blue eyes watery from the yawn he holds back, but she didn't need to know about that did she? He just wants to stay up for a little bit.. just long enough to hear the rest of Doeblaze's tale.

His mother ever being known as something other than Orangestar surprises him. To him, she has always been Orangestar. The name Orangeblossom feels as distant and foreign to him as the place that Doeblaze is describing. "Where does the sun go at dusk?" he asks, eyes wide with curiosity and attention piqued. A million other questions swirl in his mind, what were the other clans like? How did rocks slide? But he holds his tongue on those.. for now.

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only

It would seem she has a more than eager audience, after all. Doeblaze settles back more deeply onto her haunches, green eye warming as she gazes at her circle of listeners. Butterflytuft lingers shyly nearby, softly asking if she can hear a little more. The quiet tortoiseshell's presence draws a small crook of a smile out from the crevices of her face. Eggbounce's bold squeak is met with an amused crinkle of the eyes; the yellow-splotched tom hardly ever seems to mean ill, and telling the story has slipped her into a warmer frame of mind.

" I didn't think it could be, either, before the Journey, " she admits candidly. She'd been a sheltered creature before the forest, even, but it had been the trek to the mountains and back that had calloused her paws and opened her eyes. She misses it, sometimes, the gentle camaraderie and lush scenery. Perhaps it was simply the war-torn forest and withering of leaf-bare that made her think so. " And it definitely scared me at times, to be honest. " The tabby pauses for a moment, long enough for a sleepy kit to toddle up.

" Well, Lambkit, " she starts, eye taking on a subdued shine as she gazes down at the wide-eyed kitten. " It goes down into the biggest water I've ever seen. " She puts some extra shock into her tone for the sake of entertaining Lambkit, adding, " It must have been as wide as the sky, and as deep as Tallpine three times over, at least. We could only see it from the highest mountains. "

" Figfeather and Greeneyes were among the first cats to catch sight of it, " she adds with a glance at Butterflytuft. " But for the few days we were 'round the tallest peaks, we could see the sun drown in it every night. "




The journey feels like it was only days ago, and yet seasons ago at the same time.

Time moves too quickly for the tom, and yet he knows his world has changed more times than he can count since he'd returned from the mountains. And if there was any question about it, he could always find proof in the presence of Howlfire's children. Those kits so eager to greet them upon their return yet unknowing of who they were are full grown now — shaped with warrior names and their own sets of scars.

Greeneyes idly listens as he works around Blazingheart and Doeblaze, cleaning up some stray debris that had found its way into camp. He can't help but to laugh at Chickbloom's disbelief, soft and free of any sort of condescending nature, for he couldn't believe it too — and he had been there! He looks up at the sound of his sister's voice, deciding to take a pause in his cleaning to settle beside her. He presses to Butterflytuft's side in greeting, only for his ears to twitch at the sound of his name.

" Oh yes, " Greeneyes nods his head, before humming in contemplation as he pulls memories forward, " I've never seen anything like it! It was... kind of scary, all that water — but at the same time, when the sun was setting, all the colors in the sky would reflect off the water. Kind of like it was one big sky. It's probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. "

And with everything they had been through during the journey, probably one of the better things they'd gotten to see. It was a nice break from StarClan's trials, from near-death and death thereafter, being able to watch something so... peaceful.


A stout, red tabby tom with a snow-masked face and a star-freckled form, Greeneyes carries a clover behind his ear and a colorful feather at the base of his hooked tail. A reminder of the Great Journey, a scar crawls across the back of his neck. The warrior believes he is cursed — brought on by the rhetoric that 'green is a deadly color.'


He / Him ⋅ Mate to Fireflyglow
Former Lead Warrior of SkyClan
Daisyflight † x Raven Ramble
Brother to Butterflytuft, Figfeather, Snowpath †, Violetnose †
Mentoring Fluffypaw ⋅ Mentored by Sheepcurl
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
"I have.. Never heard of this, Minty." Fireflyglow speaks up as he joins his mate's side, bumping his forehead to the orange and white tom's own in greeting. The journey, where his mother had died- the journey, where his mate had risked his life to find a cure to an illness that he had to cure. He had heard that Cherryblossom had been saved by his mother, but he had never asked her about it- too scared to learn more of his mother's demise. He leans his head against his mate's shoulder, listening to the conversation quietly.

"The Journey cats traveled far beyond the stars' reach. To find a cure for a great plague. Isn't that awesome, Lambkit?" Fireflyglow grins down at the kit, crossing his paws.​