i sleep. i dream.
Mar 25, 2024

In the past few days, things had slowly calmed, as they always did over time, however slowly. The sky clouded over, the sun hardly visible most days beyond their cover, as if the world was mourning with them. He had been holed away in the apprentice's den for days, hardly able to bring himself to emerge, but today he does, slinking out from beneath the ferns that shaded the den like an extension of their long, wispy shadows. The next weeks would be an attempt to return to some sort of normalcy, some sort of pattern - things would not ease for many, many more moons, if they ever did, but he could not abstain from his duties forever, nor could he permanently hide away from the eyes of his clanmates, no matter how it was that they looked at him.

Because he had not left the den very much, he had not eaten much, if at all, and his hunger had been almost entirely forgotten until it hit him with full force the moment the scent of recently caught prey on the fresh-kill pile was carried over to his place near the tree stump. He would need to ask to be taken out to hunt before he could eat, though, and his whiskers twitch in a slight frustration at having to ask a warrior to help, but there was nothing else to be done - he'd just have to wait a while longer, and that was that, because he would not ask permission to eat sooner. The apprentice pushes himself to his paws, and he half wishes there were more shadows to hide in so that he could mostly avoid talking to others except what was necessary, not in the mood for idle chatter.

And for better or worse, this wish, of all the recent wishes he'd had, is granted.

Darkness falls all of the sudden like a blanket over the forest, shutting out the sunlight that had been filtering through the cloud cover, and he immediately looks up, catching the last ring of light left in the sky that had not been extinguished. The sun had vanished; there one moment, and simply gone the next, as if its light had been put out, as if it had just been taken. The yowls of many cats immediately go up in confusion, in alarm, in despair, and fear lights a spark in his chest, a franticness that had been becoming too familiar lately, and all he can do is stare upwards, bewildered and frightened. Their clanmates, their leader, his parents, the sun?

StarClan must be furious.

Sunkit is busy playing when it happens. A white paw batters a mossball forth, flinging straight at his mossball championship partners head. Whether it hits or not, a loud guffaw rings from him, fur fluffing up in amusement. "Soooooorryyyyy Meadowkit, I didn't mean to aim at your he.... ad...." he trails off as darkness casts itself over the camp. Eyes flit upwards, where the sky begins to take on a dusk-like color. He doesn't dare look at the sun. It hurts his eyes normally!

His attention is stolen quite quickly from the darkening sky as his playmate shifts. He looks back down to her.

"Whats going on? Meadowkit, did you cause this? Tsk, tsk!" he giggles, thinking its a game at first. But as panicked yowls scream across the camp clearing, cats calling for their loves, for kits, for others, shock, despair, fear... Panic makes a home in his chest. "Uhm... Meadowkit... Maybe we should go back.. to the nursery. And ask Flamewhisker what this is! Or- Or maybe your mama knows, too?" he doesn't want to show it, but for once, Sunkit the brave doesn't really feel brave. He wants his mama. He wants to go away from the frenzied air of the camp.

Maybe his mama is scared too. Maybe Sunkit has to help cheer her up. He begins looking around for any of his siblings. He wants Falconheart. He wants to see if any of them are okay.

  • @Meadowkit
  • 79762332_waKUGwrTYPLtfQm.png
    ❝ i count on love cause love is unconditional within reason! ❞
    sunkit, named after sunfreckle
    amab ,, he/him ,, 3 moons
    kitten of thunderclan ,, flamewhisker xx flycatcher ,, siblings
    fluffy red tabby with heterochromia & low white
    "speech, ee5d6c" ,, thoughts
    smells like oak & the faint scent of the nursery, floral & loving
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff
𓆗 . ° ✦ With the darkness outside, Luckypaw might've been inclined to believe it was still nighttime. But the gasps of surprise and horror coming from outside told him otherwise. To have most of ThunderClan up and mingling, it couldn't be night at all. Then why's it so dark? Stepping outside of the apprentices den with caution, Luckypaw's sage-green eyes grow wide with fear at the sight in the skies above.

The sun was gone, only a ring of light left in its wake. Was it a sign, an omen? Is StarClan mad, or is it a warning of things to come? Anxiety gnaws at his belly, and no lies he could come up with would dare calm his nerves regarding the situation. Was the sun gone forever?
° . . °
  • ooc: @skyclaw mentor tag
  • 79674252_94adcIvL60WFoCn.png
    brown & black chimera tabby tom with sage-green eyes.

Meadowkit looks away for five seconds. That's all it takes. Five seconds for a moss ball to come careening into her head with a force only made possible by the paw hitting it in her direction "HEY!" She hisses upon the impact, already her fur is standing up along her alabaster spine as she closes her eyes and reaches a paw up to rub the spot where the ball had met it's mark. It didn't hurt terribly, but if Sunkit had done it on purpose. His laughter makes her tail twitch and his apology sounds not very genuine but all of her anger dies away when the world is suddenly plunged into darkness.

She crouches low to the floor, fear making her green eyes wide as yowls erupt across the clearing. Her nostrils flare and she barely registers the accusing way that Sunkit places the blame for this event upon her shoulders. "Wha- huh?" she stammers, mind fogged with terror before she remembers. 'Be brave Meadowkit, be brave. You fight monsters, it'll be okay. Be brave.' the mantra hammers in her mind like her heartbeat, a dull roar that drowns out the panicked meows of the cats around them. "Yeah.. yeah that's a good idea. Let's go ask them" Surely the grown ups had seen this before but then... why were they all so panicked?

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
she is no healer or leader, so the stars do not communicate with her. in the beginning, leafhusk struggled to believe that such a phenomenon could exist— cats, that lived in the sky? the first few moons of her arrival consisted of nights where she'd look up at the stars, trying to imagine a cathedral of silver. mentally she'd ask if they were real, because she didn't know what to think of them, kittypets are commonly atheists. she couldn't recall when she trusted their instincts and believed that they existed, maybe it was out of fear of the unknown or obligation. but, they were real, and supposedly always watching.

what leafhusk did before the sky darkened didn't matter, but as she puts finishing touches on den repairs, the heavy shadow casts itself over the work. confused yowls make her ears prick, and she turns her head to find the ravine bathed in darkness. she notices cats point up at the sky, and her head quickly looks up, squinting her eyes. the halo of darkness and light makes the fur along her spine prickle, nerves creeping across her skin. how can a force be so powerful, it can move the sun?

"is this a sign?" she asks outloud with a hiss, jerking her head away when the brightness became too much. in the quick moment she looked upwards, she was brought back to her kit days. a nostalgic part of her wishes that a pair of hands would reach down, and touch her.

  • 80086491_tN0R2xbOnPV1ykB.png
    thunderclan warrior / / former kittypet・38
    mentoring adderpaw
    cis woman・she/her & bisexual
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
It was an ordinary day like any other. Badgerstripe quietly went about her duties, speaking only the occasional utterance to a Clanmate, and generally just minding her own. She would wake, work, sleep - rinse, and repeat.

The young warrior was changing bedding in the nursery when the filtering sunlight suddenly darkened, as if a figure stood in the doorway. It was easy to ignore at first, assuming it was just a passerby, but it was the abrupt explosion of panicked conversation in the clearing that caught her attention. With a displeased grunt, wondering what could have caused such a ruckus, she stopped what she was doing and left the den.

Badgerstripe's heart caught in her throat at the sight. Cats were gathering into the clearing, staring up at the sky in bewilderment. The once dim sunlight filtering through the clouds was no longer, and the camp was enshrouded in darkness. Looking up at the sky, she always subconsciously expected to see their sun, but there was.. nothing. The sun was gone.

It seems she's not the only cat seeing what she assumes is a sign, much to her relief. But any shred if relief is overshadowed by immense fear. Badgerstripe closes her eyes tightly with her chin raised to the sky, willing that the tears forming at her eyes will not fall. This is it, she thinks, with her heart in her throat. Howlingstar was wrong. Punishment for the stray young cats that led their fellow warriors into death - it was not up to her, she knows now. Nothing she was doing now would atone for her actions. StarClan has taken the sun away as the very proof of that. My divine punishment.
  • speech is #FB8B24
  • badger.png
  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 13 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none


The sun was gone. The sky was no longer a vibrant blue but cast in dark hues typical of sundown. When Tinystom looked up, she expected the sun to be covered by harsh clouds. No. Perhaps one would say dusted with white clouds, but that wasn't really what she was focused on. A black hole right where the usual blazing sunlight would be coming from. Yet it was still blinding to look at. Tinystorm sat and raised her paws up to block the ring of light with her paws to keep looking around at the sky.

Wait, that area she was blocking was the sun; it had gone black. "Why would Starclan take away the sun without raising the moon?" She clamored in disbelief. Starclan must be sending one of those prophecy things for the medicine cats. But to be this bold and this sudden. What did this mean? What had they done to deserve this?

Redpaw had just woken from a nap- like it or not, his body was still in recovery from his kit hood illness, and demanded sleep more often than most. Getting used to his new daily routines would take time, not only mentally but physically. He hadn't made many friends yet, but he noticed that there were a few others in the same boat. Cardinalpaw was one of those- he seemed to liked keeping to himself. Redpaw did, too, but he also knew that he needed to make connections somewhere, so he took this opportunity to make his way over to the charcoal tomcat. Perhaps his quiet company could be just what eachother needed. Redpaw was about halfway across the clearing, taking note of the way the other apprentice seemed to be deliberately hiding, when the sky went dark and everyone began to gawk. His brain seemed to stop working, as he continued to walk ever so slowly, not paying attention to the path in front of him . . and stepped directly on the toms meal. His head shot towards the darker tomcat in fear- both of his reaction and the clearly foreboding message being sent down to them all.


Through hardships to the stars ⸺⸺⸺ *:・゚

  • [slide= *ೃ༄ ] "Speech" [/slide] Thoughts Attack [slide= INFO ──]REDPAW ꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷

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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ it was far too early in the day for the sun to disappear into the forest. nightbird pushes out of the warrior's den to see clanmates gathered all around, head tilted to the sky where the sun should be. it was gone, how could it just disappear?

leafhusk questions if it is a sign, and while she were certainly not the most religious cat there was nothing else to explain it. starclan had shot lightning down onto the spot where sootstar would stand with undoubted precision, this was undoubtedly their doing as well. except, none of them would be able to tell. the only ones able to mingle with the stars were absent. "get howlingstar," she ordered the nearest clanmate before darting off towards gentlestorm's den.

"gentlestorm, come out here, you have to see this," her words were rushed, near panicked. what had the clans done this time to warrant such a dramatic response from their ancestors? "the fucking sun is gone, is it starclan's work?"
  • ooc ↛ sending someone to get @HOWLINGSTAR before grabbing @GENTLESTORM
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 32 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

StarClan didn't share visions or prophecies with your average cat, that much was known throughout the Clans. So why now, were they devouring the sun right in front of the eyes of everyone? Softpaw had heard before that the moon would cloud during gatherings if the peace was not kept between the Clans, but never could she have imagined something like this happening - what did it mean?

"I'll fetch her," Softpaw managed when Nightbird gave her orders, and she stood still in shock for a moment before scurrying off to actually complete the quest. What would Howlingstar think of this? And Nightbird had gone towards Gentlestorm's den - would the medicine cat be able to descry the meaning of such an event?

"Howlingstar, the sun-" Softpaw murmured, before clearing her throat and continuing. "The sun is... gone?"

Skyclaw had hoped to take Luckypaw out today - in order to gauge how much the tom had learned prior to him, and also just to get the hang of having a little know-it-all around all the time. That was his plan, in any case, but as he stretches his limbs after his meal, the light from all around them disappears. It's suddenly night, but it makes no sense - the sun-high patrol hasn't even left yet! Surely time has not escaped him so quickly?

Other cats are panicking, and he watches a few kits skitter towards the nursery. Softpaw rushes towards Howlingstar's den, and beyond that... it's simple uncertainty and chaos. Claims that it must be from StarClan float by his ears and he grimaces, clenching his jaw. His mother, his brother - his kin, each reign over the stars. They would not send a message so callously like this. Not even Blazestar (let that be the only positive thought he has of his father.)

"Luckypaw," he calls, making his way towards his apprentice, "Luckypaw, come. Let's check on the elders," maybe they have some insight.

[ interacting w @luckypaw! <3 ]​

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Her kits were out playing in the camp with their denmates. The nursery was quite cramped, but it was nice to have several queens that could watch over all the kits in shifts. After Flycatcher's death, it was a rare occurrence to see the red tabby leave the den for anything other than to make dirt. Going out into the camp was just another reminder that she would not find her love's blue figure waiting for her.

Flamewhisker was laying in her nest, with her tail covering her nose. She was watching out the opening of the den, when her eyes slowly started to drift shut. Voices outside the den started to become panicked, and as her eyes shot open, she was met with darkness. A few kits ran back into the nursery, their pelts prickling anxiously. The queen rose to her paws, quickly hurrying out into the clearing. It was far too early for it to be night time, and the sun didn't set in a blink of an eye. "Kits!" she called out, scanning the area around her for those that had went out to play. "Come here, get inside." Flycatcher, what's happening? Her throat tightened, desperately wishing he would appear in front of her to tell her. She would give anything to see him, even just one last time.

Her front paw extended, motioning for any kits that were outside the den to come towards her. She wasn't sure what was going on, but they would be safer with their mothers.
  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    formerly mated to flycatcher / / mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowkit, sunkit, mothkit, scorchedkit, and squirrelkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Darkness falls all of sudden like a great blanket over the forest, blocking out all traces of light. The tortie kitten, was poking with a mossball alone he'd found around near the nursery. Hearing some ruckus nearby from his.. denmates. The sun. Anxiety gnaws at his stomach. Hazel eyes dart up towards the sky, with a squeak escaping from his maw. The darkness casted itself over camp in a dusk-like color. T-that's not normal! He shivers. The hairs along his back stand up on end, as his tail lashed behind him across the dusty ground. Ears flattened against his dark skull, water drips from his eyes as he hears the panicked yowls and screams from his clanmates. I don't wanna be here anymore He raises to his paws, and turns away from the darkened sun, scrambling towards the nursery. "Ms. Flamewhisker! The sun is gone!" He wails in panic, as he almost trips over his own paws. He skitters around his newer sticky, icky denmates to hide behind the red queen's legs. He crouches down behind Flamewhisker's legs, with his back arched in fright at the new development. I want my Mama! Was the sun gone forever?!

  • ooc.
  • no ref yet
  • ( i can't handle it… ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERKIT.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 4 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    kitten of thunderclan | formerly a loner
    undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, ff7844" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like fresh caramelized apples & faint damp earth musk
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
It demanded attention, the setting of the the sky, because it fell to night — taken suddenly and ruthlessly, rather than allowing the many colors of sunset to bleed through. Wolfwind isn't sure what she had expected. Maybe some massive, denser than dense cloud. Maybe Freckleflame's massive self growing a size big enough to cast that kinda shadow upon her. Her maw opens in the beginnings of a quip, but the confused mewlings of kits drag her eye upwards...

Uncharacteristic nightness, The sun — gone, but like whoever had taken it had done a shabby job. It shocks her enough to make her jolt. " ...Huh? " Her mouth is drier than dry.

She out to be reacting the way Nightbird was, sharp and to the point; clipped, but crude. She has the right idea fetching Gentlestorm, she thinks. Things like this ( Things like this, she says, as if something like this typically happened ) could only be divine in nature, guided by the paws of their ancestor's. But for what? Why? Wolfwind did not think they were idiots. She didn't think they would send them such an image, unaware of just how terrifying it would be. This was warning of a scuffle. No... nick of an ear.

And she starts shaking her head. Just standing there, shaking and shaking, not doing anything productive a Lead Warrior ought to do. Because how much more could they take? How much more could they lose? A lot, really. A lot more. That's what terrified her. She looks too Meadowkit, her kin. A gray head whips around wildly so her eye could see all that it needed to see. Moonwhisper and Roeflame's kits — bundles of joy, they were. But a lot to keep track of, they also were. It was more to lose.

She couldn't protect them all.

" No... no, no... " she mumbles. Her amber eye squeezes shut. " StarClan, please... " Forgive them? Save them? Stop this? She doesn't know what she's begging for, but she has kin um there. So, so much kin... At least one of them needed to listen.
  • Nervous
Lightflower, like Badgerstripe, was merely going about her business quietly. She kept her head down and worked hard and that was simply what she did for now. Though she was only grooming at that moment, the darkness surrounding the grey tabby was enough to make her look. To her horror, the sun was out. Was she finally losing it? These weeks of guilt and shame culminating in her losing her mind? Everyone else seemed to be freaking out too though. Was that all in her head too? StarClan, I'm sorry, please spare them, she thought.

Her ears pressed back involuntarily, and she went to stand by the nursery. Just in case, right? She could defend them if she had to. From... something. She hated the not knowing, feeling helpless. She admired Softpaw for often being the one to fetch Howlingstar. Loyal to the end, she'd be.
( 💫 )
Oh. It's dark now. Was it night time? She didn't feel sleepy... tiny paws hesitated at the edge of the nursery. The safety of the den loomed over her, painting her white pelt in it's shadowy safe embrace. The wind above her head whistled in a manner more animal then nature. Reflexivly, her chest puffed out, eyes darted here and there.
Panic was palpiable in the air, the bigger cats seemed on edge. I'll defend them! I can do it this time! Tiny thorns unshealthed themselves as the fluffy kit shot out of the nursery, a small caterwhall pitching raw and hoarse from her throat. Paws flew out, swiping at the sky informed by hope and nothing else.
"Get behind me! I'll protect you!" Shivering, the words left the tiny kit with a fury.


Her playing had been interrupted by the abrupt disappearance of the sun. Day is suddenly plunged into night as the tortoiseshell casts her gaze above watching as the ball of fire becomes blotted out by something else entirely. Fear rakes its frigid fingers down her spine as she takes several steps back. What was happening? Quickly she turns tail, heeding Flamewhisker's call with bounding swiftness. Without hesitation Scorchedkit wiggled her way between mandarin and ivory forelimbs, peeking up at her from underneath the queen's protective frame. Mama...did something eat the sun? She questioned warily, before momentarily allowing her gaze to sweep across the other gathered kits. With all the warriors on the verge of panicking she knew something truly horrible was happening.

Watching Softkit rush forward with wide eyes, Scorchedkit was not too far behind. Softkit wait! She shouted, sliding to a stop where she could eventually come to stand in front of her denmate. You can't fight whatever's blocking the sun, it's too far away. She added, tossing her gaze back at the dark void blocking suffocating light. After several rapid blinks she looked away, it hurt to look at it for too long. I wanna help too. She murmured, limbs trembling as herror betrayed her. B-but I think it's better to let the grown ups do it. With a nudge she aimed to herd Softkit back to the nursery.
̶̶̶̶ «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶ thunderclan kit / three moons / she/her ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶
  • Love
Reactions: SOFTKIT.
On the shadowed, tufted heels of his mate, Raccoonstripe barrels from the warrior's den with his pelt bristling. His Clanmates whiskered face tilt skyward, toward the place where the sun should be—but there's something black and ominous making its way across the golden sphere. Ivory-tinged fire peeks out from behind the ebony disc. The sun struggles to burn. The tabby's eyes search for Nightbird, who orders Softpaw to bring Howlingstar into the clearing. The white apprentice obeys as ThunderClan's kitlike mewls of confusion begin to thicken. He murmurs, "Be careful," as his co-lead warrior flees in the direction of Gentlestorm's den.

He wishes she'd remained by his side—but instead he goes to Wolfwind, seeking solace in an amber eye glazed with panic. "StarClan is warning us about something," he mutters, his tone grim. Raccoonstripe's brain buzzes. Berryheart, what would you say? His brother would know what Gentlestorm could not decipher—in his heart, he knows this—but Berryheart isn't here. He's with the starry mass of cats who have chosen to darken the day.

The tabby warrior brushes his flank against his niece's briefly. "Do you think… RiverClan?" His eyes narrow. "ShadowClan? Or…" Wolves? He suppresses an icy shudder of fear.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

It was just a usual day of clan life meandering. Her mate was up early for a change and off on the most recent hunting excursion. Cleaning, patrolling, hunting, eating and kits were playing about her. Chatter filled the air and Honeydapple felt content as she kept a distant eye on the eager little scraps bouncing about. For now she was busy cleaning up old missed from the elders nests. She never minded a bit of extra busy work and with a beautiful day in motion she craved the socialization.

Just as she went to deposit the soiled bundle a chorus of voices had her head whip to the side. Florets of moss flying about as her stuffed maw clenched with nerves. Then darkness struck from nowhere and her pelt prickled with unease. Looking to the skies the splotched molly's heart stuttered from fright. A strangled gasp wrenched from her pale throat as an inky disk covered the remnants of the sun. Painting a halo of blood about its ring that cast blankeyes shadows in every direction.

Drowning out the earlier sunshine and delving Thunderclan's camp into chaos. For a moment Honeydapple stood petrified but soon enough her paws developed a mind of their own. Spatting out the the bedding her mind went into instinctual overdrive. Rushing to Sunkit and Meadowkit's side she leans down and aims to nudge them towards the nursery. Where one of their parents stands at the entrance beckoning for them.

She hadn't the chance to stop her apprentice from rushing away but a part of her appreciates Softpaw's quick call to action. Her own voice comes in a whispered shout tinged by barely concealed panic. "C-come on, to the nursery!" Honeydapple hadn't a clue what was happening but murmurs of Starclan and punishment made her stomach drop. What have we done to deserve their wrath? Where is Howlingstar?She wasn't sure but for now the moggy could assist in rounding up any straggling kits.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The pale healer had been within his den trying to keep himself busy after the loss of both Flycatcher and Leopardtongue, his heart feels a lot heavier than usual and his ears twitch in the slightest when the sound of pawsteps draw near. He feels unease at the alarmed yowls of his clanmates outside and begins to imagine the worse, he prays to Starclan that it wasn't any leftover wolves that had somehow lived the fall. He swallows turning to Nightbird's panicked words is enough for his pelt to rise in the slightest and she mentions that the sun's gone. His bushy brows furrow in confusion but he follows her outside keeping his dark honeyed gaze on her echoing what she had said "The fu... fricking sun is gone?" He clears his throat stepping out from the fern tunnel only to notice how everything around them was dark and he glances upwards feeling the air leaving his lungs, his eyes widening at the sight of the sun being gone and the moon had not risen. It was much too early... "It has to be Starclan's work... I can't imagine who else could do such a thing," Gentlestorm says to Nightbird yet he falls silent still unable to push this feeling of unease from his chest and he knows that Starclan cover the moon with clouds during the gathering if there was squabbling. The lightning that struck near Sootstar... This is no different.

He remembers his last meeting with the medicine cats but more specifically the dream with Morningpaw and his jaws remain shut. He hopes this is Starclan.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking