blown away || hunting patrol (phase 2)

Sep 2, 2024
〕Frozen paws limp quietly behind the rest of the patrol as she trails behind the rest of her clanmates. Like the rest of nearly the entire clan, her pelt is riddled with healing scars from the recent battle. She had followed Wildheart to Mirestar's attack, fighting alongside her elder brother and littermate. Though her claws marks stung, she had gotten off better than some. She was well enough to hunt, but nobody had much of a choice. If everyone who was injured had to stay in the medicine den, there would be no one to hunt. Besides, the stinging of her paw pads was enough to keep her thoughts off of her fresh wounds.

As they reached their destination, she obeyed Wildheart's order to split up and she strayed off to the left. She crept silently along the leaf littered floor, doing her best to not make much sound. Her jaws parted as she tried to catch the scent of...anything but much like the last patrol they had joined, there was absolutely nothing in this stupid forest. "Come on, just let me find something" she hissed, stomping her forepaw in anger. Her stomach growled, and she swallowed it back. There hadn't been much to eat since they lost if there were anything to be found before then.

Her head hung as she rejoined the patrol, nothing to be held in her jaws. I just want to help..I just want to find anything... Her ears pinned against her skull, and she refused to look at Wildheart. "I tried..." she murmured.

  • ooc.
    rolled an 18 for no encounter, but then rolled a 5 so she can't find a scent trail
    mentor tag @WILDHEART
  • RAVENPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by wildheart . flamestar x flycatcher . sibling to bugpaw, squirrelpaw, sunpaw, falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowpaw ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 10 moons & ages every 1st
    single / heterosexual/ mono / open to crushes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy in battle

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 89645169_F0CHiNd3mnvulHh.png

    a longhaired tortoiseshell with low white and green eyes. Ravenpaw bares a pitch black pelt, broken up by vibrant blazes of red fire. Her fur is long, curling up around her face. She has dark green eyes like her mother, and carries a light, athletic build like her mother. She has very minimal white like her father, only having a little spot above her nose on her face, and her front left toes. Her front left leg is encapsulated by blazing fire, wrapping around her back up into her bushy fox-like tail.
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Fruitless search through the snow yielded nothing for Merlinpaw as well, and it was like rummaging through an endlessly thick mire, of which there was nothing to hunt but the air between her whiskers. The molly had been one of the cats most able to hunt and scour after the battle, so she felt it only right to do her due diligence and help her ailing clan. And yet, no tangle of scent trails lie in front of rime-bitten paws, no guiding beacon to lead her to salvation in the form of a warm meal. Fresh wounds stung when the wintry air nipped at them, faltering as though abortive and hesitant to tear her apart, a remorse that rifled through her tousled, dilute tortoiseshell pelt. Ears folded to the back of her head as nothing popped up in such a dismal forest, nothing to tell her that all of their struggles and their worries were for something better. Dull aureates swam back to the patrol, frustration painted clear upon the young she-cat's countenance, like a oilspill stain upon rabbit-like features. "'M s-sorry... Didn't find any - anything..." The apprentice's words fell short of a mumble, as if they had turned to slush within her throat, and flooded out of her maw with an ingraceful push. There was little responsibility that Merlinpaw could take in such dire times - for the early leaf-bare did not come from her, nor had she incurred Starclan's wrath somehow. Still, hummingbird heart purled in incessant worry, flipping back and forth between its pulses. She wished to make her clan proud, but how could she do that when she had failed in battle and finding food?

( Rolled a 10! 0 points. )
the chocolate torbie was a bit frustrated, with the recent loss of territory, and with the lack of hunting. not only did they deal with the lpss of territory, they were also dealing with rogues, and other clans! how was it supposed to be possible to find food for themselves? so of course, the molly would seek a patrol where they tugged at the borders of other clans, because obviously, she couldn't dare just let them tresspass and steal, when everyone else was. please dont hate me for doing such a thing, she begged, but her lips were sealed to speak to flamestar.

she endured so much. and now dealing with.. stormywings betrayal- tigerwing just wanted to bring thunderclan to strength! she wanted to see her clan thrive! and as she snuffed the frozen over ground, nose cold and sniffling, she let out a sigh as no scent was brought to her attention. "do you smell anything?" she asked @HOWLPAW in hope the other did indeed smell something. but she kept her voice low, as not to scare anything away if it possibly did.
she trudges with the patrol, gritting her teeth with every step. this'll be the only time she works with the wounded shoulder, she swears; thunderclan can't afford to lose anymore hunters. the patrol splits apart and leafhusk hobbles away, miraculously finding a scent trail with ease.

the catch is sloppy, and skinny. it's gross to look at, but she brings it back to the group anyways. leafhusk looks between the two apprentices, feeling pains of sympathy over their upset expressions. most of their injured are older warriors, she didn't even consider how that must feel for the 'paws. "we can try again later. it'll still be light for a few more hours." she attempts to offer any sort of reassurance.

rolled a 16, 6, +1 prey


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- okay, he can do this. leafhusk has been teaching him very well how to hunt. he just has to find a scent trail, track down the prey, and take it home. deep breaths, orangepaw. you can do this. he looks over at his mentor who caught something and he nods his head. that's more encouraging. he's a little more confident knowing she could get something out here because he learns from her, and so that must mean he has some semblance of a chance. his eyes close as he ignore his aches, listening to the soft whispers of the wind. you can do this, orangepaw. you can do it.

his nose twitches as his mouth parts open, crouching down to the cold ground as he slowly follows something. he picks up the scent of a trail, perking up his ears and nodding his head. oh, good. good. he follows the trail, claws slowly coming out as he finds a bird. his eyes narrow as he watches it's movement, anticipating which way it might go. he is swift as he can be in his movement– he is a lot better off with brute strength versus agility– he knocks the bird to the ground and kills it before it can suffer. he stands back up and limps over to his mentor, gently bumping against her with a soft smile. she... reminds him of someone. how weird.

"i got something, too."

// rolled 13 for scent trail; 15 for prey size


He wasn't really sure why he kept being brought to these patrols- seriously, wasn't he a failure at this? Lowered eyes lifted towards his father, then back away. He sighed quietly, his stomach grumbling moments later. Beetlepaw's ears flattened backwards, hoping that his tracking skills, of which he thinks were okay, would at least come in handy. He parts his mouth, lowering and lifting his nose this way and that, and- there it was.

It flooded his senses. Green eyes snapped wide open and he was away before he could be called after. This, he could do- something he could do, to make it right, to feed someone in the clan, to right some of the hurtful wrongs. Was it wrong? He pushes the thoughts of her dying body away, her, her, swallows it down like medicine as he leaps at the prey in flight. Talons arc into the sparrows body, who was sparse in food themselves, and delivers the killing blow.

Slowly, Beetlepaw stands up. Not only has he caught prey that will feed, prey that will lend energy to a queen or to an injured soul, but he has improved. His first piece of prey. Eyes turn, searching for his father's own with a hopeful look- then further, if his mother had joined them on this patrol or not.
  • "speech"
    // roll a 20 for catching scent, 6 for prey size, 1 point!
    // @BURNSTORM mentor tag
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, kit of thunderclan, nine moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. is growing into a very broad and built tom-cat of average height, mirroring his father's build. has a nick in his right ear and a new scar on his muzzle.
    mentored by BURNSTORM/ / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Wildheart was still in a state of frustration following the attacks against ThunderClan. Things had already been hard, but now things were looking far, far worse. Finding prey was now an urgent necessity. With his nose to the ground he searched and searched, digging against the frost in hopes of finding any slither of a scent. But there was nothing.

It wasn't like he was going to give up, so he widened his range and drifted further from the rest of the hunting patrol. But still he found nothing. With the bitter tang of defeat on his tongue he was forced to admit his failure. So on heavy paws he returned to the meeting point with nothing to show for his efforts. It seemed that Ravenpaw had faced the same outcome and he truly felt for her. "I didn't find anything either. Perhaps next time." He looked in the direction of the other warriors and apprentices, especially to those who had actually found success. A part of him felt bitter as jealousy lingered in his heart.

//rolled a 4, no prey