private But You Were Already Gone 𓆟 Investigating Twoleg Camp

𓆝 . ° ✦ With two-leg fires on the horizen far too close to camp for comfort, Mosspool had gotten Lichenstar's blessing to take a patrol out to investigate. She had gotten the best warriors she could find, and had picked up some overeager apprentices on her way out. "Remember, we are simply scouting and then reporting back to camp. At the first sign of danger, scatter." Mosspool ordered sternly, giving her patrol a warning look. Between dogs and two-legs, things could go bad fast, and with three apprentices under her watch she wasn't taking any risks. The plan was to go take a look and leave; that's all.

With the smoke growing closer, she sunk into a crouch and flicked her tail toward the ground to signal the rest of her patrol to do the same. While she presumed Willowroot, Foxtail, and Claythorn had the good sense to do so without being told, the apprentices were another matter. Glancing back to ensure her instruction was followed, as her eyes found Willowroot she felt a twinge of awkwardness at having had just issued an order to her own mother. She ignored it best she could. A lead warrior needed to be comfortable taking charge of anyone in the clan outside the council, she told herself, but still could not dismiss the feeling.

It only faded as she crept closer to the source of the smoke, replaced by tense anticipation as her muscles tensed and her breathing slowed. She was leading her patrol straight toward the source of all the two-leg commotion and she was ready for anything.

Or so she thought.

As she pressed through the reeds, her narrowed eyes went wide. Massive, shiny two-leg nests sat where there had been none before, all of them angular in strange, impossible ways that made her shiver. Her mind balked at the thought of how fast they must have set them up. From her vantage point she could see no two-legs, but with the size and number of nests there were there had to be a great number of them. In the center of it all, the fire whose smoke they had seen from afar. What should they do about this? What could they even do? There was no fighting two-legs, but could they really just let them live so close by?

Mosspool took a short breath. Those were all questions for later, for now they needed to bring as much information back to the clan as they could. She nodded to her left, indicating some of her patrol to go around the perimeter while the rest remained with her. From this one vantage point, it was difficult to get a sense of the size of the camp. Besides, perhaps the fact that they had not yet seen a twoleg was a sign this camp was abandoned. With how much work it must have taken to construct so quickly, she doubted it, but two-legs had done stranger things.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: @willowroot @FOXTAIL @claythorn @MIDNIGHTPAW @DIZZYPAW @Magpiepaw!
    dace for the bingo event!
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
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The decision to go out on the patrol had been out of their own selfish need to find Troutsnout. Maybe if they had gotten a look at what they were dealing with then they would be able to save her and the others. Though this was a wistful thought as they trailed to the side of the group of warriors’. The black and white cat flicked their tail behind them as it travelled along beside Midnightpaw, and glanced to their friend for a moment. They had a sense of anxiety about going so close to twoleg camps but it was in the matter of helping right? It surely hoped so and shook themselves mentally for a moment to dislodge the feelings.

Mosspool said they were merely scouting out the place and then reporting back to camp. They gave a small nod in understanding at the order and flicked their ear slightly. Right, no searching for the others- suppose they had gotten too eager over it. Magpiepaw crouched down when Mosspool did and followed along quietly.

They peaked over the warriors’ shoulder when she looked through the reeds and they felt their bold run slightly cold. These angular, massive nests sat brooding in clearings and there was no twolegs actually in sight but didnt mean they werent around. Magpiepaw backed up slightly and swallowed thickly, those things were huge and they had been sitting here for how long? How do twolegs make things so fast? They didnt understand but they didnt wanna think on it. One would surely go mad when thinking about why twolegs do what they do.

Do you think those things move like monsters?” They didnt expect an answer but they felt the need to voice something out in the open. What else would be said? Or done really? ​


Of A Monster

The first trip out this direction had only been minorly successful. Ospreypaw and Claythorn paw had found the camp, but they didn't do much more beyond knowing the sound of cats dwelled here. How many, or those she knew? She couldn't tell. Being gathered for the second patrl was good, it made clear that she was needed. Ear twitched at the behest of Mosspool, She didn't need to be told to scatter- Claythorn silently wondered how long the dog she had tricked had been stuck in that trap.

She moved akin to a wraith, paws silent as they skimmed over the ground. When the rest of the patrol crouched down, so did she, her eyes narrowed against the smoke. She couldn't smell, and that along was causing her fur to stand back up. What happens if dogs came back around now? Her head turned on a swivel. She allowed the patrol leader to stare into the camp- Claythorn was going to cover their sixes and ensure they weren't being snuck up on. Her vision shifted back forward, eyes narrowing at the sight of what was hard to see that night.

She inhaled quietly. Mosspool has signaled for some to go around. Claythorn's vision shifted towards any that were to move, and started to lead in the indicated direction. Her head was still on a swivel, looking for two things now- one, dogs. She knew they were here, considering she could almost feel the ghost of teeth on her tail. Two- clanmates. Vision swept as she attempted to pinpoint that of any cat she recognized, whether they were still trapped or not.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


( ) trepidation follows her with every step she takes. padding softly along on slender paws, the tall feline recalls her personal experiences with twolegs, internally grimacing at her former friendly nature towards them. in kithood, she had been raised to revere them, for they were the ones who gave her purpose, who gave her shelter on their boats and prey for her to catch. in adulthood, they have caused nothing but trouble for her- ashblaze's kidnapping as an apprentice, robinheart's kidnapping as an apprentice. oh, she thinks. starclan if she looses another apprentice to twolegs she'll kill somebody.

blinking that violent thought out of her head as mosspool's vocals whisper out, willowroot moves closer to her current apprentice, fixing midnightpaw with a sage green gaze. "stick by me," they murmur, and flicks the dappled girl's flank lightly with their tail. mosspool glances their direction and the feline offers her daughter a slow blink, hopefully reassuring the girl that her job is more important that whether or not she orders around her mother. fern optics widen in time with the lead warrior's own as the willowroot counts the number of twoleg dens. the stench of dog and odd twoleg prey is overwhelming, the shine from their nests casting brightness back and causing them to squint.

tufted ears flick as the smoke slinks to curl around the side mosspool has indicated, glancing back every few moments to make sure their apprentice is on their heels. they're not loosing another one. tense muscles flex as they catch up with claythorn, brushing against the younger molly in solidarity as they circle the twoleg camp.

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.