can you see me, i'm shining - thorny's hub & storage

Old/Withdrawn character applications:

  • NAME — NETTLE; so named for his spiky fur
    AGE — unborn; ages every ??
    GENDER — male; he/him
    GROUP — shadowclan; kit
    appearance — he is almost the spitting image of his mother with his inky black fur that spikes up in all sorts of directions around his neck and back, no matter how hard he tries it simply will not lie flat. he also shares the same dull green eyes with her. where his mother is solid black in colour, nettle's fur is not - possessing a white spot on his chest as well as a white rear foot. nettle becomes slender and svelte as he grows, better suited for hunting rather than fighting, not that his frame would ever dissuade him from getting into a fight if pushed.
    ↳ genetics: sh black with low white; carrying longhair, cinnamon.

    sibling to dusk, honey, pitch, thistle - older siblings | unborn siblings - littermates
    partner of
    parent to


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Name list:


[/JUSTIFY][/BOX][/FLEFT][BOX=63%][TABS][TAB=BASIC][HEIGHT=378PX][JUSTIFY][QUOTE][RIGHT][SIZE=22PX][COLOR=WHITE][B]APPEARENCE[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT][/QUOTE][b]shorthaired chocolate torbie she-cat with amber eyes[/b] Her pelt mostly comprises of a light brown base colour with darker tabby markings lining her body. Her chocolate colouring is broken up by patches of ginger and cream. Her eyes are large and round and hazel in colour. In her youth, Howl appeared to take more after her mother, but as she has grown, the Ragdoll features inherited from her father have become more prominent. Howl has a long, sturdy body though remains shorter than her father and brothers. Despite her long body, her neck is notably short. Howl's fur is silky to the touch and she maintains it frequently. Although she is a shorthaired cat, her tail has become quite feathery.
[INDENT]⤷ shorthaired chocolate torbie (carrying longhair, point, solid) [URL=LINK][COLOR=WHITE]TH.[/COLOR][/URL][/INDENT]
[QUOTE][RIGHT][SIZE=22PX][COLOR=WHITE][B]MENTALITY[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT][/QUOTE][B] bold, honest, passionate, loyal, curious, insecure, opinionated[/B].
Howl is a passionate, spirited young cat. She has gone through many changes in her life, but in this, she has always remained the same. She tries to show enthusiasm and passion in everything she says and does, to the point where it can come across as overbearing at times. She is very devoted and loyal to her friends, family, and clan...the latter of which causes some internal conflict for her due to her cross-clan ancestry. With her spitfire attitude, she sometimes seems as though she's ready to take on the whole world single-handed. Howl can be snarky at times and likes making stupid comments, though usually in a playful manner. She gives respect where respect is due and knows how and when to be polite. Whilst she might speak up about things she disagrees with, she knows when to show deference to authority figures and senior members of the clan.

Howl is highly curious about the world and loves learning new skills/honing existing ones. Due to her passionate nature, she will put her whole heart into her training and won't really take it well when suffering setbacks. In her youth, she has a tendency to ask any and all questions, not seeming to care about how appropriate they may or may not be.
[b]GEN 3. LITTLE WOLF xx BLAZESTAR. [COLOR=WHITE]SISTER TO Fireflypaw, Burnpaw, Morningpaw, Moonpaw, Skypaw, and Duskpaw[/COLOR][/B]

[B]MENTORED BY[/B] Redstorm (formerly), Slate
[B]ADMIRES[/B] Howlingstar, Redstorm, Thistleback, Orangeblossom
how easily do they trust?
[B]SMELLS OF[/B] sniff honk
[B]SOUNDS LIKE[/B] voice description

Blah blah blah blah.
post template[/TAB][/TABS][/BOX][/COLOR][/JUSTIFY][/BOX]
litter writeup testing

  • THEIR STORY: This story is a happy one.

    Coyotecrest is born in WindClan, but his mother flees for a better life and joins SkyClan. Howlfire is born between clans, but in the wake of a tragedy joins SkyClan properly. Though only a few weeks separate them, these two young cats grow up together in the clan among the pines. Although not initially close friends, a relationship blossoms in the wake of Howlfire's return from the eerie Shelter. Similarities in their pasts and helping to defend SkyClan from another raid by WindClan bonds them together. In each other they find compassion and understanding.

    As yellowcough begins to spread through the clans, the two realise how much they care for each other, vowing to remain fit and well. As time passes, Howlfire begins to fall ill and she fears she has caught yellowcough, but is stunned to discover she is expecting kits. Although happy, the announcement leaves Howlfire feeling uneasy, both in regards to their future health and where the relationship between her and Coyotecrest stands. Regardless of what happens, both parents vow to keep their children safe, providing them with the love and stability that was often times missing from their own youth.

    — open

    — open

    — open

  • — Kits will be born on the 30th/31st of October but we will likely be choosing around two weeks prior to allow for any last minute discussions and account creation
    — Kits will begin at ? moons old and will age realistically
    — This is not a FCFS litter. We want kits to go to active RPers. If you need to go inactive, please let either Nazali or I know, otherwise we retain the right to rehome your slot after a few months of inactivity
    — These kits will be born and raised in SkyClan and it is preferred they don't leave.
    — Form is a free-for-all just make sure to include the basics
    — Name lists do not have to be followed but it is preferred!

  • Sire: LH cream tabby (masking chocolate)
    Dam: SH chocolate torbie (carrying longhair, dilute, point, solid; 50% ragdoll)

    Toms can be chocolate, lilac, chocolate tabby, lilac tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    She-cats can be chocolate tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, chocolate torbie, lilac torbie, red tabby, or cream tabby
    kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    kits will have no white
    kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
    kits will be 25% ragdoll and may show some breed traits
    red-based kits will mask chocolate or chocolate tabby
    shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point

    — nieces / nephews to Fireflypaw, Burnstorm, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Skypaw, and Duskpaw (via Howlfire) & Juniperpaw, Hollypaw, Scorpionpaw, and Littlepaw (via Coyotecrest)
    — grandchildren to Blazestar and Little Wolf (via Howlfire) & Juniperfrost and Leopardcloud (via Coyotecrest)
    — great-grandchildren to Gray Wolf and Howlingstar (via Howlfire), great-nieces and nephews to Lynxtooth (via Coyotecrest)
    — additional relations via Howlfire can be seen on her family tree.

    HOWLFIRE'S NAMING LIST: — Flamekit, Firekit, Blazingkit, Scorchkit, Sparkkit, Glowkit (after Blaze & Burn specifically) ; Wolfkit, Treekit, Twigkit, Daykit, Dawnkit, Lightkit, Brightkit, Greykit, Berrykit, Sweetkit (family inspired names)
    — Pinekit, Needlekit, Oakkit, Sparrowkit, Nettlekit, Mousekit, Foxkit, Leafkit, Owlkit, Sprigkit, Ivykit, Poppykit, Maplekit, Cedarkit, Cloudkit, Breezekit (names inspired by the forest)
    — Orangekit, Redkit, Thistlekit, Thornkit, Pricklekit Figkit, Cricketkit (after Chrysaliswing), Bugkit, Slatekit (names inspired by cats she likes or admires)
    — Lionkit, Tigerkit, Hawkkit, Runningkit, Eaglekit, Thunderkit, Stormkit, Stonekit, Ospreykit, Buzzardkit, Kestrelkit, Lynxkit (names she thinks are strong)
    —Morningkit, Snowkit, Sootkit, Ashkit, Smokekit, Moonkit, Frostkit (names she wouldn't use)
Litter writeup testing 2!!!!

  • THEIR STORY: Their story began many moons ago before the clans formally existed. Then just Azalea and Lily they were on opposing sides; Azalea walked with the Marsh Group, and Lily was a part of Rain's group in the pines. Their first meeting was over a mouse, interrupting each other's hunt and parting on bitter terms. Time passes and a war breaks out eventually leading to the formation of the clans. Lily joins the newly formed RiverClan, and strangely, so does Azalea, even at the cost of saying goodbye to the rest of her family. Azalea struggles to adjust without her kin and Lily takes it upon herself to befriend her, deciding the other cat needs a friend.

    Slowly, what started as a rivalry begins to blossom into a friendship, and the two became closer. Lily eventually becomes Lilybloom and Azalea becomes Lakemoon.

    Their friendship takes a small battering when Lilybloom is left traumatised by nearly drowning, but as time passes and the mental scars heal their friendship is renewed. And something else blossoms between them at the same time. As leafbare fades, the two share a walk and confess feelings for each other, declaring their love over the same yellow plant they had become friends over.

    As sickness descends upon all the clans, Lakemoon is summoned to travel to the mountains, during which the pair are separated. Lilybloom worries of course but knows her mate is strong and they depart with promises to see each other again. They both endure many hardships but are ultimately reunited. Having lost a sibling and worrying over Lakemoon, Lilybloom decides that after leafbare that she wants a litter, no longer wanting to wait as the Journey made it clear just how short their lives might be. As the end of leafbare draws near, Lilybloom proudly declares she is expecting kits, and as the forest springs into life again the two happily await the arrival of their kits.

    Alas, this is not to be a happy ending...

    SLOTS: May increase/decrease based on interest
    — open
    — open
    — open
  • — important rule(s)
    — Kits will be chosen towards the end of March/start of April and be born around 10/04. The birthdate might change but will be within a week give or take of that date.
    — Kits will begin at three moons and will age realistically
    — This is not a FCFS litter. We want kits to go to active/semi-active RPers. If you need to go inactive, please let either Noor or I know, otherwise we retain the right to rehome your slot after a few months of inactivity.
    — These kits will be born and raised in RiverClan and it is preferred they don't leave.
    — You are welcome to create some sad/angsty characters given that Lilybloom will die shortly after birth, but know they will always be loved by Lakemoon and their other kin.
    — Form is a free-for-all just make sure to include the basics
    — Name lists do not have to be followed but it is preferred!

  • DAM: SH tortoiseshell (carrying longhair, chocolate, dilute)
    SIRE: LH blue tabby w/low white (carrying solid)

    males can be black, brown tabby, blue, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    females can be black, brown tabby, blue, blue tabby, tortie, torbie, blue tortie, or blue torbie
    kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    kits can have no white or low white
    kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    red kits will mask black or brown tabby; cream kits will mask blue or blue tabby
    tabby kits will carry solid; shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry chocolate

    — nieces / nephews to Iciclefang, Ferngill, Darkwhisker, and Steepsnout (via Lilybloom) and Wolfwind (via Lakemoon)
    — cousins to N/A
    — grandchildren to Icesparkle and Mudpelt (via Lilybloom) and Lily Pad and Tempestmoon (via Lakemoon)
    — great-grandchildren to Howlingstar and Gray Wolf (via Lakemoon), many other extended relations on the howlingfam tree
  • LILYBLOOM'S NAMING LIST: — Icekit | Frostkit | Icykit| Snowkit | Mudkit | Claykit | Frondkit | Branchkit | Treekit (family/generational names)
    — Puddlekit | Streamkit | Duckkit | Swankit | Shellkit | Silverkit | Rainkit | Brookkit | Pikekit | Salmonkit | Heronkit | Pipitkit | Ploverkit | Pebblekit | Featherkit(River/water themed names)
    — Stormkit | Mistykit | Stemkit | Petalkit | Blossomkit | Cloudkit | Brindlekit | Dapplekit | Brightkit | Buzzardkit (names she likes)

    LAKEMOON'S NAMING LIST: — Greykit / Moonkit / Breezekit / Stormkit / Silverkit / Tempestkit / Galekit — legacy & family names
    — Blossomkit, Bloomkit, Rosekit, Sweetkit, Pinekit, Honeykit, Flowerkit — after Lilybloom / a representation of their love
    — Houndkit — after her mentor, Houndstride
    — Mistkit/Mistykit, Cloudkit, Rainkit, Streamkit, Poolkit, Fogkit — for kittens that resemble her
    — Pebblekit, Shellkit, Rush(ing)kit, Bluekit, Stonekit, Mosskit, Reedkit, Dawnkit — after the wetlands / the river
    — Oak-kit, Adderkit, Icekit, Sharpkit, Dark-kit, Eaglekit, Badgerkit — names she considers strong
    —Tawnykit, Palekit, Black-kit, Mottledkit, Brindlekit, Redkit, Russetkit, Foxkit, Vixenkit, Ebonykit, Ivorykit, Softkit, Otterkit — appearance based/inspired

[size=20px][outline=black][b][color=#33927C]LILYBLOOM X LAKEMOON[/color][/b][/outline][/size]
[TABS][TAB=THEIR STORY ✦][b]THEIR STORY:[/b] Their story began many moons ago before the clans formally existed. Then just Azalea and Lily they were on opposing sides; Azalea walked with the Marsh Group, and Lily was a part of Rain's group in the pines. Their first meeting was over a mouse, interrupting each other's hunt and parting on bitter terms. Time passes and a war breaks out eventually leading to the formation of the clans. Lily joins the newly formed RiverClan, and strangely, so does Azalea, even at the cost of saying goodbye to the rest of her family. Azalea struggles to adjust without her kin and Lily takes it upon herself to befriend her, deciding the other cat needs a friend.

Slowly, what started as a rivalry begins to blossom into a friendship, and the two became closer. Lily eventually becomes Lilybloom and Azalea becomes Lakemoon.

Their friendship takes a small battering when  Lilybloom is left traumatised by nearly drowning, but as time passes and the mental scars heal their friendship is renewed. And something else blossoms between them at the same time. As leafbare fades, the two share a walk and confess feelings for each other, declaring their love over the same yellow plant they had become friends over.

As sickness descends upon all the clans, Lakemoon is summoned to travel to the mountains, during which the pair are separated. Lilybloom worries of course but knows her mate is strong and they depart with promises to see each other again. They both endure many hardships but are ultimately reunited. Having lost a sibling and worrying over Lakemoon, Lilybloom decides that after leafbare that she wants a litter, no longer wanting to wait as the Journey made it clear just how short their lives might be. As the end of leafbare draws near, Lilybloom proudly declares she is expecting kits, and as the forest springs into life again the two happily await the arrival of their kits.

Alas, this is not to be a happy ending...

[b]SLOTS:[/b] May increase/decrease based on interest
[columns=3]— open
— open
— open

[TAB=RULES ✦][color=white]— important rule(s)[/color]
— Kits will be chosen towards the end of March/start of April and be born around 10/04. The birthdate might change but will be within a week give or take of that date.
— Kits will begin at three moons and will age realistically
— This is not a FCFS litter. We want kits to go to active/semi-active RPers. If you need to go inactive, please let either Noor or I know, otherwise we retain the right to rehome your slot after a few months of inactivity.
— These kits will be born and raised in RiverClan and it is preferred they don't leave.
— You are welcome to create some sad/angsty characters given that Lilybloom will die shortly after birth, but know they will always be loved by Lakemoon and their other kin.
— Form is a free-for-all just make sure to include the basics
— Name lists do not have to be followed but it is preferred!

DAM: SH tortoiseshell (carrying longhair, chocolate, dilute)
SIRE: LH blue tabby w/low white (carrying solid)

males can be black, brown tabby, blue, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
females can be black, brown tabby, blue, blue tabby, tortie, torbie, blue tortie, or blue torbie
kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
red kits will mask black or brown tabby; cream kits will mask blue or blue tabby
tabby kits will carry solid; shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry chocolate
[size=16px][b][url=][color=COLORHERE]LILYBLOOM[/color][/url] GEN 2 x [url=][color=COLORHERE]LAKEMOON[/color][/url] GEN 3[/b]; [size=17px]KITS WILL BE GEN 4[/size][/size]
— nieces / nephews to Iciclefang, Ferngill, Darkwhisker, and Steepsnout (via Lilybloom) and Wolfwind (via Lakemoon)
— cousins to N/A
— grandchildren to Icesparkle and Mudpelt (via Lilybloom) and Lily Pad and Tempestmoon (via Lakemoon)
— great-grandchildren to Howlingstar and Gray Wolf (via Lakemoon), many other extended relations on the howlingfam tree[/TAB]

[TAB=NAMING LISTS][b]LILYBLOOM'S NAMING LIST[/b]: — Icekit | Frostkit | Icykit| Snowkit | Mudkit | Claykit | Frondkit | Branchkit | Treekit (family/generational names)
— Puddlekit | Streamkit | Duckkit | Swankit | Shellkit | Silverkit | Rainkit | Brookkit | Pikekit | Salmonkit | Heronkit | Pipitkit | Ploverkit | Pebblekit | Featherkit(River/water themed names)
— Stormkit | Mistykit | Stemkit | Petalkit | Blossomkit | Cloudkit | Brindlekit | Dapplekit | Brightkit | Buzzardkit (names she likes)

[b]LAKEMOON'S NAMING LIST[/b]: — Greykit / Moonkit / Breezekit / Stormkit / Silverkit / Tempestkit / Galekit — legacy & family names
— Blossomkit, Bloomkit, Rosekit, Sweetkit, Pinekit, Honeykit, Flowerkit — after Lilybloom / a representation of their love
— Houndkit — after her mentor, Houndstride
— Mist(y)kit, Cloudkit, Rainkit, Streamkit, Poolkit, Fogkit — for kittens that resemble her
— Pebblekit, Shellkit, Rush(ing)kit, Bluekit, Stonekit, Mosskit, Reedkit, Dawnkit — after the wetlands / the river
— Oak-kit, Adderkit, Icekit, Sharpkit, Dark-kit, Eaglekit, Badgerkit — names she considers strong
—Tawnykit, Palekit, Black-kit, Mottledkit, Brindlekit, Redkit, Russetkit, Foxkit, Vixenkit, Ebonykit, Ivorykit, Softkit, Otterkit — appearance based/inspired
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This story begins with two friends - Figfeather and Howlfire.

Both cats are longtime serving members of their clan and both have roots stretching back to the founding members of the clan - Daisyflight and Blazestar respectively. The two she-cats have been a part of each other's lives since they were apprentices, and though they might not always see eye to eye, their friendship has remained strong and consistent over the moons. That is until recently.

Over the past few moons, the two began to see each other in a different light, and no longer tied down to their previous mates, began flirting with each other. A few clanmates began to take notice of their closeness and deepening feelings for each other, yet neither she-cat openly asked the other to be mates, nor did they ever confirm the nature of their relationship to the clan. With newleaf beginning, to Howlfire's delight, she finds herself expecting kits, and is excited by the promise of new life and the promise of finally having a family with Figfeather. Alas, her hopes are shattered when Figfeather declares she does not think she can be a part of the kits' lives and that it would be best if they didn't know she was the sire. Angry and hurt, Howlfire ends things with Figfeather, declaring that she will raise the kits by herself since Figfeather supposedly wants nothing to do with them.

  • Kits will be chosen on the 18th of April. Their birthdate will be the 23rd of April, allowing you to set up tags/accounts!
  • After they are born, kits will be aged up to two moons and will age up on the 23rd of each month
  • This is not a FCFS litter
  • As both parents are quite active, we would like it if the slots were taken by RPers who intend to be fairly active with them. We are both aware of how tricky it can be playing kits, so would be willing to allow any activity during this time, though we would like to see it increase when they are older!
  • These kits will be born and raised in SkyClan and it is preferred they do not leave unless for plot reasons
  • Whilst Howlfire will be raising on them on their own and will not publicly announce a sire, it is possible later down the line that she might inform them of Figfeather, or that Figfeather herself will take some involvement in their lives
  • Form is free for all, just please include the basic information!
  • Names to be taken from the name list provided - please include multiple suggestions in case your preferred is taken by someone else!

Sire:SH red tabby (masking cinnamon tabby)
Dam:SH chocolate torbie (carrying longhair, dilute, point, solid; 50% Ragdoll)
Toms can be chocolate tabby or red tabby
She-cats can be chocolate torbie or red tabby

kits will be shorthaired
kits will have no white
kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
kits will be 25% Ragdoll and may show some breed traits
red-based kits will mask chocolate tabby
kits will carry cinnamon; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point

Figfeather is gen 2 | Howlfire is gen 3 | Kits will be gen 4
Family inspired names: Firekit, Blazingkit, Sparkkit, Glowkit, Wolfkit, Treekit, Twigkit, Daykit, Lightkit, Brightkit, Bugkit
Names inspired by the forest/her home: Pinekit, Needlekit, Oakkit, Sparrowkit, Nettlekit, Mousekit, Foxkit, Leafkit, Owlkit, Sprigkit, Ivykit, Poppykit, Maplekit, Cedarkit, Cloudkit, Breezekit, Quailkit, Finchkit, Volekit
Named or inspired after cats she respects/likes: Orangekit, Redkit, Thistlekit, Thornkit, Pricklekit, Cricketkit, Slatekit, Flintkit, Berrykit, Sweetkit
Names she thinks are strong: Hawkkit, Runningkit, Eaglekit, Stormkit, Stonekit, Ospreykit, Buzzardkit, Kestrelkit, Lynxkit
No-no list: Morningkit, Snowkit, Sootkit, Ashkit, Smokekit, Moonkit, Smokekit, Skykit​

slot one​

slot two​
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