Dec 30, 2022

On occasion I get bouts of inspiration where I want to think of multiple low-stakes events that could happen in the world of warriors and figured I'd share the inspiration by giving others a chance to get a prompt! These are likely to revolve around scenarios or experiences within the territory or camp that characters can reflect on and engage with based on their personalities and development! I can offer solo prompts (prompts where the character experiences it by themselves or in an open thread) or partner prompts (prompts for private threads or pafps between characters that haven't interacted much). Preferably SkyClan only atm since I've only got permission here VHBFCDKSXB. There's no set date where this'll close but be mindful that prompts miiiiight not come straight away from me since I am British and get super busy (being British /j).

Please note that these are just for fun and not a formal plot event or connected to others on the HP team! This is just me wanting to write fun scenarios and ideas for people if they want them. Feel free to sign up as many times as you like! Because it's for fun there's no pressure to complete prompts and feel free to ask for multiple.

Character Name:
Type of prompt (solo or partner):
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@pikaihao -

Along SkyClan's borders, Cherrypaw finds a kittypet, similar in age to her with a well-cared for coat and a plumpness that suggests a good life. Life in a clan does not always allow ones pursuit of vanity to be a priority, and though this kittypet has no interest in joining SkyClan, there is something about her that gets Cherrypaw thinking about her own appearance. Maybe she wishes to approach this kittypet (may be an NPC), maybe she wishes to watch from afar and think about the changes her body has gone through defending her clan.

@bobbie -

Bobbie is traumatised, there are no two ways about it. Life has been hard for her, doubly so these past few moons. But, within the camp despite all it has taken from her, there is... peace. A bird sings above, oblivious to her vengeful claws, dew drops down from rainsoaked barriers, the hum of a bee fills her ear as it whizzes past, even her clanmates are quiet. In tumultuous times, it can be difficult to appreciate peaceful moments for what they are. When camp is particularly serene one day, can Bobbie appreciate it for what it is? Or is the quiet a warning in a mind fractured by death?
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@puzzles && @eezy:
For one reason or another, the new apprentice is given the chance to shadow Lupinepaw and her mentor out on patrol. When the group separates somewhat to hunt, Mint and Lupine stumble upon something... interesting. It *looks* like an owl, but it has the body of a bear and happens to be smaller than both of you. Unknowingly, you have stumbled upon the Twoleg plush of what is known as an 'Owlbear', but what will you two do with it? Will one of you take it? Will you share or fight over it? Will you think it's alive?

The medicine den can get boring, but it is expected to still be your home for a little while. Except... you're not alone. The recent change of bedding has invited a strange critter into your nest - a stag beetle, a very big, very docile stag beetle. Has Honeysplash seen one before? Is this a neighbour she can get used to or would she want to practice her pounce while she has the opportunity? Explore Honeysplash's prey drive and how she reacts to some of SkyClan's less tasty inhabitants.

@SATURNID (hollykit):
At three moons old, the world is new and is full of grandiose stories, but Hollykit has not yet been able to make any of his own. When another kitten (may be NPC or played) approaches Hollykit, demanding an autobiographical tale, how does Holly react? Is it something they're truthful about and something that bothers them? Are they content to be an observer to another's great stories or do they want to make their own one day? Perhaps, for now.... mixing the truth with some of Bobbie's stories of LionClan and Blazestar might not be too bad...

@SATURNID (termitehum) && @ABRI:
Termitehum, superstitious and pattern-finding, has heard the rumours about Greeneyes, how he is a night owl who grows withdrawn in times of grief, how he might be cursed. Having grown up with Greeneyes, does Termitehum feel as though he is cursed? Termitehum is a timid cat, does Greeneyes wonder if that had something to do with his 'curse'? Explore a misunderstanding between the pair that could either be resolved or damage their relationship, this could be something as simple as them both hunting the same prey and colliding with each other, or two superstitious cats coming together and believing the other one to be jinxed.

Orangestar's words were a warning to Chrysaliswing, one that was met with venomous words. It takes a lot to undo months of learned hatred, even for the sake of one's clan, but, before any progress can be made, something sharp strikes Chrys in his nest. Someone has left a thorn there and, after an investigation, it seems there are two main suspects: a clanborn apprentice, or a daylight warrior that Chrys has had issues with before. It would be easy to blame the Daylight Warrior... wouldn't it?

@Archivist: Just a heads up that for now I'll be only doing SkyClanners since it's in SkyClan's board and I didn't get perms from other leaders but if you have a SkyClanner in the future then feel free to throw them at me for a prompt! :)
Character Name: Sorrelsong
Tags: here
Type of prompt (solo or partner): Either!

Character Name: Cloverjaw
Tags: here!
Type of prompt (solo or partner): Either!

Thank you for doing this i've been in such a rut with thread ideas lol
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@keeekeeey (cloverjaw) && @Johnnyflame: It's nighttime and most of the clan is asleep... except for the two guards on watch, Cloverjaw and Johnnyflame. All seems normal... until a rustle from the freshkill pile alerts them to a trespasser that's snuck through the bracken! When Cloverjaw and Johnnyflame given chase, the creature suddenly seems to drop dead, reeking of sickness. For Cloverjaw and Johnnyflame it might be a new experience, but for the opossum, it's just another Tuesday of pretending to be dead and diseased. Explore their reactions to a mysterious creature and whether they can bounce ideas off of each other to see how they should deal with this creature.

@Orchidpaw! & @mercibun (hawkpaw): It can be very beneficial to learn from someone older than you, and someone in the camp thought it would be a good idea for Hawkpaw to speak to a soon-to-be warrior before her first re-outing into the territory but... Orchidpaw's gossip can't be true, can it? Is it something that Hawkpaw would question further or does she put her faith in her older clanmate? For Orchidpaw, it is an opportunity explore how he would feel about getting attention from a younger apprentice and what things he might say to keep that attention.

@Kitty-Kat-.: There is a comfort in dreams that can make an often very dark world seem brighter and hopeful. It is not weakness for Eggpaw to be whimsical, but... there are times when it may cause trouble. A forgotten border while chasing prey, a conversation with another taken the wrong way, an inability to confront a situation for what it truly is. Explore a situation where Eggpaw has experienced conflict because of something he has said/done and how he handles such conflicts. Is it easy for him to take accountability? Does he go too far in trying to apologise to others? This could be an NPC in a one-shot scenario or in an open thread.

@Johnnyflame: Johnnyflame is a cat of many talents: fighter, snake-catcher, breaker of cages. When he is out hunting, however, a new challenge arises for Johnny. A gull that has taken particular interest in the prey under his paws is relentless in his swooping and tries to peck and chase him off from his kill. It's a large bird, maybe it is not worth the fight... or maybe it is everything the chimera trained for. Will Johnny rise to the gull's challenge? How does he respond when prey becomes the aggressor?

@mercibun (orangestar) && @keeekeeey (sorrelsong):
Orangestar, stalwart leader of SkyClan and Sorrelsong, timid newly-named. It is not a combination that likely shares social circles, but, they find themselves on patrol together one fateful day. Things are peaceful in the territory when a conversation of philosophies is suddenly sparked by another on their patrol: who would win in a fight, multiple raccoons or one giant badger? Local raccoon expert Orangestar may find herself with a lot to say on the matter (or maybe does not want to entertain the silly hypothetical), but will Sorrelsong pick the contrary option to her leader? How do both of these characters explore strange questions like this? Do they find camaraderie in similar opinions or find themselves divided by their opinions?