- Aug 22, 2022
- 751
- 252
- 63
Dawn's light breaks through the clouds that weigh heavy over SkyClan's camp. A certain marmalade tabby had already risen from her nest to place herself at the base of the thorn tree that carried Highbranch. It's from the tree's sprawling roots she watches her Clan awaken; groups of warriors huddle together to have quiet conversation, apprentices groan complaints about having to rise so early, and the queens peak out from the nursery, praying their kits will sleep in just a little while longer.
It's a cold morning, most of the Clan would be off to a difficult start today but not Figfeather. Excitement glistens in her ochre eyes and her claws impatiently prick into the soft snow she sits upon. This morning would be the first of many patrols she organizes, from here on out, it would be she SkyClan looked to for their morning instructions. "Daisyflight use to do this everyday… A long time ago now." She thinks as she flicks her ear against the cold. "I'm gonna make her proud today. She'll break a smile watching me from StarClan." Figfeather grins as the thought warms her heart.
Once the Clan has had sometime to awaken, Figfeather at last rises onto her feet to beckon them to her. "SkyClan, gather by the thorn tree for patrols!" Her yowl rings with clarity through the air. Her heart quickens with excitement as the Clanmate's she's grown up and fought beside look to her and begin to make their way over. "This is where I'm suppose to be."
She finds oddly, though, that once everyone is gathered before her she's forgotten what to say to proceed… She's listened to Daisyflight, Deersong, Twitchbolt and even Cherryblossom do this her entire life. Why was there a lump in her throat now? Her paws shuffle awkwardly in the snow as she feels expectant gazes begin to linger on her. "Uh, okay. Good morning, everyone." She blurts as her brain scrambles for information she had decided on the previous night. "Patrols will be coming from me for now on, obviously… So…" If she could thwap herself across the head right now she would. "Get it together!"
"I'll be leading our first dawn patrol to ThunderClan. Twitchstar would like to flaunt our numbers a bit, begin to warn the other Clans we're not to be messed with, so I'm going to take Chickbloom, Greeneyes, Howlfire, and Doeblaze." Her eyes seek each cat in the crowd as she lists them off. It was quite the patrol she's assembled for herself, but ThunderClan has been their 'problem' Clan as of late. It was them out of all the Clans who needed to receive the biggest warning through a show of front. "We'll leave immediately after I give the rest of the patrols out. Have breakfast and make any last minute visits to the dirt place now, if you need to." She was excited to show off SkyClan's strength, she would not dawdle.
"Florabreeze, I'll have you lead the other dawn patrol to the Twolegplace." She assigns the just former lead warrior as a patrol lead to show even in her recent promotion she has not forgotten the cats she had once served on council with. The she-cat knew the ins and outs of the Twolegplace well, she was more than competent to lead this patrol and keep the cats on it safe. "Take Magnoliashine, Chalk, and… Orangepath with you." Her gaze avoids the orange and white she-cat in the crowd, still feeling discomfort towards her. Figfeather isn't sure she'll ever look at the she-cat the same ever again, it was like she had become a totally different cat in Figfeather's mind. "Stay safe… and be careful." Loner lands was likely to be the most dangerous of the two non-Clan borders, still, you never knew what might rear it's head from behind the Twolegplace fence.
"Edenberry…" Her eyes dance to find the warrior in the crowd, "At dusk you'll take on the border that heads into the loner lands. I'll have Spidersong, Drowsynose, and Sangriaflight go with you." She worries for Sangriaflight's safety, but she was a strong and capable warrior. Besides… she could not let newfound feelings of protectiveness cause her to put her distant daughter above the rest of the Clan. With Edenberry leading the patrol she feels certain enough the patrol will stay out of trouble. "If you find anything suspicious… dangerous, don't confront it unless you know you absolutely can." She meows, thinking about Kitestorm and Sorrelsong or other dangerous rogues that might be lurking. They've lost too many SkyClan cats in recent moons to bloodthirsty rogues, she doesn't want to see any casualties today.
"Twitchstar desired to take up a patrol for himself, too. Candorflight, Bellabloom, Slatesnarl, and Cherryblossom, you'll be joining him at dusk to freshen up the scent markers at RiverClan's border." Candorflight would show off the Clan's youth, Slatesnarl and Cherryblossom their experience, and Bellabloom would be representative of their daylight warriors. She hopes Twitchstar is pleased with the patrol she has assembled for him, she tries to seek him out if he lingers anywhere visible within the camp. Surely, he was watching from somewhere to ensure his overly eager deputy didn't mess up?
"…And of course, we need to eat today. Hawkspine, Liongaze, you'll both lead hunting patrols of your own today. I've heard patrols have had good luck at the Rockpile recently but we may be exhausting our luck there… If you have luck out there today make sure to share with the rest of the Clan where you were successful. Gather up any cat that's free at the time you go out." She gives a curt nod to them both, she believed in the young warriors to bring as much food as they could back to their Clan today.
Lastly… she makes a risky decision she hopes will pay off. "Bloodbird, I want you to handle a training session today. Warriors and apprentices alike from what I hear could learn from that nose of yours… I heard a whisper the other day you can smell a mouse hiding underneath the snow from several fox lengths away." Maybe she should wait until she's seen this skill in action first before asking her to train the entire Clan on their tracking, but what was really the worse that could happen?
"…Okay—well, that's it. Get to it, all of you, and be sure to report to me once you've returned. Don't make me chase you down for the results of your outings." Well… that went well, hopefully…? Figfeather thinks she did pretty good, anyways. She remains standing at her spot underneath the thorn tree in case anyone had any questions, but if not, let the day begin!
It's a cold morning, most of the Clan would be off to a difficult start today but not Figfeather. Excitement glistens in her ochre eyes and her claws impatiently prick into the soft snow she sits upon. This morning would be the first of many patrols she organizes, from here on out, it would be she SkyClan looked to for their morning instructions. "Daisyflight use to do this everyday… A long time ago now." She thinks as she flicks her ear against the cold. "I'm gonna make her proud today. She'll break a smile watching me from StarClan." Figfeather grins as the thought warms her heart.
Once the Clan has had sometime to awaken, Figfeather at last rises onto her feet to beckon them to her. "SkyClan, gather by the thorn tree for patrols!" Her yowl rings with clarity through the air. Her heart quickens with excitement as the Clanmate's she's grown up and fought beside look to her and begin to make their way over. "This is where I'm suppose to be."
She finds oddly, though, that once everyone is gathered before her she's forgotten what to say to proceed… She's listened to Daisyflight, Deersong, Twitchbolt and even Cherryblossom do this her entire life. Why was there a lump in her throat now? Her paws shuffle awkwardly in the snow as she feels expectant gazes begin to linger on her. "Uh, okay. Good morning, everyone." She blurts as her brain scrambles for information she had decided on the previous night. "Patrols will be coming from me for now on, obviously… So…" If she could thwap herself across the head right now she would. "Get it together!"
"I'll be leading our first dawn patrol to ThunderClan. Twitchstar would like to flaunt our numbers a bit, begin to warn the other Clans we're not to be messed with, so I'm going to take Chickbloom, Greeneyes, Howlfire, and Doeblaze." Her eyes seek each cat in the crowd as she lists them off. It was quite the patrol she's assembled for herself, but ThunderClan has been their 'problem' Clan as of late. It was them out of all the Clans who needed to receive the biggest warning through a show of front. "We'll leave immediately after I give the rest of the patrols out. Have breakfast and make any last minute visits to the dirt place now, if you need to." She was excited to show off SkyClan's strength, she would not dawdle.
"Florabreeze, I'll have you lead the other dawn patrol to the Twolegplace." She assigns the just former lead warrior as a patrol lead to show even in her recent promotion she has not forgotten the cats she had once served on council with. The she-cat knew the ins and outs of the Twolegplace well, she was more than competent to lead this patrol and keep the cats on it safe. "Take Magnoliashine, Chalk, and… Orangepath with you." Her gaze avoids the orange and white she-cat in the crowd, still feeling discomfort towards her. Figfeather isn't sure she'll ever look at the she-cat the same ever again, it was like she had become a totally different cat in Figfeather's mind. "Stay safe… and be careful." Loner lands was likely to be the most dangerous of the two non-Clan borders, still, you never knew what might rear it's head from behind the Twolegplace fence.
"Edenberry…" Her eyes dance to find the warrior in the crowd, "At dusk you'll take on the border that heads into the loner lands. I'll have Spidersong, Drowsynose, and Sangriaflight go with you." She worries for Sangriaflight's safety, but she was a strong and capable warrior. Besides… she could not let newfound feelings of protectiveness cause her to put her distant daughter above the rest of the Clan. With Edenberry leading the patrol she feels certain enough the patrol will stay out of trouble. "If you find anything suspicious… dangerous, don't confront it unless you know you absolutely can." She meows, thinking about Kitestorm and Sorrelsong or other dangerous rogues that might be lurking. They've lost too many SkyClan cats in recent moons to bloodthirsty rogues, she doesn't want to see any casualties today.
"Twitchstar desired to take up a patrol for himself, too. Candorflight, Bellabloom, Slatesnarl, and Cherryblossom, you'll be joining him at dusk to freshen up the scent markers at RiverClan's border." Candorflight would show off the Clan's youth, Slatesnarl and Cherryblossom their experience, and Bellabloom would be representative of their daylight warriors. She hopes Twitchstar is pleased with the patrol she has assembled for him, she tries to seek him out if he lingers anywhere visible within the camp. Surely, he was watching from somewhere to ensure his overly eager deputy didn't mess up?
"…And of course, we need to eat today. Hawkspine, Liongaze, you'll both lead hunting patrols of your own today. I've heard patrols have had good luck at the Rockpile recently but we may be exhausting our luck there… If you have luck out there today make sure to share with the rest of the Clan where you were successful. Gather up any cat that's free at the time you go out." She gives a curt nod to them both, she believed in the young warriors to bring as much food as they could back to their Clan today.
Lastly… she makes a risky decision she hopes will pay off. "Bloodbird, I want you to handle a training session today. Warriors and apprentices alike from what I hear could learn from that nose of yours… I heard a whisper the other day you can smell a mouse hiding underneath the snow from several fox lengths away." Maybe she should wait until she's seen this skill in action first before asking her to train the entire Clan on their tracking, but what was really the worse that could happen?
"…Okay—well, that's it. Get to it, all of you, and be sure to report to me once you've returned. Don't make me chase you down for the results of your outings." Well… that went well, hopefully…? Figfeather thinks she did pretty good, anyways. She remains standing at her spot underneath the thorn tree in case anyone had any questions, but if not, let the day begin!
THUNDERCLAN PATROL (DAWN): Figfeather (lead) ( @Blizzard ), @Howlfire , @GREENEYES ( @FLUFFYPAW ), @Chickbloom , @DOEBLAZE
TWOLEGPLACE (DAWN): @Florabreeze (lead) ( @DAFFODILPAW ), @CHALK , @MAGNOLIASHINE , @Orangepath ( @budpaw )
PROMPT: a territorial kittypet warns the daylight warrior's of the patrol (flora) to stay off his 'terf' ( tag @BIGFANG in the thread )
LONER LANDS (DUSK): @edenberry ? (lead) ( @Mizzlepaw ) , @DROWSYNOSE , @spidersong, @SANGRIAFLIGHT
PROMPT: An NPC loner mysteriously warns the patrol near the border to 'beware of the sky'. The moment the smallest cat on the patrol steps out from the tree line to mark the border an owl dives for them.
HAWKSPINE'S PATROL PROMPT: Your patrol encounters a fox that stops in front of you, but doesn't attack.
LIONGAZE'S PATROL PROMPT: Your patrol encounters a stressed prey animal tangled in a bramble patch.
TRAINING: tracking training hosted by @BLOODBIRD
NOTICE: Apprentices not on the census were not tagged with their mentors but may still go if desired. Also this is my first round of patrols so have mercy on me if I made any errors!!!
REMINDER: LEADS! Please make sure you remember to post a summary of your patrol in the discord channel #patrol-reports when your thread finishes OR replies stop. I'll send out a reminder in 2 weeks if a report summary hasn't been made. I'd like to start using this more and have reports affect Fig's IC knowledge ^_^
TWOLEGPLACE (DAWN): @Florabreeze (lead) ( @DAFFODILPAW ), @CHALK , @MAGNOLIASHINE , @Orangepath ( @budpaw )
PROMPT: a territorial kittypet warns the daylight warrior's of the patrol (flora) to stay off his 'terf' ( tag @BIGFANG in the thread )
LONER LANDS (DUSK): @edenberry ? (lead) ( @Mizzlepaw ) , @DROWSYNOSE , @spidersong, @SANGRIAFLIGHT
PROMPT: An NPC loner mysteriously warns the patrol near the border to 'beware of the sky'. The moment the smallest cat on the patrol steps out from the tree line to mark the border an owl dives for them.
HAWKSPINE'S PATROL PROMPT: Your patrol encounters a fox that stops in front of you, but doesn't attack.
LIONGAZE'S PATROL PROMPT: Your patrol encounters a stressed prey animal tangled in a bramble patch.
TRAINING: tracking training hosted by @BLOODBIRD
NOTICE: Apprentices not on the census were not tagged with their mentors but may still go if desired. Also this is my first round of patrols so have mercy on me if I made any errors!!!
REMINDER: LEADS! Please make sure you remember to post a summary of your patrol in the discord channel #patrol-reports when your thread finishes OR replies stop. I'll send out a reminder in 2 weeks if a report summary hasn't been made. I'd like to start using this more and have reports affect Fig's IC knowledge ^_^
✦ trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
✦ 33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
✦ deputy of SkyClan
✦ Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
✦ mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
✦ previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
✦ penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!
Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.