
XXXXXFireflypaw’s prayer circle—haphazard, motley with cats from different Clans and backgrounds—lingers in Blazestar’s mind. The ThunderClan warrior Roeflame had said, “They can’t defeat us all.” Little Beepaw had asked if the Clans could really work together—and Silversmoke had said, deftly, “It won’t last.” He himself believes it would not—but it wouldn’t need to, would it, if they could all return to their own territories? If they could split back into five strong, independent Clans who could sustain themselves off their own land?

XXXXXThe golden-masked leader of SkyClan rises to his paws as the sun begins to creep into the treeline. Shadows lengthen, and crickets begin their nightsong. His dark blue gaze finds the first warrior or apprentice who crosses his vision, and he says, voice crisp and strong, “Somebody tell Chilledstar and their warriors to meet us here.” He shakes his fur out, lifting his voice to all the cats who slumber at the base of the Burnt Sycamore, to the cats of all five Clans who live in defeat. “We must decide what to do next. We cannot stay here in ShadowClan’s territory forever…

XXXXXHe trails off, remembering the prayer again, and says, “There are five Clans worth of cats. If we united…” He trails off, wondering if he would be met with outrage, with disbelief.

tagging @Flycatcher @Smokethroat @SOOTSTAR @CHILLEDSTAR. but no need to wait! open to any cat not stuck in ShadowClan's camp!

It is still such a bizarre concept for the five clans to be existing in one space together. Thus far, things had been going smoothly enough, at least from what Flycatcher had seen. Cats from four different clans and with many felt like the perfect storm for a large scuffle to break out. Perhaps the stress of the situation they all found themselves in allowed them to exist somewhat peacefully.

It is Blazestar who asks that someone sends for Chilledstar and some ShadowClan warriors. Flycatcher raises a brow quietly, watching as a warrior slips away to retrieve them, before padding over to Blazestar. He hears him speaking quietly, trailing off as he mentions the clans uniting. "What are you planning, Blazestar?" Flycatcher asks curiously.

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Despite the shattered state of the forest, Roeflame had been trying to count her blessings. Her remaining loved ones were alive and as well as they could be, and the cinnamon and silver warrior was trying to settle for that, to be thankful despite.
That is what was heavy on her mind as she curled next to Burnstorm, thankful for the spot the tom managed to somehow always spare for her.
Brewing thoughts are cut off though when Blazestars voice rises above the low chatter around the Burnt Sycamore, and the Skyclan leader is quick to catch the Thunderclanners attention, her head raising and pupils forming into slits as the molly recalls stumbling onto Fireflypaw’s prayer, and the words that had been spoken.
Clearly, they had resonated with the flame-touched leader as well as he cautiously speaks of unity.
Flycatcher approaches Blazestar when he begins to trail off, and Roeflame is on her own paws, though she doesn’t step forward.
"Do we have another choice but to work together? Look at where we are- all of us." The warrior finds herself unable to hold her tongue for long, her gaze sweeping across the four clans that sleep at the same marshland tree. "We aren’t going to get any stronger with no food to eat or medicine to use." Roeflame points out, sitting down and looking instinctively to Flycatcher.
She would do anything to go home, even if fighting alongside the likes of Riverclan and Windclan made her stomach churn.
Draining. All of it was just a down right exhaustion of faith, body and mind. Honeydapple could admit her relationship with Starclan was a strained one but she had to believe they were with them all. Somewhere up there watching as every terrible event occured.

Hearing the call of the strange flame point lured the molly forward. Thankfully, she had played a role in helping escort kits, or the sickly out. Not having to face any off with the brutish rogues now infesting their homes. Something that would choke her up if it weren't for this very public situation.

Joining Flycatcher on one side Honeydapple stood ready to listen to the Skyclanner. She absently agreed they needed to band together, even if it meant putting aside the unease of her loner past. However, getting every cat on the same page was another story.

Kind blue eyes shifted between Blazestar, Flycatcher, and Roeflame, her thoughts racing. She wasn't entirely sure if it was a good idea to speak up. C'mon Honey, we need more voices if we are gonna make it through this. She couldn't speak on behalf of Thunderclan itself but Honeydapple could surely speak for herself.

Her voice was hesitant, but she knew it was best to contribute. Nodding politely, she voiced her agreement with her clanmate. "I think it's the better choice given all of our circumstances. What other options are there to consider?" Her remark was both rhetorical and genuine. They had tried to fight, fled to other clans, and now found themselves trapped in an unforgiving landscape that was a far cry from the territory she longed for.

An overwhelming desire to feel the soft forest grass beneath her paws and to breathe in the aroma of leaf fall beneath ThunderClan's trees weighed heavily on her. The current environment, filled with muck and grime, was a constant mental strain.

Honeydapple also felt the pain of not being able to help in the nursery and knowing that the clan's young ones were petrified and traumatized. Determination welled up in her. Anything that will get us home, I will do it. She was ready to do whatever it took to go back to the place they belonged.

"you're right about that. this land barely sustains us. it would never sustain everyone else, too. so... what are you proposing, blazestar?"

they ask, walking up up to the leader, sparing a glance to the other leaders. their stomach twists a bit at the fact that cicadastar wasn't here. no doubt smokethroat would do whatever he needed for riverclan but... chilledstar can't help but feel the grief tugging at their stomach from the unknown aspect. they were becoming friends. they were finally becoming friends and now... their ears pushed back in slight thought before they just look at all the cats. the sooner these cats were gone back home, they better. not only did they just not want them here but all this sadness was so annoying. they got enough from the brooding from their clan as it was.
Blazestar muses quietly, his thought unfinished but obvious and yet for whatever reason outside of two ThunderClan warriors there is apparently still some confusion on what their path forward ought to be. He hears Flycatcher and Chilledstar speak as though confused, prompt for further information, a hivemind of ineptitude and he finds he longs for Cicadastar for more than just his presence, his devotion - he misses the power behind those salt-ice eyes, the boom of his voice. How he would be screaming for blood in this moment, openly defiant and declaring they must stand together, that they must fight back as one to return to their rightful homes. The lack of initiative insights in him an ire the likes of which he has not felt in some time. Smokethroat steps forward to join them, tail lashing and head held high; he was burning inside-he had not stopped since the day they were driven out and the flames threatened to overtake him if he did not release them and he would see no more appropriate target than those blasted rogues.
"There is NO other option than to join our clans together to push back. Otherwise we will all fade away here in the marshes...the reason we divided at all long ago was to avoid this fate." The Marsh Colony and Pine Colony were not sustainable on their own, but the further division among them had granted the clans a chance to survive. It was no longer simply two massive groups fighting for dominance, the prey was more abundant and the blood spilled less frequently than it did in their barbaric roots of desperation.
Not that he wanted the clans to remain this allied afterwards, once they returned to their territories and had less pressing concerns he could fell himself angrily desiring Sunningrocks back, furiously marking the border by WindClan once again, but for the time being his desire to shred an enemy apart was directed solely at the rogue menace that had overtaken their lands.
"Who among you will fight?"

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai


Shockingly, Sootstar was not opposed to uniting forces. It was proven long ago there was nothing else they could possibly do, it was time to finally stand themselves back up and fight. Approaching with a minor limp she opens her maw to give her blessing, ”WindClan will unite and fight off the rogues with the rest of the clans. @SUNSTRIDE will lead them, I’m in no state to fight.” This was thanks to the spineless fox-hearts of the other clans. If they had not let her get chewed apart by rats she would’ve been able to lend her claws in this final stand. Hare-brains the lot of them.

”However, WindClan will only fight if the other clan leaders promise to unite with us as well. We’ve put aside our differences in these trying times, your clan-mates have not.” If they could not promise this then WindClan might as well refrain from battle and count their loses now. ”WindClan can’t be expected to have your backs if you do not have ours.”
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Standing amongst what should be her enemies, the lead warrior feels out of her depth in terms of conversation, diplomacy and negotiation. Blazestar is far more practiced, articulate... refined... Though it goes unspoken, the blue molly shares the same longing that Smokethroat does; for the fish crown king to be here to spout some great adage, stoke the flames of passion in their cold, empty bellies. As much as she feared that barbed tongue, she admired it equally much.

If she had half the talent, she might be more equipped to handle the snipe Sootstar makes about residual anger directed at WindClan. And maybe if you didn't terrorize half the forest with your lunatic ravings... The thought doesn't escape tightly-sealed lips, a tail tip flicking in annoyance. SkyClan and ThunderClan had both proven to be generous neighbors, ones that could acknowledge beneath contrasting scents they were all still cats. No one deserved to live like this... least of all RiverClan, who'd been stolen from time and time again. When would it be their turn for safety and comfort....?

Her deputy speaks, a call to action that beckons for reply. "I'll fight," they answer, rolling a scarred shoulder to release some of the tension building at the base of her neck. Blue eyes flick towards Smokethroat before moving to the other clan representatives (Flycatcher is not leader yet... Howlingstar just cannot be here for now), a question lingering there.

Would the clans actually unite once more... it had already been hard enough to send out a small fragment of their best warriors to search for a cure. Which clan would insist upon rescuing their territory first? Would they secure their safety and then conveniently dip away when it came time for the next clan to be saved?

"For all the clans... Not just my own." Maybe that would dissuade some of the more selfishly inclined felines... Sootstar was being unrealistically reasonable, even if she was tucking her tail between her legs to sit here and wait for everyone else to do the hard work. (Yeah, yeah, victim of some rats... whatever...)​
Honeydapple's heart warmed as she heard the agreeing words from those around her. Despite some of the more crestfallen and neutral viewpoints. She might not be the most formidable warrior, but her determination to protect her home and beloved mate, Grizzlyjaw, fueled her resolve. She was willing to fight to maintain the peace they had carved out for themselves.

Sootstar's agreement came as a pleasant surprise, and Honeydapple couldn't help but smile warmly at the WindClan leader. A stark contrast to the others more gloomy appearance. It was a gesture of solidarity that reinforced the importance of this goal. She had not been part of the patrol that initially caused distrust, but gaining the trust and support of other clan leaders was a significant step toward unity.

Her thoughts turned to Flycatcher, the ThunderClan deputy, who would ultimately play a crucial role in the decision. Honeydapple understood the weight of the situation, and if their leader, Howlingstar, was unable to make the call, it would fall on Flycatcher's shoulders. She steeled herself for what would come next, knowing that she hoped to encourage Flycatcher to join the alliance.

With a determined look, Honeydapple added to Lichentail's own vow. Her voice steady despite the underlying nervousness. "I will also fight, for every clan." She declared, words resonating with conviction. Honeydapple felt a small surge of pride, not only for her own clanmates but for the connection that was forming among cats from different clans.

Together, they would face the challenges ahead, bound by a shared purpose to protect their homes and loved ones. Even if it was only for the moment.
Initiative. Who'd have thunk that it'd be taken by the leader of kittypetclan, his murmurings grave in nature. Cats from all clans find themselves wandering over, and Wolfwind is there with them, standing beside her fellow ThunderClanners. She thinks the proposal is obvious— an all out fight. Wolfwind turns her head to those gathered. " We already have been, haven't we? " The stars know none 'f them had been keen to take Sootstar into their territory, of all cats. Stars knew that Chilledstar didn't welcome the four of them with a gleaming smile and bright eyes. But they've all been doing what's courteous. If nothing else, Wolfwind believed them all of that.

The voice of RiverClan, in the form of their deputy, rises above the rest. Wolfwind's smile does not waver, but it is small; battle ready. " I'll fight, " comes easily. It's what she stayed with her clan for; what she's stayed healthy for. Her muscles are still lean, her eyes vibrant despite the gnaw of hunger in her stomach.

She had heard what happened to Sootstar— and her pelt prickles uneasily at the thought. She gets what WindClan's leader is sayin'. A glimmer of annoyance has her flicking her ear— after all, who was expecting anything from WindClan, of all cats— but she gets what she means. Wolfwind's whiskers twitch. " No one's expecting such a thing, " her eyes trail to Honeydapple and Lichentail; warriors ready to fight. " We're here for everybody. "

She's no strategist. Amongst her seniors, Wolfwind is used to doing what she's told. What had she said to Racconstripe? Giving orders isn't so much her thing. Her gaze trails to the leaders, acting and not. " Would we have to move from camp to camp as a unit? Get 'em out? " And pray the journeying cats will return soon. If they remain weakened by sickness, who knows how long their pushback would last.


"I'll fight!" He says. "I'll fight until everyone has their homes back and those vermin are driven from our territories!" He declares, standing tall and proud.

He can't blame Windclan for their words this time, he understands where they come from, for once. Just by looking at Sootstar, he can tell it must have been a horrific experience that he wouldn't wish on anyone. He's been lucky so far with hunting, and he thanks starclan repeatedly for it.

He listens to the other cats chime in with their support, and he grins. He feels so optimistic, with everyone here. Wolfwind begins to discuss a plan, and that reminds him of another important thing. Strategy.

"I think that's the best idea. We could overwhelm them the way they did us." He agrees with his former mentor, who is wise beyond her years. "I think each clan should lean the charge into their respective territories, if thats what we decide to do. They know their territory best." He adds, thinking. "Perhaps...When we reach Windclan or Riverclan, we could use the gorge to our advantage? Push them towards it and either scare them into surrendering or...Pushing them in if they refuse......" He says, frowning. "Which sounds cruel, but...They would have done the same to us."

He doesn't think anyone here is in the mood for mercy, anyways. he certainly isnt, those bastards tried to kill Sunfreckle and he was itching to return the favor.​
  • Wow
Reactions: WOLFWIND
make peace with your broken pieces .
Breathing in the unfamiliar scents, driven out of their home territories by rogues was a stain on all of their consciousness. Worried for days to come, Whitelion suspected that having the clans in one place would drain ShadowClan of their resources, no less the end of the clans. A thought the sturdy warrior refused to humor. He would fight the stars if it meant his kits would get the future they deserved.

Settling amongst the discussing cats, Whitelion hummed in agreement, glancing at Sparkwing with a single dip of his helm. “I will fight.” He rumbled, golden optic serious. “Divided we are weak, but together, I have faith that we will be victorious.” Fighting together? Whitelion hummed. “It took our homes from us. I think it is time we fight for it.”

“Driving them out is in our best interest. No matter how we do it. It is us or them. There is no war without death and no war without bloodshed. We may not have the supplies now, but I’m certain the lands will replenish once our enemy has been driven out.” He had said his peace and if he must kill, then Whitelion would do so with honor from the stars above. “Rogues are fickle beings. They are lawless creatures.” He rumbled. “Perhaps it is wise to send scouts to our respective clans to see if they are watchful, if not, then their confidence will be their downfall.” He offered, helm tilted in thought.

To see if the rogues patrol their borders, or did they think of themselves as above mother nature? To take and ignore the consequences. Whitelion shifted, gaze somber. They will know soon enough.
thought speech
Blazestar calls for all the clans to discuss what to do about the rogues, and Smokethroat rings out a call to action. Despite Sootstar’s bitter words that make Drizzlepelt cringe on the inside, he has had time to contemplate it all. WindClan is not the one that has his ire. And even so, no one deserves to lose their home, not even Sootstar. He might not be able to make up for willfully ignoring the brutal death he witnessed, but he can surely try.

“I will fight too,” Drizzlepelt announces. “For everyone. Including WindClan, all of WindClan.” He looks Sootstar directly in the eyes as he says that, nodding. For the sake of all, he will put his differences aside. Their homes will be theirs once more. And if he has to die to assure that, well, at least he can say he passed on knowing that SkyClan is where it should be. That the ones who so charitably let him in continue to survive.

He agrees with everything that has been said so far. They could not afford to be merciful, and it’s not likely any of them want to be either, despite the moral implications. “The biggest concern is that, even if we were to attack as a unit, if we are too predictable the rogues could also have time to unite if they refuse to surrender. If even one slips away to warn those in other territories that we are coming, there might be trouble.” The rogues are still the healthier party, and the forest cat’s numbers can only matter so much. Not if their enemies were as conniving as they were in their plan to remove the clans.

“It pains me to suggest this, but…maybe we should attack at night? Our biggest strength is surprise. We take them off guard, attack at their most vulnerable, and ensure there’s less of a chance to alert the rest.” Things might go better than expected, and the rogues are quick to surrender, but there is no certainty. They have to be prepared for anything that might come their way.

No matter what happens, though, Drizzlepelt is willing to go through with it. They all need to cooperate, and when they do, the rogues won’t know what hit them. They chose the wrong cats to mess with.​

A plan was forming. Something obvious and expected; All clans needed to work together to overwhelm the thevies that claimed their kingdoms. Smokethroat was one to bring the firm words and she hummed in agreement. Working with other clans wasnt her forte, she believed she merely served her clan- she would only die for Riverclan. Petalnose couldn't argue however, she had to admit to herself that these plans did cross her mind. It was the only way.. even with her despise in Thunderclan and Windclan... Even with her devote loyalty to merely Riverclan. They couldn't survive without help. She was stubborn in belief at first in her rise to her position; believing her clan should only be that of itself.. that it could survive without help. Although, the beavers had seemed to sway her mind. The shocked stare through Cicadastar's eyes as a life slipped from him swayed her. She was the one to fetch that help.. to create that plan. Petalnose knew she had no stance in thinking differently. She requested help before... by her own choice. Now it was time the clans formed for a cause.

It's just this once. You only need to fight for every clan just once.

Lichentail pipped up and so did others follow. "I'll fight too." I'll always fight. But wouldn't charging in be risky? Their chances in winning this would faulter if they knew.

Drizzlepelt seemed to speak her mind and she nodded in agreement, "I agree that night may be best. Besides, they snuck in during that time. We should attack when the wind blows opposite.. and using things to disguise our scents if available to us. I believe a set advanced in stealth can take the guards so no one is alerted ahead of time- then we proceed with pushing them out. I suggest sending some out to seek and find weak points to report back too. One by one we advance to each clan together.." In pairs she would suggest.. however, it seemed there was still too many with two clans combined. They overwhelmed Skyclan and doubled their numbers even as two. Pushing one by one had seemed to be the only option. Even if it was tedious..

✦  .   ˚ .   The clans' finest had watched as his leader died. They had sentenced them to this barren territory, to hunt amongst rats, and had done nothing for the result of their cruelty. The sight of her body is still fresh within the warrior's mind. Raccoonstripe alone was worthy of his respect among that patrol. That they should now risk even more for those who were not worthy grates him. Not for the first time, Sunstride begins to better understand Sootstar's hatred of the other clans. So few of them stood close to what they expected of their own. The few murmurings of promise mean nothing, yet everything all at once. Potential. Hope for a new beginning for them all. His eyes take in the gathered crowd, and eventually, he nods.

He strides closer to stand beside Sootstar, dwarfing the tunneler leader in a comical comparison of night and day. His burnished pelt against her gentle hues. His hulking shoulders against her delicate paws. She is somehow still the more formidable of the two, even injured as she is. "Not just our territories," he tacks on to Sparkwing's idea, with a nod of his own. "We do not fight or move like one another. Perhaps it is time we make use of our differences." For once it may be truly useful to see a RiverClanner drag their opponent beneath the water. He has only before seen it as an inconvenience.

  • OOC.
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"

Overwhelm the rogue with their numbers, using surprise to their advantage — yes, that could work. Snakeblink carefully doesn’t linger on the cascading words — I'll fight, I'll fight, I'll fight — that send a shiver of unease down his back. Will he fight? Weak and half-blind in the dark, having to rely on strangers as he would his clanmates? He supposes he must. If anything, he will make for an easy distraction…

His best bet would be to weaken and destabilize the rogues first — letting stronger warriors injure them before he picks them out, yes, but beyond that, making sure said warriors have an easy time of it. Put the odds in their favor. But how? Oh, if only they had the time to find a way to transmit yellowcough to the rogues, perhaps drag their plagued dead out of their early graves… ghoulish, but it would even the odds.

Eyes unfocused in thought, he says distractedly: ”I doubt the rogues can rival Riverclan’s swimming prowess — if they can be herded towards the water, pinned on the shore by the other clans while we hide beneath the surface, we could take them by surprise and drag them under…” Shaking his head, he turns his eyes to the other clans. What a strange sight they make, five clans discussing strategy as if they had never used these same plans against one another. ”We are unfamiliar with each other’s territories,” he agrees, nodding to Sparkwing. ”So perhaps we ought to share knowledge of terrain with… tactical advantage.”

Already he’s thinking of cats hiding in the moors’ infamous tunnels, jumping out under the rogues’ paws like devils. It could be terribly effective…

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


XXXXXChilledstar and Flycatcher eye him with interest, but only ask him what he is proposing. The rest of the five Clans begin to verbalize their ideas, and Blazestar listens to each intently. Roeflame, the she-cat from before, adds her voice to Smokethroat’s and surprisingly, Sootstar’s. They must fight together, and though Sootstar is as-ever self-interested, Blazestar finds for once he cannot blame her. He confirms, “All of us must not rest until all five Clans are safe in their own territories once again. StarClan decreed there be five Clans in the forest. We must fight together or not at all.

XXXXXHe listens to the broad-shouldered, red-pelted ThunderClan tom’s idea—each Clan should lead their own charge on their own camps. Blazestar nods. “I agree. I also believe we should attack at night, as Petalnose suggests.” He shifts his weight between paws, blue eyes narrowing in thought. “I think we start with WindClan. Sunstride will lead us there first, and once we claim their camp, Smokethroat will lead us into RiverClan’s. From there, Flycatcher will take us into ThunderClan territory, and last, I will lead the charge on SkyClan’s camp.” He looks around for objections, but his resolve is clear. “We must be organized. I agree with all that’s been said—we must use any means necessary to win our territories back, and we must work together.

XXXXXBlazestar lifts his chin. “SkyClan’s terrain is not suited to stalking or stealth. We have no undergrowth in our forest. You will find yourself in the open unless you utilize our trees to fight.” Part of him loathes to reveal this information, but all of their fates relies on exposing those strengths and weaknesses. “We will not go unprepared.


It doesn't take long for more cats to gather and for more opinions to flood in. Hearing the responses of the cats gathered, he chides himself for not putting the pieces together and assuming such an idea was being formulated. The five clans working seemed like an impossible idea but maybe in this strange and difficult time it could become reality.

"Preparation will be key to our success," Flycatcher hums in agreement with Blazestar's words. The deputy did not take the rogues to be much for strategy but they had quickly outmanoeuvred and overrun the clans one by one. "We must all work together and stand as one united front if we hope to drive the rogues out and have homes for the cats on the journey to return to." He wanted his mate and his daughter as well as the rest of his ThunderClan clanmates to be able to return to camp, and not be forced into hiding here like the rest of them. Flycatcher listens as Snakeblink suggests they share information on the terrain of each clan so they might gain a tactical advantage. He is loathe to agree with the tom but it is a sound idea. "ThunderClan's territory is dense with trees and undergrowth. Our best chance of attack would be to utilise a stealthy approach, flanking them from above ground and in the trees to catch them by surprise."

Despite his disposition- one of eternal terror, of relentless rattling and trembling- Twitchbolt felt steadfast at his leader's side. This wasn't sustainable- any cat with a brain could see it. Chilledstar had made it very known the second they had moved onto the territory- ShadowClan's land could barely sustain the marsh-cats themselves. Every time, the Clans had been outnumbered- but they wouldn't be outnumbered together. Even with sick and dying- even with some on a mission to the mountains, dubious to ever return- there would be enough of them. There had to, or else- or else Twitchbolt would never be able to make his peace with anyone he cared about going.

Deeply, though, he trusted Blazestar and his judgement. Knew he did everything for his love for his Clan, for what he thought was right. To the leader, to his leader, he gave a nod after Smokethroat's rousing question. He would fight, there would be no doubt about it. There was no other option.

Throat dry, he spoke not as he let himself attempt to grasp every iota of the plan, to stick every syllable unmoving in his mind. The rogues would be scattered, no doubt... and though SkyClan would be last, by Blazestar's decree, he hoped that would make him feel even better when they did claim it. A malevolent whisper of pessimism asked him, what if that's where they regroup, and you'll never see your home again?

No, he needed those trees- needed the graves on that territory, the nooks which he would sneak into with Quillstrike for time alone. He would let them shred him to pieces before he gave up. "Those- those with the most experience on the territory... they should be on the ff-frontlines, I think..." Twitchbolt offered, gesturing vaguely with a snowy paw. "Like- like Snakeblink said... lead the rogues to- to- to the most, the most... dangerous opponents." Backup, he could do backup, at least until they got somewhere with trees. Forcing them to the water, to the trees, to the thicket- to WindClan's tunnels.

"We can't give them a chance to unite, too. Stars..." All of a sudden, breathlessness took him. It was really happening- it was the only way, wasn't it?
penned by pin ✧

they're only hesitant for one reason... the aftermath. they know this is a necessary evil. these cats needed to be out of their territory, as much as the rogues needed to be from the other clans homes. this would benefit everyone. this... needed to be done. chilledstar twitched their ears in slight thought, only snorting at windclan. they were the ones who caused their own hatred amongst other clans. still... they would bite their tongue this once. chilledstar only really cared about one thing, and this ordeal certainly prevented them from keeping the promise they made to pitchstar.

"shadowclan does not have a lot of forces but we will help where we can. we will attack under the cover of the night. the rest of you do what you need during the day."

the night training would come in handy, here. this was a skill for shadowclanners alone. no others would be able to blind into the night and slink in silence as they would... and they didn't have time to teach anyone, either.

"we shall fight for everyone. good luck. and make it home safe. the stars do not need to welcome any of you just yet."

they did not want to grief anymore.