pafp doctor doctor, what's my diagnosis? // cleaning the nursery

Oct 3, 2023
warblerpaw & 06 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan apprentice

When Warblerpaw does his chores, he does them quietly - or, more accurately, he does them in silence. It's a relief, to bringing fresh moss and soft reeds to the nursery, rather then have to face the raging river - and honestly, he doesn't even try to hide it. Mismatched eyes seek out familiar figure, paw tapping the ground loudly as he blinks, head jerking in silent ask for where to start. Lilacbird had been in the nursery with Momma' after all - there when Momma' wasn't really herself, when warblerpaw and bitternpaw needed someone to look after them because she just.. couldn't.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

G O D I W I SH I ' D N E V E R S P O K E

// please wait for @Lilacbird to post first
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Her heart went out for Warblerpaws and Bitternpaws mother. She knew the pain of losing someone of ones own. She was unfortunately not kept from the grief and pain of losing a soul far too young. She made it her goal to take care of the other perma queen, and just the same, all the bundles (was there really eleven?) of kittens that ran a ruckus through their home.

And due to the condition of their camp as a whole- there was a lot to do to make the nursery comfortable again. The nests were as parsed together as they could be, but there was still plenty to clear out, holes that needed patched. If it wasn't for when she struggled weaving, and others taking their time to help her learn (apprentices were really smart, weren't they?) she probably still couldn't do it very well. And she wasn't perfect at it, but the perma queen did what she could.

"Oh th-thank stars, war-wa-warblerpaw," she breathed out, a soft smile pulling at her lips as she greeted the younger apprentice. "Uh, we c-could really use help p-p-picking up the rest of the d-debris, c-could you do that wh- while I form these nests?" She asked, really unsure herself where else to start.


The nursery no longer feels like home.

Robinheart flicks her ear in silent greeting to Warblerpaw as the apprentice interacts with Lilacbird. There's not much the tortoiseshell queen can offer as instruction given her denmate has already asked for help clearing the debris. No use in piling more tasks on the apprentice – even if the list of repairs was growing ever longer.

Her paws busy themselves with patching a hole in the wall. Reeds woven with delicate ease, a motion second nature to her now. Robinheart felt she always excelled at the finer arts. Even as an apprentice she could spend all day picking ticks and refreshing nests; patching holes and sorting out the less than fresh catches in the freshkill pile. Her time as a warrior was brief, love planting kits within her only a couple moons after earning her name. So she crafted those fine art skills. Weaving and creating.

It's a small comfort to have within a den now filled with painful memories.

"Don't worry yourself with fixing up my nest, Lilacbird. I'll wait and use it as a teaching moment for my kits. They'll be making their own nests in the apprentice den soon and I want them to feel prepared," Robinheart eventually speaks, her tone soft and bittersweet. Hopefully that would alleviate some of the workload from the permaqueen's shoulders.
[ penned by kerms ]
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Land prey is starting to turn the corner of scarce, the colder moons urging the squirrels and the mice into longer slumbers where they might be able to escape the chill in the air or the snow that will pile high. Merlinpaw has seen snow before, even if he doesn't really remember it. He'd been young, one maybe two moons old at most, and the lingering blanket of white that had coated the ground remains only a faint, foggy memory of poking his nose of of the nursery to glimpse before being ushered back inside where it was warm, surrounded by the bodies of the queens and other kits.

Right now, he carries a small rainbow trout in his jaw, paws and chest still wet from when the fish splashed him on his messy catch, and he makes his way in the direction of the nursery, planning to deliver the meal to any queen or kit who might be hungry. It's one thing to be doing repairs and cleanup all day, but everyone still needs to eat something. He'd go and see to the elders later assuming someone else didn't already.

"Hello..." he greets around the fish, taking quick note of the way everyone present seems to be busy on repairs. "I brought prey... if anyone hasn't eaten yet..." They linger by the entrance, a ghost teetering on the verge of becoming real, allowing themself to be easily turned away to other hungry mouths if so desired. "I can help with repairs. If, uh, if you need it." 'If you want it,' they don't add, not quite that far into their pit of negative self worth that they think no cat wants them around... though they might get there at some point.

  • ooc -

  • #6360c4

  • (img) Merlinpaw * they/him* 9 moons
    mentored by Streamsong
    short furred blue classic tabby w/ low white; brown eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
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Reactions: Deidre

Her eyes are narrowed, slitted, at the nursery as she hesitates in front of it. She can hear Lilacbird and Warblerpaw talking to one another, Robinheart too- her own kits scampered about camp while the warriors and apprentices worked together on making the nursery safe again. But all Claythorn can help to see is a death trap. It's somewhere they all could've drowned, if not for her sharp words reminding Lichenstar they needed to move.

A deep breath follows before she pushes in, just before Merlinpaw arrives, settling materials down in the nearby pile before picking a wall to work on. Her skin prickles uncomfortably, but golden mismatched eyes shifted towards the apprentice that speaks. Head dips appreciatively of the food given, before glancing towards the debris. "Warblerpaw might need help with the debris." Claythorn suggests.

She eyes the fish, and with a wrinkled muzzle turned back to weaving material into the canopy above her head. She's one of the tallest in camp, and the biggest in the nursery, so it's only fair she takes that chunk of work for herself. She didn't want to think about fish. Or eat fish- it reminded her of the water right now, and that... was too much. Claythorn swallows lightly as she works, trying to rid her mind of the thought.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, queen of riverclan, eighteen moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    mated to otterbite / / mother to dark-kit, onyxkit, sparrowkit, eelkit, dropletkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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( ) quiet beside claythorn, the older queen's slender paws carefully and quickly work to patch each hole in the nursery wall. she's well versed in this, having been one to help build this den in the very beginning of the clan, and again after the first flood. that there had been a second one came as no surprise to the woman, but she finds it bittersweet to be cleaning up after it all the same. a tufted ear recognizes the familiar, if faint, voices of robinheart and lilacbird, chatting to warblerpaw behind her, and she turns, offering the dappled apprentice a smile. "thank you for all your help, love," she tells the boy, blinking gratefully as she notes the carefully patched sections warblerpaw has finished. a shadow falls over the doorway, heralding a new arrival, and the night-queen turns, finding merlinpaw with a fish in their jaws.

"greetings, merlinpaw," willowroot waves their tail. "robinheart, have your kits eaten?" they turn, finding their godchildren's mother, eyes soft and questioning. "moonkit, stormkit, and ryekit have, but i'm not certain if claythorn's brood have." they turn their gaze upon the flame licked chocolate tabby. "otherwise, merlinpaw, i'm certain the elders would not turn away the offer. and we'd love to have you help us clear out some of the debris." nodding with claythorn's suggestion, the older molly blinks kindly at the apprentice.

  • // "#91A26C"
  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png
    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.