don't you cry no more [open/return from shelter]



OOC- If you are a shelter cat that is looking to join Skyclan through the plot, please make sure you post your cat in THIS thread to be freed from their cage first. This is so that those running the plot know who to award badges to for participating :)

Johnny had never felt more alive.

Not when he was going toe-to-toe with a coyote that had another cat squealing in it's jaws, not when he'd jumped from one treebranch to another for the first time. The closest thing he could think of was the day he'd lept from the trees to attack the fox that Deersong had been squaring off with, a thrilling freefall that had ended in a collision of bodies and violence.

No, this time the rush was sweetened by the taste of victory that sat heavy on his tongue, despite the ache in his paws from all the cage doors he'd opened that night. It was a soreness he would have happily bore tenfold if it had meant things going even half as well as they had.

Dawns light was trickling into the sky by the time the patrol made their way back into camp, but the returning group as far larger than any of them had expected it would be. As Johnny pushed his way through the entrance and into camp, he was followed not just by his patrolmates and their missing clanmates, but a slew of other cats that they'd also had the luck of being able to set free. He wasn't sure how many of them intended to stay permanently, but in the suddenness of it all he was sure there were many that needed time to get things together.

"Blazestar!" he called as he spotted the tom, eger to report back in. "The mission was a success- for the most part. I couldn't find Grizzlyridge or Sheepcurl anywhere, and Daisyflight... Well, I don't think she's comin' back, sir. But we got everyone else- and I mean everyone."

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Soft paw pads cut and scraped easily against the twigs and rocks that littered the forest floor, and dramatically the she-cat limps behind her rescuers. They seemed fair enough... but her pelt can't help but bristle with distrust, they had been transparent on where they were heading. A whole camp of them.

Theo had every intention of breaking loose from them the moment she had scrambled away from the broken window, but when she looked around, sun glaring into her eyes, she had never felt more lost. Which way was which? Which way was her twoleg girl? Which way was home? I'd do anything to be back! and for this whole nightmare to be over.

Her pelt itches, she had by a miracle been kept mostly safe from pests in the shelter, but now exposed to nature and long grass she felt bugs begin to nestle into her fur and crawl atop her skin. Between the bugs and the sharp sticks and stones, being captured, Theo isn't sure how much she's liking this whole outdoors thing after all... Peanut was right... Theo had sworn he was just a stupid old furball who didn't know what he was talking about. She'd vow to never disobey him again, but even in her current state she knows thats far from true.

Entering what was known as the camp, the scent of SkyClan cat's flood her nose. Johnny heads straight for a large tom-cat, bigger than any feline she's ever seen. Her eyes widen in shock, it didn't shock her at all to hear that the bright-masked cat was their leader. Unsure what to do with herself, Theo awkwardly lowers her belly into the soil, unable to help it her fur bristles and a wild look flicker in her eyes. This was it, were these cats as good as they've led the once trapped felines to believe? Or had they all fallen into some well-plotted trap?
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Reactions: ThistleBack



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
For a she-cat who is typically very weary of strangers, her attention doesn't rest on the large group of kittypets, rogues and loners that now sit in there very camp. She's limping over to the returning patrol with intense speed, her brilliant gaze wide open with both hope but a mixture of fear. What if they hadn't been found?! What if they couldn't escape?!

Grizzlyridge and Sheepcurl were not found.

Greenpaw was going to freak...

And Daisyflight... well, I don't think she's coming back.
Figfeather's eager gaze turns dark and her heart turns into stone before it drops to her stomach. "What? What... what do you mean?! JOHNNY!" The she-cat roars the daylight warrior's name, demanding an answer. Uncontrollably tears begin to spill down her cheeks, the news completely stopping her in her tracks, not even registering that everyone had been found. Her siblings were safe. Who could blame her after receiving such petrifying news? "Where is Daisyflight?! Where is she?!" Figfeather is yowling in despair, it felt like her world was crumbling around her. Daisyflight wasn't coming back? Mom was gone. Gone forever? No more patrols together, no more hunts, no more sharing tongues.

I'll never get to hear her say my warrior name.
I'll never hear her say my name again.

Even before she gets a response from Johnny, anyone, it was clear she was inconsolable. Her heart throbbed before shattering into nettle-sized pieces splintering into her chest.

Figfeather thought that her biggest desire in the world was to have her warrior name, to make her clan proud. Now? All she wants with every fiber of her being is to be a tiny kit again, curled up against her mother's belly.

They were home, they were safe. So many cats were present with them, both familiar and not. So many lost souls had been trapped there and he wavered on unsteady limbs as he joined the crowd upon their entry. Johnny is making his report now, he hears it faintly and his ears flatten; a sickness wells in his stomach.
Daisyflight, I don't think she's coming back...
"She's dead." The spotted tom said quietly, perhaps too quietly, refusing to let the ambiguity linger.
His throat tightened but he'd had his time of mourning in the cage, he didn't want to crumble to pieces again, not when he had promised to watch his siblings; not when he had to tell them the news. The blue tabby remains practically glued to Butterflytuft's side, refusing to leave her even for a moment despite their return, despite the familiar scent of SkyClan filling his senses; despite the freedom. They were home, but at what cost. His golden gaze swept the cats there for his siblings, Figpaw and Greenpaw, Violetpaw too. Were they named warriors already? Was that too taken from him along with his mother?
As selfish as it was, he felt himself getting even more upset at that than anything; that he could not even be named with his siblings, that he had not even taken his assessment. The two-legs had taken everything they could from him and he leaned into his older tortie sibling with deep inhale, weary and uncertain and suddenly Figpaw is there; his sister's grief is heavy and overwhelming and he watches her slip down into it and drown as he had done several days prior. Snowpaw steps forward and gently pushes his head against the side of her face in a silent gesture of his presence but says nothing. What was there to say at all, what was there to even discuss.
They'd always had only Daisyflight and now they had nothing, just eachother and even that had felt strained for so long. The days of kittens playing aimless and free of worries was long gone and the world reminded them once again that reality was bitter and cruel.



The group moved quickly, but that was to be expected. A large group like theirs was bound to attract attention, even moreso once the sun rose and the twolegs came out of their dens. For that reason alone Quill still had the kit dangle from his jaws bit it's scruff, knowing that if he were to leave the fucking scrap that it would likely get trampled beneath the paws of the literal dozens of cats around them. It meant he hadn't exactly been able to talk to the cats he wanted to talk to, and more than once he'd had to force himself not to clench his jaw in frustration and hurt the kit he was carrying.

Instead, he stuck to Twitchbolt like fucking glue. He didn't care how obvious he was making it; Quill was practically pressed against the other cat the other journey back, mismatched eyes sharp and watchful among the group to keep Thistleback, Butterflytuft, and Bananasplash well within sight, purposefully stearing Twitchbolt[/i] at times in order to keep them all near to each other in the crowd.

By the time the forest came into view his heart was racing with adrenaline to finally be home, and a short time later when their paws were finally touching the ground in camp, Quill felt like he could kiss the dirt under his fucking feet in relief. With a soft huff he gently dropped the kit onto the ground between his paws before glancing around. "Who's in the nursery right now? I've got an extra one for you." he called with a hint of annoyance, not all that pleased to having been roped into carrying some brat the entire time.

It was fine though. They were back and he could focus on the things he actually wanted to focus on- no offense kid.

"Come on. I bet there's a squirrel on the freshkill pile. You can eat while I get some of these knots out." he said as he leaned into Twitchbolts space, gently licking at a patch of tangled fur behind their ear, as if it had personally offended him and couldn't be left alone any longer.

He did pause a moment though to glance toward Bananasplash, regarding the shecat with an unreadable look. "Can we talk later? It's important." he said, tail shifting to rest against her flank.

OOC- tagging @Artorias Abysswalker since Quill is his current chauffer, and @Bananasplash since he's talking to her:)

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

How long has it been?

It felt like eons had passed but really it has been maybe thirty days, ten hours and twenty six minutes- but who keeps track anyway?

Large paws pounded on the forest floor as a blue tabby found its' way along the familiar earthen path, tail stream lining behind the large figure as the wait to get back couldn't be held back much longer. Of course, they did slow down a couple of times to allow Johnny to the forefront, but idle paws made the large cat bounce in place from unused energy. Then there was the gorse tunnel and the feeling of it brushing against long furred coat once more was a feeling that would never be forgotten. The warm scents of home, of Skyclan.

Though the focus on the clearing was replaced by green eyes searching, desperately, for a pelt of the softest white and the more fiery of oranges. There was a slight cold wash over a white chest as the large blue tabby lapped at it for a few moments unsure of what to do with himself. He didn't see her right away, had she been in the patrol and he just hadn't seen her? Those olive hues looked back towards the patrol as they filtered in and that cold feeling deepend as there was no white fur or soft chocolate eyes.

A brow furrowed and an ear twitched slightly before paws moved across packed dirt flooring for the warriors' den. Covering in a throng of ferns and brambles, he pushed through the den entrance and found their nests huddled in the corner- they where stale. Both where staling. Ashenclaw opened his mouth for a moment to call out for her as he exited the den, but stopped short when he spotted whtie fur in the peep holes of the nursery.

The nursery?

Ashenclaw padded towards the thorn-covered den, had she been protecting it in case the twolegs found camp?

Regardless, the thought of why she was there flew through his mind like the wind as he rushed for the nursery. Carefully padding up to it once closer and peered into the den entrance to see a soft white face sleeping peacefully. Though her face was all but smooshed up against the brambles, and that olive gaze softened from strict worry to something kinder. Ashenclaw ducked down his head to walk into the nursery and approached the sleeping form of a cat he never thought he'd get to see. Someone he thought about daily and counted the minutes until they reunited, if they ever did.


The pale tabby cat moved to gently press his nose into her orange shoulder fur and gave a soft purr, "Ora? My darling light," He spoke softly as if not to wake her but he so desperately wanted her to open her eyes. To look at him and give some sort of swat or something just to let him know she was okay. That they where okay.

As Ashenclaw stood there though, he seemed to notice something strange about Orangeblossoms' sleeping form; she smelled..sweeter? Like milk and warmth, and that was odd. She usually reminded him of the Earth, strong and mighty, or a gentle rainstorm. Was she sick? He wasn't sure what sickness smelled like really, maybe they should see Firefly or Dawnglare? He lifted a large paw to cradle her face with it, trying to gently pull it from the bramble as this couldnt be a comfortable angle to sleep at.

A soft look creased his maw with a smile, and he nuzzled her cheek sweetly, "My sunshine, wake up, I'm home"


✦ ★ ✦

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The walk home was quiet.

Watching as Quillstrike stuck to Twitchbolt like he was the last living creature on the planet made the heart ache. A head was low hanging as the figure trodded along the winding path, not even looking to where they where going and more so just following what pawsteps they saw out of the corner of their eye. A chipped ear flicked back against a narrow head, mossy grene eyes down turned to the grass below and not a word was uttered from the chattering cat that use to be.

What would become of them now?

Their twolegs had abandoned them, left them to rot in the shelter where their demise could've well been met like Daisyflight. Speaking of, Snowpaw was the first to speak upon returning to camp and stated that the former deputy had passed away. Twolegs had taken her, had taken so many will to live and need to grow. They didn't seem to do as much good as thought of beforehand, and they hated to state it but maybe Slate was right; twolegs made one weak.

Bananasplash didn't even raise her head when they entered camp, what was the point? There was not place for them to be here at night. Maybe they could head home? Cloudberrythorn and her, they could return back to their twolegs and it would be an entire misunderstanding. Yet some part of her, some logical stance in her, told her that wasn't the case. That they had done it on purpose and now- now she didn't know who she was anymore.

Tears started to well in mossy hues as she stood there, letting cats pass her like fish down stream, and there was a rushing in her ears as her heart started to bound harder in her chest. Bananasplash sat down where she stood and gave a soft sob as she couldn't hold it in any longer. Fear welled behind her eyes, and she was ready to collapse to the ground and start bawling like a kitten for its mother though everything seemed to stop. Liek time had frozen in itself as she felt a tail touch her flank and it caused her to jolt her head upright to look up into dual colored eyes.

She blinked, a few tears rolling down her pale tabby cheeks.


A pause, a brief moment of comfort, before the intiial break. Bananasplash tilted her head to the side for a second before nodding in agreement, but she hadn't know what he had said or well she caught the gist of it after the fact. A talk? What did they have to talk about? Was this it? He was going to let her down gently for Twitchbolt? She knew the day would come but she didn't think it'd be that fast or after something so- horrific.

Then she turned away from the patched tabby cat for a corner of the camp instead, curling around herself and facing away from the rest of the group.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

"Unhand me or I'll gnaw your face off!" The ginger kitten squealed, voice pitched and panicked and green gaze darting around for whoever was currently carrying his brother because that was all he cared about right now. Had they left him? If they had then they woule RUE THE DAY THEY CROSSED ARTORIAS THE ABYSSWALKER! He would destroy them for all they were worth, mangle their bones and topple their kingdoms, no one would evade his wrath! As he swung from the dark tom's maw he flailed his paws around in a wild gesture, tail twitching and voice crying for blood, for murder, "MEW MEW MEW MEW!"

[] Spiderpaw trailed along with the patrol into camp, a cacophony of sound surrounding her—Johnny's eager calls, the murmuring of the shelter-cats, the screeching of kits, pawsteps of those searching for their loved ones, and so many wails of grief. The smoke herself seemed unable to muster any of her trademark venom for the whole situation; mostly, the apprentice just felt tired. She had no family to grieve for, no loved ones to greet; the whole ordeal of the patrol had sapped much of her strength and the spot between her shoulders where she'd caught that idiot, idiot kit was needling her with soreness. It was as though all the rush and important feelings of the moonhigh rescue patrol had dissipated like mist once the sun rose and they returned.

The smoky shecat was aware of her origins; one of the interchangeable queens of her youth had informed her of her unceremonious dumping in camp by some kittypet. Normally, this didn't bother Spiderpaw even remotely—after all, she was great without needing any foxhearted kittypet 'mother' towing after her. But ... standing in camp, bones weary, watching her Clanmates—Ashenclaw flinging himself around looking for Orangeblossom, multiple cats grieving Daisyflight, Quillstrike and Twitchbolt being Quillstrike and Twitchbolt ... Spiderpaw would be loath to admit it, but, well, it stung.
Whatever. Whatever! The smoke stalked over to just outside the apprentices' den, sitting to groom her mussed fur. She didn't need to mope around with a bunch of idiots wailing and crying and touching each other. She would be the best one day, and you didn't get there being a softheart—they should be grateful they were in her damn presence, because she was going to get out. She was going to rise above all this shit. Wasn't she?


// all opinions are purely ic lol <3
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( ) The entire waiting period had been nothing but torture for the cream and mocha molly, paws practically searing a path into the ground with her pacing. How could she not worry? Thistleback was out there risking himself to get their clanmates back, his words to Coyotepaw still buzzing in her ears.

He had to come back. He would be successful, along with Johnny and the others. Because the Molly had no idea what she would do if she lost him. The thundering sound of pawsteps caused her head to whip towards the entrance, and she almost passed out as pure relief crashed over her like a wave. Her gaze flickered from pelt to pelt, registering that Johnny looked mostly unharmed before spotting two of the many pelts she was searching for.

"Snowpaw! Quillstrike!" Her call was boarding on a wail of relief as she bounded over to them, though her paws would skid to a stop as her former apprentice spoke, announcing that Daisyflight was dead. She wanted to vomit, the grief clashing with the relief in such an intense way that she didn't know which one truly caused the tears that pricked her eyes.

She would stare at Snowpaw, desperate to meet his gaze just so she could wordlessly show him how relieved she was that he was home, that he was safe, and that she was sorry for his loss. Deersong wouldn't approach him though, he would need time with his littermates after all of this and maybe he still wanted nothing to do with her anyway.

Swallowing the lump that was growing in her throat, she turned and found Quillstrike again as he said something to Bananasplash and Twitchbolt. Allowing relief to overwhelm her again she would hurry towards him and meow in a voice far weaker and filled with far more emotion than she had intended.

"Hey there, Starchild."

She moved as if to embrace him, but would seem to hesitate. After everything, perhaps her old friend would want some space. Her senses were still straining for signs of her mate, every second of his absence making her more and more nervous, but Johnny seemed happy, proud even, of their triumph. So surely Thistleback was somewhere among the growing clowder, right?

Spotted @Snowpaw but no interaction
Interacting with @QUILLSTRIKE
Searching for @ThistleBack


Greeneyes springs to his paws at the sound of Johnny's voice breaking through the camp. The rescue patrol! They were back!

His heart pounds as Johnny's voice continues speaking, a breath held as he awaits what news the patrol brings back. A success, he claims. The rescue patrol was a success. Which meant --

His family. Sheepcurl.

They were back too. They were home.

Quickly, he moves forward, weaving between his clanmates to greet his missing loved ones. His mother, his mentor. His siblings. Soon he'd be reunited with them in the safety of their camp. Soon things would be okay again. They were home. They were home.

But as finds himself face to face with the rescuers and their rescued - as Greeneyes searches the returning crowd - the warrior's gaze falls upon more faces that he can't recognize than those he can. "Wait -- Where's...?"

Johnny only continues speaking - a delivery of news that strikes him twice, leaves his world crumbling further. His ears ring, his lungs tighten.

"Couldn't find... Sheepcurl anywhere..."

"What do you --"

"Daisyflight... don't think she's coming back."

"What are you talking about? She wouldn't leave! She'd... She'd come back with you!" He doesn't realize he's shouting until Figfeather's shouting beside him. Louder. Wailing.

Greeneyes knows then - by the despair of his sister - that Daisyflight is gone. The young warrior doesn't know why, or how, but, no longer would he see his mother within the camp. No longer would he hold hope that his family would be able to go back to normal. She is gone forever, without a chance to hear her children's full names.

His name. A curse that's taken another, festered too close to home, and stolen his mother. His mentor too. His world has fallen, and Greeneyes can't breathe.

A blur of grey and white moves in the corner of his gaze. His eyes go wide when he looks over to see his brother pressed into the side of Figfeather.

"Snow..." he chokes out, venom-hued gaze clouding with tears as he moves to press against grey and white fur himself. Butterflytuft, she must be somewhere around too, right? Must be, for Johnny hasn't declared her lost too, but Greeneyes can't be sure, as a grief-filled blur sets in.

It's another happy moment stolen from him by grief - as his clanmates get to reunite with their loved ones, their families whole once more.

They say bad things come in threes, but Greeneyes thinks his curse has lost count.
In the usual show of stubbornness, Orangeblossom had resolved herself to staying up until the rescue patrol came home. While she was not on the night guard, the queen was determined to be among the first to greet her homecoming Clanmates ... or the first to offer a solution to more of them being taken. Unfortunately, growing kittens took a lot out of a queen and, after having not taken a nap before sundown she'd fallen asleep at some point with her face smooshed against the entrance to the den.


Johnny's voice startles her awake with an undignified snort, breaking the quiet of dawn. She leans away from her sleeping post with half her fur sticking up, blinking brown eyes blearily as cats stream into camp. Only about half of them are familiar, but among the mixed pelts one of them stands out; storm-swirled and white, green-eyed and searching, a lot closer than she'd expected but that just makes it real...

Were she not notably pregnant, heavy-pawed and wary, the deputy might have thrown herself at Ashenclaw and bowled him over. As it goes, Orangeblossom crashes into him with barely restrained enthusiasm and a wail of relief, pressing her face into the white fur at her mate's neck. She squeezes brown eyes shut as she takes a few heartbeats to just ... take him in. To ground herself in the familiar presence. Her nose wrinkles at the weird smell on him, something absent that she can't put her paw on amid the overwhelm of having him back. Here, in SkyClan, with her.

"You smell different." She mumbles into his fur. "I missed you so much."

She's so lost in the reunion that she doesn't immediately notice Quillstrike nearby with an unfamiliar, protesting kitten; but Figfeather's yowl of anguish snaps her back to reality and she jerks away from Ashenclaw with a claw-slice of guilt through her heart to face her Clan.

Instinctively, brown eyes scan the crowd for her siblings, looking for familiar cream and blue smoke- and while she doesn't approach, she sags with relief at the sight of Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn among the throng of cats. They were home safe, thank StarClan - she's sure Blueberrybounce would be making a beeline for his littermates soon enough. She's sure she can see a familiar chocolate calico among the crowd, surprised and relieved by Howlpaw's return - but as Figfeather crouches, tail tucked close to her as she faces Johnny, she knows something has gone desperately, irreversibly wrong.

// mobi
The walk home is silent as she remains pressed against Snowpaw. He seems so much older now - when did that happen? When did her kit-brother become one who loomed over her and had to comfort her? Even his eyes seem older, tired. They're all tired. She presses closer to him, her cheek pushing into his neck, seeking her kin's comforting scent. It's been the first time she could touch him in, what, a moon? And in that time they'd lost their mother without even being able to hold one another to cry.

She feels the nudges From Quillstrike, her eyes shifting to see him and Twitchbolt. Thank StarClan they're still here. She doesn't know what she'd do if she'd lost her mother and her dearest of friends. She offers them a small smile, a brush of her tail to their heels, but it isn't enough to remove the solemn air hanging over their heads.

When they finally arrive in camp, Butterflytuft immediately seeks out the rest of her siblings. It's Figpaw's shouts that draw her attention first, her ears pinning back and her shoulders slumping as she leans into her haunches. Cowering. She's cowering away and she knows she can't, not now. With Snowpaw, she strides forward with her face already contorting into an anguished expression. She's crying again, this time with all of her family. Leaning into Greenpaw and Figpaw and Snowpaw, eyes searching for Violetpaw, and in the back of her mind, Dandelionwish. She needs everyone. She can't be alone right now. Cries rip from her throat once more as her face buries into the pelts of her younger siblings.
  • Crying
Reactions: DetectLife and ABRI


Before anything has a chance to go any farther, his words are being met with cries of confusion and outrage. He was already half-expecting it when he realized he would have to break the news, but it felt harsher hearing it in person, and he flinched visibly at Figfeathers demanding shout of his name. He was exhausted and his paws ached from fiddling with metal latches all night, but the sound of her voice hurt more than any of that.

"I'm sorry." he replied, molten eyes falling from her gaze in shame. "We were too late. I didn't see what happened to her myself, but.." the others, the seemed to certain. And there hadn't been time to stay and check every single room in that place, or to hunt through all the twoleg homes looking for her. Even if it left him filled with regret.

Greenpaws voice was filled with disbelief and confusion as they spoke next, and the bobtails knuckles flexed anxiously at the realization that he hadn't brought home Sheepcurl to them either. He knew that realistically he couldn't save them all, and that to get away with the amount they had was nothing short of miraculous, but it didn't stop the sting of having to count the losses any less, especially when you were the one in charge of delivering the news. But it was his mission, and he wouldn't push the responsibility off on anyone else.

"I would have brought her back if I could have. All of them. I'm sorry." he knew it wouldn't mean much, that it wouldn't replace what any of them had lost, but worthless words were all he had for them. Not even any sense of closure as to what happened, and he hated it.

His ears are ringing, he realizes.

Fireflypaw listens as cats are reunited with their mates and friends, his ears straining to hear a familiar voice- he was so close to giving up, so close to believing that maybe that Rogue did kill Howlpaw. So close to believing that he was alone now, with all of his other siblings hating him in another Clan. The ground feels hollow beneath his paws, an ache in his chest simmering. Something in him was missing, lost; Morningpaw's death a reminder of how wrong things could go.

And so he waits, holding his breath in case he misses a sound. He can hear the blood pumping in his ears, but finds no comfort in the returning of his clanmates like he usually would. They were safe, he was happy about that, but his sister.. "Where is my sister?" His voice comes out hoarse, nervousness riddled in his tone. Was she alive? Or dead? He waited for the news..
❪ TAGS ❫ — Trailing in after the return patrol was the burly Maine Coon, gaze lowered to the ground and his stride lacking in its usual arrogance and self-assuredness. He had not said a word since they all left; the fact that throngs of strange cats had followed them home hadn't even quite registered with him yet.

As they enter camp, things get louder. Cats who had only known the streets or the cold walls of the shelter stood in an unfamiliar camp, confused and uncertain about their future. Kits without mothers were mewling for attention and comfort. Kin grieving the loss of their beloved Daisyflight, warriors grieving the loss of their fellow warrior Grizzlyridge.

If it weren't for Slate, it was highly likely that none of them would be here. However, Slate doesn't feel entitled to any sense of recognition or praise for the vital information he had shared. He's just exhausted.

The horrible processed slop still stews in his belly like a weighted stone, though it has provided him with enough energy to make it back to SkyClan. Slate glances around wearily, eyes sunken from a lack of sleep and fur tangled and disheveled from an inability to properly groom himself in the small space. "Clover...?" Slate manages, his voice only drowned by the sea of clamors.

They were all back.
Like wildfire the news tears through the camp, cats rise to stand and rush to the edge and one by one he sees the caravan of several cats march forward from the forest to greet them; countless cats, more than they had lost for certain and many wearing the collars of kittypets so blatantly displayed on their necks. Had the two-leg stolen other two-leg's pets? Did their cruelty know no bounds? Dandelionwish finds himself briefly paralyzed in fear, afraid to approach and begin scanning the cats because he had told Butterflytuft they would all be alright but now when faced with the reality of it all he wavered. Would he get close and realize in horror they were missing some, would he search the endless sea of different colored pelts for the orange and black monarch butterfly spotting only to find it not there? What would he do then, he wondered. The world already felt so empty at times, he often woke in the dead of night to memories of eyes being clawed out and cats vomitting shadows onto his paws, of fire overtaking him in a field of dandelions and everything layered with soot. A sick sensation fills the pit of his stomach like the way he feels when a nightmare rouses him from his slumber, but Dandelionwish swallows it down and stands to follow his clanmates; joining the swarm of voices calling names and eyes frantically searching for something familiar and he finally spots her. Hunched over, leaning into her younger siblings and crying in a way he knows is not joy of a reunion. Then he hears the murmurs of the crowd, "...Sheepcurl and Grizzlyridge are still missing!", someone says and another replies back, "At least they aren't confirmed to be dead, like Daisyflight."
Daisyflight. Daisy.

Oh no. He remembers jokingly telling the tortie how funny that they both had mothers named Daisy, how he often missed his. Now they would have something else in common and he wished, so desperately, they didn't.
The pale brown tom stood there, staring and uncertain, wanting to comfort but not wanting to intrude upon the little familiars grief but when Butterflytuft raises her head and briefly meets his mismatched gaze he impulsively walks forward to tuck his nose behind her ear in reply.
"I'm so sorry..."
He had lied to her.

-interacting with @butterflytuft

Finally, after so long away, Howlpaw was finally coming home. It had been a hard few weeks that she had spent away from her family, home, and everything she had held dear. So many times she had been close to giving up and consigning herself to a new life as a kittypet, but now she was free and she was going to be reunited with all of the things she thought she would never see again.

She follows close to the patrol of returning cats, noting a few new faces among their number. Howlpaw imagined a few of their clanmates might have something to say about that but she doubted Blazestar would turn them away if they chose to stay. As they trekked back through familiar woods, Howlpaw looked around in delight, drinking in the sights of her home as though she were a kit seeing the world for the first time. The only time Howlpaw breaks apart from the group of returning cats is when she spots the familiar landmarks close to camp and the smells of SkyClan welcome her home. Howlpaw gets carried away in her awe at being home, so much so that winds up lagging behind and has to pick up her speed just to get back with the returning cats. She explodes into camp, a blur of patchwork brown, before barely coming to a stop in front of one of the returning cats. Howlpaw's head whips around in search of two faces in particular. "Dad! Fireflypaw!" She calls out, voice so loud it would be a miracle if it wasn't heard all the way in ShadowClan. "It's me Howlpaw! I'm home!" Howlpaw hasn't even seen her family yet but the tears are starting to fall. And then suddenly she sees him - Fireflypaw. Her breath catches and she stares at him, unable to take her eyes off of him. He's grown since the last time they saw each other, and so has she in truth, both of them growing into their features more though Howlpaw seems more skinny due to her reluctance to eat. She takes a wary step forward. "Fi...?" Howlpaw's voice cracks as she sees him, unable to shake the emotion from her voice. She doesn't wait for him to respond before launching herself at him, butting her head against his own and purring so loud the vibrations would surely shake the ground itself.

@Fireflypaw @BLAZESTAR
  • Crying
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He had barely spoken for the duration of the walk home, stuck close to Quillstrike's side. The chimera tom had a kitten-scruff stuffed in his maw, a screeching and whirling one that did not appear happy to be carried in such a manner- but they couldn't just leave a kitten, could they? Had he been in better spirits, Twitchbolt might have found the ordeal of ornery cargo funny, but- as he was steered on his path by Quillstrike, his mind could not help but wander to what they were leaving behind. Daisyflight. Whisked away with a yowl, and... never to be seen again. He knew her well- only death would have kept her away from her family for this long.

Dread raked claws across his stomach as they neared home. His eyes lingered on Butterflytuft and Snowpaw knowing only a portion of their grief. He'd always thought they were lucky to have a mother like her, one who listened, was interested, was encouraging. Twitchbolt knew what it was like to grieve a mother, but he could imagine it was an even worse pain to grieve a good one.

How wonderful it was to see familiarity, and yet- he'd been playing the reactions in his mind, what could and would happen when Figpaw, Greenpaw and Violetpaw found out what had happened to her. Their screams- when he heard Figpaw scream like that, his ears lay flat against his head. He fell against Quillstrike for a moment, eyes fastening shut and a twitch flicking his ear like a fly-swat. Trembling- always trembling. He didn't know what to do. Whether he should join them- later he might be able to approach Butterflytuft, but... the rest of them? Would they even want him to grieve with them? He was not her son. He did not know what it was like.

Quillstrike's touch reeled him in from his stupor- a knot in the matted mass of his mane, brushed through and worked out. He'd missed it. Missed him, even though there had only been a steel wall separating them. And- the way he knew he would want a squirrel and nothing else... tightening his jaw, he quickly touched his muzzle to Quillstrike's neck. "As- as long as I c-can do you afterwards." Quillstrike was nowhere near as unkempt as he, but- it would be nice to return the favour, and the taller chimera needed to eat just as well as he did. "I'll be- be back in a sec. Just need to..." Trailing off, he tilted his head in the direction of Daisyflight's children, meeting his friend's mismatched gaze before padding over to where they sat, already feeling tears building in his eyes.

It was not long before they fell, great streams slicking down the spiky fur on his face. Dandelionwish strode forward to meet his monarch-patterned friend, and- Twitchbolt stopped on her other side, bowing his head and spilling splitting sobs, squeaking and scraping against his throat. He did not say anything. There was nothing to be said that wouldn't be pointless, obvious. Of course he was sorry. Of course he would miss her.

Letting himself break down alongside them, he squeezed his eyes shut, tighter and tighter until it hurt. Later he would try and feel better, sat with Quillstrike and enjoying a meal together for the first time in a moon, but now all he needed was to let himself fall to pieces.
penned by pin ✧
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The trek back felt like a marathon. It'd been a while since she'd fully stretched her legs, and boy, did she feel it. She'd somehow found herself near the back of the group, her steps falling soft and slow. She wasn't exactly itching to get to...wherever these cats were taking them. Their home. Whatever. So she kept her head down, eyes firmly fixed below as she walked. She wasn't sure if they'd even allow her and the million other outsiders they'd collected a few days respite, considering the amount of extra mouths to feed. It was something Hawk hoped for, however. The rage and adrenaline that had electrified her veins had all but faded away, leaving her drained. Exhausted. She could probably sleep for a whole moon if they let her.

The sound of a kit mewling indignantly caught her attention, and as she fixed her stony green gaze on the squirming ball of fur, her expression softened. Briefly, it also flickered with sadness. She could empathise with the uncertainty they were feeling. It floated on the air, so much she could taste it, and she knew the other shelter cats felt it too. These clan cats really didn't leave anyone behind. At least she knew that the little ones would be taken in, they wouldn't have brought them if they were just going to send them away. Not like they could fend for themselves.

Like all journeys, this one eventually came to its end. With their arrival announced, the clan cats began to talk amongst themselves, calling out for loved ones. Those with losses had finally succumbed to their grief. For just a moment, Hawk's stare lingered on the devasted group of family members. Daisyflight? That was her name? And just like after the incident, she felt a pang of sorrow in her own chest. Just like after the incident, she wanted to do something, anything, to help ease their pain - if only to ease her own. It seemed much more solid now that there was a name. What she felt was barely a sliver to what they were feeling, but the injustice of it all was not lost on her either. She still didn't know what to do with this, if she could do anything at all.

Settling a short ways away from the group of clan cats, she hunched over into herself. Her gaze remained downcast. Once again, she asked herself the same question she'd been asking her whole life. What will become of me now?