SURFACE PRESSURE [skyclan rescue attempt/OPEN]

Thistleback’s hackles bristle with excitement, with each coat filtering into view he flashes a victorious grin but he hears Snowpaw’s voice, ducking in time he spots Johnny prying at the cage lock. Daisyflight…she’s….she’s gone., unflinching outwardly sure, but knocked the wind out of him. Absolutely. He tried to focus on the others fiddling with cages, as Butterflytuft and Snowpaw appear below the window he would usher with a rotation of wrist. " come-come… let’s get you out of this hellish place " he whispers around the swell of his throat, the rise of emotion, he touches his tail to Snowpaw’s flank in passing. A wordless apology, a wordless embrace but time was clawing the sensitive skin of opportunity.

A loud clang resonates making Thistleback growl low and flinch, he peers in the darkness and Bananasplash emerges. " easy- easy. Spiderpaw is down there, go " he whispers, spacing his hocks in case he needed to help her up. Next.

Slate was wasting no time, Thistleback whips his nose in greeting. " welcome back " he whispers, pointing his tail to the cats below streaking across the ground on Spiderpaw’s command. His ear twitching to the rise of mewls and hisses, the voices of strangers begging for freedom. Hey don’t forget about me!.

Twitchbolt with Quillstrike emerges and stops with a small pair of legs dangling from his maw and stops to issue the edges of a scolding. Took him long enough it did. " fashionably late" he grunts soft, relief flooding his heart and threatening to soften his edge before his former apprentice who presses his head against his shoulder affectionately, the piebald tilts his chin down to touch his nose to Quillstrike’s ear. " get your arse out of here " he purrs, refocusing on his task.

An unfamiliar appears next, Thistleback’s natural scowl peers down at her but he rotates his paw to usher her up onto the ledge. Placing his paw on the jagged edges of the glass to shield from their paws. " carry on. careful. " he says to Hawk. Two more unfamiliars appear, another kit in the jowls. He keeps is paw in place against the teeth of the glass, should the strangers trod clumsy sure it would pierce his paw but he wouldn’t let out a risky noise.

" mind the edges. Let’s go. " he whispers his order with another wince, the sound of clinking metal never before driven into his nerves as it does now.

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    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Everything was getting so much louder and pocket was worried about the no furs coming before he was released, before everyone who wanted out was released.

The blue bow on his neck was crumpled a bit, rubbing it onto the cage bars. A grey and white cat was next to his cage, and he nodded, too nervous to add voice from his open maw.

He backed up from the cage as the much bigger cat fidgited with the lock. It was a long few moments, and a loud noise came from it, making him want to cover his ears. But, he had to escape. There was not a lot of time to waste. "Th-thank you!" he said, slowly climbing out of the cage.

He would hop down with ease, trying to follow the other cats to the window. It looked... so high up. Normally there were curtains, or tables that he could use to get up there.

He crouched down, mustered all of his strength to leap up to the window. He managed to get his claws dug into something, but, the grip was awkward and he could feel himself slipping back down. He had to prove to Skyclan he can join them! He had to!

So the tabby would use his back paws and dig into the wall to hoist himself the rest of the way.

But the way down... looked so far...

There was a black and white cat there, and a bunch that could see him if he made a mistake. The marbled tom would have to take the risk, his small form shoving himself forward and hoping that "all cats land on their feet" was a true thing his mother told him.

જ➶ He watches from his cage, a bit of relief flaring in his chest at the fact that she promises him that she wouldn't leave him behind. He nodes to Tallulahwing, a molly he doesn't know but he gives trust anyway. But as time moves on he watches as so many others are freed. They move forth, opening the cages of others and he waits for his own to open. He shifts, winces and then sits and glances toward where many are headed. To a window it seems. To freedom. He shifts his paws back and forth and he parts his jaws. Though he does not know what to say except for waiting his own turn to get out of this place. To leave this shelter behind and continue on his journey to find his father.
  • Crying
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Tallulahwing watches the stream of cats go by her, some snatching complaining kits and others shooting straight for the window without saying a word. Her pale eyes dart to the first cat who'd spoken to her, the fluffy tri-colored tom who watches and waits silently. Her paws are more skilled this time, and she removes the latch without making a sound.

"Go on, darlin'," she murmurs. "Follow the crowd."

Another cat catches her eye, next to the grouchy elderly queen. Tallulahwing had heard her clearly -- free the others first. She bounds closer to the nervous-looking feline beside her and with a similarly smooth movement, frees him, too. "Almost ready to join your friends, Missy?" She gives the unknown-to-her Ivy a grin.

// rolled a 4
released @DAMSEL and @Bunny


Hawk didn't even have time to respond to the torbie's hypocorism - Missy. Not too sure how she felt about that - before the whine of the opening cage door announced her freedom. If she wasn't so hyped up on adrenaline, her legs would've turned to slime right there out of pure relief. Tentatively, as if expecting the open doorway to be some kind of apparition (pellet food-induced fever dream?), the shecat placed one dainty white paw just outside her enclosure. Solid, as it should be. And no cold web in the way to slow her advance.

As she was given the command to flee, she'd huff with minor annoyance. Don't need to tell me twice.

"Cream, black and white, woman. Got it," Hawk said, maneuvering herself closer to the edge. Alternatively, she could just follow all the other cats fleeing in the same direction. Whatever works. Before she left the side of then-unknown Tallulahwing, the tortie paused. Her eyes were fixated on the moving bodies of other escaping felines, as if looking at the torbie directly was too much.

"Thanks." she muttered gruffly. With that, Hawk launched herself away from that horrific metal box, and after the other fleeing cats.


"Hey, spiky! Wake up! We're being busted out of here!" Another solid kick landed on the wall next to him, the metal rippling and booming in an echoing reverberation to the commotion but not enough to raise too much alarm; just enough to wake his sleeping companion. He'd been hearing those forest cats muttering about their 'clan' for days and thought nothing of it but apparently they had been right to be so optimistic; cats able to pop open cages like nothing? It was impressive and a little daunting to see if he was being entirely honest with himself. Wolf rolled to stand, moved to the cage to peer out of it with narrowed darkblue eyes and waited his turn in the line-up of escapees. "Oi, over here!"
It looked like he wouldn't have to murder Rush for his stupid antics afterall, but he was still going to trounce him into the ground the second they got out of her, stomp his paws all over his foolhead to make himself feel better. It was a special kind of therapy.

-Waking up @Rushwind
This place is all that Mouser's known for years now. A whole lifetime of it, it'd seem. And here at the end of it, there's this. Hope before him. All around him. And he can only feel tired of it. The cats make a racket as they open cage after cage, and all at once the old tom is mourning the lives they could've led. Comfortable with twolegs that loved them. Would care for them. Warm beds and full bellies. Was their companionship worth it? Was their life in the wild worth their suffering? How many of them do not truly know what awaits them out there? Mouser does. If only for a time, he had lived on those streets. He had known the suffering. Felt it crumple his bones, felt the stinging aching pain that would never again leave him.

He would not find a home. They would leave him here until his life got even worse, and he'd pass in the dark like the molly they mourned. But Mouser, at least, would leave without a fight. "You're all awfully sure this is the right thing to do." Standing up at the front of his cage, the aged tom watches them all with wary interest. "Best find a way to quiet down everyone, or those twolegs'll be here right quick."

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    ooc: sighs. mouser won't ask to be freed. someone just. force him out, pretty please. he'll go if someone asks nicely, though i am not opposed to him being literally dragged
  • mm_trim_fix.png
    ──── monsieur mouser, casually known as mouser.
    ──── elderly shelter cat. dmab male, and neutered.
    ancient as he is, life alone is a miracle for mouser. but when one takes in the extent of his scars, it becomes even more so. his dark, silvery-tinged fur is broken up by heavy scarring along his back leg and tail, with one bright yellow eye turned glossy with blindness.
  • "speech"



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Strange cats swarm the building and before the tiny feline has time to realize what they are up to yowls of triumph and relief are sounded. Cats scream, don't forget me! I'm over here! and hey, you! Get me out of here! Theo's heart pounds against her chest, she yearns to yowl with them but instead instinct keeps her huddled in the back of her cage, her pelt almost entirely consumed by shadow. The torbie did not know these cats... not like so many of the other trapped cats seemed to. How could she trust them even if they did grant her freedom?

If any cat looks into her cage, they are greeted with a defensive hiss and narrowed pale green eyes, her gaze as sharp as claws.

//shes scared but def do please free her :D


OOC- Rolled an 8, gets to open 2 cages!

With every cat set free Johnny felt the rush in his blood increase. He felt like he was getting away with murder, only in this case instead of something horrible he was doing something crazy for the greater good of his clan- and he kind of loved it.

Two more cages open under the work of quick, skilled paws, the doors swinging open gently to let both @CHALK and @CHEDDAR !! out of their prisons. "The handsome brute in the window there will make sure you guys get out. Go on, now!" he ordered, already stepping away to find the next cat in need of help. He wasn't going to leave a single one behind, not as long as time was still on their side.

  • Wow
Reactions: ThistleBack

[] As the sound of desperate mews and clanging cages continued to form a hellish din, Spiderpaw tilted her ears back against the sound but continued ushering cats through. The SkyClanners were long waiting in her chosen brush-patch and now there were utterly unknown cats streaking across the damp earth to the bushes. It must be cramped as the blue hell in there, yeuch, the apprentice thought; she rolled her eyes at the release of so many cats they were now somewhat responsible for—if these pesky newcomers affected her in any way she'd make them sorry they ever stepped their paws outside those damn cages. The sight of a few kits so young they had to be carried elicited an internal disgust from Spiderpaw; she wasn't totally heartless, and how could the Twolegs lock up such little things without their mothers or anything? The black smoke had never known her own mother, but she'd still had the queens of the Clan to more-or-less rear her.

There was a small clamor from the cats she was currently shepherding; Spiderpaw followed the assorted gazes to see possibly the tiniest kit she'd ever seen, little blue ribbon and all, toddling along the windowsill, bunching its haunches—oh, shit. "Move it, mousebrains," Spiderpaw hissed, weaving between a pair of recent escapees; the shecat arrived seemingly just in time, feeling the impact of the kit between her shoulder blades, knocking the wind out of her and landing her on her stomach in the grass. Shit, that's embarrassing. The smoke scrambled to her paws, feeling the tiny thing slide off her back, and turned her glare onto it as though it hadn't been entirely her choice to go save the idiot thing, "What the hell were you thinking? Thistleback's up there for a reason, kit," The 'kit' is spat between her jaws like it has a bad taste the minute she has the breath—catching the stupid thing has already ruined her fur, no doubt, and she feels an ache in the spot where it impacted her. Ugh, dammit.


// caught pocket, all opinions are purely ic lol <3
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  • Love
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Startled awake, he jumped to his paws and banged his head on the roof of his cage. It's okay because there's nothing of value in his skull anyways.


He held his head in his paws. His senses were coming too, and he became aware of.... Everything that was happening. There were cages being opened. And....Cats were opening them? Incredible! He would have to watch and see how its done in case there's a next time!

"This must be that Skyclan everyone was talking about!" He said. "See Wolf? Everything worked out! Always does!"

He stuck one long foreleg out of his cage to wave at the cats orchestrating their escape. "Over here, please!"


"My my, they really did come." Wobbledog mused as he watched the scene unfold. He was impressed with their abilities. It had been so long since he had seen what comradery looked like, and to see it shown at a time like this, well. It certainly lifted his mood. Perhaps the forest cats weren't all that irritating after all. They had friends that actually cared, something he hadn't experienced in..... A long time.

Everyone was already begging to be let out, and he didn't feel like joining in their chorus. Why repeat what has been said repeatedly several times? Instead, he sat at the cage door, and watched the scene unfold with eagerness.

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
The night had been quiet aside from a few snores of nearby cats, but then there was rattling of metal against metal and hushed whispers. What was going on? It was far too late in the night for the upwalkers to be back, and there seemed to be an increased number of scents in the white walled room. Then Soma shifted from his spot in the cage and there was an audible groan from a pale furred cat as they rolled over simply. Though the nosie continued and then Soma was calling out- to who? They didn't know.

Tiredly, Junco got to their paws for a moment, feeling slightly dizzy from the sudden movement, before padding for the cage entrance. A brow furrowed- what was going on? They didn't understand but there seemed to be cats opening the cages. This had to be some sort of fever dream didn't it? There was no way- they had tried for months to get the darn things open!

Junco pushed through to Soma and pressed themselves against the cage door. They had to get out! They wouldn't just leave them here would they?

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
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As soon as the commotion begins, Butterflytuft is pressed into the back corner of the cold den. Since Daisyflight was taken, she's spent most of her time huddled against the wall, tear-strained cheeks burning with regret. If she'd moved faster, if she'd not been such a coward, maybe her mother would still be here. Now, with her eyes still watery with tears, she resolves she won't make the same mistake. On shaking limbs, she crawls to the front of the den where she hears a familiar voice. Suddenly, her ears prick up. She looks to Snowpaw, to Twitchbolt and Quillstrike, disbelief filling her gaze. They came back.

It's Johnny who comes for her and her brother. She's crying again, this time out of relief. However, there remains a heavy grief weighing her down knowing her mother won't be joining in this escape. She is ushered out as the tom-cat frees her and she stumbles, mind in a haze and is sent leaning for a moment on Snowpaw. "Thank you," She squeaks, eyes shining with gratitude before another warrior noses her and her sibling towards the window, where Thistleback waits. Already, her mind is swimming.

How will they tell their siblings back at camp?

White paws keep striking at metal bars, only pausing as a face appears. A face - one of a cat, and not a twoleg. It startles Snapple, the child jumping back in alarm. He hadn't expected someone to show up, but this... this funny-looking cat - with strange patterned fur and an assuring smile - has come to save him!

"Can you really? Oh, thank you, thank you!"

He's told to be quiet, and oh! Snapple can be quiet. His mother taught him how, after all. Perhaps he should've listened better to her lessons. Perhaps he wouldn't be stuck here now, if he had. The child sits still, without another mew leaving his mouth while the SkyClanner works.

He watches on, tries to remember how the cat does it, just in case he gets stuck in one of these things again. It looks kind of tricky though, and the process is practically forgotten when the door swings open. A gasp escapes him, and he looks to the SkyClanner with wide, aqua-hued eyes. Instructions are given, and he tries his best to remember those instead.

Straight down, to the window.

The child quickly nods their head. There's only a moment of hesitation at the height of his pathway before he's leaping down toward the window. It's an unsteady land, but he quickly balances himself with a sense of giddy pride. He's done it!

For the first time in moons, Snapple is free!
"How many does that make?" He asks, watching as a veritable river of cats flows right out through the window. Of course, he knows better than to expect an answer from his cell-mate, who must have surpassed the record for the world's longest growl ages ago. Avilius is —understandably— wary of anything and everything that breathes, and his formidable demeanor is quite helpful when Sass doesn't want to socialize, or peacefully endure a twoleg's grasping hands. But lashing out at potential rescuers seems counterproductive to freedom, and the longer Sass is here, the more he worries about appeasing their captors.

He may have poor eyesight compared to most other cats, but he can still see well enough to recognize that aggressive convicts rarely remain long.

Sighing, he turns to face Avilius, head cocked, a little wry smile on his maw. "We haven't come this far to show off your winning personality in a cage. Be nice, and the moment we're out of here, you can chew on something other than the nest, or the bars, or the desecrated innards of the fake mouse." Obviously he knows more compels Avilius; he's no simpleton, after all. Far from it.

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She is unsure how many days she had been here, but still she holds firm to the belief that her housefolk would be rescuing her. It was sad, what had happened to the she cat in the cage next to her. She had barely known her, but it was still not a great thing to see a cat be taken away, to a room that they never would be coming out of. It made her afraid for the other cats around her. She wishes they would all just calm down, that they would all just give her a few moments of quiet. Suddenly though, there is a different kind of noise, a different smell. A breaking sound accompanied by a scent that is familiar to her, and then cats are coming in through a window and then they are letting cats out of cages. She presses herself against the bars of her own, watching with eyes widened in wonder as they free cats left and right. "Over here!!" she calls out to the nearest cat "Please" she hopes they wouldn't just leave her here, that they would let her out with the others. She didn't want to risk spending any more time here, she wanted to go home.




His paws were starting to hurt from messing with locks, but he didn't dare stop. Moving to another two cages he unlocked the doors of @Toffee Mocha and @Las Plagas with quick movements, their doors swinging open on silent hinges to free them. "Take the little one with you. There's a tom waiting at the end of throw at the window- he'll get you both out. Move quickly." he said, trusting the shecat to carry the kit out while he moved on to the next cage.

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So Bite Your Tongue and Watch Your Back

Freedom was within her reach, and it felt like ages since she could truly stretch her legs in true fashion. Sure the iron prison was always enough for her to stand and move, but it was never enough. Her ear twitched before sharp pale green hues focused on the small kit. She darted her eyes around, looking for Ivy and Athena. Were they still in their cages? They deserved freedom just as she did. "Don't forget Ivy, the older molly, and Athena." She snipped at a nearby cat who was freeing all the others. She then picked up the tiny tortoiseshell by his scruff, bounding her way out toward freedom after all the other escapees. Narrowed eyes scanned the cats as she leaped outside after Pocket's fall. Was he okay? Staring sharply at the black smoke, she watched skeptically. At least he was fine. Shaking her head with her passenger in tow, she fled for the foliage ahead.

//tagging @DOOMGUY because Angel is carrying the baby
He almost expects to just be left here as he silently watches the growing amount of cats leave their prison, wondering if maybe it's just not worth it, but he's pleasantly surprised as the striped tortoisehell approaches him to let him out. "Thank ya kindly," the tom says in appreciation to Johnny as his cage is opened up. He doesn't waste a breath as he heads towards the kit that was also freed, picking him up by the scruff no matter if there is any protest, heading towards the window and to freedom.

// OOC : @Las Plagas I got your boy!!