█ #b7a8d0
█ #ac9b6d
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█ #698473




Burrpaw was born covered with an ashy fever coat, which clung to her tiny form throughout her kithood. This fever coat would eventually fade into paler blue fur, but the ashy shade remains in the form of stripes struck through her pelt. Patches of white mark an uneven pattern amidst uniform blue, and olive green irises shine bright from white-rimmed eyes. Broad-shouldered and thick-furred, she is a lumbering beast of a ShadowClanner—she may stand a tad shorter than some of her clanmates, but her sturdy form is intimidating enough without the advantage of above-average height.

Bulky and powerful, she has seen her fair share of battle. Her left shoulder bears three scars from the slashing of claws, as does the left side of her muzzle. Her left ear bears a nick near its tip. Though she may find the occasional burr or stray twig, her coat is usually well-groomed and soft to the touch, thanks to her careful upkeep of it.

Lazy and lacking in respect for their superiors, but highly protective over their clanmates. They have an immense amount of pride in their clan, and refuse to see any wrongdoing in ShadowClan’s past actions. In conflicts, they will ALWAYS side with a ShadowClanner above anyone else. They have a quick temper with other clans, and are willing to fight at the slightest insult.

Their lumbering form speaks of sloth, of a slowness to anger, but the scars that trace their leg and face mark them as an aggressive and wrathful cat. They think ShadowClan—and by extension, themself—above the other clans and outsiders, and refuse to see reason in playing nice or fair with the other clans. WindClan especially has earned their ire, having made too many mistakes and having issued too few apologies. They have forged themself day and night into a weapon, a tool to be wielded by their clan, and a shield to keep ShadowClan safe from what lurks past their borders.

Brutish and powerful, Frogfire fights without regard for her own safety.
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Barbarian (Path of the Ancestral Guardian). Highly protective of her clanmates, willing to throw herself in the path of attacks aimed at allies to prevent their harm.
  • Notes
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  • wrxnyj.jpeg

    ARETHUSAKIT ; thinks her name is hard to pronounce
    short blurb about the character. I like to copy and paste the basic description from their tags onto here
    ⤷ named for what
    — female ; she/her ; afab
    — kit of twolegplace
    — 1 moon / ages every 13th
    — penned by foxlore; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • wrxnyj.jpeg
    SH black with high white and green eyes / SH blue point with high white and blue eyes
    Shadow-tipped, awash in dappled moonlight, her pelt is a splash of white against a normally-drab background. A canvas of stardust shrouds her lithe form, and short, soft fur graces the edges of her pelt. At her spine lies a dark stripe from nose to tail—her ears are caught entirely in its inky darkness, as is her tail—and from this stripe are scattered small dots of black fur in nearly starlike shapes. Her forepaws are wrapped in black and blue, and there is a smattering of small blue speckles on her muzzle. Settled upon her forehead, like the stars amidst the nighttime sky, is a single white spot.

    Her eyes, narrow and sharp, glitter with the resilience of grass and the clarity of sky. They are framed in long, sweeping lashes that further the girl’s image of innocence—but they hold a clever, calculating gaze when focused. Of course, as a kit, her presence is undermined by her proportions. Thin and gangly, with spindly fawn-legs and bat-cone ears, the kit clearly has much to grow into, and her poor coordination is further proof. She tends to stumble over her own too-long legs, and frequently trips over things in her path—her attempts at keeping a graceful, smooth gait are foiled by her own incoordination.

    Foreleg & muzzle point markings won’t develop until 3 moons old. Eyes are kit-blue until 4 moons.
  • wrxnyj.jpeg

    As a young kit, born into a twoleg household, Arethusakit is soft and sweet, a delicate petal clinging to a flower. Gentle and kind, she shows great care when playing with her sibling and parent. Her destiny seems to be outlined in the stars, the ideal candidate to be a kind and caring SkyClan warrior—but it is not.

    Taken away (given away willingly, she thinks, and aches) from her birth parent at a young age, Arethusakit will not be pleased to join her other parent in DuskClan. But in Rumblerain’s care she will grow quiet and cunning, raised to be an ever-loyal DuskClanner.

    A social shapeshifter, she blends easily into any conversation. She is graceful and clever—but she is overconfident, and the naïvety of a kit born and raised in a twoleg household does not wear off quickly. She does not remember much from her time with Edenberry, but what she does remember is softness. Secretly, she longs for that softness which was left behind, but DuskClan demands strength, and so strong she is determined to be. She is fierce in her support of Rumblerain and is not above making petty threats if necessary. Although, as young and awkwardly-shaped as she is, her threats don’t sting as much as they could once she grows into her too-long legs.

    She is often viewed and treated as older than she is, saddled with duty, but even as mature as she is, she still retains a kitlike naïvety and overconfidence that gets her into many sticky situations. Even as a kit, she has sharp eyes and a sharper wit; she is difficult to deceive, and is able to see right through many lies from others. However, she is naïve enough to believe that none of her clanmates would ever lie to her, and so her suspicions are often ignored. She is not the type of cat to go with her gut, preferring to meticulously plan each and every aspect of her day, and she is prone to panicking if her plans are disrupted.

  • wrxnyj.jpeg

    EDENBERRY xx RUMBLERAIN | sibling to Mizzlekit
    ⤷ mentored by no one
    Mate to none | Parent to none

    talk about how easily they trust or if they have a crush or something
    SMELLS LIKE: what
    SOUNDS LIKE: what
  • wrxnyj.jpeg

    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
  • Code:
    [center][box=70%][justify][font=georgia][color=#f6bb9d]༻✦༺[/color] Text
    [TABS][tab=𓆩✧𓆪][color=#6e3e70][b][outline=black]ooc: [/outline][/b][/color]—[/tab]
    [tab=kore kore, fauna and flora][fleft][img width=200px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/83947002_WX7TUm36Q0a30Y7.png[/img][/fleft][size=5][url=linkhere][color=#ba81a2][b]ARETHUSAKIT[/b][/color][/url] [color=#f6a39f]☾₊‧⁺˖⋆[/color][/size][color=#ffdcc9][i] she/her, kit of twolegplace[/i][/color]
    [color=#f6bb9d]☆[/color] small white kit with a black dorsal stripe and black toes on her hind paws. bright kit-blue eyes haven’t faded to their natural color yet, and her forelegs haven’t gained their point patterning yet.
    [color=#f6bb9d]☆[/color] daughter to edenberry and rumblerain ; sister to mizzlekit
    [color=#f6bb9d]☆[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    [color=#f6bb9d]☆[/color] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/77/][color=#6e3e70]foxlore[/color][/url][/tab][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box][/center]
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Shadow-splashed, the color of dappled moonlight, her pelt is a splash of light and dark against a normally-drab background. Swathes of black fur cut through a canvas of fallen snow, and short, soft fur graces the edges of her pelt. Her eyes, almond-shaped and sharp, drip with the warmth of honey—but they hold a clever, calculating gaze when focused. Of course, as a kit, her presence is undermined by her proportions. Thin and gangly, with spindly fawn-legs and bat-cone ears, the kit clearly has much to grow into, and her poor coordination is further proof.


As a young kit, born into a twoleg household, Arethusakit is soft and sweet. Delicate and gentle, she shows great care when playing with her sibling and parent. Her destiny seems to be outlined in the stars, the ideal candidate to be a kind and caring SkyClan warrior—but it is not. Taken away (given away willingly, she thinks, and aches) from her birth parent at a young age, Arethusakit will not be pleased to join her other parent in DuskClan. But in Rumblerain’s care she will grow quiet and cunning, raised to be an ever-loyal DuskClanner.

A social shapeshifter, she blends easily into any conversation. She is graceful and clever—but she is overconfident, and the naïvety of a kit born and raised in a twoleg household does not wear off quickly. She does not remember much from her time with Edenberry, but what she does remember is softness. Secretly, she longs for that softness which was left behind, but DuskClan demands strength, and so strong she is determined to be. She is fierce in her support of Rumblerain and is not above making petty threats if necessary. Although, being as young as she is, her threats don’t sting as much as they could when she’s grown into her too-long legs.

She is often viewed and treated as older than she is, saddled with duty, but even as mature as she is, she still retains a kitlike naïvety and overconfidence that gets her into many sticky situations. Even as a kit, she has sharp eyes and a sharper wit; she is difficult to deceive, and is able to see right through many lies from others. However, she is naïve enough to believe that none of her clanmates would ever lie to her, and so her suspicions are often ignored. She is not the type of cat to go with her gut, preferring to meticulously plan each and every aspect of her day, and she is prone to panicking if her plans are disrupted.
  • Alt renames: Berrykit, Sootkit
  • Oath of Vengeance paladin
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Uses mainly fem terms until apprenticeship, at which point they will begin using multiple pronouns
  • Relationship with StarClan (or lack thereof) — she plays games frequently wherein she pretends to be a StarClanner vanquishing non-StarClanners; thinks of StarClan as a fun fairy tale that she’s free to make up her own stories about
  • Recalls very little of her life in a twoleg house (gets the occasional familiar feeling / snap of a memory). Doesn’t like the idea of their other parent being a kittypet & denies it when Rumble tells them. Refuses to believe that she could have once been a kittypet, but silently acknowledges that she now has a backup plan for if DuskClan falls.
  • Keeps SkyClan and Edenberry constantly tucked away in the back of her mind. Will be distrustful of them when she is forced to find them, and her loyalties will never lie fully with SkyClan—but she will do whatever is necessary to join and be with her parent. (Eventually: mean DuskClan girlie trying to fit into SkyClan’s way of life)
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“A singularly beautiful nymph, the favourite of Diana, goddess of hunting and knowledge”

(Starkit, Sootkit)



  • “Though I was strong and brave and never sought beauty's renown, yet I was known for beauty, nor did its praise—too praised—once profit me. That dower of beauty, other girls' delight, brought but a bumpkin's blushes to my cheeks and in my thoughts it seemed a crime to please.”

    — ARETHUSA, Metamorphoses
  • 83947002_WX7TUm36Q0a30Y7.png
    SH black with high white and green eyes / SH blue point with high white and blue eyes

    Shadow-tipped, awash in dappled moonlight, her pelt is a splash of white against a normally-drab background. A canvas of stardust shrouds her lithe form, and short, soft fur graces the edges of her pelt. At her spine lies a dark stripe from nose to tail—her ears are caught entirely in its inky darkness, as is her tail—and from this stripe are scattered small dots of black fur in nearly starlike shapes. Her forepaws are wrapped in black and blue, and there is a smattering of small blue speckles on her muzzle. Settled upon her forehead, like the stars amidst the nighttime sky, is a single white spot.

    Her eyes, narrow and sharp, glitter with the resilience of grass and the clarity of sky. They are framed in long, sweeping lashes that further the girl’s image of innocence—but they hold a clever, calculating gaze when focused. Of course, as a kit, her presence is undermined by her proportions. Thin and gangly, with spindly fawn-legs and bat-cone ears, the kit clearly has much to grow into, and her poor coordination is further proof. She tends to stumble over her own too-long legs, and frequently trips over things in her path—her attempts at keeping a graceful, smooth gait are foiled by her own incoordination.

    As a young kit, born into a twoleg household, Arethusakit is soft and sweet, a delicate petal clinging to a flower. Gentle and kind, she shows great care when playing with her sibling and parent. Her destiny seems to be outlined in the stars, the ideal candidate to be a kind and caring SkyClan warrior—but it is not.

    Taken away (given away willingly, she thinks, and aches) from her birth parent at a young age, Arethusakit will not be pleased to join her other parent in DuskClan. But in Rumblerain’s care she will grow quiet and cunning, raised to be an ever-loyal DuskClanner.

    A social shapeshifter, she blends easily into any conversation. She is graceful and clever—but she is overconfident, and the naïvety of a kit born and raised in a twoleg household does not wear off quickly. She does not remember much from her time with Edenberry, but what she does remember is softness. Secretly, she longs for that softness which was left behind, but DuskClan demands strength, and so strong she is determined to be. She is fierce in her support of Rumblerain and is not above making petty threats if necessary. Although, as young and awkwardly-shaped as she is, her threats don’t sting as much as they could once she grows into her too-long legs.

    She is often viewed and treated as older than she is, saddled with duty, but even as mature as she is, she still retains a kitlike naïvety and overconfidence that gets her into many sticky situations. Even as a kit, she has sharp eyes and a sharper wit; she is difficult to deceive, and is able to see right through many lies from others. However, she is naïve enough to believe that none of her clanmates would ever lie to her, and so her suspicions are often ignored. She is not the type of cat to go with her gut, preferring to meticulously plan each and every aspect of her day, and she is prone to panicking if her plans are disrupted.

    At last grown into her long legs, she is undeniably beautiful—and she is clearly aware of this fact. Stardust shines upon a snowy canvas, and the blue of her fur has settled in at full opacity at last. She carries herself with a grace befitting a queen, yet battles with the ferocity of a starved rogue.

    She is confident to a fault. Having grown up as the daughter of DuskClan’s leader, she thinks herself above most others, and never expects anyone to tell her no. She fears little, and that which she does fear she refuses to acknowledge. Her trust in her own skill threatens to be her undoing at times; she carries injuries near constantly, and cannot bring herself to back down from any challenge.
  • A SINGULARLY BEAUTIFUL NYMPH: Uses mainly fem terms until apprenticeship, at which point they will begin using multiple pronouns. Will be uncharacteristically nervous about sharing their newfound identity with DuskClan, and Rumblerain especially (which they acknowledge is a bit ironic). Has problems coming to terms with feeling like more than a girl, because she has always prided herself on being “beautiful” and “delicate”. Can she feel like a boy while still being pretty and beautiful?

    THE FAVORITE OF DIANA: Relationship with StarClan (or lack thereof) — she plays games frequently wherein she pretends to be a StarClanner vanquishing non-StarClanners; thinks of StarClan as a fun fairy tale that she’s free to make up her own stories about. Feels heavily guilty / repentant when she reaches SkyClan and learns that the cats she’s been making up some wild lies about for her entire life are in fact real.

    PAST SHROUDED IN MYSTERY: Recalls very little of her life in a twoleg house (gets the occasional familiar feeling / snap of a memory). Doesn’t like the idea of their other parent being a kittypet & denies it when Rumble tells them. Refuses to believe that she could have once been a kittypet, but silently acknowledges that she now has a backup plan for if DuskClan falls.

    TRANSFORM ME INTO WATER: The myth of arethusa is one of a woman fleeing an unwanted pursuer; Berrykit’s story is meant to reflect this (somewhat). Any attempts at affection from Rumblerain are refuted, and she turns her nose up at the idea of romantic pursuits. Someday she will (hopefully) find someone who cares for her romantically, but she will turn them down quite harshly. As in the myth of Arethusa, the other doesn’t give up and continues to pursue her. Eventually she is worn down and agrees to give things a try—but they don’t work out at all. Her tendency to push others away, to flee from any love or care offered up to her, causes a rift between the two that can’t be repaired. They each go their separate ways, but with DuskClan’s small size they are forced to work side by side frequently.

    DUSKCLAN PRINCESS TRIES TO ADAPT TO CIVILIZATION: Keeps SkyClan and Edenberry constantly tucked away in the back of her mind. Will be distrustful of them when she is forced to find them, and her loyalties will never lie fully with SkyClan—but she will do whatever is necessary to join and be with her parent. Acts as a mindless soldier for the first long while, but if others show interest and put forth effort, she can blossom into a true SkyClanner.
  • SKILLS: Combat — Being trained to fight since kithood and eager to prove that she’s not a kittypet anymore, she essentially puts all her skill points into combat. She is a poor hunter, and struggles to make real connections within DuskClan. She will grow to be a strong hunter as well, but will always struggle to form true relationships with others. Friendships are shallow and often only maintained for the sake of convenience or keeping useful cats close to her.

    DESIGN: Very clearly Rumblerain’s child—long legs and a thin frame, with matching undereye markings and pointed forelegs. Gains an ear injury in the future, which is the same ear that’s injured on Rumble. If anyone in DuskClan knows of Edenberry, their influence is also notable in Arethusa, from the dashes of green in her eyes to the bold stripe of black across her back.

    MOTIFS / THEMES / INSPO: Big developments happen at night, with the stars shining above. Her anger is noted as specifically burning hot like a dying star. The myth of Arethusa.

    ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral — Her own sense of right and wrong can be cast aside if stepping outside of her morality can help her to take down those she deems as evil. Raised to believe that DuskClan is in the right and WindClan has wronged them.

    DND CLASS: Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) — Fights quickly and packs a great deal of power behind her strikes. Committed to righting wrongs and bringing low those who would wreak havoc on the world around her. She doesn’t care about what happens to her, so long as justice is delivered. Will always choose the lesser of two evils, and does not show mercy to those who have wronged her or those she cares about. Generally knightly in her demeanor.
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༻✦༺ Text


  • ooc:
  • 83947002_WX7TUm36Q0a30Y7.png
    ARETHUSAKIT ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she/her, kit of twolegplace
    small white kit with a black dorsal stripe and black toes on her hind paws. bright kit-blue eyes haven’t faded to their natural color yet, and her forelegs haven’t gained their point patterning yet.
    daughter to edenberry and rumblerain ; sister to mizzlekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
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  • This litter will be born from Sandpelt's NPC parents, Sweetpath & Gartooth. They are very traditionally-minded warriors who hold RiverClan above all else, though Gartooth is a particularly overbearing father. Sweetpath will treat her kits will great care, being highly involved in the kits' lives, and she will be determined to raise them to be fully prepared to become loyal RiverClan apprentices.

    Meanwhile, Sandpelt was raised as an only child, and he will respond poorly to suddenly being an older sibling. The kits will be ignored by him for the most part, and scorned if they get too close. However, when their parents both disappear without a trace, Sandpelt will begrudgingly take on a more guiding role for his younger siblings.

    When the kits are 5 months old, so close yet so far from their apprentice ceremonies, both Sweetpath and Gartooth suddenly disappear into the night.
  • — These kits will be born on September 5th.

    — These kits will start at 2 months old and will age realistically on the 1st of each month.

    — There is no specific naming list, but names should be RiverClan-adjacent (fish, plants and animals found in the territory, water, etc.)

    — There’s no activity requirement for these kits, and if they go inactive I will not rehome them. I do ask that if you plan to drop them, please at least give the character an ending (going missing, dying, etc.).

    This is FCFS! There are 2 slots available. If there’s a lot of interest this may become application-based instead of FCFS.

    — Both parents are NPCs and can be powerplayed, but they will love their kits deeply, and love each other just as much. There should not be any plots involving parental neglect, abuse, etc.

    — If interested, use any form as long as it has the basics (name, appearance, personality, maybe some thoughts or notes about how they will react to Sandpelt’s dislike for them).​
  • Sire: SH chocolate tabby (carries LH, cinnamon, dilute, solid)
    Dam: LH cinnamon tortoiseshell with low white (carries dilute)

    • AMAB kits can be chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, fawn, red, or cream
      ⤷ chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon​
      ⤷ red-based kits will mask chocolate or cinnamon​
      ⤷ non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute​
    • AFAB kits can be chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, fawn, chocolate tortoiseshell, cinnamon tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, fawn tortoiseshell
      ⤷ chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon​
      ⤷ non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute​
    • kits of all colors may be tabby or solid (red or cream will appear tabby even if genetically solid)
      ⤷ tabby kits will carry solid​
    • kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
      ⤷ shorthaired kits will carry longhair​
    • kits can have low white or no white
      ⤷ kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue​
      ⤷ kits with white can have any realistic eye color​
  • These kits will be GEN 1.
    — Parents are both NPCs
    — Younger siblings to @SANDPELT
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𓍊𓋼 Text


  • ooc:
  • 82611636_I7otEt4vDdutjcB.png
  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Save this here for now

Clay gives the life of perseverance

Lilypaw gives the life of forgiveness

Scorchstreak gives the life of order (discipline, logic, and justice)

Gravelsnap gives the life of loyalty

Frostwind gives the life of unity / togetherness / rising to meet a common goal or defeat a common enemy

Falconheart gives the life of persistence or protection

Hopepaw gives the life of faithfulness

Laughblossom gives the life of joy;
emember to see the positives, don’t let life keep you down”

Sangriapaw gives the life of optimism

Crabpaw gives the life of duty / loyalty

Sandpelt gives the life of strength

Branchpaw gives the life of friendship if he was close to the character he’s giving a life to. “may you never be alone” ; to a character he isn’t close to he gives the life of trust. “your clanmates are your allies”

NAME. subtitle.

Introductory, at-a-glance description of the character. The first things that other characters see when they look at them, conclusions that can be drawn from appearance. What kind of impression does the character leave on others?

Short, simple description of character. What clan are they in, what rank.

Gender Pronouns AGAB

00 months Ages every 0th Introduced 00.00.00 at 00 months

Pinterest Playlist Played by @username

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PERSONALITY. subtitle.


Personality description.



There’s literally never going to be a good way to format character history, so I just write it all out of do bullet points, then condense it into separate spoilers for pre-RP history, then maybe kit / apprentice / warrior life stages??
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MENTORSHIP. subtitle.

    ༄ formerly mentored who

  • elaborate
  • small general blurb here




    skill elaborate
    skill elaborate​
  • rules/expectations/any other additional info



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COMBAT. subtitle.

Open to: what
Closed to: what

General size and build. Fighting skill, level of training. Fighting style. Threat level.

Aim to kill? Start fights? Will they run? Are they opposed to fighting apprentices?

Strengths, weaknesses, etc.

[Name] will attempt to seriously injure or kill their opponents in battle. This does not mean that they have to be successful though! I write battles very aggressively, but I won’t get upset if your character dodges hits, etc. I want us both to be satisfied with the results of the battle, so feel free to DM me if there’s a certain way you’d like for it to pan out!

Please note that I will not roll for attacks/damage/etc. Almost all attacks will land on my characters (unless I’m avoiding certain injuries), and I take my characters’ strengths, weaknesses, & experience into account during fights.​
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