border DYING DAYS OF THE HOLOCENE \ large skyclan patrol

The scent of fish was overwhelming, past the cold... wistfully, Twitchstar's mind wandered to some alternate universe where he had prey year-round. Maybe he would have been in a better mood... kinder to the thread of some alliance that had wobbled between SkyClan and RiverClan. Paws struck reality in his purposeful stride, however. Head held high at the front of his patrol, Twitchstar's fur bristled resolute. At his side, a trusted throng; Candorflight was swept a glance, whiskers twitching with humour in the remark he offered: "One day you'll get on a p-patrol without me breathing down your neck..."

He'd brought more warriors... some show of confidence, some aim for thoroughness. Frayed tones swept those gathered, splayed in each direction— "D-Don't miss a spot, if you can help it." It was true that RiverClan were not territory thieves, nor had they ever crossed the river for land-prey... they probably, certainly, didn't need it. A thought bitterly sparked... he couldn't deny his eyes were envy-pigmented, at the thought. Not of fish itself, but... of some guarantee. Still, given how quickly the mood between ThunderClan and SkyClan had turned sub-zero after Howlingstar's death, Twitchstar couldn't, couldn't trust that RiverClan would be as accommodating without a friend of Lichenstar at the pine-Clan's highest branch. Didn't want to, in truth... he was preoccupied enough with what his own Clan thought of him.

He squinted through the reeds, keen nose twitching as he scented several Riverclanners... ah, some crossed path. A swat of the tail accompanied his greeting (or, something akin... really, it was void of much warmth). "Popular fishing spot?" A shot in the dark. And, maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all... but it felt tenser just to ignore them.

\ @SLATESNARL @Cherryblossom @Bellabloom @CANDORFLIGHT !!! this is a noticeably larger patrol :3
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a glimpse of white beyond the reeds, lilac striping and syrupy amber eyes soon to follow — shellpool cannot say that the sight of so many skyclanners on her lonely hunt does not intimidate her. a quick scope, and she notes the disgraced former deputy, cherryblossom and former lead slatesnarl at their leaders heel . . the patrol is large, with candorflight and an unfamiliar tortie parting from their elders to mark the border. their patrols have been frequent, as of late. of course, she heard of twitchstar's announcements beneath still - full moon, of how debts ( and truces ) had been lifted, but . . should she have been more concerned? twitchstar had never seemed the territory - hungry type. the plush of her tail rattles at her paws, and as she steps along the freezing banks, she conjures a warm, impassive squint to ruddy eyes. placating. despite her stone - still expression, her heart ticks upward, rabbit - quick.

popular fishing spot?

a slow, serene blink . . the tom's jittering vocals do not sing any of the fondness orangestar had inexplicably shown her mother. was this meant to make their stance clear? this neutrality, this show of force. she holds his gaze with a curious silence. the river babbles between them until finally, she sniffs, and meows. " twitchstar. " her voice is even, lilting with the edge of cautionary friendliness, " it is. the river is still frozen in most bends . . but the surface is thinner, here. slippery, too. " her muzzle flicks down towards the melting shore, where ice still clings to jagged rocks. after midnightash and pebbletail's incident, she is all too aware of the danger such unsteady footing brought. it could sweep any of them beneath the ice downstream in two blinks, " i hope you'll all watch your step. " a show of power, perhaps . . but a power that could rake them over, should they decide to.

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  • 94808822_mcogFDxtA9gXnmZ.png
    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted eiderdown fur conceals a body worn thin by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with stubborn baby fat in others. her face is delicately constructed as the rest of her ; heart - shaped, fragile, tendered with warmly shadowed eyes. beneath the languor of lapis - veined lids, her gaze brims a rheumy, rosen tinge — ruddy like a pulsing bruise, curtained with heavy lashes that keep her serenely half - lidded.
    LIVING WITH LONGTERM ILLNESS ; always exhibiting the symptoms of a lingering cold, most notably a runny nose and eyes. not contagious unless specified otherwise.
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swirling blue and white, the river's own child makes himself known beside his sister - cool colors contrast her warmer looks, though burning amber eyes alight upon the skyclan patrol in much the same manner. cleared from the medicine den days ago, it has taken pebbletail some time to become used to the river again. as his sister sings of thinner ice, the tom chuckles to himself, nudging her as if a quiet inside joke has been made plain. her memory of finding him, gasping for air, retching water from sore lungs, still must float clearly to the forefront of her mind. for her sake, the man does not test the sturdiness of the ice. he remains ashore. for her, not because the creak of it at her pawsteps makes his heart race.

twitchstar has brought quite the display to their border, something usually concerning if pebbletail himself had not heard the man's words at the gathering. all bets are off in concern of skyclan now, and the riverclanner cannot say he blames the leader. former friendships are exactly why riverclan and shadowclan disagree right now, ternstar a far different leader from her predecessor. "despite the river's ice, fish are returning to our shores," pebbletail nods to the skyclan patrol, noting the rippling muscles of each warrior as they step out to mark their border. "new-leaf seems just around the corner, thank starclan."

// "#a2bfba"

cis tom (he / him) / bisexual, taken by SPLASHDANCE
15 moons old ages realistically, every 15th of the month
lead warrior of riverclan
mentoring RYEPAW / mentored by FOXTAIL
penned by lavs / message lavendes on discord for plots!

a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
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Reactions: shellpool
જ➶ The medicine den had been...taxing on her nerves. Boring for someone who likes to keep moving. Doing something that will mean something to the clan. But because of how deep her paws were cut into and her exposure to freezing water she needed to be observed for a couple of days. All she had was Pebbletail for company during the duration. Strange but not unpleasant. Not like how it used to be. She supposes that her perspective has changed on some things and even now as she follows the two toward the riverside she feels no animosity toward the cool colored tom. Grudges having been freed from her soul it seems. Her maw parts and she lingers her gaze on the other side for a moment. Not really tense but not relaxed either. Though the sudden overwhelming smell of Skyclan is what makes her eyes snap back to the border.

Their appearance is intriguing to say the least. Such a large patrol to simply mark the border. It makes her antsy and she eyes the other two before shuffling toward the edge of the water. Marking it and then standing closer by. Her eyes scan them before she tilts her head. "Congratulations on your leadership, Twitchstar. I see you are...eager to show the strength of Skyclan." She relaxes herself, forcing it as she looks at the large patrol. Though she hopes they don't plan on causing Riverclan any problems.
〕Bubbleburst is still not quite used to seeing Twitchstar at the helm of SkyClan. Though she does not think poorly of the newly crowned SkyClan leader- he seems pleasant and unsure of himself- and it hadn't been like Bubbleburst had known Orangestar personally or had even been a warrior for long enough to get certainly used to her presence. Still, she crops up amongst her clanmates with a cautious yet friendly smile. She takes inventory of the patrol: Twitchstar, the former deputy Cherryblossom, and... Three others that she doesn't recognize.

Bubbleburst makes a mental note to try and introduce herself at the next gathering. Border patrols are no place for making friends, no matter how pleasant.

Still, the patrol is noticeably larger than most border patrols. Bubbleburst feels a certain tenseness lying over her shoulders. "Hi SkyClan!" Bubbleburst chirps in greeting to their skyward neighbors, a genuinely friendly expression on her face. "Shellpool is right," she adds with a curt nod "The ice is still dangerous. Easy to slip on, and if you step in the wrong spot where it's too thin you might just fall through."

  • ooc.
  • BUBBLEBURST —— warrior of riverclan , mentoring twinklepaw . mudjaw x breezeflower . littermate to swanpaw ✦ penned by carat
    she/her / 16 moons & ages every 13th
    single / bisexual / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— not a strong fighter, often prefers diplomacy and strategy over strength and battle skills

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 73218862_HIq0jsq1uXx9fZd.png

    a mediumhaired silver marbled tabby with moderate white and blue eyes

He tires of this — the snow, the cold, the meager meals, all of it. And, as if matters weren't bad enough, the stuttering beetlebrain was now at the head of SkyClan's command. Slatesnarl feels a sense of relief that his mate can now focus on herself instead of bearing the weight of the entire clan upon her shoulders, but in exchange, SkyClan's image may now be in jeopardy. Twitchstar at least had the sense to gather a larger group of cats this time, to show that SkyClan's numbers were bigger than they probably were.

The charcoal-pelted tom sticks closer to Cherryblossom than anyone else; she is the only cat on this patrol that he actually holds a decent opinion of. And why wouldn't he? She had been his apprentice, after all.

Slatesnarl trudges toward the bank, an amber gaze sweeping upward to the patrol that passes by on the other side of the water. RiverClan was at least a better neighbor than ThunderClan, if only because they were uninterested in each other's sources of prey. He'd rather bite into crowfood than stinky, smelly fish guts.

Uninterested in making meaningless chit-chat, the former lead warrior remains quiet as he rubs his broad muzzle against nearby landmarks. It isn't until the RiverClan warriors issue warnings about the dangers of the frozen waters that Slatesnarl lifts his mighty head and casts upon them a dulled, unimpressed stare.

"Huh. Hear that?" Slatesnarl snorts toward Cherryblossom, though his voice possesses no subtlety. "We might slip and fall through the ice if we're stupid 'n clumsy enough." Did they take them for mousebrains? Why would they get close enough to the river's edge to possibly fall in? Also, it didn't take a RiverClanner to know that falling into the water was a bad thing. Whichever SkyClanner was dimwitted enough to make a fool out of themselves by doing so... Well, Slatesnarl wouldn't move a claw to save them from their own stupidity.


t's familiar— titles aside— falling into Twitchstar's step. He did not resent the familiarity. Routine remained because it had value, after all! Candorflight would approach with no less enthusiasm than he'd had his very first day as an apprentice. Twitchstar stirs a chuff of laughter from him. "I'm not sure what I'll do with myself." For the most part, it is in jest.

He is eager to do as he's told, dredging the chocolate point of his tail across all manner of foliage. He would be avid in his perpetuation of SkyClan's strength. Nearly, he wishes that Orange...path's betrayal had not been highlighted to their neighbors. It begs the question if a lie by omission in such case would still be a lie. Ah... Candorflight would focus on what he can do, and that was... be the ideal warrior. Were his posture not long-honed already, he would have steeled it then.

It is unlike him to be... so concerned. He is not as quick to jump into conversation as he typically would be, though his ears portray an avid attentiveness to RiverClan's word. Idle chatter is all it is. Idle chatter is good. Normal. So too do his ears swivel to their own ranks. A puzzling comment from Slatesnarl gives him pause. Candorflight would never imply those befalling such a fate to be stupid or clumsy, in part because... had Slatesnarl not done that once? Or something similar? "Didn't—"

...Perhaps it is Twitchstar's familiar presence after all that reminds him of one of his earliest lessons; to, ah... choose his words more carefully at borders. The tom stares blankly at Slatesnarl for several heartbeats. "Uh— Yes!" he would latch onto the word of a RiverClan warrior instead. "I-indeed he is! All of SkyClan is, in fact!" with a lilt of his chin, he proclaims. Yes, there was strength in solidarity!