The scent of fish was overwhelming, past the cold... wistfully, Twitchstar's mind wandered to some alternate universe where he had prey year-round. Maybe he would have been in a better mood... kinder to the thread of some alliance that had wobbled between SkyClan and RiverClan. Paws struck reality in his purposeful stride, however. Head held high at the front of his patrol, Twitchstar's fur bristled resolute. At his side, a trusted throng; Candorflight was swept a glance, whiskers twitching with humour in the remark he offered: "One day you'll get on a p-patrol without me breathing down your neck..."
He'd brought more warriors... some show of confidence, some aim for thoroughness. Frayed tones swept those gathered, splayed in each direction— "D-Don't miss a spot, if you can help it." It was true that RiverClan were not territory thieves, nor had they ever crossed the river for land-prey... they probably, certainly, didn't need it. A thought bitterly sparked... he couldn't deny his eyes were envy-pigmented, at the thought. Not of fish itself, but... of some guarantee. Still, given how quickly the mood between ThunderClan and SkyClan had turned sub-zero after Howlingstar's death, Twitchstar couldn't, couldn't trust that RiverClan would be as accommodating without a friend of Lichenstar at the pine-Clan's highest branch. Didn't want to, in truth... he was preoccupied enough with what his own Clan thought of him.
He squinted through the reeds, keen nose twitching as he scented several Riverclanners... ah, some crossed path. A swat of the tail accompanied his greeting (or, something akin... really, it was void of much warmth). "Popular fishing spot?" A shot in the dark. And, maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all... but it felt tenser just to ignore them.
\ @SLATESNARL @Cherryblossom @Bellabloom @CANDORFLIGHT !!! this is a noticeably larger patrol :3
He'd brought more warriors... some show of confidence, some aim for thoroughness. Frayed tones swept those gathered, splayed in each direction— "D-Don't miss a spot, if you can help it." It was true that RiverClan were not territory thieves, nor had they ever crossed the river for land-prey... they probably, certainly, didn't need it. A thought bitterly sparked... he couldn't deny his eyes were envy-pigmented, at the thought. Not of fish itself, but... of some guarantee. Still, given how quickly the mood between ThunderClan and SkyClan had turned sub-zero after Howlingstar's death, Twitchstar couldn't, couldn't trust that RiverClan would be as accommodating without a friend of Lichenstar at the pine-Clan's highest branch. Didn't want to, in truth... he was preoccupied enough with what his own Clan thought of him.
He squinted through the reeds, keen nose twitching as he scented several Riverclanners... ah, some crossed path. A swat of the tail accompanied his greeting (or, something akin... really, it was void of much warmth). "Popular fishing spot?" A shot in the dark. And, maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all... but it felt tenser just to ignore them.
\ @SLATESNARL @Cherryblossom @Bellabloom @CANDORFLIGHT !!! this is a noticeably larger patrol :3