- Jul 30, 2022
- 274
- 54
- 28
Ternstar ♛ 26 Moons ♛ Female ♛ She/Her ♛ Leader of Shadowclan

"We have many among us who have passed their assessments, have more then earned their warrior names," It is a releif, she thinks, that they will soon have their own list of promotions to laud above Thunderclan, little good it'll do. "Morelpaw, Gigglepaw, Branchpaw, step forwards,"
There is a faint fondness for them, as Needledrifts kits - Ternstars own kin, despite how little value she places upon such connections. Tail swishes slowly, and she blinks down at the three of them. "I, Ternstar, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the warrior code, and have proven themselves worthy. "
"Morelpaw, do you swear to protect and remain loyal to shadowclan, even at the cost of your life? " Eyes narrow, waiting, "Then by starclans light, I give you your warrior name - from this day on you will be known as Morelbeam. Your optimism and dedication are enviable," Shadowclan could use more cheerful faces - especially faced by such loss. Eyes turn to the others, repeating her previous words. "Gigglepaw - do you promise to protect and remain loyal to shadowclan, even at the cost of your life?" A moments pause, and she nods approvingly. "Then from this day forth you will be known as Giggleflower. Shadowclan honors your dedication, and your determination." Such loyalty, Ternstar finds, is hard to come by these days. "Branchpaw. Do you swear to protect and remain loyal to your clan, event at the cost of your life? Then with Starclan as my witness, from this day forwards your warrior name will be Branchroar. "
"Talonpaw, Stonepaw, Plumpaw, Agatepaw - step forwards. Do you promise to protect and remain loyal to Shadowclan, even if it may cost you your life?" Without littermates, and no personal attachment, the rest are called forwards as one, her tail swishing slowy as eyes flit over their forms. She isn't disappointed- four healthy, soon-to-be warriors, each giving their agreement. "Then with Starclans approval, I grant you your warrior names. Talonpaw - you have shown remarkable determination in the face of battle. Your warrior name will be Talonstrike," He's an ambitious cat - something, it seems, not even amberhazes timidness has managed to smother. "Stonepaw, from this day forwards you will be known as Stonestrike, for your bravery and determination," There seems to be a lot of that going around, and though perhaps it seems silly to give the same suffix twice, she thinks they are rather fitting for the cats who now bear them.
"Agatepaw. For your resilience, and your dedication to your clan, you will be known as Agaterain," it is another more gentle name, but no less powerful. "And Plumpaw... your warrior name will be Plumwhisker. Your discipline and honor are... admireable," They aren't traits Ternstar particularly cares for, but Plumwhisker has served Shadowclan faithfullym She can only hope the newly naamed warriors will continue to do so. She allows a moments pause, for warrior names to be celebrated- a breif moment of joy, if one can call it that.
Shadowclan can use all the respite it can get.
━ actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' ━
E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y
// @MORELPAW @Gigglepaw @talonpaw. @STONEPAW @AGATEPAW. @plumpaw & coughs @BRANCHROAR – warrior ceremonies
Apprentice Ceremonies will happen next post
January Shoutouts (10+):
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