Ternstar 26 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— "Shadowclan, gather beneath Clan Rock," comes tired voice, as the molly plods her way upwards. As eyes scan the crowd, she has to contain a wince - the past half-moon has not been kind, and many of her clanmates are bruised and battered from battle. Tail twitches, glancing at Sharpshadow contemplatingly, before raising her head high once more.

"We have many among us who have passed their assessments, have more then earned their warrior names," It is a releif, she thinks, that they will soon have their own list of promotions to laud above Thunderclan, little good it'll do. "Morelpaw, Gigglepaw, Branchpaw, step forwards,"

There is a faint fondness for them, as Needledrifts kits - Ternstars own kin, despite how little value she places upon such connections. Tail swishes slowly, and she blinks down at the three of them. "I, Ternstar, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the warrior code, and have proven themselves worthy. "

"Morelpaw, do you swear to protect and remain loyal to shadowclan, even at the cost of your life? " Eyes narrow, waiting, "Then by starclans light, I give you your warrior name - from this day on you will be known as Morelbeam. Your optimism and dedication are enviable," Shadowclan could use more cheerful faces - especially faced by such loss. Eyes turn to the others, repeating her previous words. "Gigglepaw - do you promise to protect and remain loyal to shadowclan, even at the cost of your life?" A moments pause, and she nods approvingly. "Then from this day forth you will be known as Giggleflower. Shadowclan honors your dedication, and your determination." Such loyalty, Ternstar finds, is hard to come by these days. "Branchpaw. Do you swear to protect and remain loyal to your clan, event at the cost of your life? Then with Starclan as my witness, from this day forwards your warrior name will be Branchroar. "

"Talonpaw, Stonepaw, Plumpaw, Agatepaw - step forwards. Do you promise to protect and remain loyal to Shadowclan, even if it may cost you your life?" Without littermates, and no personal attachment, the rest are called forwards as one, her tail swishing slowy as eyes flit over their forms. She isn't disappointed- four healthy, soon-to-be warriors, each giving their agreement. "Then with Starclans approval, I grant you your warrior names. Talonpaw - you have shown remarkable determination in the face of battle. Your warrior name will be Talonstrike," He's an ambitious cat - something, it seems, not even amberhazes timidness has managed to smother. "Stonepaw, from this day forwards you will be known as Stonestrike, for your bravery and determination," There seems to be a lot of that going around, and though perhaps it seems silly to give the same suffix twice, she thinks they are rather fitting for the cats who now bear them.

"Agatepaw. For your resilience, and your dedication to your clan, you will be known as Agaterain," it is another more gentle name, but no less powerful. "And Plumpaw... your warrior name will be Plumwhisker. Your discipline and honor are... admireable," They aren't traits Ternstar particularly cares for, but Plumwhisker has served Shadowclan faithfullym She can only hope the newly naamed warriors will continue to do so. She allows a moments pause, for warrior names to be celebrated- a breif moment of joy, if one can call it that.

Shadowclan can use all the respite it can get.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y

// @MORELPAW @Gigglepaw @talonpaw. @STONEPAW @AGATEPAW. @plumpaw & coughs @BRANCHROAR – warrior ceremonies

Apprentice Ceremonies will happen next post

January Shoutouts (10+):
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The Clan could use a show of strength, Marbleleaf thinks to herself; they'd all taken the loss to ThunderClan hard, and morale is lower than it has been since Mirestar's disappearance. She is tired, as tired as Ternstar herself is — she'd never had so many injuries to mend in one sitting, so many cats to fuss over whose wounds would need constant attention. She'd worked herself until her paws were numb, and when she pulls herself into the clearing now, it's with some difficulty. I could sleep for the entirety of this moon, I think, Marbleleaf thinks to themselves, stifling a yawn with an ivory forepaw.

Some of that exhaustion burns away like morning dew under a hot sun. Her kin — Needledrift's kits — have proven their worth to ShadowClan, and today they will earn their warrior names. Morelpaw, Gigglepaw, and Branchpaw stand solemnly before Clanrock, their pale fur groomed, their eyes steady with purpose. Marbleleaf's paws tingle with anticipation. You've earned it, she wants to tell them all. And she's looking down on you right now. She's so proud of you.

Ternstar names them Morelbeam, Giggleflower, and Branchroar. Marbleleaf's tail curls inward; she fights a burst of a smile. The kits she'd played with in the nursery, whose fur she'd pressed against when the rains came heavy and awashed their mire in frogspawn, whose flanks she had nosed in grief when Needledrift had been borne home… they are ShadowClan warriors now, and she could not be more proud of them.

Then comes the next wave of graduates. Agatepaw becomes Agaterain, Talonpaw becomes Talonstrike, and Plumpaw becomes Plumwhisker. Her whiskers twitch with excitement as Stonepaw is named next — Stonestrike, befitting of his ferocity, his eagerness to defend and protect his Clan. Marbleleaf lifts her voice for her former denmates: "Morelbeam! Giggleflower! Branchroar! Plumwhisker! Talonstrike! Agaterain! Stonestrike!"

… ❞
  • Love

Bouncepaw hurries over to the Clan Rock beside @FROZENPAW . She slows down only when she remembers Marbleleaf had wanted her to be careful to not mess up the herbal dressings applied to her wounds.

"I overheard a lot of the older apprentices passed their assessment today." She whispers to Frozenpaw as they settle for the meeting. "Hopefully that's what this meeting is for. Then we'll be able to move our nests further into the den, I hate the draft that comes in at night." She complains with an exaggerated shudder.

Bouncepaw quiets herself as Ternstar commences the meeting. When the apprentices are called forward, she flashes an "I told ya!" look to her friend with a playful smirk. She admires the group of apprentices as the form underneath the Clan Rock, one day that'll be her. She knows its many moons away from now but she can't help but feel excitement prick at her paws.

"Morelbeam! Giggleflower! Branchroar! Plumwhisker! Talonstrike! Agaterain! Stonestrike!" Bouncepaw cheers, her voice blending in with the rest of the Clan's celebratory chants.

female (she / her) / heterosexual, single
7 moons old / ages realistically, every 1st of the month
apprentice of ShadowClan
Myrtlefoot x Bristletooth / littermate to Juniperkit
mentored by Batchaser
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Bouncepaw is a warm, brown she-cat with black tabby markings caging her fur. She has a broad muzzle and big, cream colored paws. White fur cascades from her chin and flows all the way down to pool at her underbelly. She has big, owlish, hazel eyes.

Mama, are you watching?

Morelpaw stands at the base of Clan Rock, head craned upward to he look up at Ternstar as she calls him and his siblings forward. Today is the day — the trio has passed their assessments, and within mere moments, they will be earning their warrior names and will be sharing a den with their older siblings once more. Though nerves build within him towards his own ceremony, Morelpaw casts a prideful glance toward his younger littermates. Gigglepaw and Branchpaw have been working hard for this.

Perhaps more than you, a nagging voice at the back of his mind says. An ear twitches in dismissal of his self-doubt, his focus returning to Ternstar as his name is called first.

He thinks of his mother. Of course he does — his mother hasn't left his mind since the day he was born, and even in death, she remains in his thoughts. He thinks of her loyalty to ShadowClan, thinks of her duty to protect the clan through hardship. Across fabled mountain tops in search of life-saving herbs and until her dying breath taken on the battlefield. If he wants to be even half the cat Needledrift was, then he can carry the promise Ternstar seeks from this.

A nod of the head guides his answer forward: " I do. "

And then, under StarClan's light, change is bestowed upon him. The tom holds his head high as he becomes Morelbeam and the weight of apprenticeship falls off his shoulders. His littermates follow suit in their pledges, becoming Giggleflower and Branchroar soon after. A prideful gaze shifts to the lilac-furred duo and a smile spread across his face as he steps back to let the next set of apprentices earn their names, as the clan chants fill the air soon after.

Mama, are you listening? Are you proud of us?


Morelbeam is a mirror of his fallen mother in plush, gray and white fur. A hunger for knowledge guides Morelbeam's path and he finds himself unafraid to ask others questions about anything that comes to his mind. He is protective of his family — especially now, in the wake of his mother's death.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Needledrift † x Chittertongue †; Adopted by Ferndance
Brother to Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance, Bonechill, Giggleflower, Branchroar
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Briarthorn
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
𓆱 ShaowClan's defeat stings, even more so that Branchroar was not there. If he'd been there, he could have helped. He could have… done something. His presence could have been enough to tip the scales in ShadowClan's favor—he'd managed to hold his own against those two ThunderClan apprentices in the middle of the blizzard, even if he had ended up turning tail in the end. He'd survived, he'd managed to stake his clan's claim over their stolen strip of land, he had been good enough. So why was he not good enough to be taken along to fight ThunderClan for a second time? He can't help but think of Needledrift, and the fact that she'd died on a patrol he hadn't been allowed to go on. What if the same had happened to Morel? His brother could have died, and Branchpaw would only have known when he saw that gray tabby form being returned to camp carried limply upon clanmates' bloodied backs. He could have lost another sibling, this one for good.

Still, the lilac tabby tom comes at his leader's call, settling before her as she begins a clan meeting. She calls him, Gigglepaw, and Morelpaw to step forward, and he obeys without hesitation. There is only one possibility for what she could want with them; they will become warriors today. "Do you swear to protect and remain loyal to your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Steely amber eyes narrow, teeth bared in a stiff smile. He is loyal, that much cannot be questioned. He would die for his clan, although he'd prefer not to throw his life away for nothing. "I do." He is gifted with a new name, one that commends his charisma and ferocity. But being a warrior feels wrong, in a way. His mother should be here to see him, to see Morelbeam and Giggleflower. She should be here to call out their names, to cheer for them, maybe shed a few tears of joy… but she isn't. He has to live without her, or perhaps follow clumsily in her pawsteps.

  • ooc:
  • 84108833_AyhxsTbXx9x82mS.png
  • BRANCHROAR ❯❯ he/him, warrior of shadowclan
    𖠰 fluffy lilac tabby with white spotting and amber eyes. quiet and seething, but a natural storyteller.
    𖠰 son of ferndance and needledrift ; brother to bonechill, bloodwing, shadewhisker, splashdance, giggleflower, morelbeam
    𖠰 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𖠰 penned by foxlore

Ternstar 25 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— As cheers begin to quiet, Ternstar gives a wave of her paw - gesturing that she isn't done speaking, that the meeting is yet to be dismissed. " Lavenderpaw, please step forwards, " with this announcement, there is no joy, only resignation. As much as she is angry - incensed even - at the selfish choices of some of Shadowclan, in that moment she only feels pity for those who are left behind, forced to bear the burden. " You have need of a new mentor, " she says - does not bother to elaborate when they all know why.

" Halfsun - you are a dedicated warrior. I trust that you will continue Lavenderpaw's training, and help him grow to be just as great, " it still feels strange, surreal in a way, to be greeting her as a warrior, when Ternstar can still remember the kitten she'd spent time with in the nursery. Who she'd grieved in her absence at Windclans paws.

" Lostkit - you are six moons old, and you are old enough to begin training as an apprentice. To learn and grow, to know what it is to truly be a shadowclanner. From this days forwards, you will be known as Lostpaw. " the girl had come in leaps and bounds since her appearance within their territory, and Ternstar wishes to continue to see her flourish. " Amberhaze - you have done well, training Talonstrike. I'm sure you will teach Lostpaw just as well, " It might be a strange choice, to give him another so soon - the very same day in fact - but she think's it'll help both of them, to have eachother to focus on.

" Cornflowerkit - Rainbowkit, " she can't quite hide the fondness that paints her features, eyes and tone softening into something more gentle, despite her carefully held figure. " You too, have reached six moons of age, " well, not quite, but close enough - a quarter moon makes no difference in the mollies mind, and they'd always been rather big children, taking after their mother. " From this day forwards you will be apprentices, and until you receive your warrior names you will be known as Cornflowerpaw and Rainbowpaw. Cornflowerpaw, you will train beneath Houndcry - I trust they will teach you all you need to know, " she says.

And then there is a moments pause, a moment of indecision, before she steels herself for what needs to be said. " Rainbowpaw... I will be your mentor. I trust that you will not disappoint me, " perhaps she is letting herself be a bit emotional, but she thinks that even if Rainbowpaw had not been hers, she'd have claimed him as her apprentice. He has the makings of a fine warrior. She moves to touch her nose to his, before stepping back.

Despite the joy in the crowd, her next announcement is not a happy one - and her voice reflects it for once, as lilting tone becomes cold, cruel. " Bonechill, " sharp, bitter - spoken like a curse, she summons the young warrior. " You have taken it upon yourself to take kits from this camp - without permission, ungaurded and unprotected. This - this would be crime enough, and for it I'd have you on tick duty for a moon. " she is cold as ice, anger burning in her eyes - tail lashing angrily, a mind of its own. " But it is because of your actions that Mercykit has been lost - that Promisekit was endangered, and may have suffered the same fate. For this... I call upon our warrior ancestors. You know every cat by name - and I ask that you look down on the cat before me as I speak. From this day forwards, until you prove that Shadowclan can trust you once more, you shall be stripped of your warrior name, and known as Bonepaw once more. "

Already she can hear the stirrings of the crowd, murmurs of shock at the punishment. But for once, Ternstar is uncaring - she will not be swayed. " You will be treated as any other apprentice, for the duration of your penance, " for it is not only a punishment, but justice - for the grieving sibling, the ailing parents. For all her loathing of Ashenfall, even he does not deserve the pain of losing a child.

" Meeting dismissed, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y

// @LAVENDERPAW & @Halfsun
@lostkit & @Amberhaze

..... and @Bonechill.

cornflowerkit can't help but to think back at what puddlepaw had said during that argument. she called her insufferable, and like a charged magnet it sticks in her brain so much that she wishes she could claw it right out. as she settles near her brother, she watched her mother climb on the rock. warrior ceremonies happen, all the while cornflowerkit can't get the echo of the apprentice out of her head. would she even be called cornflowerpaw, or would she simply be pushed back to kithood with a sneer? within a few blinks, she has to remind herself to seem like she cares. she doesn't but... doesn't it paint a good picture? would it make her an apprentice today to pretend as if she cared that someone other than her was getting her mother's attention?

"morelbeam. giggleflower. branchroar. talonstrike. stonestrike. agaterain. plumwhisker."

she isn't very loud but she calls their names regardless. they'd have to sit vigil, new names front and ready. lostkit goes first, after lavenderpaw gets a new mentor, and lostkit turns to lostpaw. a sniveling little kitten, that's what lostpaw is to her. that's what lostpaw would always be. no time soon would she ever call the apprentice lostpaw. she would remain a kit until she can prove herself. and then... it's her turn. with her brother. they buttheads quite often but she would protect her brother all the same. he's her brother. she stand when he does, tail swishing behind her as her ears angle back with a gentle squint of her eyes. she is cornflowerkit no longer. now, she is cornflowerpaw. now she can do her duty and learn to protect what she loves. who she loves. and as soon as she feels high up enough... it all comes crashing down. her head quickly whips towards her brother and then back to her mother. what... what!? no, this couldn't be happening! how did... how come it wasn't her? didn't she deserve to have her mother, too? did ternstar agree with puddlepaw? was she simply too annoying, too detestable for her own mom to want to train? did she not have enough potential? was she simply not good enough?


she continues. telling the clan bonechill is bonepaw now, stripped of his rank for causing the loss of one of the kits. but cornflowerpaw can barely hear her. her breath becomes rapid, and shallow, claws digging into muddied camp grounds, breath clear on cold air as she squeezes her eyes shut.

"it's... not fair. this isn't fair, ITS NOT FAIR! HOW COME HE GETS TO– HES NOT EVEN– ITS NOT FAIR! I DONT WANT ANYONE ELSE TO MENTOR ME! I WANT YOU, TERNSTAR! YOU... why do you always pick everyone over me..."

she feels like she's on fire, hot lava coursing through her veins and yet... all the same, she can't breathe. puddlepaw was right. that idiot was right! she'll never be good enough for this stupid clan! she... she'd prove them all wrong. she can be good. she can be better. better than her stupid brother. and better than those stupid cats that became warriors. she'll become a warrior before rainbowpaw and they'd have to look at her like she matters.

// don't worry, this is by design <3 she's just feeling a little silly !
  • Wow
Reactions: Amberhaze
The black and white tomkit sits in the crowd near his sister with both of his ears perked forward as he listens to the older apprentices being made into warriors and he thinks about how that will be him one day, the clan would be cheering out his name until the star's ears bled. His whiskers twitch deciding to not utter any of the names that belonged to the newly graduated warriors not when he wanted to know who his mentor would be and he trusts that his mother will make the right choice, a perfect mentor to carve him into the perfect warrior that Shadowclan could depend on that's his dream and goal. He'd be able to protect his family, his sister, and mother so that the stars didn't lead her astray and she wouldn't disappear like Smogstar and Mirestar in such a short span of moons.

Lavenderpaw's given to another warrior and Lostkit becomes an apprentice, he barely tries to hide his disinterest in the entire exchange simply wanting to know who would shape him into a formiable warrior, and his ears twitch at the sound of his own name. Rainbowpaw listens intently as his sister recieves a mentor first, Houndcry, and he spares her a quick glance only to focus his dark gaze in the direction of Ternstar waiting with bated breath noticing the way that she seems to pause. Tell me who, mama. A part of him wants to say to encourage her to continue speaking and finally, the words fall from her lips that he feels that he has skyrocketed above it all, and above all the measly apprentices in the den.

"Rainbowpaw... I will be your mentor. I trust that you will not disappoint me."

"I wouldn't dream of it. I won't disappoint you." He murmurs the promise to her as their noses brush against each other and he can't help but feel his chest fill with a sort of pride and accomplished feeling but its all short-lived when Cornflowerpaw seems to mutter something but he doesn't pay her any mind as he listens to the punishment of Bonechill or rather, Bonepaw. What a disappointment, surely, they should never trust the former warrior with any kittens whatsoever if he's so keen in losing them. The two-toned tom had been prepared to say some snide remark to his sister about the apprentice but that's when the tabby decided to explode and screech about it isn't fair that she had wanted Ternstar as her mentor not Houndcry.

A part of him wishes to snap at her and show his teeth but the words Ternstar spoke ring within his ears, he wouldn't disappoint her and further embarass her in public. His jaw clenches as his pupils narrow into dangerous slits as he regards his sister with a more colder glare than her fiery outburst and the fur along the back of his neck seems to lift in the slightest. Did she think that he didn't deserve to be taught by their own mother? Is she truly this selfish to try keeping the silver tabby away from him? Rainbowpaw tries to flatten the fur on his body and straightens his posture feeling all the eyes of their clanmates pointed in their direction, he takes a long breath and speaks in a frigid, blunt tone "You're not a kit anymore... quit acting like one, Cornflowerpaw."

Without another word, the black and white moggy rises to his paws to follow the crowd that begins to disperse after Ternstar dismisses the meeting and his eyes catch onto the chimera pelt of a certain apprentice, and he doesn't dare look back where his sister sits alone. No, he wouldn't be associated with her after her rather childish outburst not now when warm lilac and a night blessed pelt seems to catch his attention more.

☄. *. ⋆

ㅤcis male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤasexual biromantic, taken by n/a
ㅤ6 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
ㅤapprentice of shadowclan for 0 moons
ternstar x snakehissㅤ/ㅤbrother to cornflowerpaw & ivorykit
ㅤmentoring n/aㅤ/ㅤmentored by ternstar
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses his large size to try and overpower his enemies, he currently doesn't have a set fighting style
a large, longhaired black maine coon moggy w/low white and a pair of brown eyes

Frozenpaw sits stiffly beside Bouncepaw, his tail curled neatly around his paws. His fur is freshly groomed, though the way his ears flick suggests he's a little nervous. Big ceremonies like this always make him feel like he should be doing something better, like standing straighter, or looking more serious…but he just ends up fidgeting instead. When his best friend whispers, he glances at her, then back at the new warriors. "Yeah," He agrees quietly, smiling softly at her silliness. "They really deserve it." He watches as the den's oldest are named, and when the clan cheers, he joins in not-so-loudly, "Morelbeam! Giggleflower! Branchroar! Talonstrike! Stonestrike! Agaterain! Plumwhisker!" His voice tapers off at the end as he thinks, it must feel incredible to finally be a warrior. He hopes he can be as strong as them one day.

As the apprentices are called, his eyes light up slightly. He watches them curiously, and then leans closer to Bouncepaw. "We're not the youngest apprentices anymore," He murmurs, hoping they'll do okay.

Then comes Bonechill's punishment. The sepia tom tenses, his paws kneading the ground. Losing a warrior name…that sounds like it's a huge deal. The clan is nearly silent as the weight of it settles in, and Frozenpaw swallows. "I…I guess that's fair," He says hesitantly to his friend. His voice isn't harsh, just unsure. He knows taking kits away was dangerous, but he can't help but feel a small pang of sympathy, even if he doesn't dare say it. It had to have just been a mistake…right?

As the meeting ends, he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "That was a lot," He murmurs to Bouncepaw. He gives one last glance at the new warriors, then stands up, still looking a little lost in thought before the shouts begin. He whips his head around to see the spiff begin between Cornflowerpaw and Rainbowpaw and grimaces. Their new denmates seem…uh, lively. "We should probably go." His tone is quiet as he walks away, his tail flicks lightly, just enough to nudge Bouncepaw along with him.
lostkit was not a generally anxious cat. she had a healthy dose of caution and an appreciation for safety sure, but she considered herself as having relatively tough skin, which was a trait that had only been amplified after coming to the clan. still, today, the kit would admit to feeling a bit of anxiety at least. mostly excitement -- but she didn't make a habit of lying to herself, so yes, maybe she was a bit nervous.

she had never really participated in a meeting before. kits didn't have much business in the involved announcements besides watching some of their denmates graduate every month, so this would be her first time really present in the ceremony. receiving her apprentice name, at last, something she had been waiting for with baited breath. two nights before her dreams had been plagued by a creeping edge of uncommon self-doubt, the hollow-eyed ternstar of her nightmare calling her up only to banish her from the clan and tell her, actually, she didn't belong here at all.

then she had woken up and chided her subconscious for being an idiot as she watched a normal-looking ternstar mingle with her clanmates.

so yes, though lostkit was certainly working on untangling that little knot of nerves beneath her fur, her reaction to ternstar's call was more of excitement than anything, and the other queens in the nursery could certainly tell if their small smiles were anything to go by. after all, even if she wasn't one of theirs, not truly, it was still an exciting thing to welcome new apprentices.

the first part of the meeting was decorated with warrior promotions -- and there were a lot of them. she didn't know most of the older apprentices well, hadn't known so many had been having their final assessments over the last moon, but her heart still swelled with a secondary sort of pride as the ranks of her clan swelled, cheering out their names with enthusiasm.

when the calls died out, it was for the part she had been waiting for -- first lavenderpaw, and then --

"Lostkit - you are six moons old, and you are old enough to begin training as an apprentice. To learn and grow, to know what it is to truly be a shadowclanner. From this days forwards, you will be known as Lostpaw."

lostpaw stepped forward, eyes glimmering, an unspoken promise in them.

"Amberhaze - you have done well, training Talonstrike. I'm sure you will teach Lostpaw just as well."

the she-cat's eyes glowed with a hesitant enthusiasm as she turned her head to where she had last seen her new mentor. she had always liked the lead warrior, and inside, she was a little relieved that he would mentor her rather than one of the many shadowclanners that had always looked at her with a peculiar scrunch of mistrusting eyes, as if they expected her to poison them all in the next second. without a doting mother from the nursery like some of the other kits, she trotted over to amberhaze without hesitation, tail held high with a breathless excitement as she greeted her new mentor.

still, there was more of the meeting to get through, though between cornflowerpaw's outburst and bonechill -- bonepaw's -- chilling (no pun intended) demotion, it isn't much of a happy one and the new apprentice winces a little as ternstar dismisses them.

  • ooc.
  • LOSTKIT (she/her) is a five moon old shadowclan kit with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.



Fury radiates from Halfsun in rolling waves, evident in the way her patchwork fur bristles, refusing to lay flat, and how her claws dig deep into the earth. How could she not be worked up? ShadowClan had lost so much in just a few short days, but none of it compared to the agony twisting in her chest at the thought of Mercykit. Alone. Lost. Far from her family.

Her mismatched gaze snaps toward Bonechill, pure hatred curling her lips into a silent snarl. The thought of her niece out there, frightened and vulnerable, makes her stomach churn. It pulls her focus entirely from the meeting, her ears ringing with her own frustration—until the sound of voices chanting around her breaks through. "Morelbeam! Giggleflower! Branchroar! Talonstrike! Stonestrike! Agaterain! Plumwhisker!" She joins in the call, her voice steady despite the angry rhythm of her heartbeat. Forcing herself to listen, she clamps down on the roiling emotions threatening to overtake her.

Then, Ternstar moves on—calling forward kits and apprentices in need of mentors. Against her will, Halfsun's eyes flick between them, her mind drifting. And then— Her name. For a moment, the world seems to blur. Her pupils shrink to pinpricks, and her mouth opens, then snaps shut again before she can blurt out Are you certain? Instead, she catches herself, dipping her head with forced composure. "It would be my honor, Ternstar." She steps forward, touching noses with her new apprentice. Lavenderpaw. She recalls the name—formerly Mapletuft's apprentice, before the molly vanished. At least we have something in common. "We will resume your training immediately. I hope you've eaten already." There was no time to waste.

And yet, as much as she itches to be anywhere but here, she lingers just long enough to watch the real justice unfold. Ternstar's voice is firm, final, as he strips Bonechill of his warrior name and demotes him to an apprentice once more. A dark satisfaction unfurls in her chest, her lips twitching into something that isn't quite a smile but isn't far from it either. Good. Let him feel powerless. Let him feel small. It was more mercy than he deserved.

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 94205671_o4XcfA8BCj5nVJ6.png
    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter

The meeting began like no other, a monthly routine that all clans came to expect and even anticipate depending on your trajectory of life. However, Amberhaze was well past the point of being excited for something as mundane as a clan meeting, their interpersonal gatherings becoming more of a chore than something to look forward to...and he wasn't even the one lecturing. He figured Ternstar didn't mind it- at least not so much that she wouldn't do it at all- the only implication of her unrest being tense muscles and a flat voice, devoid of emotion. It wasn't entirely out of character for her, he figured...she doled out her love and admiration for others quite sparingly. He considered himself lucky that he happened to be included in her lineup of those she found favorable, by some miracle of the stars.

He did not dwell on it for long, the lanky figure sitting rather restlessly upon jagged hocks, shifting his weight from one paw to the next every once in a while. His body felt uncomfortable, bones protruding beneath thin skin and even thinner fur...Shadowclan was suffering, and you were either delusional or an outright fool to consider otherwise, to ignore the sensation of a starving belly clawing relentlessly inside hollow stomachs. The abundance of ceremonies brought some relief to their strain, he supposed- though it was another question entirely regarding how long their newest additions would last. The infamous Shadowclan curse seemed to be coming for them all recently, no longer satisfied with the souls of their leaders alone. Still, his heart swelled with pride as Talonpaw was named Talonstrike, his voice raising to a much more prominent level when calling out his former apprentice's alias. It suits him. He was a warrior in every sense of the word, all of the strife he had endured being a testament to his capabilities and resolve despite any and all terrible odds stacked against him.

Everything went as expected, the routine of hailing new warriors and assigning budding apprentices to their new mentors, and Amberhaze did not think much of it. At least, not until his name was called, and the miniscule figure of one he recognized as Lostkit- Lostpaw- scurried over to him with unveiled excitement and wonder igniting a fire within her eyes. He glanced at Ternstar, hesitation evident in the way he did not immediately return the little molly's touch- he had only just finished Talonpaw's training- and he didn't feel very qualified despite that. But it was an honor nonetheless, and beyond that, a second chance... he would do better this time, not only for himself but for her. With a lopsided smile- grimace, maybe- he would lean down and touch his nose to hers, the cold sensation of a damp muzzle causing his pelt to prickle. "Uh- Hi. We'll t-tour the territory o-once this wraps up, o-okay?" Awkward as ever, he skipped the pleasantries or words of encouragement- they would have time to get to know each other properly during their outing- an endeavor he was already preparing himself to make, had it not been for the sudden shriek emitted by one of Ternstar's own. The sound caused Amberhaze to recoil, drooping ears flattening against the back of his boney skull as it continued to grow louder the more she droned on. It was unexpected and certainly unappreciated- but not nearly as unexpected as Bonechill's demotion, which left Amberhaze utterly speechless.

What had begun as something promising and exciting ended in absolute disaster, a catastrophe unfolding before the entire clan's very eyes unceremoniously. He swallowed hard, casting a nervous glance at his newest ward, who had settled herself obediently beside him after her assignment. "Um- H-Hey, let's go." He would waste little time in his retreat, stopping only momentarily at the camp's entrance to allow Lostpaw to catch up. He didn't want to spend another second here, not after that.

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane

  • Love
Reactions: lostpaw
It was a day he'd never thought would come. Every failure had pushed his self confidence down. When he passed his assessment, he half assumed it was just luck, or a cruel joke. Or pity. Whatever it was, it was still a success. Not just for him, but for many others too. Stonepaw, Plumpaw, Talonpaw... Those he held dearest to his heart. Those he wasn't sure how to show that care to. One in particular he'd pushed away, and then accepted the consequences.

Agatepaw looked to Stonepaw briefly, and then at Talonpaw, and forced a smile onto his face. He just needed to be... stable, for right now. To not let the nervousness show. He breathed in, and once his name was called, he stepped forward. When prompted for his vow, he spoke, not letting his voice waver. Not this time. "I do." Because he wanted to fulfill that promise.

Talonstrike. Stonestrike. The same suffix for the one he was closest with now, and the one he was closest with before. Maybe it was a sign... a sign that Agatepaw could chase and catch up to his brother. More than likely, it was just their shared traits and battle prowess. But maybe he could take it as such. Grow, mature now that he was a warrior. That was a thought for later. He cast them both a small smile of congratulations.

But then, Ternstar spoke. It was his turn. "Agatepaw. For your resilience, and your dedication to your clan, you will be known as Agaterain."

Agaterain. Agaterain A name uniquely his own, completely. No suffix denoting his rank anymore. Even after he sat down and tried to listen to the apprentices' ceremonies, he was still repeating the name over in his head. He was Agaterain, and nothing would ever change that.

...So long as he didn't make a mistake as foolish as Bonechill - Bonepaw, once more. That dragged him out of his thoughts. It was fitting for a mistake so grave any cat with a sliver of common sense would not make. He stayed silent, however, and instead focused on the good. The next chapter of his life - as Agaterain..​
*+:。.。 Although his head still pounds something fierce, the man takes his place amongst those gathered nonetheless. He pays little heed to anyone who keeps their distance from him - he's not unfamiliar to keeping cats at a distance. Still, even if one is sued to never making ripples it's...offputting knowing he can't now, even if he wanted to. Still, this day isn't about him.

The meeting begins, as it should, with the celebration of his siblings. Bonechill cranes his neck to get a look at them, his heart swelling with pride. He still vividly recalls the day they all came into the world. It had been...frightening, hearing his mamma's screams of pain...only to have such an awful moment break way into something undeniably beautiful. Three little lives, each one more unique than the last. Branchkit, Morelkit, Gigglekit...he'd watched them grow from bumbling kittens to confident young adults. Although tragedy had stripped them of their rightful colors, he knew they'd be strong enough to handle anything. Gigglepaw, with her endless light, Branchpaw - his unwavering loyalty, and Morelpaw, a unique gentleness to his heart that could tame even the harshest of storms.

He knew with absolute certainty that Needledrift would be so incredibly proud.

With her memory, her voice, in mind, Bonechill shouted the loudest he's ever had in his entire life-

I'm so, so proud of you three!

Then, after all the pleasantries...his name is called.
Bonechill wasn't foolish enough to believe he'd go unpunished - frankly, he was surprised they didn't kick him out of camp to scour the world for Mercykit himself...a punishment he would've believed fitting had he not had a family he refused to leave behind. Instead, beneath her glare, Ternstar takes from him his very name. -Chill is replaced with -paw once more, but he takes it. He meets his leader's eyes with unperturbed moss-colored hues. His only regret - aside from the obvious - is that he had to lose his name on the day his siblings earned theirs.

Bowing his head, he accepts his fate. Bonepaw...a name he will bear until the day Mercykit is returned.
  • 88578365_0bDzPO167fzILmk.png

    Shadowclan — demoted warrior
    DMAB— He/Him — Homosexual
    16 moons
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance
    Half-brother to Giggleflower, Morelbeam, Branchroar

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
Last edited:
Today was the day. Everything he'd trained mercilessly for. He'd passed his assessment with flying colors. Of course he did. He basically breathed battle training. He listened as his denmates received their names, Giggleflower, Branchroar, and Morelbeam. He didn't talk to them much. Mostly pleasantries and necessities. But it was still heartwarming. He gave them a nod, should any of them looked to see.

Then it was their turn. He met Agatepaw's glance with an unsure one. He subtly shifted, subconsciously shaking off the guilt that met him. He was allowed to feel good about this. "I do," Ternstar's gaze met his as he was named, getting the same suffix as Talonstrike. Stonestrike. His chest swelled with pride. He didn't mind sharing a name. It felt befitting of a warrior, whether it was uniquely his or not. And Agaterain. It suited him. Along with Plumwhisker. They were warriors now!

Just as quickly as the elation hit him, it was nearly taken entirely by the chilling announcement at the end. Bonechill was to be Bonepaw until further notice. The implication was enough for him to grit his teeth. Mercykit deserved better than whatever happened. He could think of a few things he'd rather have had happen to Bonepaw. But those were not his decision to make.
  • ooc: text "speech"
  • ✶ stonestrike. warrior of shadowclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ╰┈➤ㅤamab tom, he/him | heterosexual, single
    ╰┈➤ㅤ12 moons old | ages every 3rd
    ╰┈➤ㅤwarrior, skilled in battle | mentoring none
    ╰┈➤ㅤSH lilac with low white
    ╰┈➤ㅤclose with Agaterain, Plumwhisker, Marbleleaf
    ╰┈➤ㅤwritten by Twitchtail/iliawonders, ic opinions | n/a