FEED THE FLAMES / gathering announcements 9.15.22

Emberstar's eyes widened at the news the other flame-point brought. A death at the paws of another clan, she could hardly believe it. This was exactly what they had been meant to leave behind when the creation of the clans. Her gaze swept Sootstar, taking in the molly with new eyes. She took a step back. Could Starclan really have made such a mistake in their choice of Windclan leader?

After that, everything fell apart so quickly. Her head swiveled as Cicadastar beside her backed Blazestar's claims, and leveled some of his own. He decries the deeds. Without him beside her, she suddenly felt much more alone atop the rock. Briarstar refused to take sides, but blatantly decried the scars and the arguing. A sentiment that Emberstar shared. "This is supposed to be a peaceful gathering." She protested weakly. Sootstar, for her part, had simply denied it all. One after another voice after voice raised itself in anger, winding together in arguments too fast for her to process them all at once.

It was all she can do to stare baffled as all the three other leaders left the gathering with their clans in tow.

What had just happened?

Her ear flicked as she heard Cinderfrost's voice decrying Sootstar's rigid enforcement of borders. Before she could agree, a Windclanner cut in, the new deputy, refuting her medicine cat and threatening her. Emberstar's eyes narrowed as she watched him leave.

"If you need to go to moonstone I will accompany you." She told Cinderfrost, fiery determination flashing in her eyes. ""We will not be barred from the Moonstone."

Emberstar turned toward her clanmates, put on a brave face. "Thunderclan will be staying a moment longer." She announced, "Take this time to relax, socialize with Skyclan perhaps. It has been a long moon and that was a tense gathering. Try and enjoy yourselves, at least for the moment." Giving them all a nod, she turned toward Blazestar, taking a step toward him. "Can I talk to you privately?" she whispered.
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The death of Haze had been one greatly mourned among them - even if he personally hadn't much to say. Sightings by him had been few and far between - and those few, not particularly outstanding. Hot-headed, temper flared, angry little bug begging to fight. Otherwise, unimportant. He couldn't understand the ramblings over territory, the attachment to them, and to those who traveled across them. More forestland, more greenery, was such a thing worth dirtying your paws over, further dirtying the ranks of the highest -

And those scars, they paint the windclanner's bodies in ugly crosses, abruptly parting through fur, dull, rotted pink. And they stand proud despite the gazes drawing near. Delusional, Windclan was delusional. "Look at those ugly things,” he hisses, murmuring low in the ears of his companion. The will of those born here would never make sense to him. Wily things, their priorities placed where they shouldn't be. Cloud-headed fools. "If Blaise ever tried such a thing, I'd behead him myself -” the remark comes with a sharp glare at the leader in question, as if daring him to even think the thought. And his face, soft as he was, for once scrunched in contempt.

This smoky-furred thing, what did she have to say of the moonstone's sacredness? Reluctantly, she registers as a supposed healer in his mind - paltry choice. She speaks for more than she knows. Her eyes hardly glisten with holy grandeur, and yet - and yet - He bristles, lips pursed with idle contempt, (perhaps for the wrong reasons)

His gaze is hardly concerned as the pests turn to leave, haughty, as if entitled in their faiths. They felt best living in ignorance, it seems. Good riddance.
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Arguing, arguing- he'd done his best to pay attention, but this was- a lot. A lot. He'd known about that poor soul, dead on his homeland, of course he had- he'd seen the blood and smelled the death in the breeze, an unmistakeable metallic twist of the air. Teeth clenched in their usual grin, stock-still and persistent, despite everything. In this night, under this truce, nothing bad could happen. Though blood marred this land from before- from the bodies- now it could not. Nothing would happen.

Words sharpened, but claws did not- thankfully. And at his side, his mocha-painted phantom whispered sharp words that crept cryogenic through his blood, making the warmth that had glowed in his chest from companionship snuff, left only as a splint. Those ugly things- the scars, a sentiment he shared. Not that he wanted to be part of Sootstar's council, but he would not- he couldn't take an injury as status. And- Blazestar- beheaded. For a moment Mallowlark had to resist the urge to burst out laughing at the image of Dawnglare barrelling up to a leader- his leader- and swiping his head from his shoulders in a blow unanticipated. What a sight that would be- though his snicker was cut short by the dawning realisation, as sudden as light spilling over the horizon. Blazestar- Dawnglare's leader. He'd known it, really, but now it had truly struck him.

"You- should. If he does." Murmured low, he meant it. What courage that Mallowlark himself did not have. Wide-eyed, his grin sharpened by the stress, he settled silver eyes upon the other. Something unfamiliar settled in him- or rather, thrashed about like some untamed beast. The poison of panic. "I have to go. With her. But-" Dry, his throat was dry. Swallowing, he got to his feet, half-tail hardly managing to keep his balance. "I'm not... like her. WindClan is..." WindClan is not my home, it's just on it, he wanted to say, but he could not find the right words. "I... I'll still come here." For the check up, meaning signalled by pats upon the ground. And then, then, with a lingering look, he took his leave.

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