- Mar 19, 2024
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A former kittypet who left his comfortable life behind in search of adventure and freedom among the wildcats who live in groups called Clans. Angus blossomed into a warrior as good as any clan-born cat. Roaringsun is a shining sun amidst the ThunderClan crowd, who still seeks to prove himself as a capable tom after Skyclaw's poisoned words and close-mindedness regarding kittypets; but despite his unending loyalties he still finds himself rather fond of their pine-dwelling neighbors. . .
❝He was a kittypet, once. It's a weighty admission for Roaringsun however he's met with sparkling eyes from Hawkspine, the SkyClan warrior relaxing a fraction with this new knowledge. Most former kittypets were kind. A lot of SkyClan's certainly were. Howlingstar had let him join ThunderClan when he was six moons old. He doesn't remember much about that time, had buried last leafbare under cobwebs and scar tissue, and knows less about ThunderClan during it. However, if Roaringsun was barely younger than Hawkspine himself, if their warrior names were any indication ... they might have met sooner if not for the circumstances across the scent-lines.
For a fleeting moment, Hawkspine wishes that Roaringsun might have found his home in SkyClan instead.
Roaringsun is an above average sized fluffy creamy-yellow toned tom with orange flame markings and an off-white mane. His eyes are pumpkin orange.
Roaringsun is a Warrior of ThunderClan who has served under Howlingstar's and Flamestar's leaderships. He was born to the kittypet Mochi alongside four littermates, and adopted out when he was a moon and a half old. Named Angus by his new owners, he was not allowed to stay out in the garden after dark. His next-door neighbour named Beau told him tales of the cats that lived in the woods by their own rules, and encouraged him to seek them out. After taking the leap-of-faith a few sunrises after his sixth moon cycle, Angus happened to stumble upon ThunderClan territory and joined their rankings as Roaringpaw, leaving the soft kittypet life behind. He was mentored by Copperfang before being reassigned to Leafhusk following the exile of the kittypets from ThunderClan.
Roaringpaw aided Flamewhisker in reclaiming leadership off of Skyclaw and killed one of his supporters, Sproutberry, in battle. He earned his warrior name Roaringsun and was given Berrypaw, the son of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird, to mentor.
Contents1. Detailed Description
1.1 Scars2. Personality
1.2 Body Language
1.3 Inventory
2.1 Faith3. Interaction
2.2 Quirks
3.1 Skills4. Relationships
3.2 Combat
4.1 Kin5. History
4.2 Other Cats
5.1 Backwritten6. Trivia
5.2 Played
6.1 Playlist7. Gallery
6.2 Theme Weeks -
His pelt is akin to a landscape painted in warm hues of sunlit wheat and deep, burnished copper; it carries the hazy warmth of late afternoon light, as if the golden hour itself has woven into him. On his chin, mane and belly the color softens into a warm cream. The markings upon him are not bold, melting into the shifting tones of his fur like sunlight diffusing through tall, dry grass. His face is framed with fine, delicate striping, accentuating the sharp planes of his features. Faint tabby wisps etch themselves along his brow, trailing like brushstrokes down the bridge of his nose before vanishing into the golden warmth of his muzzle. Atop his eyebrows are two heart-like markings - a dark orange that stands out amidst the soft gold of his fur.
The colors of Roaringsun's tail shift like a flame caught mid-dance—rich amber bleeding into dark ochre, deep russet pooling at the edges where the stripes grow strongest. The base is a softer gold, where the tabby markings start as faint echoes of his spine's pattern, stretching and breaking apart like scattered wisps of smoke. But as they travel downward, they grow more defined, gripping the plume of his tail in a steady rhythm until they fade near the tip. His eyes are a rich amber, warm beneath the sunlight that breaks through the canopy of the oak forest.
Technically: LH flame-sepia with low white (carrying dilute; masking chocolate tabby).
Scars gained:
- Given a left shoulder scar during a spar with Palefire.
- Given three claw marks on his right rump during the battle at Sunningrocks.
Roaringsun is highly expressive with everything he does. He is known for the toothy smile he offers to his clanmates and is known for extending his kindness to neighboring Clans despite protest. It is rather easy to know how he's feeling by just taking a look at him; the laid-back posture or the tensed up muscles. He has a loud, booming voice and has a tendency of running his mouth. Roaringsun enjoys showing physical affection to those he is closest to; in particular, he likes brushing pelts together.
- Item 1
- Item 2
Roaringsun moves through life with an easy, rolling gait, like a river meandering through sun-dappled glades; effortless and unhurried. He carries the warmth of the midday sun in the way he speaks, in the way he lingers beside his clanmates with a soft chuckle, brushing past them with the careless affection of how one might treat kin. His words come light and unburdened, edged with a teasing lilt, never sharp, never meant to wound. He walks with an easy confidence, broad-shouldered and sure-pawed, exuding a presence that invites trust without demanding it.
A friend to many, he holds no airs of superiority despite his strength. He listens, he laughs, he offers advice when it is sought and simple companionship when words are unnecessary. His charm is effortless, never forced, never meant to manipulate or deceive. Roaringsun doesn't desire power for power's sake, all he wants is to be treated as an equal to his peers, to not have the title of kittypet hanging over his head at every moment. He is a protector, first and foremost, and blazes like fire that refuses to be extinguished. Brave and courageous to a fault, Roaringsun is reckless in his approach to battle. He is carried by his instinct and drive to protect his clanmates, unwilling to let fear dictate his movements.
Roaringsun is courageous and kind-hearted. He stands between his clanmates and danger without caring what may happen to him, refusing to let others suffer if he can do something about it. He is merciful to enemies if he judges them deserving of so. Roaringsun is a friendly face and extends a paw of kindness to just about anyone as long as he sees fit.
Roaringsun is a laid-back feline who enjoys living life in his own pace. He is relatively relaxed, and has been for through most of his life. Roaringsun is warm and welcoming, it's easy to approach him whenever. This extends to his duties as a mentor, but that does not mean he takes disrespect lightly. While he may be questioned at times, it is undeniable that he takes his warrior duties seriously.
Dense but Affectionate
Roaringsun is rather oblivious when it comes to matters of the heart. He understands emotions broadly but anything more complicated tends to escape him. If a clanmate seems upset, he will do his best to cheer them up, but if the source of their frustration is him, it will take blunt words or a direct confrontation for him to understand. Being affectionate as he is, he treats the reciprocation of similar actions on face value, affection without deeper meaning.
Roaringsun struggles with the concept of StarClan. While he is open to their existence, he has never seen a Leader come back to life with his very own eyes. He tends to attribute things— like Howlingstar's return after being taken by a hawk, or Lichenstar moving after the wounds suffered at Sunningrocks— to sheer luck.
- Berserk Button – Roaringsun hates to have his kittypet heritage brought up.
- Call-Back – He killed Sproutberry in battle using the same method Skyclaw killed Howlingstar: by going for the throat.
- Child of Two Worlds – Born as a kittypet but joined ThunderClan at a young age.
- Elemental Motifs – With fire.
- Fiery Lion – He is often compared with the big cat due to his size and pelt.
- Naive Newcomer – To ThunderClan when he first arrived.
- Oblivious to Love – Could not tell if someone has a crush on him to save his life.
- Pet into the Wild – The young Angus left the safety and comfort of his home to become a Clan cat.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right – Would break the Warrior Code if it meant doing something he judges right.
- Unstoppable Rage – Loses it when he sees Wrath-howl during Flamewhisker's uprising.
Roaringsun is unsure and monogamous. He is crushing on Hawkspine.
- It's relatively easy for him to trust others and to make friends with him, clanmate or not.
- Currently wary of RiverClanners and ShadowClanners due to the double ambush, but with time may grow to tolerate them again.
Sounds like Voice description, be as detailed as you want! What does their laugh sound like, what are their voice quirks? Voice Claim is VOICE CLAIM
Smells of sunflowers and maple.
speech is #EB9215 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.
- Poor swimming. Roaringsun will only swim during life or death situations, and even then he's doing a bad job at it.
- Poor at fishing. Roaringsun has never gone fishing before.
- Competent at climbing. Roaringsun is gradually improving at this skill and he quite honestly enjoys it.
- Experienced with twolegs due to being a former kittypet.
- Advanced in stalking and hunting. While not a formidable stalker due to his fur color, Roaringsun has learned to hide among the thicket to the best of his abilities.
- Excels in combat. Roaringsun is muscular and has grown to be a formidable opponent; while not as skilled as the older warriors he is capable of holding his own in battle.
Combat difficulty is medium-hard. Roaringsun is hard to take down due to his size. He focuses on holding his opponent down and crushing them beneath his weight. Rendering his opponent immobile is his priority and fights close to his adversary. The warrior goes for the face and shoulders most of the time.
Roaringsun will start fights. He will flee and he may show mercy. Roaringsun will not kill unless absolutely necessary or in self-defense. He may start fights if provoked, or if under orders of attack. Fights honorably. -
Main Article: CHARACTER/Heartchart
⤷ Sibling to Rocket, Peanut, Zeus and Snap
⤷ Adopted out when he was a moon and a half old, littermates and parents all lived on the same street
Close to Character
Admires Flamestar, Howlingstar, Stormywing, Copperfang, Leafhusk
Friends with Orangeheart, Softsight, Hawkspine
Likes Leafhusk, Howlingstar✞, Gentlestorm, Stormywing, Copperfang, Ivorydawn, Howlfire
Dislikes Palefire, Raccoonstripe, Slatesnarl
Loathes Skyclaw✞, Darkthistle✞, Smokefur✞, Wrathpaw, Redflower, Sproutberry✞, RiverClan, ShadowClan
Kin ✎
Parents and Littermates ✎
Since leaving his twoleg home, Roaringsun has not contacted his family. His memories of them are few, and he may or may not recognize them if he stumbled upon them one day.
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Other Cats ✎
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit. -
Backwritten ; Kittypet
Roaringsun was born as Angus to the kittypets Pumpkin and Mochi; his littermates were Zeus, Rocket, Peanut and Snap. They were adopted out at a moon and a half old to different households, but continued to live on the same street. He was raised in twoleg place but always showed curiosity in what laid beyond his garden fence, this curiosity partially fueled by tales from his neighbor Beau. His twolegs only let him explore the yard in the evenings before it got dark, and he had never seen snow except through the windows glass. A few days after his sixth moon cycle, Angus ventured out into the wild and got stuck in a tree while running from a snake in ThunderClan territory.
Apprentice of ThunderClan
After being saved by Badgerstripe and taken to ThunderClan by a patrol, Angus somehow convinces Howlingstar to give him a chance to become a Clan cat. The ThunderClan Leader orders Palefire, a newly made warrior who was very vocal about not letting him join, to spar with Angus, not expecting him to win but rather to assess his determination to join. He earns a scar on his left shoulder during the battle and, while he loses, he is allowed to become an apprentice of ThunderClan. Renamed to Roaringpaw, he is apprenticed to Copperfang. He attended his first ever Gathering and met the ShadowClan apprentice Bonepaw, someone he has not spoken to in many moons. One night he sneaks out of camp, but is found by Softpaw. He asks her if they can train together, and she accepts.
The first death he witnesses is that of the Lead Warrior Wolfwind. He is the one to tell Howlingstar of the passing of her kin; during that same night he ponders about the prior events of the day. While out on patrol, Roaringpaw breaks the code and eats poisoned prey. He falls ill and is sent to Gentlestorm's den, where he stays for about a moon while the medicine cat figures out how to heal him. During his stay, he is visited by Orangepaw and the two become close friends. While he's still healing, some of Roaringpaw's clanmates begin taunting and harrassing former kittypets. He happens to overhear Skyclaw telling Howlingstar they should send him back to his twolegs so they don't waste more herbs on him.
After his release, Howlingstar teaches a patrol how to use an owl to hunt better. He brings up his concerns to the Leader but they're brushed off by the she-cat. After winning a spar against Wrathpaw, Roaringpaw is attacked with teeth and claws when he has his back turned - this marks the start of a lifelong hatred for the pink-toned cat. Tensions grow between the former kittypets and the antagonists, with Roaringpaw and Ploverhop being cornered and threatened by three of them during a hunting competition. The warriors are exiled but they murder Ploverhop a few days later; Roaringpaw is part of the patrol that finds their corpse. Several more bodies end up showing, but in the midst of it all he befriends the SkyClanner Hawkpaw. It's not until the attempted murder of Coltkit and Ivorykit that Howlingstar takes action in order to protect the former kittypets: they are to be exiled and will live under Leafhusk's care until everything is resolved; the Lead Warrior is reassigned as his mentor during this meeting.
Life in the Loner Lands
That same day, the exiled kittypets arrive in their makeshift camp. Leafhusk says that regardless of their current location, they are still ThunderClanners and will continue to work as a Clan. They are unaware of what is happening in ThunderClan territory until several other clanmates show up at the 'border'. They are told Skyclaw led a mutiny and killed Howlingstar in order to take control of the Clan. Despite not having bodies to mourn, they sit vigil for the lost. They remain exiled for about a moon, until the day Palefire and Fallowbite appear under Flamewhisker's orders to bring them back so they can retake ThunderClan.
The Uprising and Aftermath
Their arrival marks the beginning of battle. Roaringpaw attacks Wrathpaw, who was named Wrath-howl by Skyclaw, and asks if everything they did was worth it. Wrath-howl escapes from his grasp in order to protect Orangepaw from an attacker. Roaringpaw steps between him and Sproutberry, as he doesn't trust Wrath-howl to protect him on his own, and the two fight. Roaringpaw ends up killing the young warrior. Skyclaw is killed by Raccoonstripe, and the battle ends.
Flamewhiskers calls for a meeting afterwards, and Roaringpaw feels betrayed that Orangepaw took a blinded Wrath-howl to Gentlestorm's den. This action puts up a wall between the two of them. After receiving her nine lives, Flamestar calls for her first meeting as Leader. Roaringpaw is named Roaringsun, honored for his courage and determination.
Warrior of ThunderClan
A few sunrises after his vigil, Roaringsun encounters Hawkspine at the SkyClan border once again he learns he's become a warrior and tells Hawkspine he's earned his name as well; he's told Howlingstar was Hawk's kin and apologizes for not protecting her. This marks the beginning of a friendship, of constant meetings where oak turns into pine.
Roaringsun finally confronts Orangepaw about the hurt he felt. The two eventually make up, but to Roaringsun things won't ever be the same.
He one day asks Hawkspine to teach him how to climb. Instead of trespassing into enemy territory, he suggests Fourtrees. During a border patrol, Roaringsun openly challenges Raccoonstripe and reminds the Lead Warrior that he has done the same thing he's accusing SkyClan of.
When early frost arrives into the Clans, RiverClan and ShadowClan lead a joint ambush on ThunderClan in order to take territory. Roaringsun joins the RiverClan battle when he recalls Softsight was part of the patrol. At Sunningrocks, he fights RiverClan warrior Turtledove, but breaks off from her after Flamestar calls for a retreat; before leaving, he notices Raccoonstripe left for dead in the river and jumps into the water to save him with the help of Pinestep. At the Gathering of that same moon, Roaringsun meets Howlfire, Hawkspine's mother and a Lead Warrior of SkyClan. After Gentlestorm warns them of the snowstorm to come, Roaringsun sneaks out of camp to meet with Hawkspine and wishes for his safety.
During the week-long blizzard, Roaringsun approaches Flamestar and suggests a way for them to retake the lost territory that doesn't require bloodshed. The Leader accepts his advice with a few changes to what he had in mind. Despite having taken Sunningrocks from ThunderClan, a RiverClan patrol trespasses into the forest in search for prey, and a fight ensues. After the snowstorm passed, Roaringsun was given Berrypaw to mentor. He fights Doeblaze of SkyClan when she came to Slatesnarl's defense after the tom hunted in ThunderClan territory.
Roaringsun is part of the patrol that finds Freckleflame's body in the RiverClan border and helps carry her body back to camp. She was murdered by RiverClanners Shellpaw and Pinepaw.
He one day asks Stormywing how she knew she was in love, wondering if his feelings for Hawkspine are beyond just friendship. While hunting at fourtrees, Roaringsun runs into the exiled Wrathpaw. After the January Gathering, a ThunderClan patrol tries to peacefully retake the stretch of land stolen by ShadowClan during the double ambush. Ternstar refuses to lose it without a fight. Roaringsun battles Vulturesong, but doesn't kill her. He also fights Lead Warrior Amberhaze.
Roaringsun participates in a border skirmish at Sunningrocks, fighting the RiverClan warrior Blackwater before they are ordered to retreat following Lichenstar's plunge into the freezing waters. Following the disappearance of Leafhusk, Roaringsun locates traces of his former mentor near the loner lands border alongside signs of twoleg activity. Flamestar asks him to accompany her to the SkyClan border to talk to Orangestar and Twitchbolt, who unbeknownst to them had become warrior and leader, respectively.
Following the March ceremonies, Roaringsun rises to the rank of Lead Warrior. -
- Roaringsun was originally gonna be named Lionpaw. I wanted something more unique for my first TT character, so I went with something similar to it!
- I struggled with picking his warrior name. It was mostly between Roaringsun and Roaringfire, but I also considered Roaringwind after Howlingstar. -sun definitely feels like it's truly his!
Canon Warriors: Fireheart/Firestar ( Warrior Cats )
Book Character: Qibli ( Wings of Fire )
Video Game Character: Spyro, Kagetsu or Amber ( Spyro / Fire Emblem: Engage )
Mythical Creatures: Shisa or Gryphon -
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Rank Gender Pronouns Lead Warrior Male He / Him |
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Current Former ThunderClan Housefolk |
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Age Ages Every Created Starting Age 17 Moons 14th 03.19.2024 6 Moons |
Names |
Kittypet Apprentice Warrior Lead Warrior Roaringpaw Roaringsun Roaringsun |
Kin |
Mother Father Sisters Brothers Mochi Pumpkin Who Who |
Education |
Mentor Apprentice(s) |
Preceded by Succeeded by Who |
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