It's a surprise to see the cats come within the camp, to see kittypets move into territory they'd already been chased from twice over as if they hadn't learned their StarClan-blessed lesson. Seeing the parade of cats waltz in as if they still lived here made a growl rise to Sproutberry's throat, eyes widening as he began to stand and look at all who was among them. Eyes landed on Fallowbite, a traitor twice over, and his tail began to lash behind him. Words began to become exchanged and as they flew around he got ready, claws unsheathed before the camp burst into a fight and quickly he'd slink away the best he could to look for an opponent - the warrior excelled in stealth instead of head-on attacks after all.

He watched as cats began to clash with each other, as cats stood and watched looking for an opening and quickly he saw his and moved towards @ORANGEPAW. , admittedly not one of the cats that Sproutberry would prefer to go after - he was weak, stuck in the medicine den and unable to properly fight - but he was an easy target, and if the tom knew anything it was that easy targets were the ones that pulled on hearts more - the kits he'd tried to poison were proof of that.

He would try to attack from behind, hoping that Roaringpaw didn't notice him so that he could tackle the other to the ground. If that didn't work then he'd simply stand his ground, ears pinned to his head as eyes glared daggers towards the flame-hued apprentice.

  • -- not open for interactions other than preplanned ones!
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    12 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Wow

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Skyclaw's eyes skip from Flamewhisker's face - and settle on her.

And it's that same feeling that she's been chasing since kithood. That same hurt that's been following her all her life, bled through owl's talons and her mother's claws. She sees the anger, hurt, betrayal - all of it, in Skyclaw's eyes. It tastes sweet. She hopes with every vicious and bestial part of her being that he is feeling some fraction of the hurt now that he has given others. The same hurt that she felt, realizing that this cat who seemed so alike her was nothing more than a bloodthirsty traitor. You stand with her? She holds her grin as his own face contorts in displeasure. "Surprised?" she drawls, cruel satisfaction dripping from every syllable.

He spits insults, bristling and crude. She stares him down, offers nothing more than a disgusted scoff in return. He's no better than any of the kits she used to pick fights with, and his threat comes out just as childish. She unsheathes her claws. "I'd like to see you try," the scar-torn warrior snarls. If he wants to anger her, all it'll earn him is his own blood staining the ground.

She lashes her tail, waits for Flamewhisker's command. She is a dog, even if his metaphor is little more than a petty insult. She's an attack dog, trained and bloodthirsty.

The deputy's claws find him first, her tongue ordering attack. Fallowbite casts its eye around camp as blood begins to stain the ground. Her sisters are in the medicine den (her lip curls as she watches Darkthistle enter) and her younger siblings in the nursery (with Stormywing, whose jovial shoulder bump makes it ache in a way that it can't quite place).

It keeps coming back to Skyclaw. Up on the highrock, chased towards the edge... It paces underneath, watching the fighting, daring anyone to challenge it. Casts glances upwards, maw waiting and ready to seal the final blow.

An eager glint enters its eye as he is pushed over - only for it to draw back as he grasps onto a fire-licked pelt. "Flamewhisker!" Their voice is a snarl, lips drawing back to reveal sharp canines. It launches itself readily towards the rocky perch, ready to climb up to the battling pair -

And is met with a sharp pain in its tail, pinpricks sinking in. "Agh - " An undignified yelp, as a shooting pain has Fallowbite is suddenly immobilized.

  • not open to interactions! hopping out into a priv bc big threads stress me out o7
  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
OOC.obligatory warnings for death, blood, vague descriptions of a corpse & emetophobia. powerplay permission given by ryn! thank you<3

ivory claws connect with lilac fur, when she rips, blood pours from a clanmate's muzzle. yewflame. there wasn't anything about her stood out to her, he kept his head low, but her glares were heavy. deep with a hatred she should've seen coming from miles away. now, it stares right in her face, spitting out scum in her face. leafhusk retorts with an animal-like growl, lips turning, jaws snapping threatening as they collide into battle. she claws at yewflame's fur again, watching the sheep-like tufts get pulled off her body. it rests snugly between her paws. the stench of blood floods her senses quickly, usually an unwelcoming feeling but this day she will embrace it.

the lilac torbie is younger than her, swifter, leafhusk finds it difficult to dodge most attacks. there is a sense of urgency in how her claws flail towards leafhusk, slashing and striking against the lead's sepia fur. she ducks one of yewflame's incoming, hurried strikes, "the thunder booms for us, not your false ideologies!" her voice hisses over the rainstorm overhead, as clanmates and traitors fight until one falls.

its morbidly comforting, to know she has clanmates on her side. those who deserve it will die, she told littlepaw sunrises ago, and by the stars she meant it. in her short lived break, she pants, blood seeping from fresh wounds. shoulder, her face, her side… once the adrenaline wears off, it'll be the worst pain she's felt.

leafhusk's pushed onto the ground in a pin, causing her head to collide with the wet ground. buzzing swarms around her head, increasing in volume as she rakes her paws on the traitor's stomach. now free, her body twists to reposition; the next few moments are quick– they pass by like heartbeats, ending in a sickening snap of teeth on bone. if yewflame cries out she mistakes it for the squeak of a mouse, a chirp of a bird. blood pools in her mouth, making her gag, she drops the body unceremoniously. thump. a buzzing stops. thunder roars.

the body's bi-colored eyes stare upwards, lifeless like the fresh-kill she ate this morning. leafhusk pushes her head to the side and retches.

// @Yewflame!
  • Love
Reactions: Rynnaroo
[ attacking @Flamewhisker pls do not interrupt ‼️ ]
[ tw for bone break content ]

Skyclaw does not feel hunted. In all of his follies and flaws, he does not feel fear. Lightning cracks across the clouded sky and he feels impatiently strong, wanting to drive his fangs sooner into her throat than entertain this petty embarrassment of a coup. He sees glimpses of her cats, some stuttering to make a move, others vomiting as they took lives. Pathetic, pathetic kittypets, just like he anticipated, like he said.

'I have already,' she says. Skyclaw clicks his teeth together, his maw remaining open to snap something back. But she presses forward. Flamewhisker looks upon the tom she once looked after as a kit, and threatens him no differently than he does her. He does not rebuke her claims - again does not have the chance to. His brow furrows as she surges towards him, ending their endless cycle, and aims to coat a white paw in red ichor.

Her hit makes its mark, however the tom dives for her forepaw, aiming to clamp his jaws around her wrist. The ground has become far too slippery underfoot, and within a moment, he is outsmarted. He does not know if his teeth even graze her outstretched paw as instead, it is shoved against him. In panic and fury, he hooks his claws into the nearest purchase he can find - Flamewhisker herself.

A growl rips from his throat as he tries to hold fast, but the she-cat shakes him loose, a new scar winding itself down her shoulder. His eyes widen, if only for a second, as he falls. The only thing he notices is how the rain doesn't hit him, not when he rushes towards the ground in the same manner. Howlingstar, is this what you felt? Delusion has held him so kindly in the previous weeks, that as the greenleaf storm sends him down with the fire raging on the rock, he reminisces. Fearless, doing what you believe is right?

A crack sounds. Skyclaw has hit the ground.

The tom cannot even make out a pained cry as his body collides with the dirt and mud of the clearing. Pain floods his body as he feels suddenly everything - yet nothing at all. In the moments before, he had held to peace and understanding that if he must go out, he had gone out fighting. He had imagined that he would hit the ground, and then see the stars. But instead he inhales too sharply, something piercing and digging in his chest. His hindleg juts from his body at a horrid angle, unnatural and unmendable.

Adrenaline cannot save him from the shredding pain in his chest and the numbness in his toes. Skyclaw heaves himself to his forepaws, eyes wide and wild, no different than a fox's. He sees bodies, bodies, bodies - all from his ThunderClan. Pathetic. "Pathetic!" He shouts. His breathing is erratic as he turns to the approaching silhouette from the throng of bloodied cats. He sees his new opponent, and he laughs. His maw parts with a cackle, each heaving pant punctuated by suffering pain in his lungs. He coughs, spitting out some blood.

"And you?" He trembles from the blood racing to leave his body. "I idolized you...!" Skyclaw says it as an accusation, a statement of fact. Blood spills down his lips, but he does not yield even now. "I learned from you. Don't you remember that?" Again, he laughs, something miserable. "What are you to do, then? Is it your turn to be the hero?"

He stands, as if ready to fight - but pain knocks him back to a pathetic slump. Red stains his maw, but for once it is only his own that does. He grimaces, glaring down the other.​
*+:。.。 Choices.
Wrath-howl thinks about them now - eons too late of course but still, he considers them. @roaringpaw doesn't hesitate to bat away at his excuses, snarling in revulsion at the ideology Wrath-howl failed to realize was corrupted from the start. The killer doesn't argue with him. He can't. Instead, he lets the golden tom's words dig their teeth in deep as he watches the many cats Wrath-howl had considered weak and useless take on foes with all the courageous spirit of true Thunderclanners. He feels suddenly so inexplicably small as the fight rages all around him, as Roaringpaw bares down upon him with all the force and might of a thunderstorm, his question hanging in the air like static before a strike.

"No" he says, squeezing his eyes shut against the shame that strangles him from within. Neither was Pebblestep, or Howlingstar. Wrath-howl was the only weak one in the equation - the only one who couldn't handle an empty belly, a slap on the head.

When he blinks open his eyes, he's surprised to find Roaringpaw hasn't immediately lunged for his throat. His promise is a lot like Gentlestorm's, so Wrath-howl only smiles in response. Small's only fair. "I promise" he whispers, for no one's ears but his own - but Pebblestep's and Howlingstar's. For as long as he draws breath when his victims can't, he'll live with the shame.
And he'll learn from it, he swears.


From the corner of his eye, he spots a familiar orange coat.

In the same instant, an even more familiar red and white, the color of crushed death berries within a kitten's dinner.

His eyes flick back to Roaringpaw, deep blues wide as his opponent waits for him to move.

To make a choice.

In an instant, his paws were joining the thunder. With a great leap, he charges past Roaringpaw. Death comes quick, far quicker than you'd think, so he needs to be quicker. He trembles as he runs, the reverberation on Thunderclan's land from honorable and traitorous clan cats alike rekindles a long-forgotten feeling of belonging. For this moment, at least, he wishes to be a Thunderclanner again.
He wants to make a choice like a true Thunderclanner would.

Wrathpaw charges at @Sproutberry , aiming to slam his head against his fellow villain's shoulder and hopefully knock him off @ORANGEPAW. . He thinks of Dwindlingpaw as he does this, her haphazard but passionate attack that had knocked him on his ass way back when. If she were her now, she'd do this far better he thinks with a dizzy sense of mirth. Stars, she'd most likely be pissed at him for taking her move! The thought makes his chest ache and sings at the same time. For this moment, this singular choice, he pretends he's more a friend to Dwindlingpaw than he is to Sproutberry.

Although he doubts he's truly a friend to either.

Standing over Orangepaw, Wrath-howl would hiss at Sproutberry, hoping to distract him long enough for Roaringpaw to arrive - to be the real hero. And if he cared for the help...Wrath-howl would be honored to fight beside the tom. In the meantime, he looks down at Orangepaw, asking, "You shouldn't be out here" not while he was still recovering, although Wrath-howl was one to talk. He hesitates, glancing back at Sproutberry - at the red-splashed villain who knows Wrath-howl's crimes better than anyone, and chokes to his orange-striped former denmate "I'm sorry I'm late"

To Sproutberry, Wrath-howl begs, "Sproutpaw, stand down we...we don't have to do this " he thinks about Glowingpaw suddenly, and he holds fast to the memory of her compassion, "There's no going back, but it's not too late to make better choices - we need to be better" A thought suddenly strikes the killer - a fantasy in which Sproutpaw relents and the two join in Fallowbite's redemption and take back the control Skyclaw took from them. A fantasy in which the two boys accept their fate, their inevitable exile and perhaps...perhaps they can work together to be better. They never worked well as co-villains so...maybe..."Lets be better, please" Wrath-howl is neither villain nor Thunderclanner, but perhaps Sproutpaw is neither as well? Perhaps the two can be lost souls a little less lonelier...together?

  • //closed to new interactions <3
    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell
when teeth found their place upon their scruff, although gentle and meant to urge them out of their temporary shelter, would cause panic to flood every sense in their body leading spiderkit to lash a clumsy paw out at beetlepaw but it never connects. this spooked flailing would persist until cuts of words just barely loud enough over the raging storm reached their ears '—'ust me! beetle—! nursery! ' which made spiderkit re-open their eyes to see the familiar shape of the smoke apprentice who sucessfully removes him from the bushes and urges them to move.

there was a brief sense of relief knowing it wasn't an enemy but it was quickly smothered by terror when ochroid eyes made the mistake of gazing out towards the battlefield where they were met with a scene of cats keening and caterwauling, the sodden earth slick with scarlet ichor that pooled from fallen bodies. spiderkit could feel bile rise in his throat, nauseated by the smell that clung to the air. there was another nudge to their flank and the lanky kitten finally forced their gaze away and broke into a wobbly sprint towards the nursery.

  • ooc.
  • 1ucymTo.png
  • ⋆˖⁺‧₊ SPIDERKIT —— thunderclan kit , mentored by tbd. littermate to myrtlekit
    ⊰∙∘ amab, nb. / he / they / 05 moons, ages every 9th.
    ⊰∙∘ unknown orientation, still working it out. / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    ⊰∙∘ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    ⊰∙∘ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character

    ⊰∙∘ penned by cobatic
    ⊰∙∘ biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse


And the bubble always burst so quickly, so loudly- pink eyes flared wide, transluscent ears angling to attention. There was no doubt that the right side would win this fight; that StarClan would shine argent light upon them all, and it would run aglimmer in there blood- the spirits of ancestors would sing with them, and Skyclaw would be pressed into the dirt for his transgressions. Blood would encircle ThunderClan- it would feed the flames from which a phoenix would emerge. That trust in the Truth kept Thundergleam sturdy- she stepped into the fray.

Yowling echoed around her- it was Stormywing's yellow eyes she caught sight of, and a relief-stricken breath hitched in her throat. Grief hit her, still - as if she was seeing a ghost. Thundergleam resisted the urge to call out to her, but better judgement steered her away from such ... folly. They would speak after this was all done. They would speak, residing in a ThunderClan that was true and right and good.

Snowy lashes fluttered. Claws leapt from their cages- a pale-pink tongue traced over her lips. The length of her tail twitched, a spiny whip- and Thundergleam surged, fighting for the side that had let her here- that had allowed her to grasp her destiny. There was not only one way to save ThunderClan. It had to live before it could prosper, and she would ensure that.

\ open to interactions but can otherwise be assumed to be battling!
penned by pin ☾
[ mild gore cw ]

Raccoonstripe bounds from the throng of writhing bodies, his pelt coated in blood, dripping mud from the relentless rain. Flamewhisker's claws score a final blow against Skyclaw's pelt, and the usurper falls, falls, until his body splinters onto the ground in a mimicry of the leader's he'd murdered. The tabby's muzzle drips water; his eyes leak rain, grief, even as they burn with conviction. He ignores the yowls, the tension, that has grown thick in the clearing that had once been his home.

It will be again. Flamewhisker will rule this Clan, and I will serve her as you intended, Howlingstar. Raccoonstripe's teeth gnashed together, wondering if his mother watched now from her starry throne, if her spirit ran beside them, and fought with the Clan she'd guarded with her very last life.

He curls his claws into the camp floor. Skyclaw looks up at him with ridiculing amber eyes. "I idolized you," the forsaken leader spits. Raccoonstripe flinches, but he does not back away. Kittypet, he had sneered, first to Moonwhisper, then to Skyclaw. They heard every word. They internalized every syllable.

This is as much my fault as it is his.

Raccoonstripe's gaze does not falter. He meets Skyclaw's deranged golden stare and nods, slowly. "I know." His ears begin to inch backward, away from his skull. "And I'm sorry for how you turned out. You could have been one of the greatest warriors this Clan has ever seen. I'm..."

He lowers his face, until it is only inches from his nephew's. "I'm sorry you never found peace in who you were. I'm sorry it led to this." He bares his teeth. They are slick with regret. "Goodbye, Skyclaw."

Raccoonstripe does not battle with his sworn enemy; that had been Flamewhisker's role. Raccoonstripe sinks his teeth into the neck of a monster he had helped create. Raccoonstripe tastes the gush of blood, the coppery waste of failed redemption, and he does not let go, no matter how his nephew's limbs flail, no matter the torrid screams, the failed rasps, the lost sheen of his eyes.

Raccoonstripe does not let go until there is nothing left of Skyclaw, and only then does he let the burnished warrior fall limply to the ground.

I'm sorry. His tail sweeps the ground. Scarlet spatters his muzzle, his chest, thickens in his mouth. I'll be saying it for the rest of my life.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 45 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- he doesn't feel good. he impact on his body is just too much, especially when it's hardly had time to heal from his incident. gentlestorm was going to be so disappointed. so sad. lonely. he didn't want gentlestorm to be lonely– but he can't move. paralyzed by a mix of fear and simply being overpowered so easily. he's never really talked to sproutberry, so why him? what did he do? is starclan punishing me? i-i promise go be better, just let me live! i'm not ready to leave my friends– please!

he doesn't know if they answer his prayers or if it it's out of pure luck, but the weight he removed from him. he nearly tries to stand up but he only looks up to find... wrathhowl? he... he saved him? really? he doesn't understand. everyone keeps telling him that everyone that was with skyclaw was bad but ... wrathhowl doesn't stand with him anymore. fallowbite doesn't stand with him anymore. even if they do... they can't be evil, can they? he doesn't know what he's supposed to think but he cannot think badly of them. he just can't.

"e-everyone else is helping, I just wanted to help, too!"

he insists. bad idea. his eyes squeeze shut for a moment before he swallows nervously. his heart is hammering in his ears, he can't even hear what wrathhowl says and for a moment he worries. what... if this was a ruse? what if wrathhowl kills him here, and he just wanted the kill for himself? it pains him to think like that, but he's terrified. he won't stop shaking. he can't even stop his tears. orangepaw has never felt so... weak in all of his life.

"please don't hurt me..."

his voice isn't even above a whisper. he wants his mom. he wants his mom, now. please, mama. if there was any time to prove you're still alive... it's now! i-i...

  • Crying
Reactions: Deidre and vayle

Frozen in fear, watching, as his paws came to land on her. No, in a dazed blur, a mightier cat flew by her, over her. Their bodies tumbled, more of Flamenoses blood was spilled, and she found herself finally lunging forward toward the two. Her paw took her out, pressing the weight onto it only caused more fear as she clashed her teeth together as her chin hit the muddy ground.

Thunder crashed, a pained sob escaping her as she witnessed in horror Wildheart taking a blow down his face, claws sliding down like the owls talons had her own body. It hurt her to watch, painfully trying to get her footing back as blood dripped down her shoulder.

But before she knew it, Wildheart flashed a look towards her- warning her, and she had no choice. She would not be helpful- she would find herself pushing against the other cats, head gasping, pawsteps faultering. The bodies spun around her, the rain seemed to hit harder, before finally she dove and lunged painfully to the safety of a den onto her side.

This was it. Gasping for clean air, non tainted by the iron that clung to her mouth, to her throat. It's not your blood. It's Flamenoses. He bled for his actions. You were helpful. She tried, over and over again- to reassure herself, to pray to the stars that Wildheart would be alright. That everyone would be okay.

Panic thudded in her heart, fear; the molly lay there on the ground, slowly evening her breaths to steady- drowning out the cries, the bloodshed. She just needed a moment to breathe.

Wrath-howl dashes past him like a strong gust of wind, and it leaves him frozen. His wide eyes follow, afraid, and widen even more when he sees the bright pelt of Orangepaw. Scarred, weakened, looking even worse than when he and the others had been sent away. He feels fear, when he sees Sproutberry looming like a wolf above the other apprentice; when he sees Wrath-howl rushing towards them, he thinks the worst. Did the cowards only ever play dirty? His teeth snap as his mouth shuts, but to his surprise Sproutberry is intercepted by the one who'd once been his friend - if the traitors had ever been friends among themselves.

Roaringpaw is on his paws faster than the rain pelts against his golden fur, leaping after Wrath-howl just in case he and Sproutberry decide to tag-team Orangepaw. He can't let that happen, won't let that happen - on his watch, the fire-hued apprentice will leave unscathed, even at the cost of Roaringpaw's own life.

He wouldn't go down easily, if it came to that.

The ex-kittypet bares his teeth at the young warrior, stepping between him and the other two. A warning, for now. And while his back is turned towards Wrath-howl, he is still on guard for nasty trickery. He glances over his shoulder, eyes ablaze and so unlike their usual joyful shine - only softening when he sees Orangepaw is okay. "Get him out of here," His voice is low, and the hidden threat of If you do anything to him I will not show kindness is all but spoken aloud.

Let's be better. He recalls Wrath-howl saying as his gaze meets Sproutberry's. Somehow, he doesn't think that's going to happen.


  • ooc. @Sproutberry :)!
  • ROARINGPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by leafhusk . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 11 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: WRATHPAW.
A cat is underneath his paws, his teeth are bared and already barreling to move towards the younger feline's throat before Sproutberry finds himself knocked aside, head colliding with shoulder as paws are free from the ground for just a moment as the familiar voice of Wrath-howl reaches his ears and the young warrior finds his eyes widening in shock before they narrow down once more, a growl escaping him as the other speaks of being better and his tail is lashing out behind him for just a moment. "Sproutberry or have you gotten your head kicked a little too hard in the fray?" It was the only explanation he could think of to see the other battle amongst the true ThunderClanners against the imposters only to turn at the last second. "Don't be a coward now, don't forget it was your claws that pushed Howlingstar too. You think if you turn on us they'll accept you after you killed their precious leader?" He's about to lunge in this moment, shoulders rocking before the spring when Roaringpaw steps between them and quickly attention is grabbed, turning away from weak and traitorous to kittypet, the start of it all.

He has zero words to share with Roaringpaw as he steps between the two, simply uses his momentum that had been built up for Wrath-howl and turns his attention to the other, the kittypet who thought he was a savior and a warrior. He lunges towards the other, aiming to knock him over or cling to his fur, trying to rip into whatever he could. Strengths be damned he was not going to let a kittypet beat him in a fight, would not let a kittypet walk away with nothing especially not the one who tipped the scales and began all this. A cat let into a forest blind from StarClan's eye, wandering through underbrush for moons without intervention other than the claws of those who knew better, blessed by StarClan in their acknowledgement of nothing. He knew he would do right by the ancestors, by those strong enough to question instead of simply follow.

  • --@roaringpaw
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    12 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Redflower's claws are scarlet-tipped from battle, and her amber eyes are aglow with fury. The audacity of this Clan to continuously resist the good future Skyclaw had promised them sets her aflame with rage. We should put every one of you ungrateful fools to death! If Skyclaw would listen to her after all was said and done, she would be recommending Flamewhisker's head on a pike, as well as all the cretinous lead warriors who'd gone behind their true leader's back.

She's locked claws with some cat when a sickening crack! fills the air. The tortoiseshell twists, ears flicking — had Skyclaw punished Flamewhisker after all, given her what she deserved? She is mortified to see the crumpled remains of her beloved beneath the Highrock, snarling at any who dare settle their gazes on him. Redflower's blood freezes. "Skyclaw!" She breaks rank, rushes madly for her mate, but she's overtaken by another cat. Raccoonstripe. He murmurs something to Skyclaw that she cannot hear, and before she can scream, the tabby's teeth are in her leader's throat, and —

"NO!" She flings herself toward the lead warrior who had stolen her beloved's life; she sees nothing, nothing but a haze of red. "I'll rip you apart and leave you for the crows! I'll — I'll —" She can't, though; the fury seeps from her muscles, and she's limply cradling the broken body of her mate, of Skyclaw, the one cat who could have led them all to glory.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

  • Crying
Reactions: dejavu
It's over in a flash. Cats are dying, their pelts scored with wounds, but it's Skyclaw's sickening death that ends it all. Ivorypaw's flanks heave with adrenaline, but so far, she has not been attacked; the curled-eared white she-cat has stood guard outside the nursery with the others, wanting to be near Coltkit in case something happened. It's not until Skyclaw's mate's shrieks fill the air that Ivorypaw notices a familiar tortoiseshell-and-brown pelt.


The white she-cat bares her teeth uncertainly, her tail bristling behind her. "He's gone, Scarletpaw. You... you don't have to fight anymore."

  • ooc: @Scarletpaw
  • Adora . Ivorykit . Ivorypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by Palefire ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan apprentice. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.


She collides with a cat, it doesnt take her long to recognize him as Bristlenose(NPC). It doesn't matter who it is to her, though. She was going to kill him, then move on to the next parasite. The brown tabby wasn't as strong as her, and she gets a sick satisfaction out of watching him writhe and struggle beneath her. Claws rake against her belly, but she doesn't feel the pain. No, all she feels right now is rage. She wants Bristlenose to understand how futile his struggles are. She grabs him by the scruff and shakes him viciously before slamming him to the ground and pinning him, looming over him with an ugly snarl.



The kicks to her stomach were strong, but Badgerstrike remains undaunted. She doesn't wince, doesn't budge. "DO IT THEN, WEAKLING!" She laughs, taunting him. "You've got a time limit." She warns, then lunges for his throat. She can feel claws ripping into her as she slowly chokes the air out of him. Lifting him up, she catches the gaze of another cat watching her in horror. A delighted grin crosses her face to recognize Thistlesnap(NPC), Bristlenose's sister.

"Let go of him!" Thistlesnap cries at her, rushing at her as fast as she can.

Badgerstrike obliges.... By thrashing Bristlenose one last time, tearing his throat out and splattering his blood. His body hits the ground with a wet thump, and with bloodsoaked jaws, Badgerstrike stares Thistlesnap down as the molly cries out in horror.

"Does it hurt? Does the horror leave you paralyzed, disbelieving? Does it make you want to buckle and weep?" Badgerstrike hisses to her as Thistlesnap's tears stream down her face.

"You're a monster! He didn't deserve to die!!" She wails at her.

"Neither did my brother. My niece. All the other cats you and yours killed." Badgerstrike says, prowling towards her, her next victim. "Do you know what I felt when I saw my brother's body, cold and alone in the forest? I thought the same thing you just said. Felt the same thing you're feeling right now. And you know what? It brings me nothing but joy and satisfaction to know that I have inflicted the same pain onto you." She continues.

"They were weak! They were a hindrance to this clan! We're trying to make Thunderclan great, why can't you idiots see that!?" Thistlesnap shrieked.


"They DONT! Your nieces and nephews are proof of that, aren't they." Thistlesnap spits. "Dead or missing, guess they weren't so loyal after all, huh-"


Blood drips from Thistlesnap's face as Badgerstripe cuts her off with a vicious swipe. "Continue." She hisses. "Go on, keep talking about my family. You know, my family that never killed their clanmates, killed their leader, tried to poison kits...."

Thistlesnap bares her teeth and raises her paw angrily, swiping at Badgerstrike in response. "It was all necessary to fix this clan."

Claws rake across Badgerstrike's face, but she doesn't budge. "You're disgusting. I suppose its time for me to put you out of your misery, isn't it? So you can join your stain of a brother in whatever cold dark pit awaits you." Baderstrike growls, and lunges for Thistlesnap.

Thistlesnap was stronger than her brother. She was able to fight back, grappling with Badgerstrike and slipping from her grasp whenever the bigger molly tried to slam her to the ground. White claws ripped down Badgerstrike's belly while she was still reared up, but Badgerstrike would not utter a sound of pain. She would not give that satisfaction to her enemy, no matter how much pain she felt. Teeth snapped and flesh ripped as the two tore into each other, each seeking to avenge fallen family and neither looking to lose. The rain did little to wash the blood away when each swipe spilled more of it.

Thunder cracks above, and the sickening sound of bones crunching behind them offer a brief distraction. Skyclaw has fallen from the rock, and Thistlesnap's blood freezes. It gives Badgerstrike the perfect opening to grip her scruff and thrash her about like she did her brother, slamming her to the ground and planting a paw on her head, forcing her to watch as Raccoonstripe finishes the job. She cackles as she feels the fight drain from her.

"Well, ain't that too bad? And look around, strong wildborn cats being defeated by a bunch of kittypet blooded warriors... Oh, how embarassed you must be." Badgerstrike taunts.

"Its not.... Fair!" Thistlesnap chokes. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"A lot wasn't supposed to happen. But life isn't fair, is it? Good thing you won't have to worry about it anymore." Badgerstrike says, reaching down to grasp Thistlesnap's throat in bloodied jaws and ripping it away.

"I'm sorry, Rabbit. You wanted me to be softer, gentler. But without you....I'm afraid that's impossible." She says softly to herself, looking at the two cats she has killed. She is suddenly tired and cold, feels all of her wounds aching. Above all, she feels empty. She knew killing them wouldn't bring Rabbitnose back, and yet the anguish is no less painful. She feels no regret for killing them, only regret for not being able to save her family when they needed her most.​
The newly-made warrior says nothing to him before he leaps, before they become a bundle of fur and hisses as they grapple into the clearing. Skyclaw is dead, now, but neither of them have realized this yet - the fighting isn't over still, and it would be until one of them fled or died.

Sproutberry is on top of him, his back pressed to the dirty soil beneath. Without wasting a moment he rakes his claws against the warrior's stomach. Something, anything, to get him off of Roaringpaw. To have his first ever real fight be against someone who'd once been his denmate was a terrifying thought to have - as it was bittersweet. Had circumstances been different, could they all have been friends as Wrathhowl had said?

He doesn't have time to dwell on it for too long. Not now, when as soon as he gets up Sproutberry is advancing again. His movements are weird, wolfish in nature and puppeteered by his rage. Anger directed at all kittypets, Roaringpaw himself, or both? He can't ask such a question, doesn't want to - the answer wouldn't change a thing.

Roaringpaw aims for Sproutberry's scruff, biting and trying to drag him down to the ground. He hisses when the warrior's claw nicks him above the eye, his tail whipping wildly as the other breaks free from his grasp. Looking at Roaringpaw now, he looks just as wildborn as his clanmates do. The chimera jumps at him, claws outstretched and teeth bared. He wasn't going to flee. The golden-furred apprentice intersects him mid-leap, aiming for the throat of his opponent, feeling his teeth sink into Sproutberry's flesh. The momentum he had meant he still barreled into the younger cat, but Roaringpaw doesn't let go.

I'm sorry. Whether that was said to Sproutberry himself or to StarClan was unknown, but just as Skyclaw had done to several cats before, Roaringpaw tears Sproutberry's throat out. I'm sorry. it echoes as he shoves the warrior to the side. He feels sick to his stomach.


  • ooc. powerplay perms granted by tikki
  • ROARINGPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by leafhusk . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 11 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: Tikki
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ too close, she had drawn too close, pushed too far, and all her mercy was rewarded with the sting of claws across the sensitive skin of her nose. nightbird's brow raises with shock, jaw parting just long enough for her to suck in a steadying breath. it was a weak attempt to soften the hiss raking through her throat.

the lead warrior blinks rain from her eyes, pupils small when they hone in on mottledpaw again. she appears smaller now, inched backwards with a dappled tail shielded between her legs. her claws flex into the ground, a small compensation for the hungry sear of retaliation burning through her muscles. if mottledpaw were any older, a warrior rather than a freshly weaned child, nightbird may have listened to it more willingly.

her tongue glides over the silver planes of her muzzle, nightbird only tastes blood, feels the drops of rain scoring into a fresh wound like bullets. she can hardly hear the apprentice's words through the pounding in her ears. "you don't want this? you started this," she chokes out a bitter argument if only to prove a point. now she wishes to cower- after a paw not larger than her own children's was crimson coated? it almost felt like a mockery. and what now, was nightbird meant to finish it? she wouldn't deserve to see the stars.
  • ooc ↛ @mottledpaw
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 36 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
It was a tense couple of moments as he waited for Tigerpaw to react, and thankfully she turned to leave. She didn't need to fight any further, nor did she need to witness the harsh side of war. Wildheart drew in a steadying breath as he prepared himself for the next step. Honestly... he wished he didn't have to kill anyone, but he saw no other option now.

Knowing that Tigerpaw was clear of the fray he finally launched himself forward to yet again meet Flamenose in a vicious struggle where only one would be walking away alive that day. The pair of them shrieked and yowled as they lashed out with their claws and snapped their teeth as they sought flesh. Wildheart ducked low before springing upwards and catching his opponent off guard. His jaws clamped down on the other tom's throat and he refused to let go as he poured every ounce of strength he had left to bite as hard as he could. Warm blood filled his mouth and tears rolled from his eyes as he felt the fight leave his enemy. Flamenose's struggles soon stopped and he hung limp from the calico's maw. Wildheart reluctantly let go before stumbling back a few paces on wobbly legs.

The weight of his actions fell upon him hard as he stared at Flamenose's lifeless form. He might have won the fight, but he felt no elation or joy for what he had done. He felt sick. The world felt like it was spinning as his wounds dripped lazily, and soon Wildheart's form crashed to the ground as he passed out from exhaustion.

Stormywing looks to Badgerstripe, at first believing she is just here to offer backup, but then the news hits her. Golden eyes stretch wide. She is with kits. "Get inside. But keep your claws unsheathed in case I fall," She instructs firmly, eyes narrowing as her tail lashes. Just as she finishes speaking, she is pummeled sideways by an NPC warrior, and a yowl escapes her as paws batter her face. "Get off, fox-heart!" She hisses, delivering a powerful kick to the warrior's gut which sends them stumbling off of her. With lightning-fast reflexes, she finds her way back onto her paws and bares her fangs, snout wrinkled as her head lowers. Her paws slide into a wide stance in front of the nursery.

'Don't make this harder than it needs to be, kittypet. You'll be with your brother soon.' Her teeth snap angrily as she steps forward. "You'd better shut your mouth!" But he doesn't stop. 'I'll be faster than they were. Wrath-howl, Smokefur, Sleekserpent...I won't need three warriors to take you down!' Her heart plummets just as the warrior leaps at her. Pebblestep's was those three. She now knows their names. Tears prick at her eyes as she screams, "Shut up!" and leaps to tackle him mid-air. They tussle for mere moments before she draws her claws down his belly, not enough to kill, but enough to leave him down for the count for this battle. She places her paw on him, heaving breaths when she looks up to see him.

Wrathpaw - or is he Wrath-howl now (despicably carrying the name of the leader he'd murdered - standing over Orangepaw. Orangepaw! Against her will, fury burns in her chest as she steps off of her opponent and faces him. I won't let you kill another innocent. Briefly, her gaze is caught by familiar rosy eyes, and her chest squeezes. She wants to run to her friend, embrace her and tell her how much she has missed her and tell her she's glad she's okay, but her claws bring her elsewhere. White paws pound against the bloodied dirt of the ravine as she barrels towards her brother's killer, a furious screech tearing apart her throat like singed paper. She reaches them in moments and pounces, tackling Wrath-howl to the ground.

"Murderer!" She screams in his face, crouching atop him. Tears are now streaming down her cheeks as she looks down at him, her face contorted with hatred. "Is this how he looked? Is this how my brother looked before you killed him?!" She digs her claws into his chest, eyes burning. "You had no right to take his life! You had no right to take him away! How dare you?" She continues to sob as her legs quiver. She will kill him. She is going to kill him. A gut-wrenching scream leaves widened jaws as Stormywing rears up on her hind legs and brings her forepaws down hard across his face, slashing and clawing and mauling. "Fox-heart! Murderer!" Her once white paws are now strained red as she drags her claws repeatedly across his skull, cutting through flesh and eyes alike. She doesn't stop swiping and sobbing and screaming until teeth fix themselves into her scruff and she is yanked back.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Rasping cries continue to leave her as she swipes at the air in front of her, but her clanmate doesn't release her. The battle is over, afterall, but not for her.

// powerplay permission given by Antii!
attacking @WRATHHOWL to save @ORANGEPAW.
the clanmate pulling her off can be anyone!
  • Wow
Badgerstripe nods stiffly at Stormywing's instruction, and takes up a protective stance in front of the kits. At the mouth of the den, she can see Stormywing brace for attack - and over the incomprehensible yowls from outside, she can hear her Clanmates' words clear as they tussle.

A voice taunts the grey molly, spitting on the death of her brother, and for that Badgerstripe feels a heavy weight of sympathy. Pebblestep. She had encountered the warrior soon after his death, but not soon enough. Badgerstripe squeezes her eyes shut, unable to rid her mind of the tragic image of her Clanmate. The grief that Stormywing must have felt must have been debilitating.. she cannot imagine how much turmoil the nursery's guard is in now.

But then.. the enemy keeps speaking, and Badgerstripe's eyes snap open. Wrath-howl. Smokefur. Sleekserpent. Pebblestep's killers. The queen's blood runs cold, and she feels her throat tighten with sorrow. " Oh, Sleekserpent.. " she chokes out into a paw that holds at her mouth, unable to stifle her solemn disbelief.

Oh.. that's right. Sleekserpent wasn't there that night, was she? And.. he mentioned Pebblestep a while ago, how weak the fallen warrior was. It all makes sense, and stars, does she wish it didn't. Badgerstripe trembles with sobs, wrapping her plumed tail protectively around her as her green eyes stare wide-eyed out at the shadows that fight outside the den. Sleekserpent. How could you? she thinks, and suddenly she feels.. disgusting. She had always knew - hoped - that Sleekserpent wasn't as bad as the others.. that she could turn her around yet. But all this time, she had cozied up to a killer. She bore the kits of an unapologetic murderer.

Lost in her swirling thoughts, she is jerked awake by triumphant yowls, and cries of sorrow. The fighting has stopped, and the air feels eerily still - all save for Stormywing, who yowls and cries some cat-lengths away from the nursery. " Stormywing, " the molly whispers as she pokes her head out of the den. To Ivorypaw and Tanyshine who also stand guard at the nursery, she leaves the kits - with a sharp command of " Stay, " to the little ones. Not that she would be too far if they were to leave.

Badgerstripe's dearest friend had killed Sleekserpent's brother. Guilt wraps its way tight around her heart, as if she had been the culprit herself. In a few swift strides, towards where the nursery guard fights nearby, Badgerstripe moves towards the slaughter and clamps her teeth down on Stormywing's scruff, pulling back with all her might. She closes one eye and squints the other, refusing to look at the bloodbath under Stormywing's paws. " It's over, " Badgerstripe whispers pleadingly through the fur she holds. With all her strength, through tears of her own, she holds. " It's over.. "

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text
  • Crying
Reactions: Deidre