- Nov 25, 2023
- 198
- 28
- 28
StarClan, it's starting to get dark, Foxtail observes as silverpelt begins to cloak the sky. It's been quite a long day; he can't wait to go back to camp and share tongues while eating some fish. Their patrol heads through the territory, and Foxtail knows it'll only be a few short minutes until it's time to retire for the night. But as he pads along with the patrol, his ears suddenly pricking up in alert. ...He hears whimpering, but it definitely doesn't sound like a kit's mewling. "D-Do you guys hear that too?" He asks his patrolmates, and the younger warrior comes to a stop. "...I-It sounds close by," Foxtail murmurs as he focuses in on the noise, deciding relaxing back at camp can wait a little bit longer. He pads carefully and follows the sound, and when the fuzzy warrior turns the corner, his eyes widen at what he sees.
A dog! ....But more like a baby dog— a puppy, right?
The pup is smaller than him and his clanmates, but it's ears are long. It's skin is rather wrinkly, especially around it's face. It helplessly sits in RiverClan's territory, whimpering and howling. Foxtail's heart pangs as the little pup cries; he might not speak it's tongue, but anyone can hear the sadness coming from it.
They can't just leave this puppy here. It might be harmless by itself, but it can still bring trouble if it's mom or twolegs come looking for it. In the distance, Foxtail sees a light illuminating in the twoleg camp, and he looks back at the innocent, sweet pup. "It must belong to those twolegs," He mews quietly, but not quiet enough. The pup's whimpering dies down and tilts it's head with curiosity, before sniffing it's way over to the patrol. His fur puffs up in alarm. "That's close enough-" He begins to gasp, but is interrupted as the puppy sniffs his fur closely, and he notices it's tail wagging. "We- We have to take it back to the twoleg camp!" He mews as the puppy sniffs another clanmate, curious by the creatures it just discovered. The pup lets out a tiny howl, and for a second, he wonders if it just agreed with him.
A dog! ....But more like a baby dog— a puppy, right?
The pup is smaller than him and his clanmates, but it's ears are long. It's skin is rather wrinkly, especially around it's face. It helplessly sits in RiverClan's territory, whimpering and howling. Foxtail's heart pangs as the little pup cries; he might not speak it's tongue, but anyone can hear the sadness coming from it.
They can't just leave this puppy here. It might be harmless by itself, but it can still bring trouble if it's mom or twolegs come looking for it. In the distance, Foxtail sees a light illuminating in the twoleg camp, and he looks back at the innocent, sweet pup. "It must belong to those twolegs," He mews quietly, but not quiet enough. The pup's whimpering dies down and tilts it's head with curiosity, before sniffing it's way over to the patrol. His fur puffs up in alarm. "That's close enough-" He begins to gasp, but is interrupted as the puppy sniffs his fur closely, and he notices it's tail wagging. "We- We have to take it back to the twoleg camp!" He mews as the puppy sniffs another clanmate, curious by the creatures it just discovered. The pup lets out a tiny howl, and for a second, he wonders if it just agreed with him.
puppy is a bloodhound!
"The cats are not the only ones bringing in new life, a small baby animal is found while out on the territory." -
credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3 -
Foxtailwarriorcisgender male [he / him]
experience: trained
backstory: tbd
biography: [HYPERLINK]
credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
eyes: green
pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
fur length: long
parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
17 moons
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